Index: migrate docs.

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Tom Hacohen 2015-08-07 15:19:21 +01:00
parent fc10f955dd
commit f308423f1a
1 changed files with 113 additions and 252 deletions

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@ -3,371 +3,232 @@ class Elm.Index (Elm.Layout, Evas.Clickable_Interface, Evas.Selectable_Interface
eo_prefix: elm_obj_index;
methods {
@property autohide_disabled {
[[Enable or disable auto hiding feature for a given index widget.]]
set {
Enable or disable auto hiding feature for a given index widget.
@see elm_index_autohide_disabled_get()
@ingroup Index */
get {
Get whether auto hiding feature is enabled or not for a given index widget.
@return $true, if auto hiding is disabled, $false otherwise
@see elm_index_autohide_disabled_set() for more details
@ingroup Index */
values {
disabled: bool; /*@ $true to disable auto hiding, $false to enable */
disabled: bool; [[$true to disable auto hiding, $false to enable]]
@property omit_enabled {
[[Enable or disable omit feature for a given index widget.
@since 1.8]]
set {
Enable or disable omit feature for a given index widget.
@see elm_index_omit_enabled_get()
@since 1.8
@ingroup Index */
get {
Get whether omit feature is enabled or not for a given index widget.
@return $true, if omit feature is enabled, $false otherwise
@see elm_index_omit_enabled_set()
@since 1.8
@ingroup Index */
values {
enabled: bool; /*@ $true to enable omit feature, $false to disable */
enabled: bool; [[$true to enable omit feature, $false to disable]]
@property priority {
[[Control priority group of index. Priority group will be shown as many items as it can, and other group will be shown one character only.
@since 1.16]]
set {
Set priority group of index. Priority group will be shown as many items as it can,
and other group will be shown one character only.
@see elm_index_priority_get()
@since 1.16
@ingroup Index */
get {
Get current priority group of index.
@return priority value in index
@see elm_index_priority_set()
@since 1.16
@ingroup Index */
values {
priority: int; /*@ $priority target priority value in index */
priority: int; [[$priority target priority value in index]]
@property horizontal {
set {
Enable or disable horizontal mode on the index object
[[Enable or disable horizontal mode on the index object
@note Vertical mode is set by default.
Note: Vertical mode is set by default.
On horizontal mode items are displayed on index from left to right,
instead of from top to bottom. Also, the index will scroll horizontally.
@see elm_index_horizontal_get()
@ingroup Index */
instead of from top to bottom. Also, the index will scroll horizontally.]]
set {
get {
Get a value whether horizontal mode is enabled or not.
@return $true means horizontal mode selection is enabled.
$false indicates it's disabled. If $obj is $NULL,
$false is returned.
@see elm_index_horizontal_set() for details.
@ingroup Index */
values {
horizontal: bool; /*@ $true to enable horizontal or $false to
disable it, i.e., to enable vertical mode. it's an area one @ref Fingers
"finger" wide on the bottom side of the index widget's container. */
horizontal: bool; [[$true to enable horizontal or $false to
disable it, i.e., to enable vertical mode. it's an area one Fingers
"finger" wide on the bottom side of the index widget's container.]]
@property delay_change_time {
[[Set a delay change time for index object.
Note: delay time is 0.2 sec by default.]]
set {
Set a delay change time for index object.
@note delay time is 0.2 sec by default.
@see elm_index_delay_change_time_get
@ingroup Index */
get {
Get a delay change time for index object.
@return delay change time in seconds
@see elm_index_delay_change_time_set
@ingroup Index */
values {
dtime: double; /*@ The delay change time to set. */
dtime: double; [[The delay change time to set.]]
@property indicator_disabled {
[[Control the indicator as to be disabled.
In Index widget, Indicator notes popup text, which shows a letter has been selecting.]]
set {
Set the indicator as to be disabled.
In Index widget, Indicator notes popup text, which shows a letter has been selecting.
@see elm_index_indicator_disabled_get()
@ingroup Index */
get {
Get the value of indicator's disabled status.
@return true if the indicator is disabled.
@see elm_index_indicator_disabled_set()
@ingroup Index */
values {
disabled: bool; /*@ $true to disable it, $false to enable it */
disabled: bool; [[$true to disable it, $false to enable it]]
@property item_level {
[[Set the items level for a given index widget.
See: elm_index_item_level_get()]]
set {
Set the items level for a given index widget.
@see elm_index_item_level_get()
@ingroup Index */
get {
Get the items level set for a given index widget.
@return $0 or $1, which are the levels $obj might be at.
@see elm_index_item_level_set() for more information
@ingroup Index */
values {
level: int; /*@ $0 or $1, the currently implemented levels. */
level: int; [[$0 or $1, the currently implemented levels.]]
level_go {
Flush the changes made to the index items so they work correctly
[[Flush the changes made to the index items so they work correctly
This flushes any changes made to items indicating the object is ready to
go. You should call this before any changes you expect to work. This
is similar to elm_list_go().
@warning If not called, it won't display the index properly.
@ingroup Index */
This flushes any changes made to items indicating the object is ready to
go. You should call this before any changes you expect to work. This
is similar to elm_list_go().
Warning: If not called, it won't display the index properly.]]
params {
@in level: int; /*@ The index level (one of $0 or $1) where changes were made */
@in level: int; [[The index level (one of $0 or $1) where changes were made]]
item_prepend {
Prepend a new item on a given index widget.
[[Prepend a new item on a given index widget.
@return A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed", @c
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed",
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.]]
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors]]
params {
@in letter: const(char)*; /*@ Letter under which the item should be indexed */
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; /*@ The function to call when the item is selected. */
@in data: const(void)* @optional; /*@ The item data to set for the index's item */
@in letter: const(char)*; [[Letter under which the item should be indexed]]
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is selected.]]
@in data: const(void)* @optional; [[The item data to set for the index's item]]
item_clear {
Removes @b all items from a given index widget.
If deletion callbacks are set, via elm_object_item_del_cb_set(),
that callback function will be called for each item in $obj.
@ingroup Index */
[[Removes all items from a given index widget.
If deletion callbacks are set, via elm_object_item_del_cb_set(),
that callback function will be called for each item in $obj.]]
item_insert_after {
Insert a new item into the index object after item $after.
[[Insert a new item into the index object after item $after.
@return A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed",
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed", @c
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
Note: If $relative is $NULL this function will behave as
@note If $relative is $NULL this function will behave as
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors]]
params {
@in after: Elm.Widget_Item *; /*@ The index item to insert after. */
@in letter: const(char)*; /*@ Letter under which the item should be indexed */
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; /*@ The function to call when the item is clicked. */
@in data: const(void)* @optional; /*@ The item data to set for the index's item */
@in after: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The index item to insert after.]]
@in letter: const(char)*; [[Letter under which the item should be indexed]]
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
@in data: const(void)* @optional; [[The item data to set for the index's item]]
item_find {
Find a given index widget's item, <b>using item data</b>.
[[Find a given index widget's item, using item data.]]
@return The index item handle, if found, or $NULL otherwise
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The index item handle, if found, or $NULL otherwise]]
params {
@in data: const(void)*; /*@ The item data pointed to by the desired index item */
@in data: const(void)*; [[The item data pointed to by the desired index item]]
item_insert_before {
Insert a new item into the index object before item $before.
[[Insert a new item into the index object before item $before.
@return A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed",
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed", @c
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
Note: If $relative is $NULL this function will behave as
@note If $relative is $NULL this function will behave as
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors]]
params {
@in before: Elm.Widget_Item *; /*@ The index item to insert after. */
@in letter: const(char)*; /*@ Letter under which the item should be indexed */
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; /*@ The function to call when the item is clicked. */
@in data: const(void)* @optional; /*@ The item data to set for the index's item */
@in before: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The index item to insert after.]]
@in letter: const(char)*; [[Letter under which the item should be indexed]]
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
@in data: const(void)* @optional; [[The item data to set for the index's item]]
item_append {
Append a new item on a given index widget.
[[Append a new item on a given index widget.
@return A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed",
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.]]
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed", @c
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors]]
params {
@in letter: const(char)*; /*@ Letter under which the item should be indexed */
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; /*@ The function to call when the item is selected. */
@in data: const(void)* @optional; /*@ The item data to set for the index's item */
@in letter: const(char)*; [[Letter under which the item should be indexed]]
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is selected.]]
@in data: const(void)* @optional; [[The item data to set for the index's item]]
selected_item_get @const {
Returns the last selected item, for a given index widget.
[[Returns the last selected item, for a given index widget.]]
@return The last item @b selected on $obj (or $NULL, on errors).
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[The last item selected on $obj (or $NULL, on errors).]]
params {
@in level: int; /*@ $0 or $1, the currently implemented levels. */
@in level: int; [[$0 or $1, the currently implemented levels.]]
item_sorted_insert {
Insert a new item into the given index widget, using $cmp_func
function to sort items (by item handles).
[[Insert a new item into the given index widget, using $cmp_func function to sort items (by item handles).
@return A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
Despite the most common usage of the $letter argument is for
single char strings, one could use arbitrary strings as index
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed",
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.]]
$item will be the pointer returned back on $"changed", @c
"delay,changed" and $"selected" smart events.
@ingroup Index */
return: Elm.Widget_Item *;
return: Elm.Widget_Item *; [[A handle to the item added or $NULL, on errors]]
params {
@in letter: const(char)*; /*@ Letter under which the item should be indexed */
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; /*@ The function to call when the item is clicked. */
@in data: const(void)* @optional; /*@ The item data to set for the index's item */
@in cmp_func: Eina_Compare_Cb; /*@ The comparing function to be used to sort index
items <b>by index item handles</b> */
@in cmp_data_func: Eina_Compare_Cb @optional; /*@ A @b fallback function to be called for the
sorting of index items <b>by item data</b>). It will be used
when $cmp_func returns $0 (equality), which means an index
item with provided item data already exists. To decide which
data item should be pointed to by the index item in question, @p
cmp_data_func will be used. If $cmp_data_func returns a
non-negative value, the previous index item data will be
replaced by the given $item pointer. If the previous data need
to be freed, it should be done by the $cmp_data_func function,
because all references to it will be lost. If this function is
not provided ($NULL is given), index items will be @b
duplicated, if $cmp_func returns $0. */
@in letter: const(char)*; [[Letter under which the item should be indexed]]
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
@in data: const(void)* @optional; [[The item data to set for the index's item]]
@in cmp_func: Eina_Compare_Cb; [[The comparing function to be used to sort index items by index item handles]]
@in cmp_data_func: Eina_Compare_Cb @optional; [[A fallback function to be called for the
sorting of index items by item data). It will be used
when $cmp_func returns $0 (equality), which means an index
item with provided item data already exists. To decide which
data item should be pointed to by the index item in question,
$cmp_data_func will be used. If $cmp_data_func returns a
non-negative value, the previous index item data will be
replaced by the given $item pointer. If the previous data need
to be freed, it should be done by the $cmp_data_func function,
because all references to it will be lost. If this function is
not provided ($NULL is given), index items will be
duplicated, if $cmp_func returns $0.]]