#include "e.h" typedef struct _E_Maximize_Rect E_Maximize_Rect; struct _E_Maximize_Rect { int x1, yy1, x2, y2; }; #define OBSTACLE(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) \ { \ r = E_NEW(E_Maximize_Rect, 1); \ r->x1 = (_x1); r->yy1 = (_y1); r->x2 = (_x2); r->y2 = (_y2); \ rects = eina_list_append(rects, r); \ } static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *list, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2, E_Maximize dir); static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_both(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2); static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_horiz(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *x1, int *x2, int *bx, int *by, int *bw, int *bh); static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_vert(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *yy1, int *y2, int *bx, int *by, int *bw, int *bh); EAPI void e_maximize_client_shelf_fit(E_Client *ec, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2, E_Maximize dir) { e_maximize_client_shelf_fill(ec, x1, yy1, x2, y2, dir); } EAPI void e_maximize_client_dock_fit(E_Client *ec, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2) { E_Client *ec2; int cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2; cx1 = ec->zone->x; if (x1) cx1 = *x1; cy1 = ec->zone->y; if (yy1) cy1 = *yy1; cx2 = ec->zone->x + ec->zone->w; if (x2) cx2 = *x2; cy2 = ec->zone->y + ec->zone->h; if (y2) cy2 = *y2; E_CLIENT_FOREACH(ec->comp, ec2) { enum { NONE, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT } edge = NONE; if ((ec2->zone != ec->zone) || (ec2 == ec) || (ec2->netwm.type != E_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)) continue; if (((ec2->x == ec2->zone->x) || ((ec2->x + ec2->w) == (ec2->zone->x + ec2->zone->w))) && ((ec2->y == ec2->zone->y) || ((ec2->x + ec2->h) == (ec2->zone->x + ec2->zone->h)))) { /* corner */ if (ec2->w > ec2->h) { if (ec2->y == ec2->zone->y) edge = TOP; else if ((ec2->y + ec2->h) == (ec2->zone->y + ec2->zone->h)) edge = BOTTOM; } else { if ((ec2->x + ec2->w) == (ec2->zone->x + ec2->zone->w)) edge = RIGHT; else if (ec2->x == ec2->zone->x) edge = LEFT; } } else { if (ec2->y == ec2->zone->y) edge = TOP; else if ((ec2->y + ec2->h) == (ec2->zone->y + ec2->zone->h)) edge = BOTTOM; else if (ec2->x == ec2->zone->x) edge = LEFT; else if ((ec2->x + ec2->w) == (ec2->zone->x + ec2->zone->w)) edge = RIGHT; } switch (edge) { case TOP: if ((ec2->y + ec2->h) > cy1) cy1 = (ec2->y + ec2->h); break; case RIGHT: if (ec2->x < cx2) cx2 = ec2->x; break; case BOTTOM: if (ec2->y < cy2) cy2 = ec2->y; break; case LEFT: if ((ec2->x + ec2->w) > cx1) cx1 = (ec2->x + ec2->w); break; case NONE: printf("Crazy people. Dock isn't at the edge.\n"); break; } } if (x1) *x1 = cx1; if (yy1) *yy1 = cy1; if (x2) *x2 = cx2; if (y2) *y2 = cy2; } EAPI void e_maximize_client_shelf_fill(E_Client *ec, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2, E_Maximize dir) { Eina_List *l, *rects = NULL; E_Shelf *es; E_Maximize_Rect *r; l = e_shelf_list_all(); EINA_LIST_FREE(l, es) { Eina_List *ll; E_Config_Shelf_Desk *sd; if (es->cfg->overlap) continue; if (!e_shelf_desk_visible(es, ec->desk)) continue; OBSTACLE(es->x + es->zone->x, es->y + es->zone->y, es->x + es->zone->x + es->w, es->y + es->zone->y + es->h); } if (rects) { _e_maximize_client_rects_fill(ec, rects, x1, yy1, x2, y2, dir); E_FREE_LIST(rects, free); } } EAPI void e_maximize_client_client_fill(E_Client *ec, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2, E_Maximize dir) { Eina_List *rects = NULL; E_Maximize_Rect *r; E_Client *ec2; E_CLIENT_FOREACH(ec->comp, ec2) { if ((ec2->zone != ec->zone) || (ec == ec2) || (ec2->desk != ec->desk && !ec2->sticky) || (ec2->iconic)) continue; OBSTACLE(ec2->x, ec2->y, ec2->x + ec2->w, ec2->y + ec2->h); } if (rects) { _e_maximize_client_rects_fill(ec, rects, x1, yy1, x2, y2, dir); E_FREE_LIST(rects, free); } } static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2, E_Maximize dir) { if ((dir & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH) { _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_both(ec, rects, x1, yy1, x2, y2); } else { int bx, by, bw, bh; bx = ec->x; by = ec->y; bw = ec->w; bh = ec->h; if ((dir & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL) _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_horiz(ec, rects, x1, x2, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh); else if ((dir & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL) _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_vert(ec, rects, yy1, y2, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh); } } static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_both(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *x1, int *yy1, int *x2, int *y2) { int hx1, hy1, hx2, hy2; int vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2; int bx, by, bw, bh; hx1 = vx1 = ec->zone->x; if (x1) hx1 = vx1 = *x1; hy1 = vy1 = ec->zone->y; if (yy1) hy1 = vy1 = *yy1; hx2 = vx2 = ec->zone->x + ec->zone->w; if (x2) hx2 = vx2 = *x2; hy2 = vy2 = ec->zone->y + ec->zone->h; if (y2) hy2 = vy2 = *y2; /* Init working values, try maximizing horizontally first */ bx = ec->x; by = ec->y; bw = ec->w; bh = ec->h; _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_horiz(ec, rects, &hx1, &hx2, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh); _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_vert(ec, rects, &hy1, &hy2, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh); /* Reset working values, try maximizing vertically first */ bx = ec->x; by = ec->y; bw = ec->w; bh = ec->h; _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_vert(ec, rects, &vy1, &vy2, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh); _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_horiz(ec, rects, &vx1, &vx2, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh); /* Use the result set that gives the largest volume */ if (((hx2 - hx1) * (hy2 - hy1)) > ((vx2 - vx1) * (vy2 - vy1))) { if (x1) *x1 = hx1; if (yy1) *yy1 = hy1; if (x2) *x2 = hx2; if (y2) *y2 = hy2; } else { if (x1) *x1 = vx1; if (yy1) *yy1 = vy1; if (x2) *x2 = vx2; if (y2) *y2 = vy2; } } static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_horiz(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *x1, int *x2, int *bx, int *by, int *bw, int *bh) { Eina_List *l; E_Maximize_Rect *rect; int cx1, cx2; cx1 = ec->zone->x; if (x1) cx1 = *x1; cx2 = ec->zone->x + ec->zone->w; if (x2) cx2 = *x2; /* Expand left */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(rects, l, rect) { if ((rect->x2 > cx1) && (rect->x2 <= *bx) && E_INTERSECTS(0, rect->yy1, ec->zone->w, (rect->y2 - rect->yy1), 0, *by, ec->zone->w, *bh)) { cx1 = rect->x2; } } *bw += (*bx - cx1); *bx = cx1; /* Expand right */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(rects, l, rect) { if ((rect->x1 < cx2) && (rect->x1 >= (*bx + *bw)) && E_INTERSECTS(0, rect->yy1, ec->zone->w, (rect->y2 - rect->yy1), 0, *by, ec->zone->w, *bh)) { cx2 = rect->x1; } } *bw = (cx2 - cx1); if (x1) *x1 = cx1; if (x2) *x2 = cx2; } static void _e_maximize_client_rects_fill_vert(E_Client *ec, Eina_List *rects, int *yy1, int *y2, int *bx, int *by, int *bw, int *bh) { Eina_List *l; E_Maximize_Rect *rect; int cy1, cy2; cy1 = ec->zone->y; if (yy1) cy1 = *yy1; cy2 = ec->zone->y + ec->zone->h; if (y2) cy2 = *y2; /* Expand up */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(rects, l, rect) { if ((rect->y2 > cy1) && (rect->y2 <= *by) && E_INTERSECTS(rect->x1, 0, (rect->x2 - rect->x1), ec->zone->h, *bx, 0, *bw, ec->zone->h)) { cy1 = rect->y2; } } *bh += (*by - cy1); *by = cy1; /* Expand down */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(rects, l, rect) { if ((rect->yy1 < cy2) && (rect->yy1 >= (*by + *bh)) && E_INTERSECTS(rect->x1, 0, (rect->x2 - rect->x1), ec->zone->h, *bx, 0, *bw, ec->zone->h)) { cy2 = rect->yy1; } } *bh = (cy2 - cy1); if (yy1) *yy1 = cy1; if (y2) *y2 = cy2; }