dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # get rid of that stupid cache mechanism rm -f config.cache AC_INIT(configure.in) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(emotion, AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_C_BIGENDIAN AC_ISC_POSIX AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_STDC AC_HEADER_STDC AC_C_CONST AM_ENABLE_SHARED AM_PROG_LIBTOOL if test "x${bindir}" = 'x${exec_prefix}/bin'; then if test "x${exec_prefix}" = "xNONE"; then if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then bindir="${ac_default_prefix}/bin"; else bindir="${prefix}/bin"; fi else if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then bindir="${ac_default_prefix}/bin"; else bindir="${prefix}/bin"; fi fi fi if test "x${libdir}" = 'x${exec_prefix}/lib'; then if test "x${exec_prefix}" = "xNONE"; then if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then libdir="${ac_default_prefix}/lib"; else libdir="${prefix}/lib"; fi else if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then libdir="${ac_default_prefix}/lib"; else libdir="${prefix}/lib"; fi fi fi dnl Set PACKAGE_DATA_DIR in config.h. if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR, "${ac_default_prefix}/share/${PACKAGE}", [Shared Data Directory]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR, "${prefix}/share/${PACKAGE}", [Shared Data Directory]) fi dnl Set PACKAGE_BIN_DIR in config.h. if test "x${bindir}" = 'xNONE'; then if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_BIN_DIR, "${ac_default_prefix}/bin", [Install Location for Executables]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_BIN_DIR, "${prefix}/bin", [Install Location for Executables]) fi else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_BIN_DIR, "${bindir}", [Install Location for Executables]) fi dnl Set PACKAGE_LIB_DIR in config.h. if test "x${libdir}" = 'xNONE'; then if test "x${prefix}" = "xNONE"; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_LIB_DIR, "${ac_default_prefix}/lib", [Install Location for Libraries]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_LIB_DIR, "${prefix}/lib", [Install Location for Libraries]) fi else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_LIB_DIR, "${libdir}", [Install Location for Libraries]) fi dnl Set PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR in config.h. packagesrcdir=`cd $srcdir && pwd` AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR, "${packagesrcdir}", [Source Directory]) function vser { v=$1 VSTART=`echo $v | awk -F_ '{printf("%s", $1);}'` V1=`echo $VSTART | awk -F\. '{printf("%s", $1);}'` V2=`echo $VSTART | awk -F\. '{printf("%s", $2);}'` V3=`echo $VSTART | awk -F\. '{printf("%s", $3);}'` V4="0" VEND=`echo $v | awk -F_ '{printf("%s", $2);}'` if test -n "$VEND"; then V4=`echo $VEND | sed s/pre//` fi V3=$(( $V3 * 100 )); V2=$(( $V2 * 10000 )); V1=$(( $V1 * 1000000 )); V=$(( $V4 + $V3 + $V2 + $V1 )); echo $V } AC_PATH_GENERIC(eet, 0.9.10, [ ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR(Eet isn't installed)] ) AC_PATH_GENERIC(evas, 0.9.9, [ ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR(Evas isn't installed)] ) AC_PATH_GENERIC(edje, 0.5.0, [ ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR(Edje isn't installed)] ) AC_PATH_GENERIC(ecore, 0.9.9, [ ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR(Ecore isn't installed)] ) save_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $ECORE_CFLAGS" AC_CHECK_HEADERS(Ecore_X.h Ecore_Fb.h) CPPFLAGS=$save_CPPFLAGS AC_PATH_GENERIC(embryo, 0.9.1, [ ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR(Embryo isn't installed)] ) requirements="eet evas edje ecore embryo" AC_ARG_ENABLE(xine, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xine],[disable xine support @<:@default=auto@:>@]), [enable_xine=$enableval],[enable_xine=auto]) HAVE_XINE="no" if test "$enable_xine" != "no" ; then AC_PATH_GENERIC(xine, 1.1.1, [HAVE_XINE="yes"]) if test "$HAVE_XINE" = "yes" ; then requirements="$requirements libxine" xine_plugins=`$XINE_CONFIG --plugindir` AC_SUBST(xine_plugins) fi fi if test "$enable_xine$HAVE_XINE" = "yesno" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(xine not found) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(gstreamer, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-gstreamer],[disable gstreamer support @<:@default=auto@:>@]), [enable_gstreamer=$enableval],[enable_gstreamer=auto]) HAVE_GSTREAMER="no" HAVE_GSTPLUG="no" if test "$enable_gstreamer" != "no" ; then dnl Gstreamer version requirement GST_REQS=0.10.2 GSTPLUG_REQS=0.10.1 GST_MAJORMINOR=0.10 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GST, \ gstreamer-$GST_MAJORMINOR >= $GST_REQS, HAVE_GSTREAMER="yes", AC_MSG_RESULT(no) HAVE_GSTREAMER="no") PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GSTPLUG, \ gstreamer-plugins-base-$GST_MAJORMINOR >= $GSTPLUG_REQS, HAVE_GSTPLUG="yes", AC_MSG_RESULT(no) HAVE_GSTPLUG="no") AM_GST_ELEMENT_CHECK( [ffmpeg], [HAVE_GSTFFMPEG="yes"], [HAVE_GSTFFMPEG="no"]) AM_GST_ELEMENT_CHECK( [cdiocddasrc], [HAVE_GSTCDIOCDDASRC="yes"], [HAVE_GSTCDIOCDDASRC="no"]) fi if test "$enable_gstreamer$HAVE_GSTREAMER" = "yesno" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(gstreamer not found) fi if test "$HAVE_GSTPLUG" = "no"; then if test "$HAVE_GSTREAMER" = "no" ; then GSTPLUG_MSG="no" else AC_MSG_WARN([You should install gstreamer plugins and gst-ffmpeg to properly decode your video and audio files]) GSTPLUG_MSG="no (you should install gst-plugins-base and gst-ffmpeg)" fi else if test "$HAVE_GSTFFMPEG" = "no"; then if test "$HAVE_GSTREAMER" = "no" ; then GSTPLUG_MSG="no" else AC_MSG_WARN([You should install gstreamer plugins and gst-ffmpeg to properly decode your video and audio files]) GSTPLUG_MSG="no (you should install gst-plugins-base and gst-ffmpeg)" fi requirements="$requirements gstreamer" GSTPLUG_MSG="yes" else requirements="$requirements gstreamer" GSTPLUG_MSG="yes" fi if test "$HAVE_GSTCDIOCDDASRC" = "no"; then AC_MSG_WARN([You should install gstreamer-plugins-good and make sure that the cdiocddasrc element is installed]) GSTCDDA_MSG="no (you should install gst-plugins-good and the cdiocddasrc element)" else requirements="$requirements gstreamer" GSTCDDA_MSG="yes" fi fi if test "$HAVE_XINE$HAVE_GSTREAMER" = "nono" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Xine or Gstreamer must be installed to build emotion]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_XINE_MODULE], [test "$HAVE_XINE" = yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_GSTREAMER_MODULE], [test "$HAVE_GSTREAMER" = yes]) AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, dlopen_libs=-ldl) AC_SUBST(dlopen_libs) AC_SUBST(requirements) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile emotion.pc emotion.spec src/Makefile src/lib/Makefile src/modules/Makefile src/bin/Makefile data/Makefile emotion-config debian/changelog ],[ chmod +x emotion-config ]) ##################################################################### ## Info echo echo echo echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "$PACKAGE $VERSION" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo "Configuration Options Summary:" echo echo " Modules:" echo " Xine...............: $HAVE_XINE" echo " Gstreamer..........: $HAVE_GSTREAMER" echo " Gstreamer plugins..: $GSTPLUG_MSG" echo " Gstreamer FFmpeg...: $HAVE_GSTFFMPEG" echo " Gstreamer CDDA.....: $GSTCDDA_MSG" echo echo " Compilation..........: make" echo echo " Installation.........: make install" echo echo " prefix.........: $prefix" echo " binaries.......: $bindir" echo " libraries......: $libdir" echo " headers........: $includedir" echo