
555 lines
27 KiB
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#include "grammar/integral.hpp"
#include "grammar/generator.hpp"
#include "grammar/klass_def.hpp"
#include "blacklist.hh"
#include "grammar/indentation.hpp"
#include "grammar/list.hpp"
#include "grammar/alternative.hpp"
#include "type.hh"
#include "name_helpers.hh"
#include "async_function_definition.hh"
#include "function_definition.hh"
#include "function_registration.hh"
#include "function_declaration.hh"
#include "documentation.hh"
#include "part_definition.hh"
#include "events.hh"
#include "grammar/string.hpp"
#include "grammar/attribute_replace.hpp"
#include "grammar/integral.hpp"
#include "grammar/case.hpp"
#include "using_decl.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
namespace eolian_mono {
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
static bool generate_static_cast_method(OutputIterator sink, grammar::attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const &context)
return as_generator(
scope_tab << "///<summary>Casts obj into an instance of this type.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public static " << name_helpers::klass_interface_name(cls) << " static_cast(efl.IObject obj)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (obj == null)\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "throw new System.ArgumentNullException(\"obj\");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "return new " << name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(cls) << "(obj.raw_handle);\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
).generate(sink, nullptr, context);
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
static bool generate_equals_method(OutputIterator sink, Context const &context)
return as_generator(
scope_tab << "///<summary>Verifies if the given object is equals to this.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public override bool Equals(object obj)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "var other = obj as efl.IObject;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (other == null)\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return false;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "return this.raw_handle == other.raw_handle;\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Gets the hash code for this object based on the native pointer it points to.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public override int GetHashCode()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "return this.raw_handle.ToInt32();\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>How native pointer in string representation.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public override String ToString()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "return $\"{this.GetType().Name}@[{this.raw_handle.ToInt32():x}]\";\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
).generate(sink, nullptr, context);
/* Get the actual number of functions of a class, checking for blacklisted ones */
static std::size_t
get_inheritable_function_count(grammar::attributes::klass_def const& cls)
auto methods = cls.get_all_methods();
return std::count_if(methods.cbegin(), methods.cend(), [](grammar::attributes::function_def const& func)
return !blacklist::is_function_blacklisted(func.c_name) && !func.is_static;
template<typename Context>
static bool
is_inherit_context(Context const& context)
return context_find_tag<class_context>(context).current_wrapper_kind == class_context::inherit;
struct klass
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const
EINA_CXX_DOM_LOG_DBG(eolian_mono::domain) << "klass_generator: " << cls.eolian_name << std::endl;
std::string suffix, class_type;
case attributes::class_type::regular:
case attributes::class_type::abstract_:
class_type = "class";
suffix = "CLASS";
case attributes::class_type::mixin:
class_type = "interface";
suffix = "MIXIN";
case attributes::class_type::interface_:
class_type = "interface";
suffix = "INTERFACE";
if (!name_helpers::open_namespaces(sink, cls.namespaces, context))
return false;
auto methods = cls.get_all_methods();
// Interface class
auto iface_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::interface}, context);
if(!as_generator(documentation).generate(sink, cls, iface_cxt))
return false;
"public " /*<< class_type*/ "interface" /*<<*/ " " << string << " : "
.generate(sink, name_helpers::klass_interface_name(cls), iface_cxt))
return false;
for(auto first = std::begin(cls.immediate_inherits)
, last = std::end(cls.immediate_inherits); first != last; ++first)
if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << string << " ,").generate(sink, name_helpers::klass_full_interface_name(*first), iface_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << "efl.eo.IWrapper, IDisposable").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator("\n{\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator(*(scope_tab << function_declaration)).generate(sink, cls.functions, iface_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator(*(scope_tab << async_function_declaration)).generate(sink, cls.functions, iface_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator(*(event_declaration)).generate(sink, cls.events, iface_cxt))
return false;
for (auto &&p : cls.parts)
if (!as_generator(
<< name_helpers::klass_full_interface_name(p.klass) << " " << utils::capitalize(p.name) << "{ get;}\n"
).generate(sink, p, iface_cxt))
return false;
// End of interface declaration
if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt)) return false;
// Concrete class
// if(class_type == "class")
auto concrete_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::concrete}, context);
auto concrete_name = name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(cls);
auto interface_name = name_helpers::klass_interface_name(cls);
<< "sealed public class " << concrete_name << " : " << interface_name << "\n{\n"
<< scope_tab << "System.IntPtr handle;\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Pointer to the native instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public System.IntPtr raw_handle {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "get { return handle; }\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Pointer to the native class description.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public System.IntPtr raw_klass {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "get { return efl.eo.Globals.efl_class_get(handle); }\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Delegate for function to be called from inside the native constructor.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public delegate void ConstructingMethod(" << interface_name << " obj);\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Returns the pointer the unerlying Eo class object. Used internally on class methods.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(" << context_find_tag<library_context>(concrete_cxt).actual_library_name(cls.filename)
<< ")] public static extern System.IntPtr\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "();\n"
<< (class_type == "class" ? "" : "/*")
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Creates a new instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<param>Parent instance.</param>\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<param>Delegate to call constructing methods that should be run inside the constructor.</param>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public " << concrete_name << "(efl.IObject parent = null, ConstructingMethod init_cb=null)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "System.IntPtr klass = " << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "();\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "System.IntPtr parent_ptr = System.IntPtr.Zero;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if(parent != null)\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "parent_ptr = parent.raw_handle;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = efl.eo.Globals._efl_add_internal_start(\"file\", 0, klass, parent_ptr, 1, 0);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (init_cb != null) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "init_cb(this);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = efl.eo.Globals._efl_add_end(handle, 0, 0);\n" // replace handle with the actual final handle
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "register_event_proxies();\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Error.RaiseIfOccurred();\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< (class_type == "class" ? "" : "*/")
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Constructs an instance from a native pointer.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public " << concrete_name << "(System.IntPtr raw)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = raw;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "register_event_proxies();\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Destructor.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "~" << concrete_name << "()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Dispose(false);\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Releases the underlying native instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "internal void Dispose(bool disposing)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (handle != System.IntPtr.Zero) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "efl.eo.Globals.efl_unref(handle);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = System.IntPtr.Zero;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Releases the underlying native instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public void Dispose()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Dispose(true);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "GC.SuppressFinalize(this);\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
.generate(sink, cls, concrete_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_static_cast_method(sink, cls, concrete_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_equals_method(sink, concrete_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_events(sink, cls, concrete_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_events_registration(sink, cls, concrete_cxt))
return false;
// Parts
.generate(sink, cls.get_all_parts(), concrete_cxt)) return false;
// Concrete function definitions
.generate(sink, methods, concrete_cxt)) return false;
// Async wrappers
if(!as_generator(*(async_function_definition)).generate(sink, methods, concrete_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator(*(event_argument_wrapper)).generate(sink, cls.events, context))
return false;
if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false;
// Inherit class
if(class_type == "class")
auto inherit_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::inherit}, context);
bool cls_has_string_return = has_string_return(cls);
bool cls_has_stringshare_return = has_stringshare_return(cls);
auto interface_name = name_helpers::klass_interface_name(cls);
auto inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_inherit_name(cls);
auto native_inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_native_inherit_name(cls);
<< "public " << class_type << " " << inherit_name << " : " << interface_name << "\n{\n"
<< scope_tab << "System.IntPtr handle;\n"
<< scope_tab << "internal static System.IntPtr klass = System.IntPtr.Zero;\n"
<< scope_tab << "private static readonly object klassAllocLock = new object();\n"
<< scope_tab << (cls_has_string_return ? ("internal Dictionary<String, IntPtr> cached_strings = new Dictionary<String, IntPtr>();") : "") << "\n"
<< scope_tab << (cls_has_stringshare_return ? ("internal Dictionary<String, IntPtr> cached_stringshares = new Dictionary<String, IntPtr>();") : "") << "\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Pointer to the native instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public System.IntPtr raw_handle {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "get { return handle; }\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Pointer to the native class description.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public System.IntPtr raw_klass {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "get { return klass; }\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Delegate for function to be called from inside the native constructor.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public delegate void ConstructingMethod(" << interface_name << " obj);\n"
<< scope_tab << "[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(" << context_find_tag<library_context>(inherit_cxt).actual_library_name(cls.filename)
<< ")] private static extern System.IntPtr\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "();\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Creates a new instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<param>Parent instance.</param>\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<param>Delegate to call constructing methods that should be run inside the constructor.</param>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public " << inherit_name << "(efl.IObject parent = null, ConstructingMethod init_cb=null)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (klass == System.IntPtr.Zero) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "lock (klassAllocLock) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (klass == System.IntPtr.Zero) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "klass = efl.eo.Globals.register_class(new efl.eo.Globals.class_initializer(" << native_inherit_name << ".class_initializer), \"" << cls.eolian_name << "\", " << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "());\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = efl.eo.Globals.instantiate_start(klass, parent);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (init_cb != null) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "init_cb(this);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = efl.eo.Globals.instantiate_end(handle);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "efl.eo.Globals.data_set(this);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "register_event_proxies();\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Error.RaiseIfOccurred();\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Destructor.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "~" << inherit_name << "()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Dispose(false);\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Releases the underlying native instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (handle != System.IntPtr.Zero) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "efl.eo.Globals.efl_unref(handle);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "handle = System.IntPtr.Zero;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Releases the underlying native instance.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public void Dispose()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << (cls_has_string_return ? "efl.eo.Globals.free_dict_values(cached_strings);" : "") << "\n"
<< scope_tab << (cls_has_stringshare_return ? "efl.eo.Globals.free_stringshare_values(cached_stringshares);" : "") << "\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Dispose(true);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "GC.SuppressFinalize(this);\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
.generate(sink, cls, inherit_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_equals_method(sink, inherit_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_events(sink, cls, inherit_cxt))
return false;
if (!generate_events_registration(sink, cls, inherit_cxt))
return false;
// Parts
.generate(sink, cls.get_all_parts(), inherit_cxt)) return false;
// Inherit function definitions
.generate(sink, methods, inherit_cxt)) return false;
// Async wrappers
if(!as_generator(*(async_function_definition(true))).generate(sink, methods, inherit_cxt))
return false;
if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, inherit_cxt)) return false;
std::size_t function_count = get_inheritable_function_count(cls);
int function_registration_index = 0;
auto index_generator = [&function_registration_index]
return function_registration_index++;
// Native Inherit class
if(class_type == "class")
auto inative_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::inherit_native}, context);
auto native_inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_native_inherit_name(cls);
"internal " << class_type << " " << native_inherit_name << " {\n"
<< scope_tab << "public static byte class_initializer(IntPtr klass)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Efl_Op_Description[] descs = new Efl_Op_Description[" << grammar::int_ << "];\n"
.generate(sink, function_count, inative_cxt))
return false;
// Native wrapper registration
if(!as_generator(*(function_registration(index_generator, cls)))
.generate(sink, methods, inative_cxt)) return false;
( scope_tab << scope_tab << "IntPtr descs_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(descs[0])*" << function_count << ");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "IntPtr ptr = descs_ptr;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "for(int i = 0; i != " << function_count << "; ++i)\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Marshal.StructureToPtr(descs[i], ptr, false);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "ptr = IntPtr.Add(ptr, Marshal.SizeOf(descs[0]));\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Efl_Object_Ops ops;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "ops.descs = descs_ptr;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "ops.count = (UIntPtr)" << function_count << ";\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "IntPtr ops_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ops));\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "Marshal.StructureToPtr(ops, ops_ptr, false);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "efl.eo.Globals.efl_class_functions_set(klass, ops_ptr, IntPtr.Zero);\n"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false;
if(!as_generator(scope_tab << scope_tab << "return 1;\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n")
.generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false;
// Native method definitions
.generate(sink, methods, inative_cxt)) return false;
if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false;
if(!name_helpers::close_namespaces(sink, cls.namespaces, context))
return false;
return true;
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate_events_registration(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const
// Event proxy registration
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << "private void register_event_proxies()\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
.generate(sink, NULL, context))
return false;
// Generate event registrations here
// Assigning the delegates
if (!as_generator(*(event_registration())).generate(sink, cls.events, context))
return false;
for (auto&& c : cls.inherits)
attributes::klass_def klass(get_klass(c, cls.unit), cls.unit);
if (!as_generator(*(event_registration(&klass))).generate(sink, klass.events, context))
return false;
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << "}\n"
).generate(sink, NULL, context))
return false;
return true;
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate_events(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const
if (!has_events(cls))
return true;
std::string visibility = is_inherit_context(context) ? "protected" : "private";
if (!as_generator(scope_tab << "private readonly object eventLock = new object();\n"
<< scope_tab << "private Dictionary<string, int> event_cb_count = new Dictionary<string, int>();\n")
.generate(sink, NULL, context))
return false;
// Callback registration functions
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << "private bool add_cpp_event_handler(string key, efl.Event_Cb evt_delegate) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "int event_count = 0;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (!event_cb_count.TryGetValue(key, out event_count))\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "event_cb_count[key] = event_count;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (event_count == 0) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "IntPtr desc = efl.eo.Globals.dlsym(efl.eo.Globals.RTLD_DEFAULT, key);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "bool result = efl.eo.Globals.efl_event_callback_priority_add(handle, desc, 0, evt_delegate, System.IntPtr.Zero);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (!result) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Log.Error($\"Failed to add event proxy for event {key}\");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return false;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Error.RaiseIfOccurred();\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "} \n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "event_cb_count[key]++;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "return true;\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "private bool remove_cpp_event_handler(string key, efl.Event_Cb evt_delegate) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "int event_count = 0;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (!event_cb_count.TryGetValue(key, out event_count))\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "event_cb_count[key] = event_count;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (event_count == 1) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "efl.Event_Description desc = new efl.Event_Description(key);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "bool result = efl.eo.Globals.efl_event_callback_del(handle, desc, evt_delegate, System.IntPtr.Zero);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (!result) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Log.Error($\"Failed to remove event proxy for event {key}\");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return false;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Error.RaiseIfOccurred();\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "} else if (event_count == 0) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eina.Log.Error($\"Trying to remove proxy for event {key} when there is nothing registered.\");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return false;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "} \n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "event_cb_count[key]--;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "return true;\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
.generate(sink, NULL, context))
return false;
// Self events
if (!as_generator(*(event_definition(cls))).generate(sink, cls.events, context))
return false;
// Inherited events
for (auto&& c : cls.inherits)
attributes::klass_def klass(get_klass(c, cls.unit), cls.unit);
if (!as_generator(*(event_definition(klass, true))).generate(sink, klass.events, context))
return false;
return true;
struct klass const klass = {};
namespace efl { namespace eolian { namespace grammar {
template <>
struct is_eager_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::klass> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::klass> : std::true_type {};
namespace type_traits {
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::klass> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
} } }