rage browser - improve looksa and layout to use file posters if possible

1. guess if it's a move by aspectr ratio and lenght.
2. if it meets this - search for a file poster online instead of
generating thumbnails.
3. make thumbs now taller than wide to accomodate poster sizes

looks nicer now.
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2015-11-12 22:23:21 +09:00
parent 9091d776b5
commit 622cba151e
9 changed files with 135 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -2147,8 +2147,7 @@ collections {
group { name: "rage/browser/item";
images.image: "win_shadow.png" COMP;
images.image: "win_glow.png" COMP;
images.image: "bg_shine.png" COMP;
images.image: "bg_glint.png" COMP;
images.image: "dimmer.png" COMP;
parts {
part { name: "shadow"; mouse_events: 0;
@ -2209,13 +2208,6 @@ collections {
rel2.offset: -5 -5;
part { name: "glintclip"; type: RECT;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
rel1.to: "clip";
rel2.to: "clip";
rel1.offset: 0 -10;
part { name: "rage.content"; type: SWALLOW;
clip_to: "clip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
@ -2223,35 +2215,13 @@ collections {
rel2.to: "clip";
part { name: "shine"; mouse_events: 0;
part { name: "dimmer"; mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
image.normal: "bg_shine.png";
image.normal: "dimmer.png";
fill.smooth: 0;
rel1.to: "clip";
rel2.to: "clip";
align: 0.5 0.0;
aspect: (255/120) (255/120);
aspect_preference: HORIZONTAL;
part { name: "glint"; mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "glintclip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
min: 79 5;
max: 79 5;
rel1 {
relative: 0.0 0.0;
offset: 0 0;
to: "clip";
rel2 {
relative: 1.0 0.0;
offset: -1 0;
to: "clip";
image.normal: "bg_glint.png";
part { name: "rage.title"; type: TEXT; mouse_events: 0;
@ -2259,8 +2229,8 @@ collections {
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
align: 0.0 1.0;
rel1.offset: 4 4;
rel2.offset: -5 -5;
rel1.offset: 8 8;
rel2.offset: -9 -9;
color: 255 255 255 255;
text { font: "Sans"; size: 12;
align: 0.0 1.0;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ data/themes/images/bevel_dark_out.png \
data/themes/images/bg_bevel.png \
data/themes/images/bg_glint.png \
data/themes/images/bg_shine.png \
data/themes/images/dimmer.png \
data/themes/images/glow_exclam.png \
data/themes/images/icon_arrow_right.png \
data/themes/images/icon_close2.png \

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ static Ecore_Event_Handler *handle_complete = NULL;
static Eina_Strbuf *sb_result = NULL;
static Eina_Bool fetch_image = EINA_FALSE;
static char *fetchfile = NULL;
static char *fetchpath = NULL;
static FILE *fout = NULL;
static void (*_fetch_done) (void *data) = NULL;
static void *_fetch_data = NULL;
@ -112,6 +113,12 @@ _cb_http_complete(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event)
fetch_image = EINA_FALSE;
fout = NULL;
if (ecore_file_size(fetchpath) < 0)
fetchpath = NULL;
if (_fetch_done) _fetch_done(_fetch_data);
@ -166,6 +173,8 @@ _cb_http_complete(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event)
fetch_image = EINA_TRUE;
fetch = _fetch(sb);
fetchpath = strdup(path);
@ -225,6 +234,7 @@ _search_append(Eina_Strbuf *sb, const char *str, Eina_Bool hadword)
albumart_find(const char *file,
const char *artist, const char *album, const char *title,
const char *extrastr,
void (*fetch_done) (void *data), void *fetch_data)
Eina_Strbuf *sb;
@ -293,6 +303,8 @@ albumart_find(const char *file,
_search_append(sb, ecore_file_file_get(fetchfile), EINA_FALSE);
if (extrastr) _search_append(sb, extrastr, EINA_TRUE);
eina_strbuf_append(sb, Q_END);
if (sb_result) eina_strbuf_free(sb_result);

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
void albumart_find(const char *file,
const char *artist, const char *album, const char *title,
const char *extrastr,
void (*fetch_done) (void *data), void *fetch_data);
char *albumart_file_get(const char *file);

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ _item_size_get(Evas_Object *win, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(1, &sz, 1, &sz);
evas_object_geometry_get(win, NULL, NULL, w, h);
*w = *w / 5;
*w = *w / 15;
*h = *h / 5;
if (*w < sz) *w = sz;
if (*h < sz) *h = sz;
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ _cb_vidthumb_data(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event EINA_UNU
int w, h;
videothumb_size_get(obj, &w, &h);
evas_object_size_hint_aspect_set(obj, EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_BOTH, w, h);
evas_object_size_hint_aspect_set(obj, EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_NEITHER, w, h);
static void

View File

@ -3,12 +3,16 @@
#include "sha1.h"
#include "albumart.h"
static Evas_Object *win = NULL, *subwin = NULL, *image = NULL;
static Evas_Object *win = NULL, *subwin = NULL, *image = NULL, *vid = NULL;
static Evas_Object *vidimage = NULL;
static int iw, ih;
static unsigned char sum[20];
static Eet_File *ef = NULL;
static Ecore_Timer *vid_timeout = NULL;
static Eina_Bool is_audio = EINA_FALSE;
static Eina_Bool is_movie = EINA_FALSE;
static int iw, ih, incr = 0;
static unsigned char sum[20];
static const char *file = NULL;
static void
_cb_fetched(void *data EINA_UNUSED)
@ -26,7 +30,93 @@ _cb_loaded(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *info EINA_UNUSED)
artist = emotion_object_meta_info_get(obj, EMOTION_META_INFO_TRACK_ARTIST);
album = emotion_object_meta_info_get(obj, EMOTION_META_INFO_TRACK_ALBUM);
albumart_find(file, title, artist, album, _cb_fetched, (void *)file);
if ((!emotion_object_video_handled_get(obj)) &&
is_audio = EINA_TRUE;
if (is_audio)
albumart_find(file, title, artist, album, NULL,
_cb_fetched, (void *)file);
double len = emotion_object_play_length_get(obj);
double ratio = emotion_object_ratio_get(obj);
int iw, ih;
emotion_object_size_get(obj, &iw, &ih);
if (ratio > 0.0) iw = (ih * ratio);
else ratio = iw / ih;
printf("ratio: %1.3f len: %1.1f\n", ratio, len);
if ((ratio >= (4.0 / 3.0)) &&
(ratio <= (3.0 / 1.0)) &&
(len >= (75.0 * 60.0)) &&
(len <= (5.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)))
is_movie = EINA_TRUE;
if (is_movie)
albumart_find(file, NULL, NULL, NULL, "film poster",
_cb_fetched, (void *)file);
char buf_base[PATH_MAX];
char buf_file[PATH_MAX];
unsigned int pos, incr;
vidimage = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas_object_evas_get(subwin));
evas_object_image_file_set(vidimage, file, NULL);
evas_object_image_size_get(vidimage, &iw, &ih);
if (!sha1((unsigned char *)file, strlen(file), sum)) exit(2);
if (!efreet_cache_home_get()) exit(3);
snprintf(buf_base, sizeof(buf_base), "%s/rage/thumb/%02x",
efreet_cache_home_get(), sum[0]);
snprintf(buf_file, sizeof(buf_base),
sum[1], sum[2], sum[3],
sum[4], sum[5], sum[6], sum[7],
sum[8], sum[9], sum[10], sum[11],
sum[12], sum[13], sum[14], sum[15],
sum[16], sum[17], sum[18], sum[19]);
if (!ecore_file_mkpath(buf_base)) exit(4);
ef = eet_open(buf_file, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
if (!ef) exit(5);
pos = 0;
for (pos = 0; ; pos += incr)
int w, h;
int *pixels;
char key[128];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%i", pos);
evas_object_image_file_set(vidimage, file, key);
evas_object_image_size_get(vidimage, &iw, &ih);
if ((iw <= 0) || (ih <= 0)) break;
w = 160;
h = (ih * 160) / iw;
if (h < 1) h = 1;
evas_object_resize(vidimage, w, h);
evas_object_resize(subwin, w, h);
pixels = evas_object_image_data_get(image, EINA_FALSE);
if (pixels)
eet_data_image_write(ef, key, pixels, w, h,
0, 0, 70, EET_IMAGE_JPEG);
evas_object_image_data_set(image, pixels);
static Eina_Bool
@ -40,8 +130,6 @@ _cb_timeout(void *data EINA_UNUSED)
elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
Eina_Bool is_audio = EINA_FALSE;
if (argc < 3) exit(1);
@ -61,7 +149,11 @@ elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *extn = strchr(argv[1], '.');
vid = emotion_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(win));
file = argv[1];
incr = atoi(argv[2]);
const char *extn = strchr(file, '.');
if (extn)
if ((!strcasecmp(extn, ".mp3")) ||
@ -74,74 +166,12 @@ elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
is_audio = EINA_TRUE;
if (is_audio)
if (emotion_object_init(vid, NULL))
Evas_Object *vid;
vid = emotion_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(win));
if (emotion_object_init(vid, NULL))
evas_object_smart_callback_add(vid, "open_done",
_cb_loaded, argv[1]);
emotion_object_file_set(vid, argv[1]);
vid_timeout = ecore_timer_add(2.0, _cb_timeout, NULL);
char buf_base[PATH_MAX];
char buf_file[PATH_MAX];
unsigned int pos, incr;
vidimage = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas_object_evas_get(subwin));
evas_object_image_file_set(vidimage, argv[1], NULL);
evas_object_image_size_get(vidimage, &iw, &ih);
if (!sha1((unsigned char *)argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), sum)) exit(2);
if (!efreet_cache_home_get()) exit(3);
snprintf(buf_base, sizeof(buf_base), "%s/rage/thumb/%02x",
efreet_cache_home_get(), sum[0]);
snprintf(buf_file, sizeof(buf_base),
sum[1], sum[2], sum[3],
sum[4], sum[5], sum[6], sum[7],
sum[8], sum[9], sum[10], sum[11],
sum[12], sum[13], sum[14], sum[15],
sum[16], sum[17], sum[18], sum[19]);
if (!ecore_file_mkpath(buf_base)) exit(4);
ef = eet_open(buf_file, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
if (!ef) exit(5);
pos = 0;
incr = atoi(argv[2]);
for (pos = 0; ; pos += incr)
int w, h;
int *pixels;
char key[128];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%i", pos);
evas_object_image_file_set(vidimage, argv[1], key);
evas_object_image_size_get(vidimage, &iw, &ih);
if ((iw <= 0) || (ih <= 0)) break;
w = 160;
h = (ih * 160) / iw;
if (h < 1) h = 1;
evas_object_resize(vidimage, w, h);
evas_object_resize(subwin, w, h);
pixels = evas_object_image_data_get(image, EINA_FALSE);
if (pixels)
eet_data_image_write(ef, key, pixels, w, h,
0, 0, 70, EET_IMAGE_JPEG);
evas_object_image_data_set(image, pixels);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(vid, "open_done", _cb_loaded, file);
emotion_object_file_set(vid, file);
vid_timeout = ecore_timer_add(2.0, _cb_timeout, NULL);
return 0;

View File

@ -234,36 +234,22 @@ _videothumb_image_load(Evas_Object *obj)
char buf_base[PATH_MAX];
char buf_file[PATH_MAX];
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char *artfile;
unsigned char sum[20];
Eina_Bool is_audio = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool found = EINA_FALSE;
if (!sd) return;
if (!sd->file) return;
sd->o_img2 = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->o_img2, obj);
const char *extn = strchr(sd->realpath, '.');
if (extn)
artfile = albumart_file_get(sd->realpath);
if (artfile)
if ((!strcasecmp(extn, ".mp3")) ||
(!strcasecmp(extn, ".m4a")) ||
(!strcasecmp(extn, ".oga")) ||
(!strcasecmp(extn, ".aac")) ||
(!strcasecmp(extn, ".flac")) ||
(!strcasecmp(extn, ".wav")))
is_audio = EINA_TRUE;
sd->realfile = eina_stringshare_add(artfile);
found = EINA_TRUE;
if (is_audio)
char *artfile = albumart_file_get(sd->realpath);
if (artfile)
sd->realfile = eina_stringshare_add(artfile);
if (!found)
if (!sha1((unsigned char *)sd->realpath, strlen(sd->realpath), sum))

View File

@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ _cb_albumart_delay(void *data)
const char *artist = video_meta_artist_get(inf->vid);
const char *album = video_meta_album_get(inf->vid);
albumart_find(file, title, artist, album, _cb_fetched, win);
albumart_find(file, title, artist, album, NULL, _cb_fetched, win);
else albumart_find(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
else albumart_find(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return EINA_FALSE;