Naviframe: migrate docs.

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Tom Hacohen 2015-08-07 13:30:05 +01:00
parent 4f2e5d6c11
commit b34db8299f
1 changed files with 58 additions and 178 deletions

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@ -3,251 +3,131 @@ class Elm.Naviframe (Elm.Layout, Elm_Interface_Atspi_Widget_Action)
eo_prefix: elm_obj_naviframe;
methods {
@property event_enabled {
[[Control the event enabled when pushing/popping items
If $enabled is $true, the contents of the naviframe item will
receives events from mouse and keyboard during view changing such as
item push/pop.
Warning: Events will be blocked by calling evas_object_freeze_events_set()
internally. So don't call the API whiling pushing/popping items.]]
set {
@brief Set the event enabled when pushing/popping items
If $enabled is $true, the contents of the naviframe item will
receives events from mouse and keyboard during view changing such as
item push/pop.
@warning Events will be blocked by calling evas_object_freeze_events_set()
internally. So don't call the API whiling pushing/popping items.
@see elm_naviframe_event_enabled_get()
@see evas_object_freeze_events_set()
@ingroup Naviframe */
get {
@brief Get the value of event enabled status.
@return $true, when event is enabled
@see elm_naviframe_event_enabled_set()
@ingroup Naviframe */
values {
enabled: bool; /*@ Events are received when enabled is $true, and
ignored otherwise. */
enabled: bool; [[Events are received when enabled is $true, and ignored otherwise.]]
@property content_preserve_on_pop {
[[Preserve the content objects when items are popped.]]
set {
@brief preserve the content objects when items are popped.
@see also elm_naviframe_content_preserve_on_pop_get()
@ingroup Naviframe */
get {
@brief Get a value whether preserve mode is enabled or not.
@return If $true, preserve mode is enabled
@see also elm_naviframe_content_preserve_on_pop_set()
@ingroup Naviframe */
values {
preserve: bool; /*@ Enable the preserve mode if $true, disable otherwise */
preserve: bool; [[Enable the preserve mode if $true, disable otherwise]]
@property prev_btn_auto_pushed {
[[Control if creating prev button automatically or not]]
set {
@brief Set creating prev button automatically or not
@see also elm_naviframe_item_push()
@ingroup Naviframe */
get {
@brief Get a value whether prev button(back button) will be auto pushed or
@return If $true, prev button will be auto pushed.
@see also elm_naviframe_item_push()
@ingroup Naviframe */
values {
auto_pushed: bool; /*@ If $true, the previous button(back button) will
be created internally when you pass the $NULL to the prev_btn
parameter in elm_naviframe_item_push */
auto_pushed: bool; [[If $true, the previous button(back button) will be created internally when you pass the $NULL to the prev_btn parameter in elm_naviframe_item_push]]
@property items {
get {
@brief Get a list of all the naviframe items.
[[Get a list of all the naviframe items.]]
@return A list of naviframe items, #Elm.Widget_Item,
or $NULL on failure.
@note The returned list MUST be freed.
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: free(own(list<Elm.Widget_Item *> *), eina_list_free) @warn_unused;
return: free(own(list<Elm.Widget_Item *> *), eina_list_free) @warn_unused; [[A list of naviframe items, @Elm.Widget_Item, or $NULL on failure. Note: The returned list MUST be freed.]]
@property top_item {
get {
@brief Get a top item on the naviframe stack
[[Get a top item on the naviframe stack]]
@return The top item on the naviframe stack or $NULL, if the stack is
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The top item on the naviframe stack or $NULL, if the stack is empty]]
@property bottom_item {
get {
@brief Get a bottom item on the naviframe stack
[[Get a bottom item on the naviframe stack]]
@return The bottom item on the naviframe stack or $NULL, if the stack is
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The bottom item on the naviframe stack or $NULL, if the stack is empty]]
item_pop {
@brief Pop an item that is on top of the stack
[[Pop an item that is on top of the stack
@return $NULL or the content object(if the
elm_naviframe_content_preserve_on_pop_get is true).
This pops an item that is on the top(visible) of the naviframe, makes it
disappear, then deletes the item. The item that was underneath it on the
stack will become visible.]]
This pops an item that is on the top(visible) of the naviframe, makes it
disappear, then deletes the item. The item that was underneath it on the
stack will become visible.
@see also elm_naviframe_content_preserve_on_pop_get()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_pop_cb_set()
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: Evas.Object *;
return: Evas.Object *; [[$NULL or the content object(if the elm_naviframe_content_preserve_on_pop_get is true).]]
item_insert_before {
@brief Insert a new item into the naviframe before item $before.
[[Insert a new item into the naviframe before item $before.
@return The created item or $NULL upon failure.
The item is inserted into the naviframe straight away without any
transition operations. This item will be deleted when it is popped.]]
The item is inserted into the naviframe straight away without any
transition operations. This item will be deleted when it is popped.
@see also elm_naviframe_item_style_set()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_push()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_insert_after()
The following styles are available for this item:
@li $"default"
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
params {
@in before: Elm.Widget_Item *; /*@ The naviframe item to insert before. */
@in title_label: const(char)* @optional; /*@ The label in the title area. The name of the title
label part is "elm.text.title" */
@in prev_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; /*@ The button to go to the previous item. If it is NULL,
then naviframe will create a back button automatically. The name of
the prev_btn part is "elm.swallow.prev_btn" */
@in next_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; /*@ The button to go to the next item. Or It could be just an
extra function button. The name of the next_btn part is
"elm.swallow.next_btn" */
@in content: Evas.Object *; /*@ The main content object. The name of content part is
"elm.swallow.content" */
@in item_style: const(char)* @nullable; /*@ The current item style name. $NULL would be default. */
@in before: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The naviframe item to insert before.]]
@in title_label: const(char)* @optional; [[The label in the title area. The name of the title label part is "elm.text.title"]]
@in prev_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; [[The button to go to the previous item. If it is NULL, then naviframe will create a back button automatically. The name of the prev_btn part is "elm.swallow.prev_btn"]]
@in next_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; [[The button to go to the next item. Or It could be just an extra function button. The name of the next_btn part is "elm.swallow.next_btn"]]
@in content: Evas.Object *; [[The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content"]]
@in item_style: const(char)* @nullable; [[The current item style name. $NULL would be default.]]
item_push {
@brief Push a new item to the top of the naviframe stack (and show it).
[[Push a new item to the top of the naviframe stack (and show it).
@return The created item or $NULL upon failure.
The item pushed becomes one page of the naviframe, this item will be
deleted when it is popped.
The item pushed becomes one page of the naviframe, this item will be
deleted when it is popped.
@see also elm_naviframe_item_style_set()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_insert_before()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_insert_after()
The following styles are available for this item:
The following styles are available for this item:
@li $"default"
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
params {
@in title_label: const(char)* @optional; /*@ The label in the title area. The name of the title
label part is "elm.text.title" */
@in prev_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; /*@ The button to go to the previous item. If it is NULL,
then naviframe will create a back button automatically. The name of
the prev_btn part is "elm.swallow.prev_btn" */
@in next_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; /*@ The button to go to the next item. Or It could be just an
extra function button. The name of the next_btn part is
"elm.swallow.next_btn" */
@in content: Evas.Object *; /*@ The main content object. The name of content part is
"elm.swallow.content" */
@in item_style: const(char)* @nullable; /*@ The current item style name. $NULL would be default. */
@in title_label: const(char)* @optional; [[The label in the title area. The name of the title label part is "elm.text.title"]]
@in prev_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; [[The button to go to the previous item. If it is NULL, then naviframe will create a back button automatically. The name of the prev_btn part is "elm.swallow.prev_btn"]]
@in next_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; [[The button to go to the next item. Or It could be just an extra function button. The name of the next_btn part is "elm.swallow.next_btn"]]
@in content: Evas.Object *; [[The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content"]]
@in item_style: const(char)* @nullable; [[The current item style name. $NULL would be default.]]
item_simple_promote {
@brief Simple version of item_promote.
@see elm_naviframe_item_promote */
[[Simple version of item_promote.]]
params {
@in content: Evas.Object *;
item_insert_after {
@brief Insert a new item into the naviframe after item $after.
[[Insert a new item into the naviframe after item $after.
@return The created item or $NULL upon failure.
The item is inserted into the naviframe straight away without any
transition operations. This item will be deleted when it is popped.
The item is inserted into the naviframe straight away without any
transition operations. This item will be deleted when it is popped.
The following styles are available for this item:
@see also elm_naviframe_item_style_set()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_push()
@see also elm_naviframe_item_insert_before()
The following styles are available for this item:
@li $"default"
@ingroup Naviframe */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
params {
@in after: Elm.Widget_Item *; /*@ The naviframe item to insert after. */
@in title_label: const(char)* @optional; /*@ The label in the title area. The name of the title
label part is "elm.text.title" */
@in prev_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; /*@ The button to go to the previous item. If it is NULL,
then naviframe will create a back button automatically. The name of
the prev_btn part is "elm.swallow.prev_btn" */
@in next_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; /*@ The button to go to the next item. Or It could be just an
extra function button. The name of the next_btn part is
"elm.swallow.next_btn" */
@in content: Evas.Object *; /*@ The main content object. The name of content part is
"elm.swallow.content" */
@in item_style: const(char)* @nullable; /*@ The current item style name. $NULL would be default. */
@in after: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The naviframe item to insert after.]]
@in title_label: const(char)* @optional; [[The label in the title area. The name of the title label part is "elm.text.title"]]
@in prev_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; [[The button to go to the previous item. If it is NULL, then naviframe will create a back button automatically. The name of the prev_btn part is "elm.swallow.prev_btn"]]
@in next_btn: Evas.Object * @nullable; [[The button to go to the next item. Or It could be just an extra function button. The name of the next_btn part is "elm.swallow.next_btn"]]
@in content: Evas.Object *; [[The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content"]]
@in item_style: const(char)* @nullable; [[The current item style name. $NULL would be default.]]