class Efl.Ui.Scroller extends Efl.Ui.Layout_Base implements Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager_Sub, Efl.Ui.Widget_Focus_Manager, Efl.Content composites Efl.Ui.Scrollable, Efl.Ui.Scrollbar { [[Widget container that allows objects bigger than itself to be put inside it, and provides scrolling functionality so the whole content is visible. Some widgets have scrolling capabilities (like @Efl.Ui.List) that allow big content to be shown inside a small viewport, using the well-known scrollbar objects. Some other widgets (like @Efl.Ui.Box, for example) cannot scroll by themselves and therefore would not be fully visible when placed inside a viewport smaller than them. The @Efl.Ui.Scroller is a helper class that provides scrolling capabilities for widgets which don't have them. In the above example, simply putting the @Efl.Ui.Box inside a @Efl.Ui.Scroller (using @Efl.Content.content.set) would give it the ability to scroll. @since 1.23 ]] implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Content.content { get; set; } Efl.Content.content_unset; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_calculate; Efl.Ui.Widget.theme_apply; Efl.Ui.Widget.focus_state_apply; Efl.Ui.Widget.widget_input_event_handler; Efl.Ui.Widget_Focus_Manager.focus_manager_create; Efl.Ui.Scrollable.match_content { set; } } }