evas canvas: some doc conversions

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Daniel Kolesa 2015-09-02 16:21:43 +01:00
parent 00678aea1b
commit 62d6ab54a4
1 changed files with 128 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -237,29 +237,26 @@ class Evas.Canvas (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface)
@property focus {
get {
Retrieve the object that currently has focus.
[[Retrieve the object that currently has focus.
@return The object that has focus or $null if there is not one.
Evas can have (at most) one of its objects focused at a time.
Focused objects will be the ones having key events delivered
to, which the programmer can act upon by means of
\@ref evas_object_event_callback_add usage.
Evas can have (at most) one of its objects focused at a time.
Focused objects will be the ones having <b>key events</b> delivered
to, which the programmer can act upon by means of
evas_object_event_callback_add() usage.
Note: Most users wouldn't be dealing directly with Evas'
focused objects. Instead, they would be using a higher level
library for that (like a toolkit, as Elementary) to handle
focus and who's receiving input for them.
@note Most users wouldn't be dealing directly with Evas' focused
objects. Instead, they would be using a higher level library for
that (like a toolkit, as Elementary) to handle focus and who's
receiving input for them.
This call returns the object that currently has focus on the canvas
$e or $null, if none.
@see evas_object_focus_set
@see evas_object_focus_get
@see evas_object_key_grab
@see evas_object_key_ungrab
This call returns the object that currently has focus on the
canvas $e or $null, if none.
See also \@ref evas_object_focus_set,
\@ref evas_object_focus_get, \@ref evas_object_key_grab,
\@ref evas_object_key_ungrab.
/* FIXME-doc
@dontinclude evas-events.c
@skip evas_event_callback_add(d.canvas, EVAS_CALLBACK_CANVAS_OBJECT_FOCUS_IN,
@ -270,62 +267,56 @@ class Evas.Canvas (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface)
In this example the $event_info is exactly a pointer to that
focused rectangle. See the full @ref Example_Evas_Events "example".
@ingroup Evas_Object_Group_Find */
return: Evas.Object * @warn_unused;
return: Evas.Object * @warn_unused; [[The object that has focus
or $null if there is not one.]]
@property object_top {
get {
Get the highest (stacked) Evas object on the canvas $e.
[[Get the highest (stacked) Evas object on the canvas $e.
@return a pointer to the highest object on it, if any, or $null,
This function will take all populated layers in the canvas
into account, getting the highest object for the highest
layer, naturally.
This function will take all populated layers in the canvas into
account, getting the highest object for the highest layer,
Warning: This function will skip objects parented by smart
objects, acting only on the ones at the "top level", with
regard to object parenting.
@see evas_object_layer_get()
@see evas_object_layer_set()
@see evas_object_below_get()
@see evas_object_above_get()
@warning This function will @b skip objects parented by smart
objects, acting only on the ones at the "top level", with regard to
object parenting. */
return: Evas.Object * @warn_unused;
See also \@ref evas_object_layer_get,
\@ref evas_object_layer_set, \@ref evas_object_below_get,
\@ref evas_object_above_get.
return: Evas.Object * @warn_unused; [[A pointer to the highest object
on it (if any) or $null otherwise.]]
@property key_lock {
get {
Returns a handle to the list of lock keys registered in the canvas
$e. This is required to check for which locks are set at a given
time with the evas_key_lock_is_set() function.
[[Returns a handle to the list of lock keys registered in the
canvas $e.
@see evas_key_lock_add
@see evas_key_lock_del
@see evas_key_lock_on
@see evas_key_lock_off
@see evas_key_lock_is_set
@return An .Evas_Lock handle to query Evas' keys subsystem with
evas_key_lock_is_set(), or $null on error. */
return: const(Evas.Lock)* @warn_unused;
This is required to check for which locks are set at a given
time with the \@ref evas_key_lock_is_set function.
return: const(Evas.Lock)* @warn_unused; [[
An Evas_Lock handle to query Evas' keys subsystem with
\@ref evas_key_lock_is_set, or $null on error.
@property pointer_canvas_xy {
get {
This function returns the current known pointer co-ordinates
This function returns the current known canvas unit co-ordinates of
the mouse pointer and sets the contents of the Evas_Coords pointed
to by $x and $y to contain these co-ordinates. If $e is not a
valid canvas the results of this function are undefined.
[[This function returns the current known pointer coordinates
This function returns the current known canvas unit
coordinates of the mouse pointer and sets the contents of
the Evas_Coords pointed to by $x and $y to contain these
coordinates. If $e is not a valid canvas the results of
this function are undefined.
/* FIXME-doc
extern Evas *evas;
@ -333,76 +324,69 @@ class Evas.Canvas (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface)
evas_pointer_output_xy_get(evas, &mouse_x, &mouse_y);
printf("Mouse is at canvas position %d, %d\n", mouse_x, mouse_y);
@endcode */
values {
x: Evas.Coord; /*@ The pointer to a Evas_Coord to be filled in */
y: Evas.Coord; /*@ The pointer to a Evas_Coord to be filled in
@ingroup Evas_Pointer_Group */
x: Evas.Coord; [[The pointer to a Evas_Coord to be filled in.]]
y: Evas.Coord; [[The pointer to a Evas_Coord to be filled in.]]
@property event_down_count {
get {
Get the number of mouse or multi presses currently active
[[Get the number of mouse or multi presses currently active.
$e The given canvas pointer.
@return The number of presses (0 if none active).
@since 1.2 */
@since 1.2
return: int;
@property smart_objects_calculate_count {
get {
This gets the internal counter that counts the number of smart calculations
[[This gets the internal counter that counts the number of
smart calculations.
Whenever evas performs smart object calculations on the whole canvas
it increments a counter by 1. This is the smart object calculate counter
that this function returns the value of. It starts at the value of 0 and
will increase (and eventually wrap around to negative values and so on) by
1 every time objects are calculated. You can use this counter to ensure
you don't re-do calculations withint the same calculation generation/run
if the calculations maybe cause self-feeding effects.
Whenever evas performs smart object calculations on the whole
canvas it increments a counter by 1. This is the smart object
calculate counter that this function returns the value of.
It starts at the value of 0 and will increase (and eventually
wrap around to negative values and so on) by 1 every time
objects are calculated. You can use this counter to ensure
you don't re-do calculations withint the same calculation
generation/run if the calculations maybe cause self-feeding
@ingroup Evas_Smart_Object_Group
@since 1.1 */
@since 1.1
return: int;
@property focus_state {
get {
Get the focus state known by the given evas
@return $true if it got the focus, $false otherwise.
@ingroup Evas_Canvas */
[[Get the focus state known by the given evas.]]
return: bool;
@property changed {
get {
Get the changed marker for the canvas
[[Get the changed marker for the canvas.
@return $true if something has been marked as changed, $false otherwise.
@ingroup Evas_Canvas
@since 1.11
@since 1.11
return: bool;
@property pointer_output_xy {
get {
This function returns the current known pointer co-ordinates
This function returns the current known screen/output co-ordinates
of the mouse pointer and sets the contents of the integers pointed
to by $x and $y to contain these co-ordinates. If $e is not a
valid canvas the results of this function are undefined.
[[This function returns the current known pointer coordinates.
This function returns the current known screen/output
coordinates of the mouse pointer and sets the contents of
the integers pointed to by $x and $y to contain these
coordinates. If $e is not a valid canvas the results of
this function are undefined.
/* FIXME-doc
extern Evas *evas;
@ -410,84 +394,86 @@ class Evas.Canvas (Eo.Base, Evas.Common_Interface)
evas_pointer_output_xy_get(evas, &mouse_x, &mouse_y);
printf("Mouse is at screen position %i, %i\n", mouse_x, mouse_y);
@endcode */
values {
x: int; /*@ The pointer to an integer to be filled in */
y: int; /*@ The pointer to an integer to be filled in
@ingroup Evas_Pointer_Group */
x: int; [[The pointer to an integer to be filled in.]]
y: int; [[The pointer to an integer to be filled in.]]
@property pointer_inside {
get {
Returns whether the mouse pointer is logically inside the canvas
[[Returns whether the mouse pointer is logically inside the
@return An integer that is 1 if the mouse is inside the canvas, 0 otherwise
@ingroup Evas_Pointer_Group
When this function is called it will return a value of either
$false or $true, depending on if
\@ref evas_event_feed_mouse_in,
\@ref evas_event_feed_mouse_in_data, or
\@ref evas_event_feed_mouse_out,
\@ref evas_event_feed_mouse_out_data have been called to
feed in a mouse enter event into the canvas.
When this function is called it will return a value of either 0 or
1, depending on if evas_event_feed_mouse_in(),
evas_event_feed_mouse_in_data(), or evas_event_feed_mouse_out(),
evas_event_feed_mouse_out_data() have been called to feed in a
mouse enter event into the canvas.
A return value of $true indicates the mouse is logically
inside the canvas, and $false implies it is logically
outside the canvas.
A return value of 1 indicates the mouse is logically inside the
canvas, and 0 implies it is logically outside the canvas.
A canvas begins with the mouse being assumed outside (0).
If $e is not a valid canvas, the return value is undefined.
A canvas begins with the mouse being assumed outside ($false).
If $e is not a valid canvas, the return value is undefined.
/* FIXME-doc
extern Evas *evas;
if (evas_pointer_inside_get(evas)) printf("Mouse is in!\n");
else printf("Mouse is out!\n");
@endcode */
return: bool @warn_unused;
@property image_max_size {
get {
Get the maximum image size evas can possibly handle
[[Get the maximum image size evas can possibly handle.
This function returns the larges image or surface size that evas can handle
in pixels, and if there is one, returns $true. It returns
$false if no extra constraint on maximum image size exists. You still
should check the return values of $maxw and $maxh as there may still be
a limit, just a much higher one.
This function returns the largest image or surface size that
evas can handle in pixels, and if there is one, returns $true.
It returns $false if no extra constraint on maximum image
size exists. You still should check the return values of
$maxw and $maxh as there may still be a limit, just a
much higher one.
@since 1.1 */
@since 1.1
return: bool;
values {
maxw: int; /*@ Pointer to hold the return value in pixels of the maximum width */
maxh: int; /*@ Pointer to hold the return value in pixels of the maximum height */
maxw: int; [[Pointer to hold the return value in pixels of the maximum width.]]
maxh: int; [[Pointer to hold the return value in pixels of the maximum height.]]
@property object_bottom {
get {
Get the lowest (stacked) Evas object on the canvas $e.
[[Get the lowest (stacked) Evas object on the canvas $e.
@return a pointer to the lowest object on it, if any, or $null,
This function will take all populated layers in the canvas
into account, getting the lowest object for the lowest layer,
This function will take all populated layers in the canvas into
account, getting the lowest object for the lowest layer, naturally.
Warning: This function will skip objects parented by smart
objects, acting only on the ones at the "top level", with
regard to object parenting.
@see evas_object_layer_get()
@see evas_object_layer_set()
@see evas_object_below_get()
@see evas_object_above_get()
@warning This function will @b skip objects parented by smart
objects, acting only on the ones at the "top level", with regard to
object parenting. */
return: Evas.Object * @warn_unused;
See also \@ref evas_object_layer_get, \@ref evas_object_layer_set,
\@ref evas_object_below_get, \@ref evas_object_below_set.
return: Evas.Object * @warn_unused; [[
A pointer to the lowest object on it, if any, or $null
@property key_modifier {