#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #include "Ecore_Win32.h" #include "ecore_win32_private.h" #include "ecore_win32_keysym_table.h" #define ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(p) ((HIWORD(p) & KF_EXTENDED) == KF_EXTENDED) #define ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_REPEATED(p) ((HIWORD(p) & KF_REPEAT) == KF_REPEAT) #define ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(vk) ((GetKeyState(vk) & KF_UP) == KF_UP) #define ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_TOGGLED(vk) ((GetKeyState(vk) & 0x0001) == 0x0001) typedef enum { ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LSHIFT = 1 << 0, ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RSHIFT = 1 << 1, ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LCONTROL = 1 << 2, ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RCONTROL = 1 << 3, ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LMENU = 1 << 4, ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RMENU = 1 << 5 } Ecore_Win32_Key_Mask; static Ecore_Win32_Window *_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window = NULL; static Ecore_Win32_Window *_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_window = NULL; static long _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_time = 0 ; static long _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_time = 0 ; static int _ecore_win32_mouse_down_did_triple = 0; static int _ecore_win32_mouse_up_count = 0; static Ecore_Win32_Key_Mask _ecore_win32_key_mask = 0; static Eina_Bool _ecore_win32_ctrl_fake = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_Bool _ecore_win32_clipboard_has_data = EINA_FALSE; static char * _ecore_win32_utf16_to_utf8(const wchar_t *text) { char *res; int size; /* text is used as an array, hence never NULL */ size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, text, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (size == 0) return NULL; res = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!res) return NULL; size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, text, -1, res, size, NULL, NULL); if (size == 0) { free(res); return NULL; } return res; } static unsigned int _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(void) { unsigned int modifiers = 0; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_SHIFT)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_SHIFT; if (_ecore_win32_ctrl_fake && !ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RMENU)) { _ecore_win32_ctrl_fake = EINA_FALSE; } else { if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_CONTROL)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_CTRL; } if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LMENU)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_ALT; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RMENU)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_ALTGR; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LWIN)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_WIN; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RWIN)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_WIN; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_TOGGLED(VK_SCROLL)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_LOCK_SCROLL; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_TOGGLED(VK_NUMLOCK)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_LOCK_NUM; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_TOGGLED(VK_CAPITAL)) modifiers |= ECORE_EVENT_LOCK_CAPS; return modifiers; } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_alt_save(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short *modifiers) { if (kbd_state[VK_LMENU] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 0; kbd_state[VK_LMENU] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_RMENU] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 1; kbd_state[VK_RMENU] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_MENU] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 2; kbd_state[VK_MENU] &= ~128; } } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_alt_restore(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short modifiers) { if ((modifiers & (1 << 0)) == (1 << 0)) kbd_state[VK_LMENU] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 1)) == (1 << 1)) kbd_state[VK_RMENU] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 2)) == (1 << 2)) kbd_state[VK_MENU] |= 128; } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_ctrl_save(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short *modifiers) { if (kbd_state[VK_LCONTROL] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 3; kbd_state[VK_LCONTROL] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_RCONTROL] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 4; kbd_state[VK_RCONTROL] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_CONTROL] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 5; kbd_state[VK_CONTROL] &= ~128; } } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_ctrl_restore(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short modifiers) { if ((modifiers & (1 << 3)) == (1 << 3)) kbd_state[VK_LCONTROL] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 4)) == (1 << 4)) kbd_state[VK_RCONTROL] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 5)) == (1 << 5)) kbd_state[VK_CONTROL] |= 128; } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_shift_save(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short *modifiers) { if (kbd_state[VK_LSHIFT] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 6; kbd_state[VK_LSHIFT] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_RSHIFT] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 7; kbd_state[VK_RSHIFT] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_SHIFT] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 8; kbd_state[VK_SHIFT] &= ~128; } } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_shift_restore(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short modifiers) { if ((modifiers & (1 << 6)) == (1 << 6)) kbd_state[VK_LSHIFT] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 7)) == (1 << 7)) kbd_state[VK_RSHIFT] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 8)) == (1 << 8)) kbd_state[VK_SHIFT] |= 128; } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_win_save(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short *modifiers) { if (kbd_state[VK_LWIN] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 9; kbd_state[VK_LWIN] &= ~128; } if (kbd_state[VK_RWIN] & 128) { *modifiers |= 1 << 10; kbd_state[VK_RWIN] &= ~128; } } static void _ecore_win32_modifiers_win_restore(BYTE *kbd_state, unsigned short modifiers) { if ((modifiers & (1 << 9)) == (1 << 9)) kbd_state[VK_LWIN] |= 128; if ((modifiers & (1 << 10)) == (1 << 10)) kbd_state[VK_RWIN] |= 128; } static uint32_t _ecore_win32_keysym_offset_get(uint32_t keysym) { uint32_t start; uint32_t end; /* * statistically, there are more chance to press a key with * keysym between 0 and 255 */ if (keysym < 256) { start = 0; end = 255; } else { start = 256; end = sizeof(_ecore_win32_name_to_keysym) / sizeof(ecore_win32_name_keysym) - 1; } do { uint32_t m = (start + end) / 2; if (_ecore_win32_name_to_keysym[m].keysym == keysym) return _ecore_win32_name_to_keysym[m].offset; else { if (keysym > _ecore_win32_name_to_keysym[m].keysym) start = m + 1; else end = m - 1; } } while (start <= end); return 0xffffffff; } static const char * _ecore_win32_diacritic_get(WCHAR wc) { switch (wc) { case 0x0060: /* grave accent */ return "dead_grave"; case 0x00b4: /* acute accent */ return "dead_acute"; case 0x005e: /* circumflex_accent */ return "dead_circumflex"; case 0x007e: /* tilde_accent */ return "dead_tilde"; case 0x00a8: /* diaeresis_accent */ return "dead_diaeresis"; /* * FIXME: add more diacritics * needs more langages and keyboards * see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacritic */ } return NULL; } static Ecore_Event_Key * _ecore_win32_event_keystroke_get(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, Eina_Bool is_down) { Ecore_Event_Key *e; char string[2] = { 0, 0 }; const char *keyname = NULL; const char *key = NULL; const char *compose = NULL; switch (msg->window_param) { /* VK_LBUTTON: 0x01 : not launched by message */ /* VK_RBUTTON: 0x02 : not launched by message */ /* VK_CANCEL: 0x03 : FIXME: what to do ? */ /* VK_MBUTTON: 0x04 : not launched by message */ /* VK_XBUTTON1: 0x05 : not launched by message */ /* VK_XBUTTON2: 0x06 : not launched by message */ /* 0x07 : undefined */ case VK_BACK: /* 0x08 */ keyname = "BackSpace"; key = "BackSpace"; compose = "\b"; break; case VK_TAB: /* 0x09 */ keyname = "Tab"; key = "Tab"; compose = "\t"; break; /* 0x0A - 0x0B : reserved */ case VK_CLEAR: /* 0x0C */ keyname = "KP_Begin"; key = "KP_Begin"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_RETURN: /* 0x0D */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "KP_Enter"; key = "KP_Enter"; } else { keyname = "Return"; key = "Return"; } compose = "\n"; break; /* 0x0E - 0x0F : undefined */ case VK_SHIFT: /* 0x10 */ { if (is_down) { if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_REPEATED(msg->data_param)) return NULL; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LSHIFT)) { _ecore_win32_key_mask |= ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LSHIFT; keyname = "Shift_L"; key = "Shift_L"; compose = NULL; } if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RSHIFT)) { _ecore_win32_key_mask |= ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RSHIFT; keyname = "Shift_R"; key = "Shift_R"; compose = NULL; } } else /* is_up */ { if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LSHIFT) && (_ecore_win32_key_mask & ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LSHIFT)) { keyname = "Shift_L"; key = "Shift_L"; compose = NULL; _ecore_win32_key_mask &= ~ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LSHIFT; } if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RSHIFT) && (_ecore_win32_key_mask & ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RSHIFT)) { keyname = "Shift_R"; key = "Shift_R"; compose = NULL; _ecore_win32_key_mask &= ~ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RSHIFT; } } break; } case VK_CONTROL: /* 0x11 */ { if (is_down) { /* We check if Ctrl has be thrown because of AltGr being stroke */ if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { BOOL res; MSG next_msg; /* * we check if the next message * - is a WM_KEYDOWN * - has the same timestamp than the Ctrl one * - is the key press of the Alt key */ res = PeekMessage(&next_msg, msg->window, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYDOWN, PM_NOREMOVE); if (res && (next_msg.wParam == VK_MENU) && (next_msg.time == msg->timestamp) && ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(next_msg.lParam)) { INF("discard left Ctrl key press (sent by AltGr key press)"); _ecore_win32_ctrl_fake = EINA_TRUE; return NULL; } } if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_REPEATED(msg->data_param)) return NULL; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LCONTROL)) { _ecore_win32_key_mask |= ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LCONTROL; keyname = "Control_L"; key = "Control_L"; compose = NULL; break; } if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RCONTROL)) { _ecore_win32_key_mask |= ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RCONTROL; keyname = "Control_R"; key = "Control_R"; compose = NULL; break; } } else /* is_up */ { /* We check if Ctrl has be thrown because of AltGr being stroke */ if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { BOOL res; MSG next_msg; /* * we check if the next message * - is a WM_KEYUP or WM_SYSKEYUP * - has the same timestamp than the Ctrl one * - is the key press of the Alt key */ res = PeekMessage(&next_msg, msg->window, WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP, PM_NOREMOVE); if (res && ((next_msg.message == WM_KEYUP) || (next_msg.message == WM_SYSKEYUP)) && (next_msg.wParam == VK_MENU) && (next_msg.time == msg->timestamp) && ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(next_msg.lParam)) { INF("discard left Ctrl key press (sent by AltGr key press)"); _ecore_win32_ctrl_fake = EINA_TRUE; return NULL; } } if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LCONTROL) && (_ecore_win32_key_mask & ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LCONTROL)) { keyname = "Control_L"; key = "Control_L"; compose = NULL; _ecore_win32_key_mask &= ~ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LCONTROL; break; } if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LCONTROL) && (_ecore_win32_key_mask & ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RCONTROL)) { keyname = "Control_R"; key = "Control_R"; compose = NULL; _ecore_win32_key_mask &= ~ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RCONTROL; break; } } break; } case VK_MENU: /* 0x12 */ { if (is_down) { if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_REPEATED(msg->data_param)) return NULL; if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LMENU)) { _ecore_win32_key_mask |= ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LMENU; keyname = "Alt_L"; key = "Alt_L"; compose = NULL; } if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RMENU)) { _ecore_win32_key_mask |= ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RMENU; keyname = "ISO_Level3_Shift"; key = "ISO_Level3_Shift"; compose = NULL; } } else /* is_up */ { if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_LMENU) && (_ecore_win32_key_mask & ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LMENU)) { keyname = "Alt_L"; key = "Alt_L"; compose = NULL; _ecore_win32_key_mask &= ~ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_LMENU; } if (!ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_PRESSED(VK_RMENU) && (_ecore_win32_key_mask & ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RMENU)) { keyname = "ISO_Level3_Shift"; key = "ISO_Level3_Shift"; compose = NULL; _ecore_win32_key_mask &= ~ECORE_WIN32_KEY_MASK_RMENU; } } break; } case VK_PAUSE: /* 0x13 */ keyname = "Pause"; key = "Pause"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_CAPITAL: /* 0x14 */ keyname = "Caps_Lock"; key = "Caps_Lock"; compose = NULL; break; /* VK_KANA: 0x15 : IME Kana mode */ /* VK_HANGUEL: 0x15 : IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use VK_HANGUL) */ /* VK_HANGUL: 0x15 : IME Hangul mode */ /* 0x16 : undefined */ /* VK_JUNJA: 0x17 : IME Junja mode */ /* VK_FINAL: 0x18 : IME final mode */ /* VK_HANJA: 0x19 : IME Hanja mode */ /* VK_KANJI: 0x19 : IME Kanji mode */ /* 0x1A : undefined */ case VK_ESCAPE: /* 0x1B */ keyname = "Escape"; key = "Escape"; string[0] = 0x1b; compose = string; break; /* VK_CONVERT: 0x1C : IME convert */ /* VK_NONCONVERT: 0x1D : IME nonconvert */ /* VK_ACCEPT: 0x1E : IME accept */ /* VK_MODECHANGE: 0x1F : IME mode change request */ case VK_SPACE: /* 0x20 */ keyname = "space"; key = "space"; compose = " "; break; case VK_PRIOR: /* 0x21 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Prior"; key = "Prior"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Prior"; key = "KP_Prior"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_NEXT: /* 0x22 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Next"; key = "Next"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Next"; key = "KP_Next"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_END: /* 0x23 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "End"; key = "End"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_End"; key = "KP_End"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_HOME: /* 0x24 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Home"; key = "Home"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_HOME"; key = "KP_HOME"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_LEFT: /* 0x25 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Left"; key = "Left"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Left"; key = "KP_Left"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_UP: /* 0x26 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Up"; key = "Up"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Up"; key = "KP_Up"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_RIGHT: /* 0x27 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Right"; key = "Right"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Right"; key = "KP_Right"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_DOWN: /* 0x28 */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Down"; key = "Down"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Down"; key = "KP_Down"; compose = NULL; } break; /* VK_SELECT: 0x29 : SELECT key (for a menu ? on rare keyboards ?) */ /* VK_PRINT: 0x2A : PRINT key on old IBM PC XT and AT, maybe also on Nokia keyboards */ /* VK_EXECUTE: 0x2B : EXECUTE key (for a menu ? on rare keyboards ?) */ /* VK_SNAPSHOT: 0x2C : EXECUTE key (for a menu ? on rare keyboards ?) */ case VK_INSERT: /* 0x2D */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Insert"; key = "Insert"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "KP_Insert"; key = "KP_Insert"; compose = NULL; } break; case VK_DELETE: /* 0x2E */ if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_EXTENDED(msg->data_param)) { keyname = "Delete"; key = "Delete"; string[0] = 0x7f; compose = string; } else { keyname = "KP_Delete"; key = "KP_Delete"; compose = NULL; } break; /* VK_HELP: 0x2F : HELP key (for a menu ? on rare keyboards ?) */ /* case 0x30: 0 key (default case) */ /* case 0x31: 1 key (default case) */ /* case 0x32: 2 key (default case) */ /* case 0x33: 3 key (default case) */ /* case 0x34: 4 key (default case) */ /* case 0x35: 5 key (default case) */ /* case 0x36: 6 key (default case) */ /* case 0x37: 7 key (default case) */ /* case 0x38: 8 key (default case) */ /* case 0x39: 9 key (default case) */ /* 0x3A - 0x40 : undefined */ /* case 0x41: A key (default case) */ /* case 0x42: B key (default case) */ /* case 0x43: C key (default case) */ /* case 0x44: D key (default case) */ /* case 0x45: E key (default case) */ /* case 0x46: F key (default case) */ /* case 0x47: G key (default case) */ /* case 0x48: H key (default case) */ /* case 0x49: I key (default case) */ /* case 0x4a: J key (default case) */ /* case 0x4b: K key (default case) */ /* case 0x4c: L key (default case) */ /* case 0x4d: M key (default case) */ /* case 0x4e: N key (default case) */ /* case 0x4f: O key (default case) */ /* case 0x50: P key (default case) */ /* case 0x51: Q key (default case) */ /* case 0x52: R key (default case) */ /* case 0x53: S key (default case) */ /* case 0x54: T key (default case) */ /* case 0x55: U key (default case) */ /* case 0x56: V key (default case) */ /* case 0x57: W key (default case) */ /* case 0x58: X key (default case) */ /* case 0x59: Y key (default case) */ /* case 0x5a: Z key (default case) */ case VK_LWIN: /* 0x5B */ { if (is_down) { if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_REPEATED(msg->data_param)) return NULL; keyname = "Super_L"; key = "Super_L"; compose = NULL; } else /* is_up */ { keyname = "Super_L"; key = "Super_L"; compose = NULL; } break; } case VK_RWIN: /* 0x5C */ { if (is_down) { if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_REPEATED(msg->data_param)) return NULL; keyname = "Super_R"; key = "Super_R"; compose = NULL; } else /* is_up */ { keyname = "Super_R"; key = "Super_R"; compose = NULL; } break; } case VK_APPS: /* 0x5D Menu key on some keyboards, or via the 'function' modifier */ keyname = "Menu"; key = "Menu"; compose = NULL; break; /* 0x5E : reserved */ /* case VK_SLEEP: 0x5F SLEEP key (not hookable, the computer goes to sleep immediatly...) */ case VK_NUMPAD0: /* 0x60 */ keyname = "KP_Insert"; key = "KP_0"; compose = "0"; break; case VK_NUMPAD1: /* 0x61 */ keyname = "KP_End"; key = "KP_1"; compose = "1"; break; case VK_NUMPAD2: /* 0x62 */ keyname = "KP_Down"; key = "KP_2"; compose = "2"; break; case VK_NUMPAD3: /* 0x63 */ keyname = "KP_Next"; key = "KP_3"; compose = "3"; break; case VK_NUMPAD4: /* 0x64 */ keyname = "KP_Left"; key = "KP_4"; compose = "4"; break; case VK_NUMPAD5: /* 0x65 */ keyname = "KP_Begin"; key = "KP_5"; compose = "5"; break; case VK_NUMPAD6: /* 0x66 */ keyname = "KP_Right"; key = "KP_6"; compose = "6"; break; case VK_NUMPAD7: /* 0x67 */ keyname = "KP_HOME"; key = "KP_7"; compose = "7"; break; case VK_NUMPAD8: /* 0x68 */ keyname = "KP_Up"; key = "KP_8"; compose = "8"; break; case VK_NUMPAD9: /* 0x69 */ keyname = "KP_Prior"; key = "KP_9"; compose = "9"; break; case VK_MULTIPLY: /* 0x6A */ keyname = "KP_Multiply"; key = "KP_Multiply"; compose = "*"; break; case VK_ADD: /* 0x6A */ keyname = "KP_Add"; key = "KP_Add"; compose = "+"; break; /* VK_SEPARATOR : 0x6C : FIXME depending on layout : */ /* . or , for the separator in a floating point number*/ case VK_SUBTRACT: /* 0x6D */ keyname = "KP_Subtract"; key = "KP_Subtract"; compose = "-"; break; case VK_DECIMAL: /* 0x6E */ /* '.' key with num lock on */ keyname = "KP_Delete"; key = "KP_Decimal"; /* Value of 'compose' may depend on the layout */ compose = "."; break; case VK_DIVIDE: /* 0x6F */ keyname = "KP_Divide"; key = "KP_Divide"; compose = "/"; break; case VK_F1: /* 0x70 */ keyname = "F1"; key = "F1"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F2: /* 0x71 */ keyname = "F2"; key = "F2"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F3: /* 0x72 */ keyname = "F3"; key = "F3"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F4: /* 0x73 */ keyname = "F4"; key = "F4"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F5: /* 0x74 */ keyname = "F5"; key = "F5"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F6: /* 0x75 */ keyname = "F6"; key = "F6"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F7: /* 0x76 */ keyname = "F7"; key = "F7"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F8: /* 0x77 */ keyname = "F8"; key = "F8"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F9: /* 0x78 */ keyname = "F9"; key = "F9"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F10: /* 0x79 */ keyname = "F10"; key = "F10"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F11: /* 0x7A */ keyname = "F11"; key = "F11"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F12: /* 0x7B */ keyname = "F12"; key = "F12"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F13: /* 0x7C */ keyname = "F13"; key = "F13"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F14: /* 0x7D */ keyname = "F14"; key = "F14"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F15: /* 0x7E */ keyname = "F15"; key = "F15"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F16: /* 0x7F */ keyname = "F16"; key = "F16"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F17: /* 0x80 */ keyname = "F17"; key = "F17"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F18: /* 0x81 */ keyname = "F18"; key = "F18"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F19: /* 0x82 */ keyname = "F19"; key = "F19"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F20: /* 0x83 */ keyname = "F20"; key = "F20"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F21: /* 0x84 */ keyname = "F21"; key = "F21"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F22: /* 0x85 */ keyname = "F22"; key = "F22"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F23: /* 0x86 */ keyname = "F23"; key = "F23"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_F24: /* 0x87 */ keyname = "F24"; key = "F24"; compose = NULL; break; /* 0x88 - 0x8F : unassigned */ case VK_NUMLOCK: /* 0x90 */ keyname = "Num_Lock"; key = "Num_Lock"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_SCROLL: /* 0x91 */ keyname = "Scroll_Lock"; key = "Scroll_Lock"; compose = NULL; break; /* 0x92 - 0x96 : OEM specific */ /* 0x97 - 0x9F : unassigned */ /* VK_LSHIT: 0xA0 : not launched by message */ /* VK_RSHIT: 0xA1 : not launched by message */ /* VK_LCONTROL: 0xA2 : not launched by message */ /* VK_RCONTROL: 0xA3 : not launched by message */ /* VK_LMENU: 0xA4 : not launched by message */ /* VK_RMENU: 0xA5 : not launched by message */ case VK_BROWSER_BACK: /* 0xA6 */ keyname = "XF86Back"; key = "XF86Back"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_BROWSER_FORWARD: /* 0xA7 */ keyname = "XF86Forward"; key = "XF86Forward"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_BROWSER_REFRESH: /* 0xA8 */ keyname = "XF86Forward"; key = "XF86Forward"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_BROWSER_STOP: /* 0xA9 */ keyname = "XF86Stop"; key = "XF86Stop"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_BROWSER_SEARCH: /* 0xAA */ keyname = "XF86Search"; key = "XF86Search"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES: /* 0xAB */ keyname = "XF86Favorites"; key = "XF86Favorites"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_BROWSER_HOME: /* 0xAC */ keyname = "XF86HomePage"; key = "XF86HomePage"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_VOLUME_MUTE: /* 0xAD */ keyname = "XF86AudioMute"; key = "XF86AudioMute"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_VOLUME_DOWN: /* 0xAE */ keyname = "XF86AudioLowerVolume"; key = "XF86AudioLowerVolume"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_VOLUME_UP: /* 0xAF */ keyname = "XF86AudioRaiseVolume"; key = "XF86AudioRaiseVolume"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK: /* 0xB0 */ keyname = "XF86AudioNext"; key = "XF86AudioNext"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK: /* 0xB1 */ keyname = "XF86AudioPrev"; key = "XF86AudioPrev"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_MEDIA_STOP: /* 0xB2 */ keyname = "XF86AudioStop"; key = "XF86AudioStop"; compose = NULL; break; case VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: /* 0xB3 */ { if (ECORE_WIN32_VK_IS_TOGGLED(VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE)) { keyname = "XF86AudioPlay"; key = "XF86AudioPlay"; compose = NULL; } else { keyname = "XF86AudioPause"; key = "XF86AudioPause"; compose = NULL; } break; } case VK_LAUNCH_MAIL: /* 0xB4 */ keyname = "XF86Mail"; key = "XF86Mail"; compose = NULL; break; /* VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT: 0xB5 : select Media key */ /* VK_LAUNCH_APP1: 0xB6 : start application 1 key */ /* VK_LAUNCH_APP2: 0xB7 : start application 2 key */ /* 0xB8 - 0xB9 : reserved */ /* case VK_OEM1 : 0xBA : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* case VK_PLUS : 0xBB : For any country/region, the '+' key. (default case) */ /* case VK_COMMA : 0xBC : For any country/region, the ',' key. (default case) */ /* case VK_MINUS : 0xBD : For any country/region, the '-' key. (default case) */ /* case VK_PERIOD : 0xBE : For any country/region, the '.' key. (default case) */ /* case VK_OEM2 : 0xBF : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* case VK_OEM3 : 0xC0 : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* 0xC1 - 0xD7 : reserved */ /* 0xD8 - 0xDA : unassigned */ /* case VK_OEM4 : 0xDB : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* case VK_OEM5 : 0xDC : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* case VK_OEM6 : 0xDD : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* case VK_OEM7 : 0xDE : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* case VK_OEM8 : 0xDF : Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. (default case) */ /* 0xE0 : reserved */ /* 0xE1 : OEM specific */ /* case VK_OEM102 : 0xE2 : Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard. (default case) */ /* 0xE3 - 0xE4 : OEM specific */ /* case VK_PROCESSKEY : 0xE5 : IME PROCESS key */ /* 0xE6 : OEM specific */ /* case VK_PACKET : 0xE7 : Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. */ /* 0xE8 : unassigned */ /* 0xE9 - 0xF5 : OEM specific */ /* case VK_ATTN : 0xF6 : Attn key */ /* case VK_CRSEL : 0xF7 : CrSel key */ /* case VK_EXSEL : 0xF8 : ExSel key */ /* case VK_EREOF : 0xF9 : Erase EOF key */ /* case VK_PLAY : 0xFA : Play key */ /* case VK_ZOOM : 0xFB : Zoom key */ /* case VK_NONAME : 0xFC : reserved */ /* case VK_PA1 : 0xFD : PA1 key */ /* case VK_OEM_CLEAR : 0xFE : Clear key */ default: { BYTE kbd_state[256]; WCHAR buf[4]; uint32_t offset; int res; unsigned short modifiers_save = 0; Eina_Bool is_dead_key; /*** compose and string field ***/ if (!GetKeyboardState(kbd_state)) return NULL; /* * Keep that trick in case it is necessary char_value = MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR); _ecore_win32_is_dead_key = (char_value & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000; */ res = ToUnicode(msg->window_param, MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR), kbd_state, buf, 4, 0); if (res == -1) { /* dead key, but managed like normal key */ compose = _ecore_win32_utf16_to_utf8(buf); } else if (res == 0) { INF("No translatable character found, skipping"); if (msg->window_param >= 0x30 && msg->window_param <= 0x39) compose = _ecore_win32_utf16_to_utf8(buf); /* otherwise, compose is NULL */ } else if (res >= 2) { /* * Most common case : dead key which can not be composed, * or proper symbol. * Call ToUnicode again to get something sane. */ res = ToUnicode(msg->window_param, MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR), kbd_state, buf, 4, 0); if (!((res != 1) && (res != -1))) compose = _ecore_win32_utf16_to_utf8(buf); /* otherwise, compose is NULL */ } else /* res == 1 : 1 char written to buf */ compose = _ecore_win32_utf16_to_utf8(buf); /*** key field ***/ if (!_ecore_win32_ctrl_fake) { /* save modifiers for key */ modifiers_save = 0; /* save Control modifier before getting key value */ _ecore_win32_modifiers_ctrl_save(kbd_state, &modifiers_save); if (!SetKeyboardState(kbd_state)) return NULL; } is_dead_key = EINA_FALSE; res = ToUnicode(msg->window_param, MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR), kbd_state, buf, 4, 0); if (res == -1) { is_dead_key = EINA_TRUE; } else if (res == 0) { INF("No translatable character found, skipping"); if (msg->window_param >= 0x30 && msg->window_param <= 0x39) { buf[0] = msg->window_param; } } else if (res >= 2) { /* * Most common case : dead key which can not be composed, * buf[0] is invalid and buf[1] is the dead key. * Call ToUnicode again to get something sane. */ res = ToUnicode(msg->window_param, MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR), kbd_state, buf, 4, 0); if (res == -1) is_dead_key = EINA_TRUE; if ((res != 1) && (res != -1)) return NULL; } if (is_dead_key) key = _ecore_win32_diacritic_get(buf[0]); else { offset = _ecore_win32_keysym_offset_get(buf[0]); if (offset != 0xffffffff) key = _ecore_win32_keysym_names + offset; } if (!_ecore_win32_ctrl_fake) { /* Restaure Control modifier */ _ecore_win32_modifiers_ctrl_restore(kbd_state, modifiers_save); if (!SetKeyboardState(kbd_state)) return NULL; } if (!key) { WRN("no keysym found for keycode %d\n", string[0]); return NULL; } /*** keyname field ***/ /* save modifiers for keyname */ modifiers_save = 0; _ecore_win32_modifiers_alt_save(kbd_state, &modifiers_save); _ecore_win32_modifiers_ctrl_save(kbd_state, &modifiers_save); _ecore_win32_modifiers_shift_save(kbd_state, &modifiers_save); _ecore_win32_modifiers_win_save(kbd_state, &modifiers_save); if (!SetKeyboardState(kbd_state)) return NULL; is_dead_key = EINA_FALSE; res = ToUnicode(msg->window_param, MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR), kbd_state, buf, 4, 0); if (res == -1) { is_dead_key = EINA_TRUE; } else if (res == 0) { INF("No translatable character found, skipping"); if (msg->window_param >= 0x30 && msg->window_param <= 0x39) { buf[0] = msg->window_param; } else buf[0] = 0;// return NULL; } else if (res >= 2) { /* * Most common case : dead key which can not be composed, * buf[0] is invalid and buf[1] is the dead key. * Call ToUnicode again to get something sane. */ res = ToUnicode(msg->window_param, MapVirtualKey(msg->window_param, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR), kbd_state, buf, 4, 0); if (res == -1) is_dead_key = EINA_TRUE; if ((res != 1) && (res != -1)) return NULL; } if (is_dead_key) keyname = _ecore_win32_diacritic_get(buf[0]); else { offset = _ecore_win32_keysym_offset_get(buf[0]); if (offset != 0xffffffff) keyname = _ecore_win32_keysym_names + offset; } /* Restore modifiers */ _ecore_win32_modifiers_alt_restore(kbd_state, modifiers_save); _ecore_win32_modifiers_ctrl_restore(kbd_state, modifiers_save); _ecore_win32_modifiers_shift_restore(kbd_state, modifiers_save); _ecore_win32_modifiers_win_restore(kbd_state, modifiers_save); if (!SetKeyboardState(kbd_state)) return NULL; if (!keyname) { WRN("no keysym found for keycode %d\n", string[0]); return NULL; } } } if (!keyname || !key) return NULL; e = (Ecore_Event_Key *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Key) + strlen(keyname) + 1 + strlen(key) + 1 + (compose ? strlen(compose) : 0) + 1); if (!e) return NULL; e->keyname = (char *)(e + 1); e->key = e->keyname + strlen(keyname) + 1; e->compose = NULL; if (compose) e->compose = (e->key + strlen(key) + 1); e->string = e->compose; memcpy((char *)e->keyname, keyname, strlen(keyname)); memcpy((char *)e->key, key, strlen(key)); if (compose) { memcpy((char *)e->compose, compose, strlen(compose)); free(compose); } return e; } /***** Global functions definitions *****/ void _ecore_win32_event_handle_key_press(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Event_Key *e = NULL; INF("key pressed"); e = _ecore_win32_event_keystroke_get(msg, EINA_TRUE); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!e->window) { free(e); return; } e->root_window = (Ecore_Window)GetAncestor(msg->window, GA_ROOT); e->event_window = e->window; e->same_screen = 1; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_key_release(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Event_Key *e; INF("key released"); e = _ecore_win32_event_keystroke_get(msg, EINA_FALSE); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!e->window) { free(e); return; } e->root_window = (Ecore_Window)GetAncestor(msg->window, GA_ROOT); e->event_window = e->window; e->same_screen = 1; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_UP, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_button_press(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, int button) { Ecore_Win32_Window *window; RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; INF("mouse button pressed"); window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!GetWindowRect(window->window, &rect)) ERR("GetWindowRect() failed!"); if (button > 3) { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Wheel *e; e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Wheel *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Wheel)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)window; e->event_window = e->window; e->direction = 0; /* wheel delta is positive or negative, never 0 */ e->z = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(msg->window_param) > 0 ? -1 : 1; e->x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg->data_param) - rect.left; e->y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg->data_param) - rect.top; e->root.x = rect.left; e->root.y = rect.top; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL, e, NULL, NULL); } else { { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *e; e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)window; e->event_window = e->window; e->x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->root.x = rect.left; e->root.y = rect.top; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, e, NULL, NULL); } { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *e; if (_ecore_win32_mouse_down_did_triple) { _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window = NULL; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_window = NULL; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_time = 0; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_time = 0; } e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)window; e->event_window = e->window; e->buttons = button; e->x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->root.x = rect.left; e->root.y = rect.top; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); if (((e->timestamp - _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_time) <= (unsigned long)(1000 * _ecore_win32_double_click_time)) && (e->window == (Ecore_Window)_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window)) e->double_click = 1; if (((e->timestamp - _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_time) <= (unsigned long)(2 * 1000 * _ecore_win32_double_click_time)) && (e->window == (Ecore_Window)_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window) && (e->window == (Ecore_Window)_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_window)) { e->triple_click = 1; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_did_triple = 1; } else _ecore_win32_mouse_down_did_triple = 0; if (!e->double_click && !e->triple_click) _ecore_win32_mouse_up_count = 0; _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; if (!_ecore_win32_mouse_down_did_triple) { _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_window = _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_time = _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_time; _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_time = e->timestamp; } ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN, e, NULL, NULL); } } } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_button_release(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, int button) { Ecore_Win32_Window *window; INF("mouse button released"); window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *e; e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)window; e->event_window = e->window; e->x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, e, NULL, NULL); } { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *e; e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)window; e->event_window = e->window; e->buttons = button; e->x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_mouse_up_count++; if ((_ecore_win32_mouse_up_count >= 2) && ((e->timestamp - _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_time) <= (unsigned long)(1000 * _ecore_win32_double_click_time)) && (e->window == (Ecore_Window)_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window)) e->double_click = 1; if ((_ecore_win32_mouse_up_count >= 3) && ((e->timestamp - _ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_time) <= (unsigned long)(2 * 1000 * _ecore_win32_double_click_time)) && (e->window == (Ecore_Window)_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_window) && (e->window == (Ecore_Window)_ecore_win32_mouse_down_last_last_window)) e->triple_click = 1; _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP, e, NULL, NULL); } } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_motion_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *e; INF("mouse moved"); e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->event_window = e->window; e->x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg->data_param); e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_enter_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *e; INF("mouse in"); e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->event_window = e->window; e->x = msg->x; e->y = msg->y; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, e, NULL, NULL); } { Ecore_Win32_Event_Mouse_In *e; e = (Ecore_Win32_Event_Mouse_In *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Mouse_In)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->x = msg->x; e->y = msg->y; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp ; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_MOUSE_IN, e, NULL, NULL); } } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_leave_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *e; INF("mouse out"); e = (Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move)); if (!e) return; e->window = (Ecore_Window)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->event_window = e->window; e->x = msg->x; e->y = msg->y; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; _ecore_win32_event_last_window = (Ecore_Win32_Window *)e->window; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, e, NULL, NULL); } { Ecore_Win32_Event_Mouse_Out *e; e = (Ecore_Win32_Event_Mouse_Out *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Mouse_Out)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->x = msg->x; e->y = msg->y; e->timestamp = msg->timestamp; e->modifiers = _ecore_win32_modifiers_get(); _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_MOUSE_OUT, e, NULL, NULL); } } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_focus_in(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Focus_In *e; INF("focus in"); e = (Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Focus_In *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Focus_In)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_focus_out(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Focus_Out *e; INF("focus out"); e = (Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Focus_Out *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Focus_Out)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; _ecore_win32_event_last_time = e->timestamp; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_FOCUS_OUT, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_expose(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Damage *e; INF("window expose"); e = (Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Damage *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Damage)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->x = msg->update.left; e->y = msg->update.top; e->width = msg->update.right - msg->update.left; e->height = msg->update.bottom - msg->update.top; e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_DAMAGE, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_create_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Create *e; if (msg->window == ecore_win32_monitor_window) return; INF("window create notify"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Create)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_CREATE, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_destroy_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Destroy *e; if (msg->window == ecore_win32_monitor_window) return; INF("window destroy notify"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Destroy)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; if (e->window == _ecore_win32_event_last_window) _ecore_win32_event_last_window = NULL; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_DESTROY, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_map_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Show *e; INF("window map notify"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Show)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_SHOW, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_unmap_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Hide *e; INF("window unmap notify"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Hide)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_HIDE, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_configure_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, Eina_Bool wmsize) { WINDOWINFO wi; Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Configure *e; WINDOWPOS *window_pos; INF("window configure notify"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Configure)); if (!e) return; window_pos = (WINDOWPOS *)msg->data_param; wi.cbSize = sizeof(WINDOWINFO); if (!GetWindowInfo(msg->window, &wi)) { free(e); return; } e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!wmsize) e->abovewin = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(window_pos->hwndInsertAfter, GWLP_USERDATA); e->x = wi.rcClient.left; e->y = wi.rcClient.top; e->width = wi.rcClient.right - wi.rcClient.left; e->height = wi.rcClient.bottom - wi.rcClient.top; e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_CONFIGURE, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_resize(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { RECT rect; Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Resize *e; INF("window resize"); if (!GetClientRect(msg->window, &rect)) return; e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Resize)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->width = rect.right - rect.left; e->height = rect.bottom - rect.top; e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_RESIZE, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_property_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Property *e; INF("window property"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Property)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_PROPERTY, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_delete_request(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Delete_Request *e; INF("window delete request"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Window_Delete_Request)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_WINDOW_DELETE_REQUEST, e, NULL, NULL); } void _ecore_win32_event_handle_selection_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg) { Ecore_Win32_Event_Selection_Notify *e; HGLOBAL global; char *str; INF("selection_notify"); /* * we have text data in clipboard but no data before, * so text data has just been added */ if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) && !_ecore_win32_clipboard_has_data) { e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Selection_Notify)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; e->selection = ECORE_WIN32_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD; if (!OpenClipboard(msg->window)) goto free_e; global = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (!global) goto close_clipboard; str = GlobalLock(global); if (str) { e->data = strdup(str); GlobalUnlock(global); } CloseClipboard(); ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_SELECTION_NOTIFY, e, NULL, NULL); _ecore_win32_clipboard_has_data = EINA_TRUE; } /* * we have no more text data in clipboard and data before, * so text data has just been removed */ if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) && _ecore_win32_clipboard_has_data) { e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Win32_Event_Selection_Clear)); if (!e) return; e->window = (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(msg->window, GWLP_USERDATA); e->timestamp = _ecore_win32_event_last_time; e->selection = ECORE_WIN32_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD; ecore_event_add(ECORE_WIN32_EVENT_SELECTION_CLEAR, e, NULL, NULL); _ecore_win32_clipboard_has_data = EINA_FALSE; } return; close_clipboard: CloseClipboard(); free_e: free(e); }