name: EFL on Windows on: push: pull_request: branches: [ devs/expertise/native-windows ] jobs: build: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Cache Nasm install uses: actions/cache@v1 id: cache-nasm env: cache-name: cache-nasm with: path: "C:\\Program Files\\Nasm" key: cache-nasm-v1 restore-keys: cache-nasm-v1 - name: Cache LLVM install uses: actions/cache@v1 id: cache-llvm env: cache-name: cache-llvm with: path: "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM" key: cache-llvm-v10.0.0.0-1 restore-keys: cache-llvm-v10.0.0.0-1 - name: Install LLVM if: steps.cache-llvm.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: choco install llvm - name: Add clang-cl to PATH run: echo "::add-path::C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin" - name: Search clang-cl run: clang-cl -v - name: install nasm if: steps.cache-nasm.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: choco install nasm - name: Add Nasm to PATH run: echo "::add-path::C:\Program Files\Nasm" # - name: test nasm # run: nasm.exe -v - name: install ninja # unexplicably, installation returns error code 1 if a cache location is used run: choco install ninja - name: test ninja run: ninja --version - name: install meson run: py -3 -m pip install meson - name: add meson to path run: echo "::add-path::C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.8.2\x64\Scripts" - name: test meson run: meson -v - name: Cache OpenSSL compilation id: cache-openssl uses: actions/cache@v1 env: cache-name: cache-openssl-compilation with: path: openssl key: openssl-1_1_1g restore-keys: openssl-1_1_1g - name: Download openssl source if: steps.cache-openssl.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: git clone -b OpenSSL_1_1_1g - uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1 with: arch: x64 - name: Show from where clang-cl run: where clang-cl - name: Configure OpenSSL if: steps.cache-openssl.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: perl Configure VC-WIN64A working-directory: .\openssl - name: Compile OpenSSL if: steps.cache-openssl.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: nmake working-directory: .\openssl - name: configure run: .\configure.bat env: OPENSSL_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}\openssl - name: Build run: .\build.bat