# get rid of that stupid cache mechanism rm -f config.cache AC_INIT(evas,, enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net) AC_PREREQ(2.52) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(configure.in) AC_CANONICAL_BUILD AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_ISC_POSIX AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(1.6 dist-bzip2) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_STDC AC_HEADER_STDC AC_C_BIGENDIAN AC_C_CONST AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL define([AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_F77_CONFIG], [:])dnl AC_PROG_LIBTOOL VMAJ=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $1);}'` VMIN=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $2);}'` VMIC=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $3);}'` SNAP=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("%s", $4);}'` version_info=`expr $VMAJ + $VMIN`":$VMIC:$VMIN" AC_SUBST(version_info) AC_FUNC_ALLOCA MODULE_ARCH="$host_os-$host_cpu" AC_SUBST(MODULE_ARCH) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(MODULE_ARCH, "$MODULE_ARCH", "Module architecture") create_shared_lib="" case "$host_os" in mingw|mingw32) create_shared_lib="-no-undefined " ;; esac AC_SUBST(create_shared_lib) x_dir="" x_cflags="" x_libs="" gl_dir="" gl_cflags="" gl_libs="" qt_dir="" qt_cflags="" qt_libs="" qt_moc="moc" ##################################################################### # blah-config style checks # qtdir setting AC_ARG_WITH(qtdir, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-qtdir=QT_DIR], [use qt directory specified]), [ qt_dir=$withval; echo "using "$qt_dir" for qt directory."; ], [ qt_dir="/opt/Qtopia"; ]) # check for freetype PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FREETYPE, freetype2 >= 9.3.0) ####################################### ## FontConfig want_fontconfig="yes" have_fontconfig="no" AC_ARG_ENABLE(fontconfig, AC_HELP_STRING( [--disable-fontconfig], [disable fontconfig for finding fonts. [[default=enabled]]] ), [ want_fontconfig=$enableval ] ) if test "x$want_fontconfig" = "xyes"; then # Check if really available PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FONTCONFIG, fontconfig, [ have_fontconfig="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FONTCONFIG, 1, [have fontconfig searching capabilities]) ], [ have_fontconfig="no" ]) fi ############### ## dlopen dlopen_libs="" case "$host_os" in mingw|mingw32) AC_CHECK_HEADER(windows.h, [], [AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find windows.h)]) ;; *) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(dlopen, res=yes, res=no) if test "x$res" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_FUNCS(dladdr, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DLADDR)) else AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, res=yes, res=no) if test "x$res" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dladdr, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DLADDR)) dlopen_libs=-ldl else AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find dlopen) fi fi esac AC_SUBST(dlopen_libs) AC_CHECK_HEADER(fnmatch.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find fnmatch.h. Make sure your CFLAGS environment variable contains include lines for the location of this file. MinGW users: see the INSTALL file])) fnmatch_libs="" AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fnmatch, res=yes, res=no) if test "x$res" = "xno"; then AC_CHECK_LIB(fnmatch, fnmatch, res=yes fnmatch_libs="-lfnmatch", res=no) dnl Test for compilation with MinGW. dnl fnmatch function is in the libiberty library if test "x$res" = "xno"; then AC_CHECK_LIB(iberty, fnmatch, res=yes fnmatch_libs="-liberty", res=no) fi if test "x$res" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find fnmatch() in neither libc nor libfnmatch, nor libiberty]) fi fi AC_SUBST(fnmatch_libs) ##################################################################### ## Engines ####################################### ## Check if we should build the software_ddraw engine want_evas_software_ddraw="no"; have_evas_software_ddraw="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether software directdraw backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(software-ddraw, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-software-ddraw], [enable the Software DirectDraw rendering backend]), [ want_evas_software_ddraw=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_software_ddraw) if test "x$want_evas_software_ddraw" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(ddraw.h, [ have_evas_software_ddraw="yes" AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_DDRAW, 1, [Software DirectDraw Rendering Backend]) ddraw_libs="-lddraw" ], [ have_evas_software_ddraw="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_DDRAW, test "x$have_evas_software_ddraw" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the 16bit software_ddraw engine want_evas_software_16_ddraw="no"; have_evas_software_16_ddraw="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether 16 bit software directdraw backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(software-16-ddraw, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-software-16-ddraw], [enable the 16bit Software DirectDraw rendering backend]), [ want_evas_software_16_ddraw=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_software_16_ddraw) if test "x$want_evas_software_16_ddraw" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(ddraw.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_16_DDRAW, 1, [16bit Software DirectDraw Rendering Backend]) ddraw_16_libs="-lddraw -lgdi32" have_evas_software_16_ddraw="yes" ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disabling software DirectDraw engine) have_evas_software_16_ddraw="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_16_DDRAW, test "x$have_evas_software_16_ddraw" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the direct3d engine want_evas_direct3d="no"; have_evas_direct3d="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether direct3d backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(direct3d, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-direct3d], [enable the Direct3D rendering backend]), [ want_evas_direct3d=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_direct3d) if test "x$want_evas_direct3d" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(d3d9.h d3dx9.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_DIRECT3D, 1, [Direct3D Rendering Backend]) direct3d_libs="-ld3d9 -ld3dx9d" have_evas_direct3d="yes" ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(disabling Direct3D engine) have_evas_direct3d="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_DIRECT3D, test "x$have_evas_direct3d" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the software_x11 engine want_evas_software_x11="yes"; have_evas_software_x11="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether software x11 backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(software-x11, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-software-x11], [disable the Software X11 rendering backend]), [ want_evas_software_x11=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_software_x11) if test "x$want_evas_software_x11" = "xyes"; then AC_PATH_X AC_PATH_XTRA AC_CHECK_HEADER(X11/X.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_X11, 1, [Software X11 Rendering Backend]) x_dir=${x_dir:-/usr/X11R6} x_cflags=${x_cflags:--I${x_includes:-$x_dir/include}} x_libs="${x_libs:--L${x_libraries:-$x_dir/lib}} -lX11 -lXext" have_evas_software_x11="yes" ], [ have_evas_software_x11="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_X11, test "x$have_evas_software_x11" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the software_x11 16bit engine want_evas_software_16_x11="no"; have_evas_software_16_x11="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether software 16bit x11 backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(software-16-x11, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-software-16-x11], [enable the Software 16bit X11 rendering backend]), [ want_evas_software_16_x11=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_software_16_x11) if test "x$want_evas_software_16_x11" = "xyes"; then AC_PATH_X AC_PATH_XTRA AC_CHECK_HEADER(X11/X.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_16_X11, 1, [Software 16bit X11 Rendering Backend]) x_dir=${x_dir:-/usr/X11R6} x_cflags=${x_cflags:--I${x_includes:-$x_dir/include}} x_libs="${x_libs:--L${x_libraries:-$x_dir/lib}} -lX11 -lXext" have_evas_software_16_x11="yes" ], [ have_evas_software_16_x11="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_16_X11, test "x$have_evas_software_16_x11" = "xyes") ### if software 16 x11 is enabled - build software_16 (the generic 16bit ### engine). later enable it fb_16 or other "16" bit engines are enabled. have_evas_software_16="no" if test "x$have_evas_software_16_x11" = "xyes" -o "x$have_evas_software_16_ddraw" = "xyes"; then have_evas_software_16="yes" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_16, test "x$have_evas_software_16" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the software_xcb engine want_evas_software_xcb="no"; have_evas_software_xcb="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether software xcb backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(software-xcb, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-software-xcb], [enable the Software XCB rendering backend]), [ want_evas_software_xcb=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_software_xcb) if test "x$want_evas_software_xcb" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES( XCB, xcb xcb-shm xcb-image, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_XCB, 1, [Software XCB Rendering Backend]) have_evas_software_xcb="yes" ], [ have_evas_software_xcb="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_XCB, test "x$have_evas_software_xcb" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the directfb engine want_evas_directfb="no"; have_evas_directfb="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether directfb backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(directfb, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-directfb], [enable the DirectFB rendering backend]), [ want_evas_directfb=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_directfb) if test "x$want_evas_directfb" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DIRECTFB, directfb >= 0.9.16, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_DIRECTFB, 1, [DirectFB Rendering Backend]) have_evas_directfb="yes" ], [ have_evas_directfb="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_DIRECTFB, test "x$have_evas_directfb" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the sdl engine want_evas_sdl="no"; have_evas_sdl="no"; ENGINE_SDL_PRG=""; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether SDL backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sdl, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-sdl], [enable the SDL rendering backend]), [ want_evas_sdl=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_sdl) if test "x$want_evas_sdl" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SDL, sdl >= 1.2.0, [ have_evas_sdl="yes" ENGINE_SDL_PRG="evas_sdl_test" AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SDL, 1, [SDL Rendering Backend]) ], [ have_evas_sdl="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SDL, test "x$have_evas_sdl" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the fb engine want_evas_fb="no"; have_evas_fb="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether fb backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fb, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fb], [enable the FB rendering backend]), [ want_evas_fb=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_fb) if test "x$want_evas_fb" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(linux/fb.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_FB, 1, [Linux FB Rendering Backend]) have_evas_fb="yes" ], [ have_evas_fb="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_FB, test "x$have_evas_fb" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the buffer engine want_evas_buffer="yes" have_evas_buffer="no" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether buffer backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(buffer, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-buffer], [disable the Buffer rendering backend]), [ want_evas_buffer=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_buffer) if test "x$want_evas_buffer" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_BUFFER, 1, [Buffer Rendering Backend]) have_evas_buffer="yes" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_BUFFER, test "x$have_evas_buffer" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the software_qtopia engine want_evas_qtopia="no"; have_evas_qtopia="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether software qtopia backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(software-qtopia, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-software-qtopia], [enable the Software Qtopia rendering backend]), [ want_evas_qtopia=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_qtopia) if test "x$want_evas_qtopia" = "xyes"; then AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) AC_CHECK_HEADER(qdirectpainter_qws.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_QTOPIA, 1, [Qtopia Rendering Backend]) qt_cflags="-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -I"$qt_dir"/include" qt_libs="-L"$qt_dir"/lib -lqte -lqpe" qt_moc=$qt_dir"/bin/moc" have_evas_qtopia="yes" ], [ have_evas_qtopia="no" ], [ #include #include #include #include ] ) AC_LANG_POP(C++) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_QTOPIA, test "x$have_evas_qtopia" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the gl_x11 engine want_evas_gl_x11="no"; have_evas_gl_x11="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether gl x11 backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(gl-x11, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gl-x11], [enable the OpenGL X11 display engine]), [ want_evas_gl_x11=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_gl_x11) if test "x$want_evas_gl_x11" = "xyes"; then AC_PATH_X AC_PATH_XTRA AC_CHECK_HEADERS(GL/gl.h GL/glu.h X11/X.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_GL_X11, 1, [OpenGL X11 Rendering Backend]) x_dir=${x_dir:-/usr/X11R6}; x_cflags=${x_cflags:--I$x_dir/include} x_libs="${x_libs:--L$x_dir/lib -lX11 -lXext}" gl_cflags="-I/usr/include" gl_libs="-lGL -lGLU -lpthread" gl_dir="" have_evas_gl_x11="yes" ], [ have_evas_gl_x11="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_GL_X11, test "x$have_evas_gl_x11" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the gl_glew engine want_evas_gl_glew="no"; have_evas_gl_glew="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether gl glew backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(gl-glew, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gl-glew], [enable the OpenGL Glew display engine]), [ want_evas_gl_glew=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_gl_glew) if test "x$want_evas_gl_glew" = "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(GL/gl.h GL/glu.h GL/glew.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_GL_GLEW, 1, [OpenGL Glew Rendering Backend]) glew_libs="-lglew32 -lopengl32 -lgdi32" gl_libs="-lglu32" ], [ have_evas_gl_glew="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_GL_GLEW, test "x$have_evas_gl_glew" = "xyes") # common gl have_evas_gl_common="no" if test "x$have_evas_gl_x11" = "xyes" -o "x$have_evas_gl_glew" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_GL_COMMON, 1, [Generic OpenGL Rendering Support]) have_evas_gl_common="yes" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_GL_COMMON, test "x$have_evas_gl_common" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the cairo_x11 engine have_evas_cairo_common="no"; want_evas_cairo_x11="no"; have_evas_cairo_x11="no"; #AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether cairo x11 backend is to be built) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(cairo-x11, # AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-cairo-x11], [enable the Cairo X11 display engine]), # [ want_evas_cairo_x11=$enableval ] #) #AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_cairo_x11) if test "x$want_evas_cairo_x11" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO, cairo >= 1.0.0, [ have_evas_cairo_common="yes" AC_CHECK_HEADER(X11/X.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_CAIRO_X11, 1, [Cairo X11 Rendering Backend]) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_CAIRO_COMMON, 1, [Generic Cairo Rendering Support]) x_dir="/usr/X11R6"; x_cflags="-I"$x_dir"/include" x_libs="-L"$x_dir"/lib -lX11 -lXext" have_evas_cairo_x11="yes" ], [ have_evas_cairo_common="no" have_evas_cairo_x11="no" ] ) ], [ have_evas_cairo_common="no" have_evas_cairo_x11="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_CAIRO_X11, test "x$have_evas_cairo_x11" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_CAIRO_COMMON, test "x$have_evas_cairo_common" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the xrender_x11 engine want_evas_xrender_x11="yes"; have_evas_xrender_x11="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether xrender x11 backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xrender-x11, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xrender-x11], [disable the XRender X11 rendering backend]), [ want_evas_xrender_x11=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_xrender_x11) if test "x$want_evas_xrender_x11" = "xyes"; then AC_PATH_X AC_PATH_XTRA AC_CHECK_HEADERS(X11/X.h X11/extensions/Xrender.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_XRENDER_X11, 1, [XRender X11 Rendering Backend]) x_dir=${x_dir:-/usr/X11R6} x_cflags=${x_cflags:--I${x_includes:-$x_dir/include}} x_libs="${x_libs:--L${x_libraries:-$x_dir/lib}} -lX11 -lXext -lXrender" have_evas_xrender_x11="yes" ], [ have_evas_xrender_x11="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_XRENDER_X11, test "x$have_evas_xrender_x11" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the xrender_xcb engine want_evas_xrender_xcb="no"; have_evas_xrender_xcb="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether xrender xcb backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xrender-xcb, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-xrender-xcb], [enable the Xrender XCB rendering backend]), [ want_evas_xrender_xcb=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_xrender_xcb) if test "x$want_evas_xrender_xcb" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES( XCBRENDER, xcb xcb-shm xcb-render xcb-image, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_XRENDER_XCB, 1, [Xrender XCB Rendering Backend]) have_evas_xrender_xcb="yes" ], [ have_evas_xrender_xcb="no"] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_XRENDER_XCB, test "x$have_evas_xrender_xcb" = "xyes") ####################################### ## Check if we should build the glitz_x11 engine want_evas_glitz_x11="no"; have_evas_glitz_x11="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether glitz x11 backend is to be built) AC_ARG_ENABLE(glitz-x11, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-glitz-x11], [enable the Glitz X11 rendering backend]), [ want_evas_glitz_x11=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_evas_glitz_x11) if test "x$want_evas_glitz_x11" = "xyes"; then AC_PATH_X AC_PATH_XTRA AC_CHECK_HEADER(X11/X.h, [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLITZ, glitz glitz-glx, [ x_dir=${x_dir:-/usr/X11R6} x_cflags=${x_cflags:--I${x_includes:-$x_dir/include}} x_libs="${x_libs:--L${x_libraries:-$x_dir/lib}} -lX11 -lXext" AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ENGINE_GLITZ_X11, 1, [Glitz X11 Rendering Backend]) have_evas_glitz_x11="yes" ], [ have_evas_glitz_x11="no" ] ) ], [ have_evas_glitz_x11="no" ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENGINE_GLITZ_X11, test "x$have_evas_glitz_x11" = "xyes") ##################################################################### ## Image loaders ####################################### ## GIF want_gif="yes"; have_gif="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable gif image loader) AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-gif, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-image-loader-gif], [disable GIF image loader]), [ want_gif=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_gif) if test "x$want_gif" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(gif_lib.h, [ AC_CHECK_LIB(gif, DGifOpenFileName, [ gif_libs="-lgif" have_gif="yes" ], [ AC_CHECK_LIB(ungif, DGifOpenFileName, [ gif_libs="-lungif" have_gif="yes" ], [ have_gif="no" ] ) ] ) ], [ have_gif="no" ] ) fi if test "x$have_gif" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_LOADER_GIF, 1, [GIF Image Loader Support]) gif_cflags="" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_GIF, test x$have_gif = xyes) ####################################### ## PNG want_png="yes"; have_png="no"; AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-png, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-image-loader-png], [disable PNG image loader]), [ want_png=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_png) if test "x$want_png" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(libpng12, [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PNG, libpng12, [ have_png="yes" ], [ have_png="no"]) ], [ PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(libpng10, [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PNG, libpng10, [ have_png="yes" ], [ have_png="no"]) ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PNG, libpng, [ have_png="yes" ], [ have_png="no"]) ] ) ] ) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_PNG, test x$have_png = xyes) ####################################### ## JPEG want_jpeg="yes"; have_jpeg="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable jpeg image loader) AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-jpeg, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-image-loader-jpeg], [disable JPEG image loader]), [ want_jpeg=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_jpeg) if test "x$want_jpeg" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(jpeglib.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_LOADER_JPEG, 1, [JPEG Image Loader Support]) jpeg_cflags="" jpeg_libs="-ljpeg" have_jpeg="yes" have_jpeg_saver="yes" ], [ have_jpeg="no" ] ) fi dnl Windows has no sigsetjmp function, nor equivalent. dnl So we disable the jpeg saver. case "$host_os" in mingw|mingw32) have_jpeg_saver="no" ;; esac AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_JPEG, test x$have_jpeg = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SAVER_JPEG, test x$have_jpeg_saver = xyes) ####################################### ## EET # # first, check whether the user WANTS to use EET have_eet=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-eet, AC_HELP_STRING( [--disable-image-loader-eet], [disable EET image loader. [[default=enabled]]] ), [want_eet_image_loader=$enableval], [want_eet_image_loader=yes] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(font-loader-eet, AC_HELP_STRING( [--disable-font-loader-eet], [disable EET font loader. [[default=enabled]]] ), [want_eet_font_loader=$enableval], [want_eet_font_loader=yes] ) # next, if she does, check whether EET is available if test "$want_eet_image_loader" = yes -o "$want_eet_font_loader" = yes; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EET, eet, have_eet=yes, have_eet=no) fi # finally, spew out the result AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable eet font loader) if test "$want_eet_font_loader" = yes -a "$have_eet" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_FONT_LOADER_EET, 1, [EET Font Loader Support]) have_eet_font_loader=yes else have_eet_font_loader=no fi AC_MSG_RESULT($have_eet_font_loader) AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable eet image loader) if test "$want_eet_image_loader" = yes -a "$have_eet" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_LOADER_EET, 1, [EET Image Loader Support]) have_eet_image_loader=yes else have_eet_image_loader=no fi AC_MSG_RESULT($have_eet_image_loader) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_EET, test $have_eet_image_loader = yes) ####################################### ## EDB # # first, check whether the user WANTS to use EDB have_edb=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-edb, AC_HELP_STRING( [--enable-image-loader-edb], [enable EDB image loader.] ), [want_edb_image_loader=$enableval], [want_edb_image_loader=no] ) # next, if she does, check whether EDB is available if test "$want_edb_image_loader" = yes; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EDB, edb, have_edb=yes, have_edb=no) fi # finally, spew out the result AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable edb image loader) if test "$want_edb_image_loader" = yes -a "$have_edb" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_LOADER_EDB, 1, [EDB Image Loader Support]) have_edb_image_loader=yes else have_edb_image_loader=no fi AC_MSG_RESULT($have_edb_image_loader) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_EDB, test $have_edb_image_loader = yes) ####################################### ## TIFF want_tiff="yes"; have_tiff="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable tiff image loader) AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-tiff, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-image-loader-tiff], [disable TIFF image loader]), [ want_tiff=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_tiff) if test "x$want_tiff" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(tiffio.h, [ AC_CHECK_LIB(tiff, TIFFReadScanline, [ tiff_libs="-ltiff" have_tiff="yes" ], [ AC_CHECK_LIB(tiff, TIFFReadScanline, [ tiff_libs="-ltiff -ljpeg -lz -lm" have_tiff="yes" ], [ AC_CHECK_LIB(tiff34, TIFFReadScanline, [ tiff_libs="-ltiff34 -ljpeg -lz -lm" have_tiff="yes" ], [ have_tiff="no" ] ) ] ) ] ) ], [ have_tiff="no" ] ) fi if test "x$have_tiff" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_LOADER_TIFF, 1, [TIFF Image Loader Support]) tiff_cflags="" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_TIFF, test x$have_tiff = xyes) ####################################### ## XPM have_xpm="yes"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable xpm image loader) AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-xpm, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-image-loader-xpm], [disable XPM image loader]), [ have_xpm=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($have_xpm) xpm_cflags="" xpm_libs="" AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_XPM, test x$have_xpm = xyes) ####################################### ## SVG want_svg="yes"; have_svg="no"; AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable svg image loader) AC_ARG_ENABLE(image-loader-svg, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-image-loader-svg], [disable SVG image loader]), [ want_svg=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_svg) svg_cflags="" svg_libs="" if test "x$want_svg" = "xyes"; then # Check if really available PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SVG, librsvg-2.0 >= 2.14.0, [ have_svg="yes" ], [ have_svg="no" ] ) if test "x$have_svg" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO_SVG, cairo-svg, [ have_svg="yes" svg_cflags="$SVG_CFLAGS $CAIRO_SVG_CFLAGS" svg_libs="$SVG_LIBS $CAIRO_SVG_LIBS" ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBSVG_CAIRO, libsvg-cairo, [ have_svg="yes" svg_cflags="$SVG_CFLAGS $LIBSVG_CAIRO_CFLAGS" svg_libs="$SVG_LIBS $LIBSVG_CAIRO_LIBS" ], [ have_svg="no" ] ) ] ) fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LOADER_SVG, test x$have_svg = xyes) ##################################################################### ## Cpu based optimizations ####################################### ## PTHREADS pthread_cflags="" pthread_libs="" build_pthreads="no" # sched_getaffinity pthread_attr_setaffinity_np AC_CHECK_HEADERS(pthread.h sched.h, [ AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_attr_setaffinity_np, [ AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_barrier_wait, [ build_pthreads="yes" ], [ build_pthreads="no" ] ) ], [ build_pthreads="no" ] ) ], [ build_pthreads="no" ] ) ### disable pthreads by default for now - some wierd deadlock issue with # barriers (makes no sense) #build_pthreads="no" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build pthread code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pthreads, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-pthreads], [enable threaded rendering]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_PTHREAD, 1, [Build Threaded Rendering]) build_pthreads="yes" pthread_cflags="" pthread_libs="-lpthread" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) build_pthreads="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($build_pthreads) if test "x$build_pthreads" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_PTHREAD, 1, [Build Threaded Rendering]) pthread_cflags="" pthread_libs="-lpthread" fi ] ) ####################################### ## MMX build_cpu_mmx="no" case $host_cpu in i*86) build_cpu_mmx="yes" ;; x86_64) build_cpu_mmx="yes" ;; esac AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build mmx code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cpu-mmx, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-cpu-mmx], [enable mmx code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_MMX, 1, [Build MMX Code]) build_cpu_mmx="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) build_cpu_mmx="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($build_cpu_mmx) if test "x$build_cpu_mmx" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_MMX, 1, [Build MMX Code]) fi ] ) ####################################### ## SSE build_cpu_sse="no" case $host_cpu in i*86) build_cpu_sse="yes" ;; x86_64) build_cpu_sse="yes" ;; esac AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build sse code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cpu-sse, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-cpu-sse], [enable sse code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SSE, 1, [Build SSE Code]) build_cpu_sse="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) build_cpu_sse="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($build_cpu_sse) if test "x$build_cpu_sse" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SSE, 1, [Build SSE Code]) fi ] ) ####################################### ## ALTIVEC build_cpu_altivec="no" case $host_cpu in *power* | *ppc*) build_cpu_altivec="yes" ;; esac altivec_cflags="" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build altivec code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cpu-altivec, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-cpu-altivec], [enable altivec code]), [ build_cpu_altivec=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($build_cpu_altivec) if test "x$build_cpu_altivec" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(altivec.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ALTIVEC, 1, [Build Altivec Code]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ALTIVEC_H, 1, [Have altivec.h header file]) build_cpu_altivec="yes" ], [ save_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS save_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS CFLAGS=$CFLAGS" -maltivec" CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS" -maltivec" unset ac_cv_header_altivec_h AC_CHECK_HEADER(altivec.h, [ AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ALTIVEC, 1, [Build Altivec Code]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ALTIVEC_H, 1, [Have altivec.h header file]) build_cpu_altivec="yes" ], [ build_cpu_altivec="no" ] ) CFLAGS=$save_CFLAGS CPPFLAGS=$save_CPPFLAGS ] ) fi if test "x$build_cpu_altivec" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use altivec compiler flag) if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then if echo "int main(){return 0;}" | ${CPP} -faltivec - > /dev/null 2>&1; then altivec_cflags="-faltivec" AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ALTIVEC, 1, [Build Altivec Code]) elif echo "int main(){return 0;}" | ${CPP} -maltivec - > /dev/null 2>&1; then altivec_cflags="-maltivec" AC_DEFINE(BUILD_ALTIVEC, 1, [Build Altivec Code]) fi fi AC_MSG_RESULT($altivec_cflags) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $altivec_cflags" fi ####################################### ## C build_cpu_c="no" build_cpu_c="yes" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build c code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cpu-c, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-cpu-c], [enable C code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_C, 1, [Build plain C code]) build_cpu_c="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) build_cpu_c="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($build_cpu_c) if test "x$build_cpu_c" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_C, 1, [Build plain C code]) fi ] ) ##################################################################### ## ARGB engine options ####################################### ## Nearest sampling scaler scaler_sample="no" scaler_sample="yes" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build sampling scaler) AC_ARG_ENABLE(scale-sample, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-scale-sample], [enable sampling scaler code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SCALE_SAMPLE, 1, [Sampling Scaler Support]) scaler_sample="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) scaler_sample="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($scaler_sample) if test "x$scaler_sample" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SCALE_SAMPLE, 1, [Sampling Scaler Support]) fi ] ) ####################################### ## Smooth super and sub sampling scaler scaler_smooth="no" scaler_smooth="yes" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build smooth scaler) AC_ARG_ENABLE(scale-smooth, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-scale-smooth], [enable smooth scaler code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SCALE_SMOOTH, 1, [Smooth Scaler Support]) scaler_smooth="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) scaler_smooth="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($scaler_smooth) if test "x$scaler_smooth" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SCALE_SMOOTH, 1, [Smooth Scaler Support]) fi ] ) ####################################### ## YUV -> ARGB converter conv_yuv="no" conv_yuv="yes" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build yuv converter code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(convert-yuv, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-convert-yuv], [enable yuv converter code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_CONVERT_YUV, 1, [YUV Converter Support]) conv_yuv="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) conv_yuv="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($conv_yuv) if test "x$conv_yuv" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_CONVERT_YUV, 1, [YUV Converter Support]) fi ] ) ##################################################################### ## Output rendering features ####################################### ## Small dither mask instead of big one (lower quality) conv_small_dither="no" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build small dither mask code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(small-dither-mask, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-small-dither-mask], [enable small dither mask code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SMALL_DITHER_MASK, 1, [Small Dither Mask Support]) conv_small_dither="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) conv_small_dither="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($conv_small_dither) if test "x$conv_small_dither" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_SMALL_DITHER_MASK, 1, [Small Dither Mask Support]) fi ] ) ####################################### ## No dither mask at all for 16bpp conv_no_dither="no" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build without dither mask for 16bpp) AC_ARG_ENABLE(no-dither-mask, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-no-dither-mask], [enable conversion to 16bpp without dither mask]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(BUILD_NO_DITHER_MASK, 1, [No Dither Mask Support]) conv_no_dither="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) conv_no_dither="no" fi ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT($conv_no_dither) if test "x$conv_no_dither" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_NO_DITHER_MASK, 1, [No Dither Mask Support]) fi ] ) ####################################### ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 332 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 332, [yes]) ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 666 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 666, [yes]) ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 232 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 232, [yes]) ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 222 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 222, [yes]) ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 221 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 221, [yes]) ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 121 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 121, [yes]) ## Convert to 8bpp RGB 111 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(8, RGB, 111, [yes]) ## Convert to 16bpp RGB 565 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(16, RGB, 565) ## Convert to 16bpp BGR 565 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(16, BGR, 565) ## Convert to 16bpp RGB 555 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(16, RGB, 555) ## Convert to 16bpp RGB 444 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(16, RGB, 444) ####################################### ## Convert to 16bpp RGB 565 (444 ipaq) conv_16_rgb_ipq="yes" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build 16bpp 565 (444 ipaq) converter code) AC_ARG_ENABLE(convert-16-rgb-ipq, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-convert-16-rgb-ipq], [disable 16bpp 565 (444 ipaq) converter code]), [ if test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_CONVERT_16_RGB_454645, 1, [16bpp 565 (444 ipaq) Converter Support]) conv_16_rgb_ipq="yes" else conv_16_rgb_ipq="no" fi ], [ if test "x$conv_16_rgb_ipq" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(BUILD_CONVERT_16_RGB_454645, 1, [16bpp 565 (444 ipaq) Converter Support]) fi ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($conv_16_rgb_ipq) ####################################### ## Convert to 16bpp RGB with rotation of 0 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(16, RGB, 0) ## Convert to 16bpp RGB with rotation of 180 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(16, RGB, 180) ## Convert to 16bpp RGB with rotation of 270 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(16, RGB, 270) ## Convert to 16bpp RGB with rotation of 90 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(16, RGB, 90) ####################################### ## Convert to 24bpp RGB 888 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(24, RGB, 888) ## Convert to 24bpp BGR 888 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(24, BGR, 888) ## Convert to 32bpp RGB 8888 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(32, RGB, 8888) ## Convert to 32bpp RGBX 8888 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(32, RGBX, 8888) ## Convert to 32bpp BGR 8888 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(32, BGR, 8888) ## Convert to 32bpp BGRX 8888 EVAS_CONVERT_COLOR(32, BGRX, 8888) ####################################### ## Convert to 32bpp RGB with rotation of 0 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(32, RGB, 0) ## Convert to 32bpp RGB with rotation of 180 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(32, RGB, 180) ## Convert to 32bpp RGB with rotation of 270 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(32, RGB, 270) ## Convert to 32bpp RGB with rotation of 90 EVAS_CONVERT_ROT(32, RGB, 90) ## valgrind want_valgrind="no" have_valgrind="no" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable build with valgrind) AC_ARG_ENABLE(valgrind, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-valgrind], [enable valgrind fixes to stop false reports]), [ want_valgrind=$enableval ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($want_valgrind) if test x$want_valgrind = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(VALGRIND, valgrind >= 2.4.0, [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VALGRIND, 1, [Valgrind support]) have_valgrind=yes ], [ have_valgrind=no ] ) fi ##################################################################### ## Fill in flags AC_SUBST(ddraw_libs) AC_SUBST(ddraw_16_libs) AC_SUBST(direct3d_libs) AC_SUBST(glew_libs) AC_SUBST(x_cflags) AC_SUBST(x_libs) AC_SUBST(gl_cflags) AC_SUBST(gl_libs) AC_SUBST(qt_cflags) AC_SUBST(qt_libs) AC_SUBST(qt_moc) AC_SUBST(gif_cflags) AC_SUBST(gif_libs) AC_SUBST(jpeg_cflags) AC_SUBST(jpeg_libs) AC_SUBST(tiff_cflags) AC_SUBST(tiff_libs) AC_SUBST(xpm_cflags) AC_SUBST(xpm_libs) AC_SUBST(svg_cflags) AC_SUBST(svg_libs) AC_SUBST(altivec_cflags) AC_SUBST(pthread_cflags) AC_SUBST(pthread_libs) ##################################################################### ## Output AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile evas-cairo-x11.pc evas-directfb.pc evas-framebuffer.pc evas-glitz-x11.pc evas-opengl-glew.pc evas-opengl-x11.pc evas-software-buffer.pc evas-software-qtopia.pc evas-software-x11.pc evas-software-16-x11.pc evas-software-xcb.pc evas-xrender-x11.pc evas-xrender-xcb.pc evas-software-ddraw.pc evas-software-16-ddraw.pc evas-direct3d.pc evas-software-sdl.pc evas.pc src/Makefile src/lib/Makefile src/lib/canvas/Makefile src/lib/data/Makefile src/lib/file/Makefile src/lib/imaging/Makefile src/lib/cache/Makefile src/lib/engines/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/evas_op_add/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/evas_op_blend/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/evas_op_copy/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/evas_op_mask/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/evas_op_mul/Makefile src/lib/engines/common/evas_op_sub/Makefile src/modules/Makefile src/modules/engines/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_generic/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_ddraw/Makefile src/modules/engines/direct3d/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_x11/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_xcb/Makefile src/modules/engines/fb/Makefile src/modules/engines/buffer/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_win32_gdi/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_qtopia/Makefile src/modules/engines/directfb/Makefile src/modules/engines/gl_common/Makefile src/modules/engines/gl_glew/Makefile src/modules/engines/gl_x11/Makefile src/modules/engines/cairo_common/Makefile src/modules/engines/cairo_x11/Makefile src/modules/engines/xrender_x11/Makefile src/modules/engines/xrender_xcb/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_sdl/Makefile src/modules/engines/glitz_x11/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_16/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_16_x11/Makefile src/modules/engines/software_16_ddraw/Makefile src/modules/loaders/Makefile src/modules/loaders/edb/Makefile src/modules/loaders/eet/Makefile src/modules/loaders/gif/Makefile src/modules/loaders/jpeg/Makefile src/modules/loaders/png/Makefile src/modules/loaders/tiff/Makefile src/modules/loaders/xpm/Makefile src/modules/loaders/svg/Makefile src/modules/savers/Makefile src/modules/savers/edb/Makefile src/modules/savers/eet/Makefile src/modules/savers/jpeg/Makefile src/modules/savers/png/Makefile src/modules/savers/tiff/Makefile src/lib/include/Makefile README evas.spec debian/changelog ]) ##################################################################### ## Info echo echo echo echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "$PACKAGE $VERSION" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo "Configuration Options Summary:" echo echo "Engines:" echo " Software DirectDraw........: $have_evas_software_ddraw" echo " Direct3d...................: $have_evas_direct3d" echo " Software X11...............: $have_evas_software_x11" echo " Software XCB...............: $have_evas_software_xcb" echo " Software Framebuffer.......: $have_evas_fb" echo " Software Qtopia............: $have_evas_qtopia" echo " Software Memory Buffer.....: $have_evas_buffer" echo " DirectFB...................: $have_evas_directfb" echo " Software SDL...............: $have_evas_sdl" echo " OpenGL Glew................: $have_evas_gl_glew" echo " OpenGL X11.................: $have_evas_gl_x11" echo " Cairo X11..................: $have_evas_cairo_x11" echo " XRender X11................: $have_evas_xrender_x11" echo " XRender XCB................: $have_evas_xrender_xcb" echo " Glitz X11..................: $have_evas_glitz_x11" echo " Software 16bit X11.........: $have_evas_software_16_x11" echo " Software 16bit Directdraw..: $have_evas_software_16_ddraw" # FIXME: opengl engine needs to be fixed and tested lots for all drivers # FIXME: xrender engine to be written echo echo "Image Loaders:" echo " GIF.....................: $have_gif" echo " PNG.....................: $have_png" echo " JPEG....................: $have_jpeg" echo " EET.....................: $have_eet_image_loader" echo " EDB.....................: $have_edb_image_loader" echo " TIFF....................: $have_tiff" echo " XPM.....................: $have_xpm" echo " SVG.....................: $have_svg" # FIXME: need to add modular image loader system # FIXME: add more image loader modules echo echo "Font Sourcing Systems:" echo " EET.....................: $have_eet_font_loader" echo echo "Font Searching Systems:" echo " Fontconfig..............: $have_fontconfig" # FIXME: add non freetype2 font engine support # FIXME: make freetype2 optional echo echo "CPU Specific Extensions:" echo " Fallback C Code.........: $build_cpu_c" echo " MMX.....................: $build_cpu_mmx" echo " SSE.....................: $build_cpu_sse" echo " ALTIVEC.................: $build_cpu_altivec" echo " Thread Support..........: $build_pthreads" echo echo "ARGB Software Engine Options:" echo " Sampling Scaler.........: $scaler_sample" echo " Smooth Scaler...........: $scaler_smooth" # FIXME: add an mxx scaler routine echo " YUV Converter...........: $conv_yuv" # FIXME: add more YUV format and colorvariant support echo echo "ARGB Conversion Options:" echo " Smaller Dither Mask.....: $conv_small_dither" echo " No Dither Mask for 16bpp: $conv_no_dither" echo " 8bpp RGB 332............: $conv_8_rgb_332" echo " 8bpp RGB 666............: $conv_8_rgb_666" echo " 8bpp RGB 232............: $conv_8_rgb_232" echo " 8bpp RGB 222............: $conv_8_rgb_222" echo " 8bpp RGB 221............: $conv_8_rgb_221" echo " 8bpp RGB 121............: $conv_8_rgb_121" echo " 8bpp RGB 111............: $conv_8_rgb_111" # FIXME: add grayscale and B&W support echo " 16bpp RGB 565...........: $conv_16_rgb_565" echo " 16bpp BGR 565...........: $conv_16_bgr_565" echo " 16bpp RGB 555...........: $conv_16_rgb_555" echo " 16bpp RGB 444...........: $conv_16_rgb_444" echo " 16bpp RGB 565 (444 ipaq): $conv_16_rgb_ipq" # FIXME: add 555 (444 ipaq) support # FIXME: add 24bpp 666 support # FIXME: add 32bpp 666 support # FIXME: add 30bpp support # FIXME: add palletted support # FIXME: add 8bpp and below rotation echo " 16bpp Rotation 0........: $conv_16_rgb_rot_0" echo " 16bpp Rotation 90.......: $conv_16_rgb_rot_90" echo " 16bpp Rotation 180......: $conv_16_rgb_rot_180" echo " 16bpp Rotation 270......: $conv_16_rgb_rot_270" echo " 24bpp RGB 888...........: $conv_24_rgb_888" echo " 24bpp BGR 888...........: $conv_24_bgr_888" # FIXME: add 24bpp rotation echo " 32bpp RGB 8888..........: $conv_32_rgb_8888" echo " 32bpp RGBX 8888.........: $conv_32_rgbx_8888" echo " 32bpp BGR 8888..........: $conv_32_bgr_8888" echo " 32bpp BGRX 8888.........: $conv_32_bgrx_8888" echo " 32bpp Rotation 0........: $conv_32_rgb_rot_0" echo " 32bpp Rotation 90.......: $conv_32_rgb_rot_90" echo " 32bpp Rotation 180......: $conv_32_rgb_rot_180" echo " 32bpp Rotation 270......: $conv_32_rgb_rot_270" echo echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo "Now type 'make' ('gmake' on some systems) to compile $PACKAGE," echo "and then afterwards as root (or the user who will install this), type" echo "'make install'. Change users with 'su' or 'sudo' appropriately." echo