[editor] Stop jumping around on click

If there were many errors in the file the visibility
calculations got screwy
This commit is contained in:
Andy Williams 2016-04-28 22:32:43 +01:00
parent 10d6a9cd2e
commit 932bf49291
1 changed files with 7 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -558,18 +558,23 @@ static void
_elm_code_widget_cursor_ensure_visible(Elm_Code_Widget *widget)
Evas_Coord viewx, viewy, vieww, viewh, cellw, cellh;
Evas_Coord curx, cury;
Evas_Coord curx, cury, oy, rowy;
Evas_Object *grid;
Elm_Code_Widget_Data *pd;
int gutter;
pd = eo_data_scope_get(widget, ELM_CODE_WIDGET_CLASS);
evas_object_geometry_get(widget, NULL, &oy, NULL, NULL);
elm_scroller_region_get(pd->scroller, &viewx, &viewy, &vieww, &viewh);
_elm_code_widget_cell_size_get(widget, &cellw, &cellh);
grid = eina_list_data_get(eina_list_nth_list(pd->grids, pd->cursor_line - 1));
evas_object_geometry_get(grid, NULL, &rowy, NULL, NULL);
gutter = elm_obj_code_widget_text_left_gutter_width_get(widget);
curx = (pd->cursor_col + gutter - 1) * cellw;
cury = (pd->cursor_line - 1) * cellh;
cury = rowy + viewy - oy;
if (curx >= viewx && cury >= viewy && curx + cellw <= viewx + vieww && cury + cellh <= viewy + viewh)