#include #include #include "config.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" #include "e_mod_config.h" #define CLIMBER_PROB 4 // 4 Means: one climber every 5 - 1 Means: all climber - !!Don't set to 0 #define FALLING_PROB 5 #define MAX_FALLER_HEIGHT 300 #define FLYER_PROB 1000 // every n animation cicle #define CUSTOM_PROB 600 // every n animation cicle //_RAND(prob) is true one time every prob #define _RAND(prob) ( ( random() % prob ) == 0 ) /* module private routines */ static int _is_inside_any_win(Population *pop, int x, int y, int ret_value); static Population *_population_init(E_Module *m); static void _population_shutdown(Population *pop); static int _cb_animator(void *data); static void _population_load(Population *pop); static void _theme_load(Population *pop); static void _start_walking_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y); static void _start_climbing_at(Penguin *tux, int at_x); static void _start_falling_at(Penguin *tux, int at_x); static void _start_flying_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y); static void _start_splatting_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y); static void _start_custom_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y); //static void _win_shape_change(void *data, E_Container_Shape *es, E_Container_Shape_Change ch); static void _reborn(Penguin *tux); static void _cb_custom_end(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *emi, const char *src); /* public module routines. all modules must have these */ EAPI E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Penguins" }; EAPI E_Module *penguins_mod = NULL; EAPI void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { Population *pop; char buf[4096]; /* Set up module's message catalogue */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/locale", e_module_dir_get(m)); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, buf); bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); pop = _population_init(m); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/e-module-penguins.edj", e_module_dir_get(m)); e_configure_registry_category_add("appearance", 10, D_("Appearance"), NULL, "enlightenment/appearance"); e_configure_registry_item_add("appearance/penguins", 150, D_("Penguins"), NULL, buf, e_int_config_penguins_module); penguins_mod = m; return pop; } EAPI int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m) { Population *pop; e_configure_registry_item_del("appearance/penguins"); e_configure_registry_category_del("appearance"); pop = m->data; if (pop) { if (pop->config_dialog) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(pop->config_dialog)); pop->config_dialog = NULL; } _population_shutdown(pop); } return 1; } EAPI int e_modapi_save(E_Module *m) { Population *pop; pop = m->data; if (!pop) return 1; e_config_domain_save("module.penguins", pop->conf_edd, pop->conf); return 1; } /* module private routines */ static Population * _population_init(E_Module *m) { Population *pop; Evas_List *managers, *l, *l2; printf("PENGUINS: Starting up...\n"); pop = calloc(1, sizeof(Population)); if (!pop) return NULL; pop->module = m; pop->conf_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("Penguins_Config", Config); #undef T #undef D #define T Config #define D pop->conf_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, zoom, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, penguins_count, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, theme, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, alpha, INT); pop->conf = e_config_domain_load("module.penguins", pop->conf_edd); if (!pop->conf) { char buf[4096]; pop->conf = E_NEW(Config, 1); pop->conf->zoom = 1; pop->conf->penguins_count = 3; pop->conf->alpha = 200; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/themes/default.edj", e_module_dir_get(m)); pop->conf->theme = evas_stringshare_add(buf); } managers = e_manager_list(); for (l = managers; l; l = l->next) { E_Manager *man; man = l->data; for (l2 = man->containers; l2; l2 = l2->next) { E_Container *con; con = l2->data; printf("PENGUINS: E_container found: '%s' [x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d]\n", con->name, con->x, con->y, con->w, con->h); pop->cons = evas_list_append(pop->cons, con); pop->canvas = con->bg_evas; //e_container_shape_change_callback_add(con, _win_shape_change, NULL); /* for (l3 = e_container_shape_list_get(con); l3; l3 = l3->next) { E_Container_Shape *es; int x, y, w, h; es = l3->data; if (es->visible) { e_container_shape_geometry_get(es, &x, &y, &w, &h); printf("E_shape: [%d] x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", es->visible, x, y, w, h); } } */ } } evas_output_viewport_get(pop->canvas, NULL, NULL, &pop->width, &pop->height); //printf("PENGUINS: Get themes list\n"); Ecore_List *files; char *filename; char *name; char buf[4096]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/themes", e_module_dir_get(m)); files = ecore_file_ls(buf); while ((filename = ecore_list_next(files))) { if (ecore_str_has_suffix(filename, ".edj")) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/themes/%s", e_module_dir_get(m), filename); name = edje_file_data_get(buf, "PopulationName"); if (name) { printf("PENGUINS: Theme found: %s (%s)\n", filename, name); pop->themes = evas_list_append(pop->themes, strdup(buf)); } } } ecore_list_destroy(files); _theme_load(pop); _population_load(pop); pop->animator = ecore_animator_add(_cb_animator, pop); //srand(ecore_time_get()); TODO we need it? return pop; } Evas_Bool _action_free(Evas_Hash *hash, const char *key, void *data, void *fdata) { Action *a; a = data; //printf("PENGUINS: Free Action '%s' :(\n", a->name); E_FREE(a->name); E_FREE(a); return 1; } static void _population_free(Population *pop) { printf("PENGUINS: Free Population\n"); while (pop->penguins) { Penguin *tux; //printf("PENGUINS: Free TUX :)\n"); tux = pop->penguins->data; evas_object_del(tux->obj); pop->penguins = evas_list_remove_list(pop->penguins, pop->penguins); E_FREE(tux); tux = NULL; } while (pop->customs) { Custom_Action *cus; //printf("PENGUINS: Free Custom Action\n"); cus = pop->customs->data; E_FREE(cus->name); E_FREE(cus->left_program_name); E_FREE(cus->right_program_name); pop->customs = evas_list_remove_list(pop->customs, pop->customs); E_FREE(cus); cus = NULL; } evas_hash_foreach(pop->actions, _action_free, NULL); evas_hash_free(pop->actions); pop->actions = NULL; } /* static void _real_population_shutdown(Population *pop) { } */ static void _population_shutdown(Population *pop) { //printf("PENGUINS: KILL 'EM ALL\n"); while (pop->cons) { E_Container *con; con = pop->cons->data; pop->cons = evas_list_remove_list(pop->cons, pop->cons); } _population_free(pop); if (pop->animator) ecore_animator_del(pop->animator); while (pop->themes) { //printf("PENGUINS: Free Theme '%s'\n", (char *)pop->themes->data); pop->themes = evas_list_remove_list(pop->themes, pop->themes); } if (pop->conf->theme) evas_stringshare_del(pop->conf->theme); E_FREE(pop->conf); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(pop->conf_edd); E_FREE(pop); pop = NULL; } void _penguins_cb_config_updated(void *data) { Population *pop; pop = (Population *)data; if (!pop) return; _population_free(pop); _theme_load(pop); _population_load(pop); } static Action* _load_action(Population *pop, const char *filename, char *name, int id) { Action *act; char *data; data = edje_file_data_get(filename, name); if (!data) return NULL; act = calloc(1, sizeof(Action)); if (!act) return NULL; act->name = strdup(name); sscanf(data, "%d %d %d", &act->w, &act->h, &act->speed); act->w = act->w * pop->conf->zoom; act->h = act->h * pop->conf->zoom; act->speed = act->speed * pop->conf->zoom; act->id = id; pop->actions = evas_hash_add(pop->actions, name, act); return act; } static Custom_Action* _load_custom_action(Population *pop, const char *filename, char *name) { Custom_Action *c; char *data; char buf[25]; data = edje_file_data_get(filename, name); if (!data) return NULL; c = calloc(1, sizeof(Custom_Action)); if (!c) return NULL; c->name = strdup(name); sscanf(data, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", &c->w, &c->h, &c->h_speed, &c->v_speed, &c->r_min, &c->r_max); c->w = c->w * pop->conf->zoom; c->h = c->h * pop->conf->zoom; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "start_custom_%d_left", pop->custom_num+1); c->left_program_name = strdup(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "start_custom_%d_right", pop->custom_num+1); c->right_program_name = strdup(buf); pop->customs = evas_list_append(pop->customs, c); pop->custom_num++; return c; } Evas_Bool hash_fn(Evas_Hash *hash, const char *key, void *data, void *fdata) { Action *a = data; printf("PENGUINS: Load action: '%s' w:%d h:%d speed:%d\n", key, a->w, a->h, a->speed); return 1; } static void _theme_load(Population *pop) { char *name; char buf[15]; int i; pop->actions = NULL; pop->customs = NULL; pop->custom_num = 0; name = edje_file_data_get(pop->conf->theme, "PopulationName"); if (!name) return; printf("PENGUINS: Load theme: %s (%s)\n", name, pop->conf->theme); // load standard actions _load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Walker", ID_WALKER); _load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Faller", ID_FALLER); _load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Climber", ID_CLIMBER); _load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Floater", ID_FLOATER); //_load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Bomber"); _load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Splatter", ID_SPLATTER); _load_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, "Flyer", ID_FLYER); // load custom actions i = 2; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Custom_1"); while (_load_custom_action(pop, pop->conf->theme, buf)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Custom_%d", i++); evas_hash_foreach(pop->actions, hash_fn, NULL); Evas_List *l; for (l = pop->customs; l; l = l->next ) { Custom_Action *c = l->data; printf("PENGUINS: Load custom action: name:'%s' w:%d h:%d h_speed:%d v_speed:%d\n", c->name, c->w, c->h, c->h_speed, c->v_speed); } } static void _population_load(Population *pop) { Evas_Object *o; Evas_Coord xx, yy, ww, hh; int i; Penguin *tux; evas_output_viewport_get(pop->canvas, &xx, &yy, &ww, &hh); //Create edje printf("PENGUINS: Creating %d penguins\n", pop->conf->penguins_count); for (i = 0; i < pop->conf->penguins_count; i++) { tux = malloc(sizeof(Penguin)); o = edje_object_add(pop->canvas); edje_object_file_set(o, pop->conf->theme, "anims"); tux->action = evas_hash_find(pop->actions,"Faller"); evas_object_image_alpha_set(o, 0.5); evas_object_color_set(o, pop->conf->alpha, pop->conf->alpha, pop->conf->alpha, pop->conf->alpha); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); tux->obj = o; tux->pop = pop; pop->penguins = evas_list_append(pop->penguins, tux); evas_object_show(o); _reborn(tux); } } static void _reborn(Penguin *tux) { //printf("PENGUINS: Reborn :)\n"); tux->reverse = random() % (2); tux->x = random() % (tux->pop->width); tux->y = 0; tux->custom = 0; evas_object_move(tux->obj, (int)tux->x, (int)tux->y); _start_falling_at(tux, tux->x); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); evas_object_image_fill_set(tux->obj, 0, 0, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); } static int _cb_animator(void *data) { Population *pop; Evas_List *l; pop = data; for (l = pop->penguins; l; l = l->next) { Penguin *tux; int touch; tux = l->data; // ****** CUSTOM ACTIONS ******** if (tux->custom) { tux->x += ((double)tux->custom->h_speed / 100); tux->y += ((double)tux->custom->v_speed / 100); if (!_is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2), (int)tux->y+tux->action->h+1, _RET_NONE_VALUE)) { edje_object_signal_callback_del(tux->obj,"custom_done","edje", _cb_custom_end); _start_falling_at(tux, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2)); tux->custom = NULL; } } // ****** FALLER ******** else if (tux->action->id == ID_FALLER) { tux->y += ((double)tux->action->speed / 100); if ((touch = _is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2), (int)tux->y + tux->action->h, _RET_TOP_VALUE))) { if (( (int)tux->y - tux->faller_h) > MAX_FALLER_HEIGHT) _start_splatting_at(tux, touch); else _start_walking_at(tux, touch); } else if (( (int)tux->y + tux->action->h ) > pop->height) { if (( (int)tux->y - tux->faller_h) > MAX_FALLER_HEIGHT) _start_splatting_at(tux, pop->height); else _start_walking_at(tux, pop->height); } } // ****** FLOATER ******** else if (tux->action->id == ID_FLOATER) { tux->y += ((double)tux->action->speed / 100); if ((touch = _is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2), (int)tux->y + tux->action->h, _RET_TOP_VALUE) )) _start_walking_at(tux, touch); else if (( (int)tux->y + tux->action->h ) > pop->height) _start_walking_at(tux, pop->height); } // ****** WALKER ******** else if (tux->action->id == ID_WALKER) { // random flyer if (_RAND(FLYER_PROB)){ _start_flying_at(tux, tux->y); } // random custom else if (_RAND(CUSTOM_PROB)){ _start_custom_at(tux, tux->y+tux->action->h); } // left else if (tux->reverse) { tux->x -= ((double)tux->action->speed / 100); if ((touch = _is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x , (int)tux->y, _RET_RIGHT_VALUE)) || tux->x < 0) { if (_RAND(CLIMBER_PROB)) _start_climbing_at(tux, touch); else { edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_walking_right", "epenguins"); tux->reverse = FALSE; } } if ((tux->y + tux->action->h) < pop->height) if (!_is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2) , (int)tux->y+tux->action->h+1, _RET_NONE_VALUE)) _start_falling_at(tux, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2)); } // right else { tux->x += ((double)tux->action->speed / 100); if ((touch = _is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x + tux->action->w, (int)tux->y, _RET_LEFT_VALUE)) || (tux->x + tux->action->w) > pop->width) { if (_RAND(CLIMBER_PROB)) { if (touch) _start_climbing_at(tux, touch); else _start_climbing_at(tux, pop->width); } else { edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_walking_left", "epenguins"); tux->reverse = TRUE; } } if ((tux->y + tux->action->h) < pop->height) if (!_is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2), (int)tux->y+tux->action->h+1, _RET_NONE_VALUE)) _start_falling_at(tux, (int)tux->x+(tux->action->w/2)); } } // ****** FLYER ******** else if (tux->action->id == ID_FLYER) { tux->y -= ((double)tux->action->speed / 100); tux->x += (random() % 3) - 1; if (tux->y < 0){ tux->reverse = !tux->reverse; _start_falling_at(tux, (int)tux->x); } } // ****** CLIMBER ******** else if (tux->action->id == ID_CLIMBER) { tux->y -= ((double)tux->action->speed / 100); // left if (tux->reverse) { if (!_is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x-1, (int)tux->y+(tux->action->h/2), _RET_NONE_VALUE)) { if (tux->x > 0) { tux->x-=(tux->action->w/2)+1; _start_walking_at(tux, (int)tux->y+(tux->action->h/2)); } } } // right else { if (!_is_inside_any_win(pop, (int)tux->x+tux->action->w+1, (int)tux->y+(tux->action->h/2), _RET_NONE_VALUE)) { if ((tux->x+tux->action->w) < pop->width) { tux->x+=(tux->action->w/2)+1; _start_walking_at(tux, (int)tux->y+(tux->action->h/2)); } } } if (tux->y < 0){ tux->reverse = !tux->reverse; _start_falling_at(tux, (int)tux->x); } } // printf("PENGUINS: Place tux at x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", tux->x, tux->y, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); evas_object_move(tux->obj, (int)tux->x, (int)tux->y); } return 1; } static int _is_inside_any_win(Population *pop, int x, int y, int ret_value) { Evas_List *l; E_Container *con; con = e_container_current_get(e_manager_current_get()); for (l = e_container_shape_list_get(con); l; l = l->next) { E_Container_Shape *es; int sx, sy, sw, sh; es = l->data; if (es->visible) { e_container_shape_geometry_get(es, &sx, &sy, &sw, &sh); //printf("PENGUINS: E_shape: [%d] x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", es->visible, sx, sy, sw, sh); if ( ((x > sx) && (x < (sx+sw))) && ((y > sy) && (y < (sy+sh))) ) { switch (ret_value) { case _RET_NONE_VALUE: return 1; break; case _RET_RIGHT_VALUE: return sx+sw; break; case _RET_BOTTOM_VALUE: return sy+sh; break; case _RET_TOP_VALUE: return sy; break; case _RET_LEFT_VALUE: return sx; break; default: return 1; } } } } return 0; } static void _start_walking_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y) { //printf("PENGUINS: Start walking...at %d\n", at_y); tux->action = evas_hash_find(tux->pop->actions, "Walker"); tux->y = at_y - tux->action->h; evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); if (tux->reverse) edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_walking_left", "epenguins"); else edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_walking_right", "epenguins"); } static void _start_climbing_at(Penguin *tux, int at_x) { //printf("PENGUINS: Start climbing...at: %d\n", at_x); tux->action = evas_hash_find(tux->pop->actions, "Climber"); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); if (tux->reverse) { tux->x = at_x; edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_climbing_left", "epenguins"); } else { tux->x = at_x - tux->action->w; edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_climbing_right", "epenguins"); } } static void _start_falling_at(Penguin *tux, int at_x) { if (_RAND(FALLING_PROB)) { //printf("PENGUINS: Start falling...\n"); tux->action = evas_hash_find(tux->pop->actions, "Faller"); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); if (tux->reverse) { tux->x = (double)(at_x - tux->action->w); edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_falling_left", "epenguins"); } else { tux->x = (double)at_x; edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_falling_right", "epenguins"); } } else { //printf("Start floating...\n"); tux->action = evas_hash_find(tux->pop->actions, "Floater"); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); if (tux->reverse) { tux->x = (double)(at_x - tux->action->w); edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_floating_left", "epenguins"); } else { tux->x = (double)at_x; edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_floating_right", "epenguins"); } } tux->faller_h = (int)tux->y; } static void _start_flying_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y) { tux->action = evas_hash_find(tux->pop->actions, "Flyer"); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); tux->y = at_y - tux->action->h; if (tux->reverse) edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_flying_left", "epenguins"); else edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_flying_right", "epenguins"); } static void _cb_splatter_end (void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *emi, const char *src) { _reborn((Penguin*)data); edje_object_signal_callback_del(o,"splatting_done","edje", _cb_splatter_end); } static void _start_splatting_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y) { // printf("PENGUINS: Start splatting...\n"); evas_object_hide(tux->obj); tux->action = evas_hash_find(tux->pop->actions, "Splatter"); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); evas_object_image_fill_set(tux->obj, 0, 0, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); tux->y = at_y - tux->action->h; if (tux->reverse) edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_splatting_left", "epenguins"); else edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, "start_splatting_right", "epenguins"); edje_object_signal_callback_add(tux->obj,"splatting_done","edje", _cb_splatter_end, tux); evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); evas_object_image_fill_set(tux->obj, 0, 0, tux->action->w, tux->action->h); evas_object_move(tux->obj,(int)tux->x,(int)tux->y); evas_object_show(tux->obj); } static void _cb_custom_end (void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *emi, const char *src) { Penguin* tux = data; // printf("PENGUINS: Custom action end.\n"); if (tux->r_count > 0) { if (tux->reverse) edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, tux->custom->left_program_name, "epenguins"); else edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, tux->custom->right_program_name, "epenguins"); tux->r_count--; } else { edje_object_signal_callback_del(o,"custom_done","edje", _cb_custom_end); _start_walking_at(tux, tux->y+tux->custom->h); tux->custom = NULL; } } static void _start_custom_at(Penguin *tux, int at_y) { int ran; if (tux->pop->custom_num < 1) return; ran = random() % (tux->pop->custom_num); tux->custom = evas_list_nth(tux->pop->customs, ran); if (!tux->custom) return; evas_object_resize(tux->obj, tux->custom->w, tux->custom->h); tux->y = at_y - tux->custom->h; if ( tux->custom->r_min == tux->custom->r_max) tux->r_count = tux->custom->r_min; else tux->r_count = tux->custom->r_min + (random() % (tux->custom->r_max - tux->custom->r_min + 1)); tux->r_count --; if (tux->reverse) edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, tux->custom->left_program_name, "epenguins"); else edje_object_signal_emit(tux->obj, tux->custom->right_program_name, "epenguins"); //printf("START Custom Action n %d (%s) repeat: %d\n", ran, tux->custom->left_program_name, tux->r_count); edje_object_signal_callback_add(tux->obj,"custom_done","edje", _cb_custom_end, tux); } /* static void _win_shape_change(void *data, E_Container_Shape *es, E_Container_Shape_Change ch) { //printf("Shape changed\n"); int x, y, w, h; switch (ch) { case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_ADD: break; case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_DEL: break; case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_SHOW: break; case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_HIDE: break; case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_MOVE: break; case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_RESIZE: break; case E_CONTAINER_SHAPE_RECTS: break; default: break; } } */