From f08499411eebfbb63b87d7e06395554c5697e465 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Massimo Maiurana Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:17:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] hungurian translation for config files SVN revision: 38372 --- config/default/profile.desktop | 2 ++ config/illume/profile.desktop | 1 + config/minimalist/profile.desktop | 2 ++ config/netbook/profile.desktop | 1 + config/scaleable/profile.desktop | 2 ++ config/standard/profile.desktop | 2 ++ 6 files changed, 10 insertions(+) diff --git a/config/default/profile.desktop b/config/default/profile.desktop index 3413dbd4d..915fbfe70 100644 --- a/config/default/profile.desktop +++ b/config/default/profile.desktop @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Type=Link Name=Default Name[it]=Predefinito +Name[hu]=Alapértelmezett Icon=icon.png Comment=Select this to begin
the initial setup again. Comment[it]=Selezionare questo per
riprendere la
configurazione iniziale. +Comment[hu]=Válaszd ezt az alap
beállítáok megismétléséhez. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/illume/profile.desktop b/config/illume/profile.desktop index 06218bfa5..681781e8b 100644 --- a/config/illume/profile.desktop +++ b/config/illume/profile.desktop @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ Name=Illume Icon=icon.png Comment=Illume profile for
embedded systems like
phones and web
tablets with tiny
touchscreen displays.
Only use this if
you really have
such a device. Comment[it]=Profilo Illume per
sistemi embedded come
cellulari e webpad
con piccoli display
Usatelo solo se
avete realmente un
dispositivo simile. +Comment[hu]=Illume profil
telefonokhoz, érintőképernyőkhöz.
Csak akkor használd ezt,
ha valóban ilyen eszközöd van. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/minimalist/profile.desktop b/config/minimalist/profile.desktop index 9c3e59a02..c9c64a1f1 100644 --- a/config/minimalist/profile.desktop +++ b/config/minimalist/profile.desktop @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Type=Link Name=Minimalist Name[it]=Minimalista +Name[hu]=Minimalista Icon=icon.png Comment=A mininimalist setup
with very few things on
the screen. Should
appeal to Those
that like as little
clutter as possible. Comment[it]=Configurazione minima
con pochissime cose
sullo schermo.
Dovrebbe piacere a chi
desidera avere meno
roba possibile. +Comment[hu]=Minimalist beállítások
néhány dologgal
a képernyőn. Ez egy
teljesen alap beállítás. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/netbook/profile.desktop b/config/netbook/profile.desktop index 7e685c653..f6ef9b823 100644 --- a/config/netbook/profile.desktop +++ b/config/netbook/profile.desktop @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ Name=Netbook Icon=icon.png Comment=If you have a very
small, low-powered laptop
(also known as Netbooks),
then this profile is for
you. It has heavier
features turned off
to save resources. Comment[it]=Se avete un portatile
molto piccolo e con
poca potenza (noti
anche come Netbook),
allora questo profilo
fa per voi.
In questo sono state
disattivate le
funzionalità più
pesanti per
risparmiare risorse. +Comment[hu]=Ha egy kicsi erőforrással
bíró eszközöd van, laptop,
akkor ez a számodraKevés erőforrást igényel. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/scaleable/profile.desktop b/config/scaleable/profile.desktop index 7dc1347d3..fc371a2fb 100644 --- a/config/scaleable/profile.desktop +++ b/config/scaleable/profile.desktop @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Type=Link Name=Scaleable Name[it]=Scalabile +Name[hu]=Kalibrálható Icon=icon.png Comment=The Standard setup, but
with automatic scaling
enabled to adapt to
the resolution of your
display, if it is set
correctly. Comment[it]=La configurazione
standard ma con
scalatura automatica
abilitata per essere
adattata alla
risoluzione del vostro
schermo se impostata
correttamente. +Comment[hu]=Az általános beállítás,
kiegészítve a kalibrációval,
amely automaikusan a képernyő
felbontásodhoz igazítja az
ablakok méretét. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/standard/profile.desktop b/config/standard/profile.desktop index e641772fd..44b7e70e6 100644 --- a/config/standard/profile.desktop +++ b/config/standard/profile.desktop @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ [Desktop Entry] Type=Link Name=Standard +Name[hu]=Általános Icon=icon.png Comment=This is the standard
profile that is
universal for most
desktop and laptop
systems. Choose this
if you are not
sure what to choose. Comment[it]=Questo è il profilo
standard, universale
per la maggior
parte dei sistemi
desktop e portatili.
Scegliete questo se
non siete sicuri di
cosa scegliere. +Comment[hu]=Ez az általános,
alap beállítás,
amely megfelelő a
legtöbb laptop és
asztali gép számára. \ No newline at end of file