elua: xgettext parser: proper keyword parsing

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Daniel Kolesa 2014-05-27 14:22:51 +01:00
parent a47dc77a8a
commit 6896f2949e
1 changed files with 23 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local syntax_error = lexer.syntax_error
local yield = coroutine.yield
local saved_comments = {}
local saved_comment
local check_match = function(ls, a, b, line)
if ls.token.name ~= a then
@ -99,17 +99,35 @@ local parse = function(ls, keywords)
local tok = ls.token
while tok.name do
if tok.name == "<comment>" then
saved_comments[#saved_comments + 1] = tok.value
saved_comment = tok.value
elseif tok.name == "<name>" and keywords[tok.value] then
local kw = keywords[tok.value]
local cmt = saved_comments[#saved_comments]
saved_comments = {}
local args = parse_call(ls)
local n1, n2, cx, an = kw[1], kw[2], kw.context, kw.argnum
local n1arg, n2arg, cxarg = args[n1], args[n2], args[cx]
local n1argt, n2argt, cxargt = n1arg and (n1arg[2] ~= "<name>"),
n2arg and (n2arg[2] ~= "<name>"),
cxarg and (cxarg[2] ~= "<name>")
if not args then goto skip end
if an and #args ~= an then goto skip end
if #args < n1 then goto skip end
if n2 and #args < n2 then goto skip end
if cx and #args < cx then goto skip end
if not n1argt then goto skip end
if n2 and not n2argt then goto skip end
if cx and not cxargt then goto skip end
local sc = saved_comment
saved_comment = nil
yield {
n1arg[1], n2 and n2arg[1], context = cx and cxarg[1],
xcomment = kw.xcomment, comment = sc