/** * @addtogroup Optional_Look * @{ * * @defgroup Module_Shot Screenshot * * Takes screen shots and can submit them to http://enlightenment.org * * @} */ #include "e_mod_main.h" E_Module *shot_module = NULL; static E_Action *border_act = NULL, *delay_act = NULL, *act = NULL; static E_Int_Menu_Augmentation *maug = NULL; static Ecore_Timer *timer = NULL, *border_timer = NULL; static Evas_Object *snap = NULL; static E_Client_Menu_Hook *border_hook = NULL; static E_Object_Delfn *delfn_client = NULL; static E_Object_Delfn *delfn_zone = NULL; static E_Client *shot_ec = NULL; static E_Zone *shot_zone = NULL; static char *shot_params; static void _cb_client_del(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *obj EINA_UNUSED) { if (delfn_client) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(shot_ec), delfn_client); delfn_client = NULL; } if (delfn_zone) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(shot_zone), delfn_zone); delfn_zone = NULL; } if (timer) { ecore_timer_del(timer); timer = NULL; } if (border_timer) { ecore_timer_del(border_timer); border_timer = NULL; } E_FREE_FUNC(snap, evas_object_del); E_FREE(shot_params); } static void _cb_zone_del(void *data, void *obj) { _cb_client_del(data, obj); } static void _shot_post(void *buffer EINA_UNUSED, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { int x, y, w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(snap, &x, &y, &w, &h); evas_event_callback_del(e_comp->evas, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST, _shot_post); preview_dialog_show(shot_zone, shot_ec, shot_params, (void *)evas_object_image_data_get(snap, 0), x, y, w, h); E_FREE_FUNC(snap, evas_object_del); if (delfn_client) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(shot_ec), delfn_client); delfn_client = NULL; } if (delfn_zone) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(shot_zone), delfn_zone); delfn_zone = NULL; } shot_ec = NULL; shot_zone = NULL; E_FREE(shot_params); } static void _shot_now(E_Zone *zone, E_Client *ec, const char *params) { int x, y, w, h; if (preview_have() || share_have() || (snap)) return; if ((!zone) && (!ec)) return; if (zone) { w = e_comp->w; h = e_comp->h; x = y = 0; } else { int pad = 0; if (params) { const char *p = strstr(params, "pad "); if (p) { pad = atoi(p + 4); if (pad < 0) pad = 0; } } x = ec->x - pad; y = ec->y - pad; w = ec->w + (pad * 2); h = ec->h + (pad * 2); x = E_CLAMP(x, 0, e_comp->w); y = E_CLAMP(y, 0, e_comp->h); w = E_CLAMP(w, 1, e_comp->w); h = E_CLAMP(h, 1, e_comp->h); } if (eina_streq(ecore_evas_engine_name_get(e_comp->ee), "buffer")) { preview_dialog_show(zone, ec, params, (void *)ecore_evas_buffer_pixels_get(e_comp->ee), x, y, w, h); if (delfn_client) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(ec), delfn_client); delfn_client = NULL; } if (delfn_zone) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(zone), delfn_zone); delfn_zone = NULL; } return; } shot_ec = ec; shot_zone = zone; shot_params = eina_strdup(params); snap = evas_object_image_filled_add(e_comp->evas); evas_object_pass_events_set(snap, 1); evas_object_layer_set(snap, EVAS_LAYER_MAX); evas_object_image_snapshot_set(snap, 1); evas_object_geometry_set(snap, x, y, w, h); evas_object_show(snap); evas_object_image_data_update_add(snap, 0, 0, w, h); evas_object_image_pixels_dirty_set(snap, 1); evas_event_callback_add(e_comp->evas, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST, _shot_post, snap); ecore_evas_manual_render(e_comp->ee); } static Eina_Bool _shot_delay(void *data) { timer = NULL; _shot_now(data, NULL, NULL); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _shot_delay_border_padded(void *data) { char buf[128]; border_timer = NULL; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "pad %i", (int)(ELM_SCALE_SIZE(64))); _shot_now(NULL, data, buf); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _shot_border_padded(E_Client *ec) { if (border_timer) ecore_timer_del(border_timer); border_timer = ecore_timer_loop_add(1.0, _shot_delay_border_padded, ec); delfn_client = e_object_delfn_add(E_OBJECT(ec), _cb_client_del, NULL); } static void _shot(E_Zone *zone) { if (timer) ecore_timer_del(timer); timer = ecore_timer_loop_add(1.0, _shot_delay, zone); delfn_zone = e_object_delfn_add(E_OBJECT(zone), _cb_zone_del, NULL); } static void _e_mod_menu_border_padded_cb(void *data, E_Menu *m EINA_UNUSED, E_Menu_Item *mi EINA_UNUSED) { _shot_border_padded(data); } static void _e_mod_menu_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi EINA_UNUSED) { if (m->zone) _shot(m->zone); } static void _e_mod_action_border_cb(E_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, const char *params) { E_Client *ec; ec = e_client_focused_get(); if (!ec) return; if (border_timer) { ecore_timer_del(border_timer); border_timer = NULL; } _shot_now(NULL, ec, params); } typedef struct { E_Zone *zone; char *params; } Delayed_Shot; static void _delayed_shot(void *data) { Delayed_Shot *ds = data; _shot_now(ds->zone, NULL, ds->params); e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(ds->zone)); free(ds->params); free(ds); } static Eina_Bool _delayed_shot_timer(void *data) { timer = NULL; _delayed_shot(data); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _e_mod_action_delay_cb(E_Object *obj, const char *params) { E_Zone *zone = NULL; Delayed_Shot *ds; double delay = 0.0; if (obj) { if (obj->type == E_COMP_TYPE) zone = e_zone_current_get(); else if (obj->type == E_ZONE_TYPE) zone = ((void *)obj); else zone = e_zone_current_get(); } if (!zone) zone = e_zone_current_get(); if (!zone) return; E_FREE_FUNC(timer, ecore_timer_del); ds = E_NEW(Delayed_Shot, 1); e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(zone)); ds->zone = zone; ds->params = params ? strdup(params) : NULL; if (params) delay = (double)atoi(params) / 1000.0; if (timer) ecore_timer_del(timer); timer = ecore_timer_loop_add(delay, _delayed_shot_timer, ds); delfn_zone = e_object_delfn_add(E_OBJECT(zone), _cb_zone_del, NULL); } static void _e_mod_action_cb(E_Object *obj, const char *params) { E_Zone *zone = NULL; Delayed_Shot *ds; if (obj) { if (obj->type == E_COMP_TYPE) zone = e_zone_current_get(); else if (obj->type == E_ZONE_TYPE) zone = ((void *)obj); else zone = e_zone_current_get(); } if (!zone) zone = e_zone_current_get(); if (!zone) return; E_FREE_FUNC(timer, ecore_timer_del); ds = E_NEW(Delayed_Shot, 1); e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(zone)); ds->zone = zone; ds->params = params ? strdup(params) : NULL; // forced main loop iteration in screenshots causes bugs if the action // executes immediately ecore_job_add(_delayed_shot, ds); } static void _bd_hook(void *d EINA_UNUSED, E_Client *ec) { E_Menu_Item *mi; E_Menu *m; Eina_List *l; if (!ec->border_menu) return; if (ec->iconic || (ec->desk != e_desk_current_get(ec->zone))) return; m = ec->border_menu; // position menu item just before first separator EINA_LIST_FOREACH(m->items, l, mi) { if (mi->separator) break; } if ((!mi) || (!mi->separator)) return; l = eina_list_prev(l); mi = eina_list_data_get(l); if (!mi) return; mi = e_menu_item_new_relative(m, mi); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Take Shot")); e_util_menu_item_theme_icon_set(mi, "screenshot"); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, _e_mod_menu_border_padded_cb, ec); } static void _e_mod_menu_add(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Menu *m) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = e_menu_item_new(m); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Take Screenshot")); e_util_menu_item_theme_icon_set(mi, "screenshot"); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, _e_mod_menu_cb, NULL); } /* module setup */ E_API E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Shot" }; E_API void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { if (!ecore_con_url_init()) { e_util_dialog_show(_("Shot Error"), _("Cannot initialize network")); return NULL; } shot_module = m; act = e_action_add("shot"); if (act) { act->func.go = _e_mod_action_cb; e_action_predef_name_set(N_("Screen"), N_("Take Screenshot"), "shot", NULL, "syntax: [share|save [perfect|high|medium|low|QUALITY current|all|SCREEN-NUM]", 1); } delay_act = e_action_add("shot_delay"); if (delay_act) { delay_act->func.go = _e_mod_action_delay_cb; e_action_predef_name_set(N_("Screen"), N_("Take Screenshot with Delay"), "shot_delay", NULL, "syntax: delay_ms (e.g. 3000)", 1); } border_act = e_action_add("border_shot"); if (border_act) { border_act->func.go = _e_mod_action_border_cb; e_action_predef_name_set(N_("Window : Actions"), N_("Take Shot"), "border_shot", NULL, "syntax: [share|save perfect|high|medium|low|QUALITY all|current] [pad N]", 1); } maug = e_int_menus_menu_augmentation_add_sorted ("main/2", _("Take Screenshot"), _e_mod_menu_add, NULL, NULL, NULL); border_hook = e_int_client_menu_hook_add(_bd_hook, NULL); return m; } E_API int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { share_abort(); preview_abort(); delay_abort(); if (delfn_client) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(shot_ec), delfn_client); delfn_client = NULL; } if (delfn_zone) { e_object_delfn_del(E_OBJECT(shot_zone), delfn_zone); delfn_zone = NULL; } if (timer) { ecore_timer_del(timer); timer = NULL; } if (border_timer) { ecore_timer_del(border_timer); border_timer = NULL; } E_FREE_FUNC(snap, evas_object_del); E_FREE(shot_params); if (maug) { e_int_menus_menu_augmentation_del("main/2", maug); maug = NULL; } if (act) { e_action_predef_name_del("Screen", "Take Screenshot"); e_action_del("shot"); act = NULL; } shot_module = NULL; e_int_client_menu_hook_del(border_hook); ecore_con_url_shutdown(); return 1; } E_API int e_modapi_save(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { return 1; }