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# include <config.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef HAVE_EVIL
# include <Evil.h>
#include "Ecore.h"
#include "ecore_private.h"
# include <pthread.h>
# ifdef __linux__
# include <sched.h>
# include <sys/resource.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/syscall.h>
# include <errno.h>
# endif
# define PH(x) pthread_t x
# define PHE(x, y) pthread_equal(x, y)
# define PHS() pthread_self()
# define PHC(x, f, d) pthread_create(&(x), NULL, (void*) f, d)
# define PHJ(x, p) pthread_join(x, (void**)(&(p)))
# define PHA(x) pthread_cancel(x)
# define CD(x) pthread_cond_t x
# define CDI(x) pthread_cond_init(&(x), NULL);
# define CDD(x) pthread_cond_destroy(&(x));
# define CDB(x) pthread_cond_broadcast(&(x));
# define CDW(x, y, t) pthread_cond_timedwait(&(x), &(y), t);
# define LK(x) pthread_mutex_t x
# define LKI(x) pthread_mutex_init(&(x), NULL);
# define LKD(x) pthread_mutex_destroy(&(x));
# define LKL(x) pthread_mutex_lock(&(x));
# define LKU(x) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(x));
# define LRWK(x) pthread_rwlock_t x
# define LRWKI(x) pthread_rwlock_init(&(x), NULL);
# define LRWKD(x) pthread_rwlock_destroy(&(x));
# define LRWKWL(x) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&(x));
# define LRWKRL(x) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&(x));
# define LRWKU(x) pthread_rwlock_unlock(&(x));
# else /* EFL_HAVE_WIN32_THREADS */
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
typedef struct
HANDLE thread;
void *val;
} win32_thread;
# define PH(x) win32_thread *x
# define PHE(x, y) ((x) == (y))
# define PHS() (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId()
int _ecore_thread_win32_create(win32_thread **x, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE f, void *d)
win32_thread *t;
t = (win32_thread *)calloc(1, sizeof(win32_thread));
if (!t)
return -1;
(t)->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, f, d, 0, NULL);
if (!t->thread)
return -1;
t->val = d;
*x = t;
return 0;
# define PHC(x, f, d) _ecore_thread_win32_create(&(x), (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)f, d)
int _ecore_thread_win32_join(win32_thread *x, void **res)
if (!PHE(x, PHS()))
WaitForSingleObject(x->thread, INFINITE);
if (res) *res = x->val;
return 0;
# define PHJ(x, p) _ecore_thread_win32_join(x, (void**)(&(p)))
# define PHA(x) TerminateThread(x->thread, 0)
# define LK(x) HANDLE x
# define LKI(x) x = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL)
# define LKD(x) CloseHandle(x)
# define LKL(x) WaitForSingleObject(x, INFINITE)
# define LKU(x) ReleaseMutex(x)
typedef struct
HANDLE semaphore;
LONG threads_count;
CRITICAL_SECTION threads_count_lock;
} win32_cond;
# define CD(x) win32_cond *x
# define CDI(x) \
do { \
x = (win32_cond *)calloc(1, sizeof(win32_cond)); \
if (x) \
{ \
x->semaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 0x7fffffff, NULL); \
if (x->semaphore) \
InitializeCriticalSection(&x->threads_count_lock); \
else \
{ \
free(x); \
x = NULL; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
# define CDD(x) \
do { \
CloseHandle(x->semaphore); \
free(x); \
x = NULL; \
} while (0)
# define CDB(x) \
do { \
EnterCriticalSection(&x->threads_count_lock); \
if (x->threads_count > 0) \
ReleaseSemaphore(x->semaphore, x->threads_count, NULL); \
LeaveCriticalSection (&x->threads_count_lock); \
} while (0)
int _ecore_thread_win32_cond_timedwait(win32_cond *c, HANDLE *external_mutex, struct timeval *t)
DWORD res;
DWORD val = t->tv_sec * 1000 + (t->tv_usec / 1000);
EnterCriticalSection (&c->threads_count_lock);
LeaveCriticalSection (&c->threads_count_lock);
res = WaitForSingleObject(c->semaphore, val);
if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
return 0;
return -1;
# define CDW(x, y, t) _ecore_thread_win32_cond_timedwait(x, y, t)
typedef struct
LONG readers_count;
LONG writers_count;
int readers;
int writers;
} win32_rwl;
# define LRWK(x) win32_rwl *x
# define LRWKI(x) \
do { \
x = (win32_rwl *)calloc(1, sizeof(win32_rwl)); \
if (x) \
{ \
LKI(x->mutex); \
if (x->mutex) \
{ \
CDI(x->cond_read); \
if (x->cond_read) \
{ \
CDI(x->cond_write); \
if (!x->cond_write) \
{ \
CDD(x->cond_read); \
LKD(x->mutex); \
free(x); \
x = NULL; \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
LKD(x->mutex); \
free(x); \
x = NULL; \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
free(x); \
x = NULL; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
# define LRWKD(x) \
do { \
LKU(x->mutex); \
LKD(x->mutex); \
CDD(x->cond_write); \
CDD(x->cond_read); \
free(x); \
} while (0)
# define LRWKWL(x) \
do { \
DWORD res; \
LKU(x->mutex); \
if (x->writers || x->readers > 0) \
{ \
x->writers_count++; \
while (x->writers || x->readers > 0) \
{ \
EnterCriticalSection(&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
x->cond_read->threads_count++; \
LeaveCriticalSection(&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
res = WaitForSingleObject(x->cond_write->semaphore, INFINITE); \
if (res != WAIT_OBJECT_0) break; \
} \
x->writers_count--; \
} \
if (res == 0) x->writers_count = 1; \
LKU(x->mutex); \
} while (0)
# define LRWKRL(x) \
do { \
DWORD res; \
LKL(x->mutex); \
if (x->writers) \
{ \
x->readers_count++; \
while (x->writers) \
{ \
EnterCriticalSection(&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
x->cond_read->threads_count++; \
LeaveCriticalSection(&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
res = WaitForSingleObject(x->cond_write->semaphore, INFINITE); \
if (res != WAIT_OBJECT_0) break; \
} \
x->readers_count--; \
} \
if (res == 0) \
x->readers++; \
LKU(x->mutex); \
} while (0)
# define LRWKU(x) \
do { \
LKL(x->mutex); \
if (x->writers) \
{ \
x->writers = 0; \
if (x->readers_count == 1) \
{ \
EnterCriticalSection(&x->cond_read->threads_count_lock); \
if (x->cond_read->threads_count > 0) \
ReleaseSemaphore(x->cond_read->semaphore, 1, 0); \
LeaveCriticalSection(&x->cond_read->threads_count_lock); \
} \
else if (x->readers_count > 0) \
CDB(x->cond_read); \
else if (x->writers_count > 0) \
{ \
EnterCriticalSection (&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
if (x->cond_write->threads_count > 0) \
ReleaseSemaphore(x->cond_write->semaphore, 1, 0); \
LeaveCriticalSection (&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
} \
} \
else if (x->readers > 0) \
{ \
x->readers--; \
if (x->readers == 0 && x->writers_count > 0) \
{ \
EnterCriticalSection (&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
if (x->cond_write->threads_count > 0) \
ReleaseSemaphore(x->cond_write->semaphore, 1, 0); \
LeaveCriticalSection (&x->cond_write->threads_count_lock); \
} \
} \
LKU(x->mutex); \
} while (0)
# endif
typedef struct _Ecore_Pthread_Worker Ecore_Pthread_Worker;
typedef struct _Ecore_Pthread Ecore_Pthread;
typedef struct _Ecore_Thread_Data Ecore_Thread_Data;
struct _Ecore_Thread_Data
void *data;
Eina_Free_Cb cb;
struct _Ecore_Pthread_Worker
union {
struct {
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_blocking;
} short_run;
struct {
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_heavy;
Ecore_Thread_Notify_Cb func_notify;
Ecore_Pipe *notify;
Ecore_Pipe *direct_pipe;
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *direct_worker;
int send;
int received;
} feedback_run;
} u;
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_cancel;
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_end;
Eina_Hash *hash;
const void *data;
Eina_Bool cancel : 1;
Eina_Bool feedback_run : 1;
Eina_Bool kill : 1;
Eina_Bool reschedule : 1;
typedef struct _Ecore_Pthread_Data Ecore_Pthread_Data;
struct _Ecore_Pthread_Data
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *death_job;
Ecore_Pipe *p;
void *data;
static void _ecore_thread_handler(void *data __UNUSED__, void *buffer, unsigned int nbyte);
static int _ecore_thread_count_max = 0;
static int ECORE_THREAD_PIPE_DEL = 0;
static Eina_Array *_ecore_thread_pipe = NULL;
static Ecore_Pipe*
if (eina_array_count_get(_ecore_thread_pipe) > 0)
return eina_array_pop(_ecore_thread_pipe);
return ecore_pipe_add(_ecore_thread_handler, NULL);
static int _ecore_thread_count = 0;
static Ecore_Event_Handler *del_handler = NULL;
static Eina_List *_ecore_active_job_threads = NULL;
static Eina_List *_ecore_pending_job_threads = NULL;
static Eina_List *_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback = NULL;
static LK(_ecore_pending_job_threads_mutex);
static Eina_Hash *_ecore_thread_global_hash = NULL;
static LRWK(_ecore_thread_global_hash_lock);
static LK(_ecore_thread_global_hash_mutex);
static CD(_ecore_thread_global_hash_cond);
static PH(main_loop_thread);
static Eina_Bool have_main_loop_thread = 0;
static Eina_Trash *_ecore_thread_worker_trash = NULL;
static int _ecore_thread_worker_count = 0;
static void
_ecore_thread_worker_free(Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker)
if (_ecore_thread_worker_count > (_ecore_thread_count_max + 1) * 16)
return ;
eina_trash_push(&_ecore_thread_worker_trash, worker);
static void
_ecore_thread_data_free(void *data)
Ecore_Thread_Data *d = data;
if (d->cb) d->cb(d->data);
static void
_ecore_thread_pipe_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *event)
Ecore_Pipe *p = event;
if (eina_array_count_get(_ecore_thread_pipe) < 50)
eina_array_push(_ecore_thread_pipe, p);
static Eina_Bool
_ecore_thread_pipe_del(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event __UNUSED__)
/* This is a hack to delay pipe destruction until we are out of its internal loop. */
static void
_ecore_thread_end(Ecore_Pthread_Data *pth, __UNUSED__ Ecore_Thread *work)
Ecore_Pipe *p;
if (PHJ(pth->thread, p) != 0)
return ;
_ecore_active_job_threads = eina_list_remove(_ecore_active_job_threads, pth);
ecore_event_add(ECORE_THREAD_PIPE_DEL, pth->p, _ecore_thread_pipe_free, NULL);
static void
_ecore_thread_kill(Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work)
if (work->cancel)
if (work->func_cancel)
work->func_cancel((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
if (work->func_end)
work->func_end((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
if (work->feedback_run)
if (work->u.feedback_run.direct_pipe)
eina_array_push(_ecore_thread_pipe, work->u.feedback_run.direct_pipe);
if (work->u.feedback_run.direct_worker)
2010-07-23 10:52:50 -07:00
if (work->hash)
static void
_ecore_thread_handler(void *data __UNUSED__, void *buffer, unsigned int nbyte)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work;
if (nbyte != sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *)) return ;
work = *(Ecore_Pthread_Worker **)buffer;
if (work->feedback_run)
if (work->u.feedback_run.send != work->u.feedback_run.received)
work->kill = EINA_TRUE;
return ;
static void
_ecore_notify_handler(void *data, void *buffer, unsigned int nbyte)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work = data;
void *user_data;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
if (nbyte != sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *)) return ;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
user_data = *(void **)buffer;
if (work->u.feedback_run.func_notify)
work->u.feedback_run.func_notify((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work, user_data);
/* Force reading all notify event before killing the thread */
if (work->kill && work->u.feedback_run.send == work->u.feedback_run.received)
static void
_ecore_short_job(Ecore_Pipe *end_pipe)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work;
while (_ecore_pending_job_threads)
if (!_ecore_pending_job_threads)
work = eina_list_data_get(_ecore_pending_job_threads);
_ecore_pending_job_threads = eina_list_remove_list(_ecore_pending_job_threads,
2010-09-29 23:09:20 -07:00
if (!work->cancel)
work->u.short_run.func_blocking((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread*) work);
if (work->reschedule)
work->reschedule = EINA_FALSE;
_ecore_pending_job_threads = eina_list_append(_ecore_pending_job_threads, work);
ecore_pipe_write(end_pipe, &work, sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *));
static void
_ecore_feedback_job(Ecore_Pipe *end_pipe, PH(thread))
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work;
while (_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback)
if (!_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback)
work = eina_list_data_get(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback);
_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback = eina_list_remove_list(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback,
work->self = thread;
2010-09-29 23:09:20 -07:00
if (!work->cancel)
work->u.feedback_run.func_heavy((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
if (work->reschedule)
work->reschedule = EINA_FALSE;
_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback = eina_list_append(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback, work);
ecore_pipe_write(end_pipe, &work, sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *));
static void *
_ecore_direct_worker(Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work)
Ecore_Pthread_Data *pth;
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
pth = malloc(sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Data));
if (!pth) return NULL;
pth->p = work->u.feedback_run.direct_pipe;
if (!pth->p)
return NULL;
pth->thread = PHS();
work->self = pth->thread;
work->u.feedback_run.func_heavy((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
ecore_pipe_write(pth->p, &work, sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *));
work = work->u.feedback_run.direct_worker;
if (!work)
return NULL;
work->data = pth;
work->u.short_run.func_blocking = NULL;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
work->func_end = (void *) _ecore_thread_end;
work->func_cancel = NULL;
work->cancel = EINA_FALSE;
work->feedback_run = EINA_FALSE;
work->kill = EINA_FALSE;
work->hash = NULL;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
ecore_pipe_write(pth->p, &work, sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *));
return pth->p;
static void *
_ecore_thread_worker(Ecore_Pthread_Data *pth)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work;
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
if (_ecore_pending_job_threads) _ecore_short_job(pth->p);
if (_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback) _ecore_feedback_job(pth->p, pth->thread);
/* FIXME: Check if there is feedback running task todo, and switch to feedback run handler. */
if (_ecore_pending_job_threads || _ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback)
goto restart;
/* Sleep a little to prevent premature death */
#ifdef _WIN32
Sleep(1); /* around 50ms */
if (_ecore_pending_job_threads || _ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback)
goto restart;
work = pth->death_job;
if (!work) return NULL;
work->data = pth;
work->u.short_run.func_blocking = NULL;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
work->func_end = (void *) _ecore_thread_end;
work->func_cancel = NULL;
work->cancel = EINA_FALSE;
work->feedback_run = EINA_FALSE;
work->kill = EINA_FALSE;
work->hash = NULL;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
ecore_pipe_write(pth->p, &work, sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *));
return pth->p;
static Ecore_Pthread_Worker *
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *result;
result = eina_trash_pop(&_ecore_thread_worker_trash);
if (!result) result = malloc(sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker));
else _ecore_thread_worker_count--;
return result;
return malloc(sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Worker));
_ecore_thread_count_max = eina_cpu_count();
if (_ecore_thread_count_max <= 0)
_ecore_thread_count_max = 1;
ECORE_THREAD_PIPE_DEL = ecore_event_type_new();
_ecore_thread_pipe = eina_array_new(8);
del_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_THREAD_PIPE_DEL, _ecore_thread_pipe_del, NULL);
main_loop_thread = PHS();
have_main_loop_thread = 1;
/* FIXME: If function are still running in the background, should we kill them ? */
Ecore_Pipe *p;
Eina_Array_Iterator it;
unsigned int i;
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work;
Ecore_Pthread_Data *pth;
EINA_LIST_FREE(_ecore_pending_job_threads, work)
if (work->func_cancel)
work->func_cancel((void *)work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
EINA_LIST_FREE(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback, work)
if (work->func_cancel)
work->func_cancel((void *)work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
/* Improve emergency shutdown */
EINA_LIST_FREE(_ecore_active_job_threads, pth)
Ecore_Pipe *ep;
PHJ(pth->thread, ep);
2010-07-23 10:52:50 -07:00
if (_ecore_thread_global_hash)
have_main_loop_thread = 0;
del_handler = NULL;
EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT(_ecore_thread_pipe, i, p, it)
_ecore_thread_pipe = NULL;
2010-10-17 00:03:28 -07:00
* @addtogroup Ecore_Group Ecore - Main Loop and Job Functions.
* @{
2010-10-17 00:03:28 -07:00
* @addtogroup Ecore_Thread_Group Ecore Thread functions
* These functions allow for ecore-managed threads which integrate with ecore's main loop.
2010-10-17 00:03:28 -07:00
2010-07-23 06:12:42 -07:00
* @{
* @brief Run some blocking code in a parallel thread to avoid locking the main loop.
* @param func_blocking The function that should run in another thread.
* @param func_end The function that will be called in the main loop if the thread terminate correctly.
* @param func_cancel The function that will be called in the main loop if the thread is cancelled.
* @param data User context data to pass to all callback.
* @return A reference to the newly created thread instance, or NULL if it failed.
* ecore_thread_run provide a facility for easily managing blocking task in a
* parallel thread. You should provide three function. The first one, func_blocking,
* that will do the blocking work in another thread (so you should not use the
* EFL in it except Eina if you are careful). The second one, func_end,
* that will be called in Ecore main loop when func_blocking is done. So you
* can use all the EFL inside this function. The last one, func_cancel, will
* be called in the main loop if the thread is cancelled or could not run at all.
* Be aware, that you can't make assumption on the result order of func_end
* after many call to ecore_thread_run, as we start as much thread as the
* host CPU can handle.
EAPI Ecore_Thread *
ecore_thread_run(Ecore_Thread_Cb func_blocking,
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_end,
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_cancel,
const void *data)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work;
Ecore_Pthread_Data *pth = NULL;
if (!func_blocking) return NULL;
work = _ecore_thread_worker_new();
if (!work)
if (func_cancel)
func_cancel((void *) data, NULL);
return NULL;
work->u.short_run.func_blocking = func_blocking;
work->func_end = func_end;
work->func_cancel = func_cancel;
work->cancel = EINA_FALSE;
work->feedback_run = EINA_FALSE;
work->kill = EINA_FALSE;
work->reschedule = EINA_FALSE;
work->data = data;
work->hash = NULL;
_ecore_pending_job_threads = eina_list_append(_ecore_pending_job_threads, work);
if (_ecore_thread_count == _ecore_thread_count_max)
return (Ecore_Thread *) work;
/* One more thread could be created. */
pth = malloc(sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Data));
if (!pth) goto on_error;
pth->p = _ecore_thread_pipe_get();
pth->death_job = _ecore_thread_worker_new();
if (!pth->p || !pth->death_job) goto on_error;
if (PHC(pth->thread, _ecore_thread_worker, pth) == 0)
Fix priority dropping Lowering priority was wrong. Some bugs: 1) You don't lower the priority by setting the scheduler policy to some of the real-time ones (SCHED_RR or SCHER_FIFO). If you do so, you are actually increasing the priority of the workers and your main thread you be preempted and stalled until the workers complete their job. Fortunately this will only happen if your programming is running as root, as normal users (without CAP_SYS_NICE) are unable to set priority to real-time values. 2) setpriority() and getpriority() are not part of pthread and you can't use the id returned by pthread. Manpage explicitly says so on pthread_self(3): "The thread ID returned by pthread_self() is not the same thing as the kernel thread ID returned by a call to gettid(2)." Since glibc does not have a gettid, here we are using syscall(SYS_gettid) This patch was tested with the program below. Compile and run: $ gcc p_hello2.c -o p_hello2 -lpthread $ ./p_hello2 10 You'll see that the main thread remains with its priority and threads created by the main thread change their own niceness. #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> /* Lower priority of current thread. * * It's used by worker threads so they use up "bg cpu" as it was really intended * to work. If current thread is running with real-time priority, we decrease * our priority by 5. This is done in a portable way. Otherwise we are * running with SCHED_OTHER policy and there's no portable way to set the nice * level on current thread. In Linux, it does work and it's the only one that is * implemented. */ static void _ecore_thread_pri_drop(void) { struct sched_param param; int pol, prio, ret; pid_t tid; pthread_t pthread_id; pthread_id = pthread_self(); ret = pthread_getschedparam(pthread_id, &pol, &param); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to query sched parameters\n"); return; } if (pol == SCHED_RR || pol == SCHED_FIFO) { prio = sched_get_priority_max(pol); param.sched_priority += 5; if (prio > 0 && param.sched_priority > prio) param.sched_priority = prio; pthread_setschedparam(pthread_id, pol, &param); } #ifdef __linux__ else { tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); errno = 0; prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); if (errno == 0) { prio += 5; if (prio > 19) prio = 19; setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid, prio); } } #endif } /* * p_hello.c -- a hello program (in pthread) */ #define MAX_THREAD 1000 typedef struct { int id; } parm; void *hello(void *arg) { parm *p=(parm *)arg; pid_t tid; int prio; tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); printf("[%d] Hello from node %d\n", tid, p->id); pthread_yield(); printf("[%d] tid=%lu\n", tid); _ecore_thread_pri_drop(); prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); printf("[%d] New nice value: %d\n", tid, prio); return (NULL); } void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n,i; pthread_t *threads; pthread_attr_t pthread_custom_attr; parm *p; pid_t tid; int prio; if (argc != 2) { printf ("Usage: %s n\n where n is no. of threads\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } n=atoi(argv[1]); if ((n < 1) || (n > MAX_THREAD)) { printf ("The no of thread should between 1 and %d.\n",MAX_THREAD); exit(1); } threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(n * sizeof(*threads)); pthread_attr_init(&pthread_custom_attr); p = (parm *)malloc(n * sizeof(parm)); /* Start up thread */ tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); printf("[%d] root thread nice value: %d\n", tid, prio); p[i].id=i; pthread_create(&threads[i], &pthread_custom_attr, hello, (void *)(p+i)); } /* Synchronize the completion of each thread. */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { pthread_join(threads[i],NULL); } free(p); } SVN revision: 52039
2010-09-09 04:48:31 -07:00
return (Ecore_Thread *) work;
if (pth)
if (pth->p) eina_array_push(_ecore_thread_pipe, pth->p);
if (pth->death_job) _ecore_thread_worker_free(pth->death_job);
if (_ecore_thread_count == 0)
_ecore_pending_job_threads = eina_list_remove(_ecore_pending_job_threads, work);
if (work->func_cancel)
work->func_cancel((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
work = NULL;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
return (Ecore_Thread *) work;
If no thread and as we don't want to break app that rely on this
facility, we will lock the interface until we are done.
do {
/* Handle reschedule by forcing it here. That would mean locking the app,
* would be better with an idler, but really to complex for a case where
* thread should really exist.
work->reschedule = EINA_FALSE;
func_blocking((void *)data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
if (work->cancel == EINA_FALSE) func_end((void *)data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
else func_end((void *)data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
} while (work->reschedule == EINA_TRUE);
return NULL;
* @brief Cancel a running thread.
* @param thread The thread to cancel.
* @return Will return EINA_TRUE if the thread has been cancelled,
* EINA_FALSE if it is pending.
* ecore_thread_cancel give the possibility to cancel a task still running. It
* will return EINA_FALSE, if the destruction is delayed or EINA_TRUE if it is
* cancelled after this call.
* This function work in the main loop and in the thread, but you should not pass
* the Ecore_Thread variable from main loop to the worker thread in any structure.
* You should always use the one passed to the Ecore_Thread_Heavy_Cb.
* func_end, func_cancel will destroy the handler, so don't use it after.
* And if ecore_thread_cancel return EINA_TRUE, you should not use Ecore_Thread also.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_cancel(Ecore_Thread *thread)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *work = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *)thread;
Eina_List *l;
if (!work)
return EINA_TRUE;
if (work->cancel)
return EINA_FALSE;
if (work->feedback_run)
if (work->kill)
return EINA_TRUE;
if (work->u.feedback_run.send != work->u.feedback_run.received)
goto on_exit;
if ((have_main_loop_thread) &&
(PHE(main_loop_thread, PHS())))
if (!work->feedback_run)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_ecore_pending_job_threads, l, work)
if ((void *) work == (void *) thread)
_ecore_pending_job_threads = eina_list_remove_list(_ecore_pending_job_threads, l);
if (work->func_cancel)
work->func_cancel((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
return EINA_TRUE;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback, l, work)
if ((void *) work == (void *) thread)
_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback = eina_list_remove_list(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback, l);
if (work->func_cancel)
work->func_cancel((void *) work->data, (Ecore_Thread *) work);
return EINA_TRUE;
/* Delay the destruction */
2010-10-06 06:01:35 -07:00
((Ecore_Pthread_Worker *)thread)->cancel = EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
return EINA_TRUE;
* @brief Tell if a thread was canceled or not.
* @param thread The thread to test.
* @return EINA_TRUE if the thread is cancelled,
* EINA_FALSE if it is not.
* You can use this function in main loop and in the thread.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_check(Ecore_Thread *thread)
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
if (!worker) return EINA_TRUE;
return worker->cancel;
* @brief Run some heavy code in a parallel thread to avoid locking the main loop.
* @param func_heavy The function that should run in another thread.
* @param func_notify The function that will receive the data send by func_heavy in the main loop.
* @param func_end The function that will be called in the main loop if the thread terminate correctly.
* @param func_cancel The function that will be called in the main loop if the thread is cancelled.
* @param data User context data to pass to all callback.
* @param try_no_queue If you want to run outside of the thread pool.
* @return A reference to the newly created thread instance, or NULL if it failed.
* ecore_thread_feedback_run provide a facility for easily managing heavy task in a
* parallel thread. You should provide four functions. The first one, func_heavy,
* that will do the heavy work in another thread (so you should not use the
* EFL in it except Eina and Eet if you are careful). The second one, func_notify,
* will receive the data send from the thread function (func_heavy) by ecore_thread_feedback
* in the main loop (and so, can use all the EFL). The third, func_end,
* that will be called in Ecore main loop when func_heavy is done. So you
* can use all the EFL inside this function. The last one, func_cancel, will
* be called in the main loop also, if the thread is cancelled or could not run at all.
* Be aware, that you can't make assumption on the result order of func_end
* after many call to ecore_feedback_run, as we start as much thread as the
* host CPU can handle.
* If you set try_no_queue, it will try to run outside of the thread pool, this can bring
* the CPU down, so be careful with that. Of course if it can't start a new thread, it will
* try to use one from the pool.
EAPI Ecore_Thread *ecore_thread_feedback_run(Ecore_Thread_Cb func_heavy,
2010-09-29 23:09:20 -07:00
Ecore_Thread_Notify_Cb func_notify,
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_end,
Ecore_Thread_Cb func_cancel,
2010-09-29 23:09:20 -07:00
const void *data,
Eina_Bool try_no_queue)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker;
Ecore_Pthread_Data *pth = NULL;
if (!func_heavy) return NULL;
worker = _ecore_thread_worker_new();
if (!worker) goto on_error;
worker->u.feedback_run.func_heavy = func_heavy;
worker->u.feedback_run.func_notify = func_notify;
worker->hash = NULL;
worker->func_cancel = func_cancel;
worker->func_end = func_end;
worker->data = data;
worker->cancel = EINA_FALSE;
worker->feedback_run = EINA_TRUE;
worker->kill = EINA_FALSE;
worker->reschedule = EINA_FALSE;
worker->u.feedback_run.send = 0;
worker->u.feedback_run.received = 0;
worker->u.feedback_run.notify = ecore_pipe_add(_ecore_notify_handler, worker);
worker->u.feedback_run.direct_pipe = NULL;
worker->u.feedback_run.direct_worker = NULL;
if (!try_no_queue)
worker->u.feedback_run.direct_pipe = _ecore_thread_pipe_get();
worker->u.feedback_run.direct_worker = _ecore_thread_worker_new();
if (PHC(t, _ecore_direct_worker, worker) == 0)
Fix priority dropping Lowering priority was wrong. Some bugs: 1) You don't lower the priority by setting the scheduler policy to some of the real-time ones (SCHED_RR or SCHER_FIFO). If you do so, you are actually increasing the priority of the workers and your main thread you be preempted and stalled until the workers complete their job. Fortunately this will only happen if your programming is running as root, as normal users (without CAP_SYS_NICE) are unable to set priority to real-time values. 2) setpriority() and getpriority() are not part of pthread and you can't use the id returned by pthread. Manpage explicitly says so on pthread_self(3): "The thread ID returned by pthread_self() is not the same thing as the kernel thread ID returned by a call to gettid(2)." Since glibc does not have a gettid, here we are using syscall(SYS_gettid) This patch was tested with the program below. Compile and run: $ gcc p_hello2.c -o p_hello2 -lpthread $ ./p_hello2 10 You'll see that the main thread remains with its priority and threads created by the main thread change their own niceness. #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> /* Lower priority of current thread. * * It's used by worker threads so they use up "bg cpu" as it was really intended * to work. If current thread is running with real-time priority, we decrease * our priority by 5. This is done in a portable way. Otherwise we are * running with SCHED_OTHER policy and there's no portable way to set the nice * level on current thread. In Linux, it does work and it's the only one that is * implemented. */ static void _ecore_thread_pri_drop(void) { struct sched_param param; int pol, prio, ret; pid_t tid; pthread_t pthread_id; pthread_id = pthread_self(); ret = pthread_getschedparam(pthread_id, &pol, &param); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to query sched parameters\n"); return; } if (pol == SCHED_RR || pol == SCHED_FIFO) { prio = sched_get_priority_max(pol); param.sched_priority += 5; if (prio > 0 && param.sched_priority > prio) param.sched_priority = prio; pthread_setschedparam(pthread_id, pol, &param); } #ifdef __linux__ else { tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); errno = 0; prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); if (errno == 0) { prio += 5; if (prio > 19) prio = 19; setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid, prio); } } #endif } /* * p_hello.c -- a hello program (in pthread) */ #define MAX_THREAD 1000 typedef struct { int id; } parm; void *hello(void *arg) { parm *p=(parm *)arg; pid_t tid; int prio; tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); printf("[%d] Hello from node %d\n", tid, p->id); pthread_yield(); printf("[%d] tid=%lu\n", tid); _ecore_thread_pri_drop(); prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); printf("[%d] New nice value: %d\n", tid, prio); return (NULL); } void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n,i; pthread_t *threads; pthread_attr_t pthread_custom_attr; parm *p; pid_t tid; int prio; if (argc != 2) { printf ("Usage: %s n\n where n is no. of threads\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } n=atoi(argv[1]); if ((n < 1) || (n > MAX_THREAD)) { printf ("The no of thread should between 1 and %d.\n",MAX_THREAD); exit(1); } threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(n * sizeof(*threads)); pthread_attr_init(&pthread_custom_attr); p = (parm *)malloc(n * sizeof(parm)); /* Start up thread */ tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); printf("[%d] root thread nice value: %d\n", tid, prio); p[i].id=i; pthread_create(&threads[i], &pthread_custom_attr, hello, (void *)(p+i)); } /* Synchronize the completion of each thread. */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { pthread_join(threads[i],NULL); } free(p); } SVN revision: 52039
2010-09-09 04:48:31 -07:00
return (Ecore_Thread *) worker;
_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback = eina_list_append(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback, worker);
if (_ecore_thread_count == _ecore_thread_count_max)
return (Ecore_Thread *) worker;
/* One more thread could be created. */
pth = malloc(sizeof (Ecore_Pthread_Data));
if (!pth) goto on_error;
pth->p = _ecore_thread_pipe_get();
pth->death_job = _ecore_thread_worker_new();
if (!pth->p || !pth->death_job) goto on_error;
if (PHC(pth->thread, _ecore_thread_worker, pth) == 0)
Fix priority dropping Lowering priority was wrong. Some bugs: 1) You don't lower the priority by setting the scheduler policy to some of the real-time ones (SCHED_RR or SCHER_FIFO). If you do so, you are actually increasing the priority of the workers and your main thread you be preempted and stalled until the workers complete their job. Fortunately this will only happen if your programming is running as root, as normal users (without CAP_SYS_NICE) are unable to set priority to real-time values. 2) setpriority() and getpriority() are not part of pthread and you can't use the id returned by pthread. Manpage explicitly says so on pthread_self(3): "The thread ID returned by pthread_self() is not the same thing as the kernel thread ID returned by a call to gettid(2)." Since glibc does not have a gettid, here we are using syscall(SYS_gettid) This patch was tested with the program below. Compile and run: $ gcc p_hello2.c -o p_hello2 -lpthread $ ./p_hello2 10 You'll see that the main thread remains with its priority and threads created by the main thread change their own niceness. #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> /* Lower priority of current thread. * * It's used by worker threads so they use up "bg cpu" as it was really intended * to work. If current thread is running with real-time priority, we decrease * our priority by 5. This is done in a portable way. Otherwise we are * running with SCHED_OTHER policy and there's no portable way to set the nice * level on current thread. In Linux, it does work and it's the only one that is * implemented. */ static void _ecore_thread_pri_drop(void) { struct sched_param param; int pol, prio, ret; pid_t tid; pthread_t pthread_id; pthread_id = pthread_self(); ret = pthread_getschedparam(pthread_id, &pol, &param); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to query sched parameters\n"); return; } if (pol == SCHED_RR || pol == SCHED_FIFO) { prio = sched_get_priority_max(pol); param.sched_priority += 5; if (prio > 0 && param.sched_priority > prio) param.sched_priority = prio; pthread_setschedparam(pthread_id, pol, &param); } #ifdef __linux__ else { tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); errno = 0; prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); if (errno == 0) { prio += 5; if (prio > 19) prio = 19; setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid, prio); } } #endif } /* * p_hello.c -- a hello program (in pthread) */ #define MAX_THREAD 1000 typedef struct { int id; } parm; void *hello(void *arg) { parm *p=(parm *)arg; pid_t tid; int prio; tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); printf("[%d] Hello from node %d\n", tid, p->id); pthread_yield(); printf("[%d] tid=%lu\n", tid); _ecore_thread_pri_drop(); prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); printf("[%d] New nice value: %d\n", tid, prio); return (NULL); } void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n,i; pthread_t *threads; pthread_attr_t pthread_custom_attr; parm *p; pid_t tid; int prio; if (argc != 2) { printf ("Usage: %s n\n where n is no. of threads\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } n=atoi(argv[1]); if ((n < 1) || (n > MAX_THREAD)) { printf ("The no of thread should between 1 and %d.\n",MAX_THREAD); exit(1); } threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(n * sizeof(*threads)); pthread_attr_init(&pthread_custom_attr); p = (parm *)malloc(n * sizeof(parm)); /* Start up thread */ tid = syscall(SYS_gettid); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid); printf("[%d] root thread nice value: %d\n", tid, prio); p[i].id=i; pthread_create(&threads[i], &pthread_custom_attr, hello, (void *)(p+i)); } /* Synchronize the completion of each thread. */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { pthread_join(threads[i],NULL); } free(p); } SVN revision: 52039
2010-09-09 04:48:31 -07:00
return (Ecore_Thread *) worker;
if (pth)
if (pth->p) eina_array_push(_ecore_thread_pipe, pth->p);
if (pth->death_job) _ecore_thread_worker_free(pth->death_job);
if (_ecore_thread_count == 0)
_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback = eina_list_remove(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback,
if (func_cancel) func_cancel((void *) data, NULL);
if (worker)
worker = NULL;
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
return (Ecore_Thread *) worker;
Ecore_Pthread_Worker worker;
(void) try_no_queue;
If no thread and as we don't want to break app that rely on this
facility, we will lock the interface until we are done.
worker.u.feedback_run.func_heavy = func_heavy;
worker.u.feedback_run.func_notify = func_notify;
worker.u.feedback_run.notify = NULL;
worker.u.feedback_run.send = 0;
worker.u.feedback_run.received = 0;
worker.func_cancel = func_cancel;
worker.func_end = func_end;
worker.data = data;
worker.cancel = EINA_FALSE;
worker.feedback_run = EINA_TRUE;
worker.kill = EINA_FALSE;
do {
worker.reschedule = EINA_FALSE;
func_heavy((void *)data, (Ecore_Thread *) &worker);
if (worker.cancel) func_cancel((void *)data, (Ecore_Thread *) &worker);
else func_end((void *)data, (Ecore_Thread *) &worker);
} while (worker.reschedule == EINA_FALSE);
return NULL;
* @brief Send data to main loop from worker thread.
* @param thread The current Ecore_Thread context to send data from
* @param data Data to be transmitted to the main loop
* @return EINA_TRUE if data was successfully send to main loop,
* EINA_FALSE if anything goes wrong.
* After a succesfull call, the data should be considered owned
* by the main loop.
* You should use this function only in the func_heavy call.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_feedback(Ecore_Thread *thread, const void *data)
2010-07-10 04:08:20 -07:00
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
if (!worker) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!worker->feedback_run) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!PHE(worker->self, PHS())) return EINA_FALSE;
ecore_pipe_write(worker->u.feedback_run.notify, &data, sizeof (void *));
return EINA_TRUE;
worker->u.feedback_run.func_notify((void*) worker->data, thread, (void*) data);
return EINA_TRUE;
* @brief Plan to recall the heavy function once it exist it.
* @param thread The current Ecore_Thread context to reschedule
* @return EINA_TRUE if data was successfully send to main loop,
* EINA_FALSE if anything goes wrong.
* After a succesfull call, you can still do what you want in your thread, it
* will only reschedule it once you exit the heavy loop.
* You should use this function only in the func_heavy call.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_reschedule(Ecore_Thread *thread)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
if (!worker) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!PHE(worker->self, PHS())) return EINA_FALSE;
worker->reschedule = EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_TRUE;
* @brief Get number of active thread jobs
* @return Number of active threads running jobs
* This returns the number of threads currently running jobs through the
* ecore_thread api.
EAPI int
return _ecore_thread_count;
return 0;
* @brief Get number of pending (short) thread jobs
* @return Number of pending threads running "short" jobs
* This returns the number of threads currently running jobs through the
* ecore_thread_run api call.
EAPI int
int ret;
ret = eina_list_count(_ecore_pending_job_threads);
return ret;
return 0;
* @brief Get number of pending feedback thread jobs
* @return Number of pending threads running "feedback" jobs
* This returns the number of threads currently running jobs through the
* ecore_thread_feedback_run api call.
EAPI int
int ret;
ret = eina_list_count(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback);
return ret;
return 0;
* @brief Get number of pending thread jobs
* @return Number of pending threads running jobs
* This returns the number of threads currently running jobs through the
* ecore_thread_run and ecore_thread_feedback_run api calls combined.
EAPI int
int ret;
ret = eina_list_count(_ecore_pending_job_threads) + eina_list_count(_ecore_pending_job_threads_feedback);
return ret;
return 0;
* @brief Get the max number of threads that can run simultaneously
* @return Max number of threads ecore will run
* This returns the total number of threads that ecore will attempt to run
* simultaneously.
EAPI int
return _ecore_thread_count_max;
* @brief Set the max number of threads that can run simultaneously
* @param num The new maximum
* This sets the maximum number of threads that ecore will try to run
* simultaneously. This number cannot be < 1 or >= 2x the number of active cpus.
EAPI void
ecore_thread_max_set(int num)
if (num < 1) return;
/* avoid doing something hilarious by blocking dumb users */
if (num >= (2 * eina_cpu_count())) return;
_ecore_thread_count_max = num;
* @brief Reset the max number of threads that can run simultaneously
* This resets the maximum number of threads that ecore will try to run
* simultaneously to the number of active cpus.
EAPI void
_ecore_thread_count_max = eina_cpu_count();
* @brief Get the number of threads which are available to be used
* @return The number of available threads
* This returns the number of threads slots that ecore has currently available.
* Assuming that you haven't changed the max number of threads with @ref ecore_thread_max_set
* this should be equal to (num_cpus - (active_running + active_feedback_running))
EAPI int
int ret;
ret = _ecore_thread_count_max - _ecore_thread_count;
return ret;
return 0;
* @brief Add data to the thread for subsequent use
* @param thread The thread context to add to
* @param key The name string to add the data with
* @param value The data to add
* @param cb The callback to free the data with
* @param direct If true, this will not copy the key string (like eina_hash_direct_add)
* @return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE on failure
* This adds data to the thread context, allowing the thread
* to retrieve and use it without complicated mutexing. This function can only be called by a
* *_run thread INSIDE the thread and will return EINA_FALSE in any case but success.
* All data added to the thread will be freed with its associated callback (if present)
* upon thread termination. If no callback is specified, it is expected that the user will free the
* data, but this is most likely not what you want.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_local_data_add(Ecore_Thread *thread, const char *key, void *value, Eina_Free_Cb cb, Eina_Bool direct)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
Ecore_Thread_Data *d;
Eina_Bool ret;
if ((!thread) || (!key) || (!value))
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!PHE(worker->self, PHS())) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!worker->hash)
worker->hash = eina_hash_string_small_new(_ecore_thread_data_free);
if (!worker->hash)
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!(d = malloc(sizeof(Ecore_Thread_Data))))
return EINA_FALSE;
d->data = value;
d->cb = cb;
if (direct)
ret = eina_hash_direct_add(worker->hash, key, d);
ret = eina_hash_add(worker->hash, key, d);
return ret;
return EINA_TRUE;
* @brief Modify data in the thread, or add if not found
* @param thread The thread context
* @param key The name string to add the data with
* @param value The data to add
* @param cb The callback to free the data with
* @return The old data associated with @p key on success if modified, NULL if added
* This adds/modifies data in the thread context, adding only if modify fails.
* This function can only be called by a *_run thread INSIDE the thread.
* All data added to the thread pool will be freed with its associated callback (if present)
* upon thread termination. If no callback is specified, it is expected that the user will free the
* data, but this is most likely not what you want.
EAPI void *
ecore_thread_local_data_set(Ecore_Thread *thread, const char *key, void *value, Eina_Free_Cb cb)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
Ecore_Thread_Data *d, *r;
void *ret;
if ((!thread) || (!key) || (!value))
return NULL;
if (!PHE(worker->self, PHS())) return NULL;
if (!worker->hash)
worker->hash = eina_hash_string_small_new(_ecore_thread_data_free);
if (!worker->hash)
return NULL;
if (!(d = malloc(sizeof(Ecore_Thread_Data))))
return NULL;
d->data = value;
d->cb = cb;
r = eina_hash_set(worker->hash, key, d);
ret = r->data;
return ret;
return NULL;
* @brief Find data in the thread's data
* @param thread The thread context
* @param key The name string the data is associated with
* @return The value, or NULL on error
* This finds data in the thread context that has been previously added with @ref ecore_thread_local_data_add
* This function can only be called by a *_run thread INSIDE the thread, and will return NULL
* in any case but success.
EAPI void *
ecore_thread_local_data_find(Ecore_Thread *thread, const char *key)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
Ecore_Thread_Data *d;
if ((!thread) || (!key))
return NULL;
if (!PHE(worker->self, PHS())) return NULL;
if (!worker->hash)
return NULL;
d = eina_hash_find(worker->hash, key);
return d->data;
return NULL;
* @brief Delete data from the thread's data
* @param thread The thread context
* @param key The name string the data is associated with
* @return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE on failure
* This deletes the data pointer from the thread context which was previously added with @ref ecore_thread_local_data_add
* This function can only be called by a *_run thread INSIDE the thread, and will return EINA_FALSE
* in any case but success. Note that this WILL free the data if a callback was specified.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_local_data_del(Ecore_Thread *thread, const char *key)
Ecore_Pthread_Worker *worker = (Ecore_Pthread_Worker *) thread;
Ecore_Thread_Data *d;
if ((!thread) || (!key))
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!PHE(worker->self, PHS())) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!worker->hash)
return EINA_FALSE;
if ((d = eina_hash_find(worker->hash, key)))
return eina_hash_del_by_key(worker->hash, key);
return EINA_TRUE;
2010-07-23 06:12:42 -07:00
* @brief Add data to the global data
* @param key The name string to add the data with
* @param value The data to add
* @param cb The optional callback to free the data with once ecore is shut down
* @param direct If true, this will not copy the key string (like eina_hash_direct_add)
* @return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE on failure
* This adds data to the global thread data, and will return EINA_FALSE in any case but success.
* All data added to global can be manually freed, or a callback can be provided with @p cb which will
* be called upon ecore_thread shutting down. Note that if you have manually freed data that a callback
* was specified for, you will most likely encounter a segv later on.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_global_data_add(const char *key, void *value, Eina_Free_Cb cb, Eina_Bool direct)
Eina_Bool ret;
Ecore_Thread_Data *d;
if ((!key) || (!value))
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash)
_ecore_thread_global_hash = eina_hash_string_small_new(_ecore_thread_data_free);
if (!(d = malloc(sizeof(Ecore_Thread_Data))))
return EINA_FALSE;
d->data = value;
d->cb = cb;
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash)
return EINA_FALSE;
if (direct)
ret = eina_hash_direct_add(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key, d);
ret = eina_hash_add(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key, d);
return ret;
return EINA_TRUE;
* @brief Add data to the global data
* @param key The name string to add the data with
* @param value The data to add
* @param cb The optional callback to free the data with once ecore is shut down
2010-09-20 13:33:50 -07:00
* @return An Ecore_Thread_Data on success, NULL on failure
* This adds data to the global thread data and returns NULL, or replaces the previous data
* associated with @p key and returning the previous data if it existed. To see if an error occurred,
* one must use eina_error_get.
* All data added to global can be manually freed, or a callback can be provided with @p cb which will
* be called upon ecore_thread shutting down. Note that if you have manually freed data that a callback
* was specified for, you will most likely encounter a segv later on.
EAPI void *
ecore_thread_global_data_set(const char *key, void *value, Eina_Free_Cb cb)
Ecore_Thread_Data *d, *r;
void *ret;
if ((!key) || (!value))
return NULL;
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash)
_ecore_thread_global_hash = eina_hash_string_small_new(_ecore_thread_data_free);
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash)
return NULL;
if (!(d = malloc(sizeof(Ecore_Thread_Data))))
return NULL;
d->data = value;
d->cb = cb;
r = eina_hash_set(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key, d);
ret = r->data;
return ret;
return NULL;
* @brief Find data in the global data
* @param key The name string the data is associated with
* @return The value, or NULL on error
* This finds data in the global data that has been previously added with @ref ecore_thread_global_data_add
* This function will return NULL in any case but success.
* All data added to global can be manually freed, or a callback can be provided with @p cb which will
* be called upon ecore_thread shutting down. Note that if you have manually freed data that a callback
* was specified for, you will most likely encounter a segv later on.
* @note Keep in mind that the data returned can be used by multiple threads at a time, so you will most likely want to mutex
* if you will be doing anything with it.
EAPI void *
ecore_thread_global_data_find(const char *key)
Ecore_Thread_Data *ret;
if (!key)
return NULL;
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash) return NULL;
ret = eina_hash_find(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key);
return ret->data;
return NULL;
* @brief Delete data from the global data
* @param key The name string the data is associated with
* @return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE on failure
* This deletes the data pointer from the global data which was previously added with @ref ecore_thread_global_data_add
* This function will return EINA_FALSE in any case but success.
* Note that this WILL free the data if an @c Eina_Free_Cb was specified when the data was added.
EAPI Eina_Bool
ecore_thread_global_data_del(const char *key)
Eina_Bool ret;
Ecore_Thread_Data *d;
if (!key)
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash)
return EINA_FALSE;
if ((d = eina_hash_find(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key)))
ret = eina_hash_del_by_key(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key);
return ret;
return EINA_TRUE;
* @brief Find data in the global data and optionally wait for the data if not found
* @param key The name string the data is associated with
* @param seconds The amount of time in seconds to wait for the data. If 0, the call will be async and not wait for data.
* If < 0 the call will wait indefinitely for the data.
* @return The value, or NULL on failure
* This finds data in the global data that has been previously added with @ref ecore_thread_global_data_add
* This function will return NULL in any case but success.
* Use @p seconds to specify the amount of time to wait. Use > 0 for an actual wait time, 0 to not wait, and < 0 to wait indefinitely.
* @note Keep in mind that the data returned can be used by multiple threads at a time, so you will most likely want to mutex
* if you will be doing anything with it.
EAPI void *
ecore_thread_global_data_wait(const char *key, double seconds)
double tm = 0;
Ecore_Thread_Data *ret = NULL;
if (!key)
return NULL;
if (!_ecore_thread_global_hash)
return NULL;
if (seconds > 0)
tm = ecore_time_get() + seconds;
while (1)
#ifndef _WIN32
struct timespec t = { 0, 0 };
t.tv_sec = (long int)tm;
t.tv_nsec = (long int)((tm - (double)t.tv_sec) * 1000000000);
struct timeval t = { 0, 0 };
t.tv_sec = (long int)tm;
t.tv_usec = (long int)((tm - (double)t.tv_sec) * 1000000);
ret = eina_hash_find(_ecore_thread_global_hash, key);
if ((ret) || (!seconds) || ((seconds > 0) && (tm <= ecore_time_get())))
CDW(_ecore_thread_global_hash_cond, _ecore_thread_global_hash_mutex, &t);
if (ret) return ret->data;
return NULL;
return NULL;
2010-07-23 06:12:42 -07:00
* @}
2010-10-17 00:03:28 -07:00
* @}