exmaple page - show off new plugins

This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2015-04-16 13:48:09 +09:00
parent ecfa6880fb
commit 8d6ab2f06d
1 changed files with 77 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -92,6 +92,83 @@ Some text
>> Another level
>>> Yet another level
<itemtable header=test;c=column_a;c=column_b,column_c;c=column_d;fdelim=:>
column_b:<tablecell>text_a2 \\ This is an example
how to fill a cell over several lines</tablecell>
column_a:<tablecell>text_b1 \\ \\ As you can see, local DokuWiki CRLF sequences
can be added to force a linebreak in the cell. Other formatting
elements could be used as well.
|+//Extended Table Example//
! style="width: 12em;"|
A1 Header
! style="width: 10em;"|
B1 Header
|- style="background-color: #223344;"
{{ icon-enlightenment.png?50&nolink}}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consetetur sadipscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,
sed diam voluptua.
B2 Data
* //italic//
* ''monospace''
* [[:start|page link]]
Needs an extra empty line
after the end of whole table!
- Ordered list item 1
- Ordered list item 2
-- Ordered list item 3...
.. ... in multiple paragraphs
- Ordered list item 4
* Unordered list item
** Unordered list item...
.. ... in multiple paragraphs
- Ordered list, first level
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
-- Back to second level
- //Second?! What happened to third?//
.. //Quiet, you.//
- Back to first level
- Still at first level
? Definition list
: Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. [Source: W3C]
? Definition list w/ multiple paragraphs
:: The style sheet provided with this plugin will render these paragraphs...
.. ... to the left of the term being defined.
? Definition list w/ multiple "paragraphs"
: Another way to separate blocks of text in a definition...
: ... is to simply have multiple definitions for a term (or group of terms).
: This definition list has DD tags without any preceding DT tags.
: Hey, it's legal XHTML.
? Just like DT tags without following DD tags.
?? But DT tags can't contain paragraphs. That would __not__ be legal XHTML.
.. If you try, the result will be rendered oddly.