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enum Elm.Toolbar.Item.Scrollto_Type
[[Defines where to position the item in the toolbar.]]
legacy: elm_toolbar_item_scrollto;
none = 0, [[no scrollto]]
in = (1 << 0), [[to the nearest viewport]]
first = (1 << 1), [[to the first of viewport]]
middle = (1 << 2), [[to the middle of viewport]]
last = (1 << 3) [[to the last of viewport]]
struct Elm.Toolbar.Item.State
State of a Elm_Toolbar_Item.
Can be created with elm_toolbar_item_state_add() and removed with elm_toolbar_item_state_del().
label: string; [[Item label]]
icon_str: string; [[Item icon string]]
icon: Efl.Canvas.Object; [[Item icon]]
func: Evas_Smart_Cb ; [[Item callback function]]
data: const(void_ptr); [[Item data]]
class Elm.Toolbar.Item(Elm.Widget.Item, Efl.Ui.Focus.Object, Efl.Ui.Legacy)
[[Elementary toolbar item class]]
legacy_prefix: elm_toolbar_item;
eo_prefix: elm_obj_toolbar_item;
methods {
@property prev {
get {
[[Get the item before this one in the widget's list of items.
See also @.next.
values {
item: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The item before the object in its parent's
list. If there is no previous item or in case
of error, $null is returned.]]
@property next {
get {
[[Get the item after this one in the widget's list of items.
See also @.prev.
values {
item: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The item after the object in its parent's
list. If there is no next item or in case
of error, $null is returned.]]
@property selected {
[[Indicates whether this item is currently selected.]]
get {
[[Get the selected state of this item.]]
set {
[[Set the selected state of $item.
This sets the selected state of the given item $it.
$true for selected, $false for not selected.
If a new item is selected the previously selected will
be unselected. Previously selected item can be retrieved
with @Elm.Toolbar.selected_item.get.
Selected items will be highlighted.
values {
selected: bool; [[The selection state.]]
@property priority {
get {
[[Get the priority of a toolbar item.]]
set {
[[Set the priority of a toolbar item.
This is used only when the toolbar shrink mode is set
When space is less than required, items with low priority
will be removed from the toolbar and added to a
dynamically-created menu, while items with higher
priority will remain on the toolbar, with the same
order they were added.
values {
priority: int; [[The $item priority. The default is zero
for set and 0 is returned on failure.]]
@property icon {
get {
[[Get the string used to set the icon of $item.]]
set {
[[Set the icon associated with $item.
Toolbar will load icon image from fdo or current theme.
This behavior can be set by
elm_toolbar_icon_order_lookup_set function.
If an absolute path is provided it will load it direct
from a file.
Note: This function does not accept relative icon path.
values {
icon: string; [[A string with icon name or the
absolute path of an image file.]]
@property object {
get {
[[Get the real Evas(Edje) object created to implement the
view of a given toolbar $item.
values {
obj: Efl.Canvas.Object; [[The base Edje object associated with $it.]]
@property icon_object {
get {
[[Get the icon object of $item.
See also @.icon.set, @.icon_file_set, @.icon_memfile_set.
values {
obj: Efl.Canvas.Object; [[The icon object.]]
@property separator {
get {
[[Get a value whether item is a separator or not.]]
set {
[[Set or unset item as a separator.
Items aren't set as separator by default.
If set as separator it will display separator theme, so
won't display icons or label.
values {
separator: bool; [[$true if the item is a separator, $false otherwise]]
@property menu {
get {
[[Get toolbar item's menu.
If $item wasn't set as menu item with @.menu_set,
this function will set it.
values {
menu: Efl.Canvas.Object; [[Item's menu object or $null on failure.]]
@property state {
get {
[[Get the current state of $it.]]
set {
[[Set $state as the current state of $it.
If $state is $NULL, it won't select any state and the
default item's icon and label will be used. It's the
behavior as \@ref elm_toolbar_item_state_unset.
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]]
values {
state: ptr(Elm.Toolbar.Item.State) @nullable; [[Item state]]
/* init { FIXME
params {
Evas_Smart_Cb func;
const(void_ptr) data;
icon_memfile_set {
[[Set the icon associated with $item to an image in a binary buffer.
Note: The icon image set by this function can be changed by
params {
@in img: const(void_ptr); [[The binary data that will be used as an image.]]
@in size: size; [[The size of binary data $img.]]
@in format: string; [[Optional format of $img to pass to the image loader.]]
@in key: string; [[Optional key of $img to pass to the image loader (eg. if $img is an edje file).]]
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]]
icon_file_set {
[[Set the icon associated with $item to an image in a binary buffer.
Note: The icon image set by this function can be changed by
params {
@in file: string; [[The file that contains the image.]]
@in key: string; [[Optional key of $img to pass to the image loader (eg. if $img is an edje file).]]
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]]
state_add {
[[Add a new state to $item.
Toolbar will load icon image from fdo or current theme.
This behavior can be set by elm_toolbar_icon_order_lookup_set
function. If an absolute path is provided it will load it
direct from a file.
States created with this function can be removed with
params {
@in icon: string; [[A string with icon name or the absolute path of an image file.]]
@in label: string; [[The label of the new state.]]
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked when this state is selected.]]
@in data: const(void_ptr) @optional; [[The data to associate with the state.]]
return: ptr(Elm.Toolbar.Item.State); [[The toolbar item state, or $null upon failure.]]
state_del {
[[Delete a previously added state to $item.]]
params {
@in state: ptr(Elm.Toolbar.Item.State); [[The state to be deleted.]]
return: bool; [[$true on success or $false on failure.]]
state_next {
[[Get the state after selected state in toolbar's $item.
If last state is selected, this function will return first
return: ptr(Elm.Toolbar.Item.State); [[The state after current state, or $null on failure.]]
state_prev {
[[Get the state before selected state in toolbar's $item.
If first state is selected, this function will return last
return: ptr(Elm.Toolbar.Item.State); [[The state before current state, or $null on failure.]]
show {
[[Show a specific item, when the toolbar can be scrolled.
@since 1.8
params {
@in scrollto: Elm.Toolbar.Item.Scrollto_Type; [[The position the item should appear at.]]
bring_in {
[[Show a specific item with scroll animation, when the toolbar
can be scrolled.
@since 1.8
params {
@in scrollto: Elm.Toolbar.Item.Scrollto_Type; [[The position the item should appear at.]]
menu_set {
[[Set whether the toolbar item opens a menu.
A toolbar item can be set to be a menu, using this function.
Once it is set to be a menu, it can be manipulated through the
menu-like function @Elm.Toolbar.menu_parent.set and the
other elm_menu functions, using the Evas_Object $menu returned
by @.menu.get.
So, items to be displayed in this item's menu should be added
with \@ref elm_menu_item_add.
/* FIXME-doc
The following code exemplifies the most basic usage:
tb = elm_toolbar_add(win)
item = elm_toolbar_item_append(tb, "refresh", "Menu", NULL, NULL);
elm_toolbar_item_menu_set(item, true);
elm_toolbar_menu_parent_set(tb, win);
menu = elm_toolbar_item_menu_get(item);
elm_menu_item_add(menu, NULL, "edit-cut", "Cut", NULL, NULL);
menu_item = elm_menu_item_add(menu, NULL, "edit-copy", "Copy", NULL,
params {
@in menu: bool; [[If $true, $item will opens a menu when selected.]]
implements {
Elm.Widget.Item.disabled { set; }
Elm.Widget.Item.item_focus { get; set; }
Elm.Widget.Item.part_text { get; set; }
Elm.Widget.Item.part_content { get; set; }
Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.focus_geometry { get; }
Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.focus { set; }
Efl.Access.Object.i18n_name { get; }
Efl.Access.Object.state_set { get; }