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class Elm.Panes (Elm.Layout)
eo_prefix: elm_obj_panes;
methods {
@property content_left_size {
set {
Set the size proportion of panes widget's left side.
By default it's homogeneous, i.e., both sides have the same size.
If something different is required, it can be set with this function.
For example, if the left content should be displayed over
75% of the panes size, @p size should be passed as @c 0.75.
This way, right content will be resized to 25% of panes size.
If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at top, and
right content at bottom.
@note This proportion will change when user drags the panes bar.
@see elm_panes_content_left_size_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the size proportion of panes widget's left side.
@return float value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of left side.
@see elm_panes_content_left_size_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
size: double; /*@ Value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of left side. */
@property horizontal {
set {
Set how to split and dispose each content.
Use this function to change how your panes is to be disposed:
vertically or horizontally.
Horizontal panes have "top" and "bottom" contents, vertical panes have
"left" and "right" contents.
By default panes is in a vertical mode.
@see elm_panes_horizontal_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the split direction of a given panes widget.
@return @c EINA_TRUE, if @p obj is set to be @b horizontal,
@c EINA_FALSE if it's @b vertical (and on errors).
@see elm_panes_horizontal_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
horizontal: bool; /*@ Use @c EINA_TRUE to make @p obj to split panes
horizontally ("top" and "bottom" contents). @c EINA_FALSE to make it
vertically ("left" and "right" contents) */
@property fixed {
set {
Set whether the left and right panes can be resized by user interaction.
By default panes' contents are resizable by user interaction.
@see elm_panes_fixed_get()
@see elm_panes_content_left_size_set()
@see elm_panes_content_right_size_set()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the resize mode for the panes of a given panes widget.
@return @c EINA_TRUE, if @p obj is set to be resizable by user interaction.
@see elm_panes_fixed_set() for more details.
@see elm_panes_content_left_size_get()
@see elm_panes_content_right_size_get()
@ingroup Panes */
values {
fixed: bool; /*@ Use @c EINA_TRUE to fix the left and right panes sizes and make
them not to be resized by user interaction. Use @c EINA_FALSE to make them
resizable. */
@property content_right_size {
set {
Set the size proportion of panes widget's right side.
By default it's homogeneous, i.e., both sides have the same size.
If something different is required, it can be set with this function.
For example, if the right content should be displayed over
75% of the panes size, @p size should be passed as @c 0.75.
This way, left content will be resized to 25% of panes size.
If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at top, and
right content at bottom.
@note This proportion will change when user drags the panes bar.
@see elm_panes_content_right_size_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the size proportion of panes widget's right side.
@return float value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of right side.
@see elm_panes_content_right_size_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
size: double; /*@ Value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of right side. */
@property content_left_min_relative_size {
set {
Set the relative minimum size of panes widget's left side.
@param obj The panes object.
@param size double value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size
proportion of minimum size of left side.
@note If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at top.
@see elm_panes_content_left_min_size_relative_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the relative minimum size of panes widget's left side.
@param obj The panes object.
@return double value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of minimum size of left side.
@see elm_panes_content_left_min_relative_size_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
size: double; /*@ value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of minimum size of left side. */
@property content_right_min_relative_size {
set {
Set the relative minimum size of panes widget's right side.
@param obj The panes object.
@param size double value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of minimum size of right side.
@note If displayed vertically, right content is displayed at bottom.
@see elm_panes_content_right_min_relative_size_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the relative minimum size of panes widget's right side.
@param obj The panes object.
@return double value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of minimum size of right side.
@see elm_panes_content_right_min_size_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
size: double; /*@ value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion
of minimum size of right side. */
@property content_left_min_size {
set {
Set the absolute minimum size of panes widget's left side.
@param obj The panes object.
@param size int value representing minimum size of left side in pixels.
@note If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at top.
@see elm_panes_content_left_min_size_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the absolute minimum size of panes widget's left side.
@param obj The panes object.
@retur int value representing minimum size of left side in pixels.
@see elm_panes_content_left_min_size_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
size: Evas_Coord; /*@ value representing minimum size of left side
in pixels. */
@property content_right_min_size {
set {
Set the absolute minimum size of panes widget's right side.
@param obj The panes object.
@param size int value representing minimum size of right side in pixels.
@note If displayed vertically, right content is displayed at bottom.
@see elm_panes_content_right_min_size_get()
@ingroup Panes */
get {
Get the absolute minimum size of panes widget's right side.
@param obj The panes object.
@retur int value representing minimum size of right side in pixels.
@see elm_panes_content_right_min_size_set() for more details.
@ingroup Panes */
values {
size: Evas_Coord; /*@ value representing minimum size of right side
in pixels. */
implements {
events {