#include "e_illume_private.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" /* local function prototypes */ static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_client_message(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_remove(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_focus_in(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_focus_out(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_property(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static void _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_pre_post_fetch(void *data __UNUSED__, void *data2); static void _e_mod_kbd_cb_free(E_Illume_Keyboard *kbd); static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_delay_hide(void *data __UNUSED__); static void _e_mod_kbd_hide(void); static void _e_mod_kbd_slide(int visible, double len); static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_animate(void *data __UNUSED__); static E_Illume_Keyboard *_e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(E_Border *bd); static void _e_mod_kbd_border_adopt(E_Border *bd); static void _e_mod_kbd_layout_send(void); static void _e_mod_kbd_geometry_send(void); static void _e_mod_kbd_changes_send(void); /* local variables */ static Eina_List *_kbd_hdls = NULL; static E_Border_Hook *_kbd_hook = NULL; static Ecore_X_Atom _focused_state = 0; static E_Border *_focused_border = NULL, *_prev_focused_border = NULL; int e_mod_kbd_init(void) { /* add handlers for events we are interested in */ _kbd_hdls = eina_list_append(_kbd_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE, _e_mod_kbd_cb_client_message, NULL)); _kbd_hdls = eina_list_append(_kbd_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_BORDER_REMOVE, _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_remove, NULL)); _kbd_hdls = eina_list_append(_kbd_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_BORDER_FOCUS_IN, _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_focus_in, NULL)); _kbd_hdls = eina_list_append(_kbd_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_BORDER_FOCUS_OUT, _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_focus_out, NULL)); _kbd_hdls = eina_list_append(_kbd_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_WINDOW_PROPERTY, _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_property, NULL)); /* add hooks for events we are interested in */ _kbd_hook = e_border_hook_add(E_BORDER_HOOK_EVAL_PRE_POST_FETCH, _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_pre_post_fetch, NULL); /* initialize the device subsystem */ e_mod_kbd_device_init(); return 1; } int e_mod_kbd_shutdown(void) { Ecore_Event_Handler *hdl; /* shutdown the device subsystem */ e_mod_kbd_device_shutdown(); /* destroy the hook */ e_border_hook_del(_kbd_hook); /* destroy the handlers and free the list */ EINA_LIST_FREE(_kbd_hdls, hdl) ecore_event_handler_del(hdl); return 1; } E_Illume_Keyboard * e_mod_kbd_new(void) { E_Illume_Keyboard *kbd; /* try to allocate our new keyboard object */ kbd = E_OBJECT_ALLOC(E_Illume_Keyboard, E_ILLUME_KBD_TYPE, _e_mod_kbd_cb_free); if (!kbd) return NULL; /* set default layout on new keyboard */ kbd->layout = E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_DEFAULT; kbd->visible = 0; return kbd; } void e_mod_kbd_enable(void) { /* don't try to enable a keyboard that is already enabled */ if (!_e_illume_kbd->disabled) return; /* set keyboard to enabled */ _e_illume_kbd->disabled = 0; /* show it if we need to */ if (!_e_illume_kbd->visible) e_mod_kbd_show(); } void e_mod_kbd_disable(void) { /* don't try to disable a keyboard that is already disabled */ if (_e_illume_kbd->disabled) return; /* hide it if we need to */ if (_e_illume_kbd->visible) e_mod_kbd_hide(); /* set keyboard to disabled */ _e_illume_kbd->disabled = 1; } void e_mod_kbd_show(void) { /* destroy existing timer */ if (_e_illume_kbd->timer) ecore_timer_del(_e_illume_kbd->timer); _e_illume_kbd->timer = NULL; /* destroy the animator if it exists */ if (_e_illume_kbd->animator) ecore_animator_del(_e_illume_kbd->animator); _e_illume_kbd->animator = NULL; if ((_focused_border) && (_e_illume_kbd->border)) { if (_e_illume_kbd->border->zone != _focused_border->zone) e_border_zone_set(_e_illume_kbd->border, _focused_border->zone); } /* if it's disabled, get out */ if (_e_illume_kbd->disabled) return; // _e_mod_kbd_layout_send(); /* if we are not animating, just show it */ if (_e_illume_cfg->animation.vkbd.duration <= 0) { /* show the border */ if (_e_illume_kbd->border) { e_comp_win_effect_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, "move"); /* unuse location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, 0, (int[]){0}, 1); if (!_e_illume_kbd->border->visible) e_border_show(_e_illume_kbd->border); e_border_raise(_e_illume_kbd->border); } _e_illume_kbd->visible = 1; _e_mod_kbd_geometry_send(); _e_mod_kbd_changes_send(); } else { /* show the border */ if (_e_illume_kbd->border) { if (!_e_illume_kbd->border->visible) e_border_show(_e_illume_kbd->border); e_border_raise(_e_illume_kbd->border); } /* animate it */ _e_mod_kbd_slide(1, (double)_e_illume_cfg->animation.vkbd.duration / 1000.0); } } void e_mod_kbd_hide(void) { /* cannot hide keyboard that is not visible */ // if (!_e_illume_kbd->visible) return; /* create new hide timer if it doesn't exist */ if (_e_illume_kbd->disabled) return; _e_illume_kbd->visible = 0; if (!_e_illume_kbd->timer) _e_illume_kbd->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.2, _e_mod_kbd_cb_delay_hide, NULL); } void e_mod_kbd_toggle(void) { if (_e_illume_kbd->visible) e_mod_kbd_hide(); else e_mod_kbd_show(); } void e_mod_kbd_fullscreen_set(E_Zone *zone, int fullscreen) { if (!_e_illume_kbd->border) return; if (_e_illume_kbd->border->zone != zone) return; if ((!!fullscreen) != _e_illume_kbd->fullscreen) _e_illume_kbd->fullscreen = fullscreen; } void e_mod_kbd_layout_set(E_Illume_Keyboard_Layout layout) { if (!_e_illume_kbd->border) return; _e_illume_kbd->layout = layout; _e_mod_kbd_layout_send(); } /* local functions */ static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_client_message(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Client_Message *ev; ev = event; if (ev->win != ecore_x_window_root_first_get()) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; /* legacy illume 1 code */ if ((ev->message_type == ecore_x_atom_get("_MB_IM_INVOKER_COMMAND")) || (ev->message_type == ecore_x_atom_get("_MTP_IM_INVOKER_COMMAND"))) { if (ev->data.l[0] == 1) e_mod_kbd_show(); else if (ev->data.l[0] == 2) e_mod_kbd_hide(); else if (ev->data.l[0] == 3) e_mod_kbd_toggle(); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_remove(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { E_Event_Border_Remove *ev; E_Illume_Keyboard *kbd; ev = event; /* if we removed the focused border, reset some variables */ if ((_prev_focused_border) && (_prev_focused_border == ev->border)) _prev_focused_border = NULL; if ((_focused_border) && (_focused_border == ev->border)) { e_mod_kbd_hide(); _focused_border = NULL; _focused_state = 0; return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } /* try to find the keyboard for this border */ if (!(kbd = _e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(ev->border))) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((kbd->border) && (kbd->border == ev->border)) { kbd->border = NULL; if (kbd->waiting_borders) { E_Border *bd; bd = kbd->waiting_borders->data; kbd->waiting_borders = eina_list_remove_list(kbd->waiting_borders, kbd->waiting_borders); _e_mod_kbd_border_adopt(bd); } if (kbd->visible) { e_border_hide(ev->border, 2); e_mod_kbd_hide(); } } else if (!kbd->border) kbd->waiting_borders = eina_list_remove(kbd->waiting_borders, ev->border); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_focus_in(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { E_Event_Border_Focus_In *ev; ev = event; if (_e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(ev->border)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; /* set focused border for kbd */ _focused_border = ev->border; _focused_state = ev->border->client.vkbd.state; if (_focused_state <= ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_OFF) e_mod_kbd_hide(); else e_mod_kbd_show(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_focus_out(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { E_Event_Border_Focus_Out *ev; ev = event; if (_e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(ev->border)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; _prev_focused_border = _focused_border; /* hide the keyboard */ e_mod_kbd_hide(); /* tell the focused border it changed so layout gets udpated */ if (_prev_focused_border && (!e_object_is_del(E_OBJECT(_prev_focused_border)))) { if (!e_illume_border_is_conformant(_prev_focused_border)) { _prev_focused_border->changes.size = 1; BD_CHANGED(_prev_focused_border); } } /* reset some variables */ _focused_border = NULL; _focused_state = 0; return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_property(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Window_Property *ev; E_Border *bd; int fullscreen = 0; ev = event; /* only interested in vkbd state changes here */ if (ev->atom != ECORE_X_ATOM_E_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; /* make sure we have a border */ if (!(bd = e_border_find_by_client_window(ev->win))) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; // printf("Kbd Border Property Change: %s\n", bd->client.icccm.name); /* if it's not focused, we don't care */ if ((!bd->focused) || (_e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(bd))) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; /* NB: Not sure why, but we seem to need to fetch kbd state here. This could * be a result of filtering the container_hook_layout. Not real happy * with this because it is an X round-trip, but it is here because this * needs more time to investigate. */ e_hints_window_virtual_keyboard_state_get(bd); if ((_focused_border) && (_focused_border == bd)) { /* if focused state is the same, get out */ if (_focused_state == bd->client.vkbd.state) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } /* set our variables */ _focused_border = bd; _focused_state = bd->client.vkbd.state; /* handle a border needing fullscreen keyboard */ if ((bd->need_fullscreen) || (bd->fullscreen)) fullscreen = 1; if (_e_illume_kbd->fullscreen != fullscreen) e_mod_kbd_fullscreen_set(bd->zone, fullscreen); if (_focused_state <= ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_OFF) e_mod_kbd_hide(); else e_mod_kbd_show(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static void _e_mod_kbd_cb_border_pre_post_fetch(void *data __UNUSED__, void *data2) { E_Border *bd; if (!(bd = data2)) return; if (!bd->new_client) return; if (_e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(bd)) return; if (e_illume_border_is_keyboard(bd)) { if (!_e_illume_kbd->border) _e_mod_kbd_border_adopt(bd); else { _e_illume_kbd->waiting_borders = eina_list_append(_e_illume_kbd->waiting_borders, bd); } bd->stolen = 1; } } static void _e_mod_kbd_cb_free(E_Illume_Keyboard *kbd) { E_Border *bd; /* destroy the animator if it exists */ if (kbd->animator) ecore_animator_del(kbd->animator); kbd->animator = NULL; /* destroy the timer if it exists */ if (kbd->timer) ecore_timer_del(kbd->timer); kbd->timer = NULL; /* free the list of waiting borders */ EINA_LIST_FREE(kbd->waiting_borders, bd) bd->stolen = 0; /* free the keyboard structure */ E_FREE(kbd); } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_delay_hide(void *data __UNUSED__) { _e_mod_kbd_hide(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_mod_kbd_hide(void) { /* destroy existing timer */ if (_e_illume_kbd->timer) ecore_timer_del(_e_illume_kbd->timer); _e_illume_kbd->timer = NULL; /* destroy the animator if it exists */ if (_e_illume_kbd->animator) ecore_animator_del(_e_illume_kbd->animator); _e_illume_kbd->animator = NULL; /* can't hide keyboard if it's disabled */ if (_e_illume_kbd->disabled) return; // _e_mod_kbd_layout_send(); /* if we are not animating, just hide it */ if (_e_illume_cfg->animation.vkbd.duration <= 0) { if (_e_illume_kbd->border) { e_comp_win_effect_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, "move"); /* set location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, 1, (int[]){0, _e_illume_kbd->border->h}, 2); /* use location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, 0, (int[]){1}, 1); e_border_hide(_e_illume_kbd->border, 2); } } else _e_mod_kbd_slide(0, (double)_e_illume_cfg->animation.vkbd.duration / 1000.0); if (_e_illume_cfg->animation.vkbd.resize_before) { _e_mod_kbd_geometry_send(); _e_mod_kbd_changes_send(); } } static void _e_mod_kbd_slide(int visible, double len) { _e_illume_kbd->start = ecore_loop_time_get(); _e_illume_kbd->len = len; _e_illume_kbd->adjust_start = _e_illume_kbd->adjust; _e_illume_kbd->adjust_end = 0; if ((visible) && (_e_illume_kbd->border)) _e_illume_kbd->adjust_end = _e_illume_kbd->border->h; if (!_e_illume_kbd->animator) _e_illume_kbd->animator = ecore_animator_add(_e_mod_kbd_cb_animate, NULL); } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_kbd_cb_animate(void *data __UNUSED__) { double t, v; t = (ecore_loop_time_get() - _e_illume_kbd->start); if (t > _e_illume_kbd->len) t = _e_illume_kbd->len; if (_e_illume_kbd->len > 0.0) { v = (t / _e_illume_kbd->len); v = (1.0 - v); v = (v * v * v * v); v = (1.0 - v); } else { t = _e_illume_kbd->len; v = 1.0; } _e_illume_kbd->adjust = ((_e_illume_kbd->adjust_end * v) + (_e_illume_kbd->adjust_start * (1.0 - v))); if ((_e_illume_kbd->border && _e_illume_kbd->border->cw)) { e_comp_win_effect_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, "move"); /* set location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, 1, (int[]){0, _e_illume_kbd->border->h - _e_illume_kbd->adjust}, 2); /* use location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(_e_illume_kbd->border->cw, 0, (int[]){1}, 1); } if (t == _e_illume_kbd->len) { _e_illume_kbd->animator = NULL; if (_focused_state <= ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_OFF) { if (_e_illume_kbd->border) e_border_hide(_e_illume_kbd->border, 2); _e_illume_kbd->visible = 0; } else _e_illume_kbd->visible = 1; _e_mod_kbd_geometry_send(); _e_mod_kbd_changes_send(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static E_Illume_Keyboard * _e_mod_kbd_by_border_get(E_Border *bd) { Eina_List *l; E_Border *over; if ((!bd) || (!bd->stolen)) return NULL; /* if this border is the one that vkbd is working with, return the kbd */ if (_e_illume_kbd->border == bd) return _e_illume_kbd; /* loop the waiting borders */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_e_illume_kbd->waiting_borders, l, over) if (over == bd) return _e_illume_kbd; return NULL; } static void _e_mod_kbd_border_adopt(E_Border *bd) { if ((!_e_illume_kbd) || (!bd)) return; _e_illume_kbd->border = bd; if (!_e_illume_kbd->visible) { E_Comp_Win *cw = bd->cw; if (!cw) cw = e_comp_win_find(bd->win); if (cw) { e_comp_win_effect_set(cw, "move"); /* set location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(cw, 1, (int[]){0, bd->h}, 2); /* use location */ e_comp_win_effect_params_set(cw, 0, (int[]){1}, 1); } _e_mod_kbd_layout_send(); } } static void _e_mod_kbd_layout_send(void) { Ecore_X_Virtual_Keyboard_State type; type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_OFF; if ((!_e_illume_kbd->visible) && (!_e_illume_kbd->disabled)) { type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_ON; if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_DEFAULT) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_ON; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_ALPHA) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_ALPHA; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_NUMERIC) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_NUMERIC; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_PIN) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_PIN; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_PHONE_NUMBER) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_PHONE_NUMBER; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_HEX) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_HEX; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_TERMINAL) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_TERMINAL; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_PASSWORD) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_PASSWORD; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_IP) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_IP; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_HOST) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_HOST; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FILE) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_FILE; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_URL) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_URL; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_KEYPAD) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_KEYPAD; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_J2ME) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_J2ME; else if (_e_illume_kbd->layout == E_ILLUME_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_NONE) type = ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_OFF; } if (_e_illume_kbd->border) ecore_x_e_virtual_keyboard_state_send(_e_illume_kbd->border->client.win, type); } static void _e_mod_kbd_geometry_send(void) { E_Zone *zone; int y = 0; /* make sure we have a keyboard border */ if (!_e_illume_kbd->border) return; /* no need. we send geometry only when kbd is visible or invisible */ /* adjust Y for keyboard visibility */ //if (_e_illume_kbd->border->fx.y <= 0) y = _e_illume_kbd->border->y; if (_focused_border) zone = _focused_border->zone; else zone = _e_illume_kbd->border->zone; if (_e_illume_kbd->visible) ecore_x_e_illume_keyboard_geometry_set(zone->black_win, _e_illume_kbd->border->x, y, _e_illume_kbd->border->w, _e_illume_kbd->border->h); else ecore_x_e_illume_keyboard_geometry_set(zone->black_win, _e_illume_kbd->border->x, _e_illume_kbd->border->h + y, _e_illume_kbd->border->w, _e_illume_kbd->border->h); } static void _e_mod_kbd_changes_send(void) { if (((_prev_focused_border) && (_focused_border)) && (_prev_focused_border != _focused_border)) { /* tell previous focused border it changed so layout udpates */ if (_prev_focused_border->client.vkbd.state > ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_UNKNOWN) { if (!e_illume_border_is_conformant(_prev_focused_border)) { _prev_focused_border->changes.size = 1; BD_CHANGED(_prev_focused_border); } } } /* tell the focused border it changed so layout gets udpated */ if ((_focused_border) && (_focused_border->client.vkbd.state > ECORE_X_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_STATE_UNKNOWN)) { if (!e_illume_border_is_conformant(_focused_border)) { _focused_border->changes.size = 1; BD_CHANGED(_focused_border); } } }