
260 lines
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Changes since Elementary 1.7.0:
* Porting to Eo
* Add elementary_codegen
* Add window floating mode api's
* Add reorder mode set/get API in Toolbar.
* Add the toolbar API which expand the transverse length.
* Add a way to know which month is displayed in elm_calendar
* Add color picker to elm_colorselector.
* Add a search API to list all localisations corresponding to a name in map
* Add elm_notify_align_set/get
* Add virtualkeypad, clipboard state change signals from conformant.
* Add elm_toolbar_item_show/bring_in.
* Add elm_genlist_nth_item_get
* Add elm_gengrid_nth_item_get
* Add elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_get and elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_set
* Add elm_need_edbus() and EDBus.h support with ELM_EDBUS2 macro to integrate edbus (v2). Deprecated elm_need_e_dbus() (e_dbus, v1).
* Add window profile set/get API in elm_win
* Add elm_sys_notify.[ch]
* Add elm_need_elocation() and Elocation.h support with ELM_ELOCATION macro to integrate elocation.
* Add elm_plug signals "image,deleted" (fixed typo) and "image,resized".
* Add elm_dbus_menu to support D-Bus external menus.
* Add configuration: ELM_EXTERNAL_MENU, to switch between internal and extenal menus
* Add elm_systray.[ch]: Add support to D-Bus systray icons.
* Add elm_label_slide_mode_set(), elm_label_slide_mode_get()
* Add elm_label_slide_go()
* Add a label signal callback "slide,end"
* Add "highlighted" and "unhighlighted" callbacks to list, genlist, and gengrid.
* Add elm_index_delay_change_time_set/get for changing delay change time in index.
* Add elm_index smart callback - "language,changed".
* Add smart callback signals of a scroller. "vbar,drag", "vbar,press", "vbar,unpress", "hbar,drag", "hbar,press", "hbar,unpress".
* Add elm_glview, elm_gengrid smart callback - "language,changed".
* Add APIs - elm_object_item_domain_translatable_part_text_set(), elm_object_item_translatable_part_text_get().
* Add APIs - elm_object_domain_translatable_part_text_set(), elm_object_translatable_part_text_get().
* Add APIs - elm_object_orientation_mode_disabled_set(), elm_object_orientation_mode_disabled_get().
* Add the reorder effect in toolbar.
* Added new APIs elm_transit_tween_mode_facator_set()/get()
* Support widget orientation mode in order to widgets have multiple styles for each window degree.
* Add elm_drop_target_add() elm_drop_target_del() and elm_drag_start()
* Add the option about sending signals in content_pos_set.
* Add omit feature to elm_index.
* Add elm_transit_smooth_set(), elm_transit_smooth_get()
* Add edje_object_message_signal_process before edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc.
* Add elm_object_item_signal_callback_add(), elm_object_item_signal_callback_del().
* Add elm_naviframe_item_pop_cb_set().
* Add elm_widget_newest_focus_order_get for knowing the last object(and its focus order) which got focus.
* Add the smart signals in scroller. "scroll,left", "scroll,right", "scroll,up", "scroll,down".
* Add APIs - elm_object_focus_next_object_get, elm_object_focus_next_object_set.
* Add API - elm_object_focused_object_get.
* Add APIs - elm_entry_input_panel_layout_variation_set/get
* Add elm_map smart callback - "language,changed".
* Add the repeat_events_set/get for blocking the events of content objects.
* Add convenient macros - elm_object_translatable_part_text_set(), elm_object_item_translatable_part_text_set().
* Add the API elm_scroller_page_scroll_limit_set/get.
* Add elm_mapbuf_auto_set/get.
* Add the API elm_scroller_single_direction_set/get.
* Add the feature for key events.
* Toolbar widget is now a scrollable widget.
* Entry widget is now a scrollable layout.
* Fileselector entry widget is now an elm layout.
* Ctxpopup widget is now an elm layout.
* Multibutton entry entry is now an elm layout.
* Popup widget is now an elm layout.
* Panel widget is now an elm layout.
* Improve elm map module loading/searching efficiency.
* Diskselector handles dyanmic show/hide of icons now like buttons.
* Plug widget handles image object deletion
* Handle COMPOUND_TEXT cnp
* Conformant widget handles displaymode change related with keypad.
* Conformant widget handles indicator service.
* Elm_Transit image animation effects supports elm_image object type.
* Include a main menu in elm_win, which can be exported via D-Bus.
* Merged the file_entry and the path_entry in the fileselector and allowing typing the path.
* Setting the same font size of the others widgets for the dayselector.
* Added a separated spinner for year on calendar.
* Don't link anymore with E_DBus at build time.
* Allocate conformant part dummy objects only when the swallow parts are
existed actually. since these parts are really dependent on the platform,
in most case they don't need all parts at the same time.
* Enhanced diskselector add and item_append time.
* Ctxpopup will be dismissed when language is changed.
* Popup is now a focusable object.
* Improve naviframe to not apply items' style multiple times when theme/styles are changed.
* Don't handle the resize objects in widget infrastructure. Actually resize objects are sub objects so we don't need to care them separately. This causes overhead in some cases(ie, theme change..).
* Improve support on 64bits system.
* Improve gengrid item append performance.
* Naviframe works for H/W Back key event.
* Naviframe is now supproting focus_direction.
* Scroller decides whether the accelerator is on or not, depending on the velocity and the interval time of the flick event.
* Ctxpopup is now supproting focus_direction.
* Now elm_datetime_field_limit_set() can set year limits wihtout problems.
* Fix re-order animation when it doesn't end correctly.
* Fix popup to apply the same style to the notify sub-widget.
* Fix Ctxpopup direction if unknown priority used.
* Fix diskselector when bounce off and round enabled.
* Fix bubble info field set.
* Escape theme filename correctly.
* Fix diskselector selection of middle item.
* Fix multibuttonentry list corruption.
* Fix copy&paste error in elm_flip.
* Fix possible invalid memory access in elm_access.
* Fix diskselector bug with more than 4 items.
* Fix conform widget to be part of focus chain.
* Fix genlist reorder mode item not being resized on genlist resize.
* Fix on_focus_region() issue.
* Fixed gengrid wrong_calc_job parameter.
* Fix elm_transit image animation that last few frames are skipped.
* FIx elm_transit to accept proxy object.
* Fix glview crash even if the object is failed allocating.
* Fix the elm_flip to accept proxy object.
* Fix wrong parameter for thumbnail error in elm_icon.
* Fix missing selected event in elm_index (elm_index_item_selected_set)
* Fix the elm_image which is made up of a edje object can call a callback function
* Fix update the min size hint on elm_label after a text set
* Fix flip widget who show the two face at same time
* Fix the naviframe to delete contents which are preserved_on set if the naviframe is deleted.
* Fix the naviframe to clear the title contents when it's item is deleted.
* Fix entry to enable have_selection only when a text is actually selected.
* Fix the naviframe to clear the text parts when it's item is deleted.
* Fix the mapbuf to update it's content correcltly evenif they go outside of the buffer.
* Fix the naviframe to resize it's items which are inserted.
* Fix the naviframe to send signal emits one time for content show/hide, text show/hide.
* Fix case where tooltips could go offscreen unnecessarily
* Fix possible divide by zero in els_scroller animator.
* Fix uninitialized data path in elm_flip, elm_gesture_layer, elm_interface_scrollable,
* Fix possible segv in elm_quicklaunch infrastructure.
* Fix buffer to always have a final '\0' in elm_conform.
* Fix forgotten break in elm_map that would have thrown error when the action was properly
taken in fact.
* Fix wheel scroll direction with shift.
* Fix the mapbuf to show it's content properly, If the content doesn't
have resized, it wouldn't be showed up.
* Safer call to mkstemp in elm_cnp.
* Simplify test in elm_entry_text_set.
* Fix focus problem in multibuttonentry. Entry can get focus only when multibuttonentry is focused.
* Make sure private data is not NULL in elm_interface_scrollable.
* Correctly handle failure case in _x11_notify_handler_image.
* Don't manipulate dead memory in Eina_Inlist in elm_transit.c.
* Update mapbuf forcely whenever it's states are changed.
* Now, dummy object is always smart member of naviframe.
* Fix naviframe's resize object problem when item was deleted.
* Fix the popup that returned invalid action buttons.
* Fix the naviframe to not have crash even if user deletes the naviframe in the transition finished cb.
* Fix Don't elm_transit image animation use the image preloading to avoid image flickering.
* Fix the image to show the image right now if the image preloading is disabled.
* Fix typo from elm_plug signal "image.deleted", should be "image,deleted".
* Fix photocam returns file set error correctly.
* Fix bug where genlist would delete items added during selection callback if a clear was queued
* Tooltips now correctly set NETWM tooltip window type
* Fix the naviframe item part text to be set properly.
* Fix list separator size bug.
* Fix the bug which the callbacks of the sub-object are added even if the sub-object is added the parent object.
* Fix the usage of the checks in the fileselector test 2.
* Added the min_year and max_year in the standard profile config.
* Fix omitting signal emission when customized text parts change the text.
* Fix "changed" signal being sent twice in case of toggle style when check is clicked.
* Fix index refill bug when autohide disabled.
* Fix thumb theme hook.
* when parent of ctxpopup is resized, ctxpopup calls dismissed signal.
* Fix memory leak of the ctxpopup and callback function to be ctxpopup obj is delivered to.
* Apply disply mode to all views of a naviframe if the display mode of the views are changed. Sometimes views are couldn't be recoverved to a previous status if they are stacked into more depth.
* Fix the scroll position is calculated by the size of pan object, not the size of scroller.
* Fix a elm_transit crash issue when user delete all target objects in the effect end callback.
* Fix elc_player pause state to be in sync
* Fix time string display to handle hours right
* Fix elm_config to properly check file type.
* ignore tab key widget focus change if control/alt is pressed
* prevent blank entry hoversels
* Fix restacking issue on ctxpopup - resatck callback makes the bg object be top of ctxpopup.
* Fix vsync option in gl engine windows
* Fix elm_progressbar_pulse() to abort if pulsing not enabled
* Fix scroller acceleration bug. It was accelerated even it's scrolled after finishing the previous scroll. This happens with page scroll enabled.
* Fix 1byte invalid read & do memset, rewind if needed.
* Fix the standard of scrollbar-calculation from the scroller's x to pan's x.
* Fix initial value of the spinner on the first mouse move.
* Fix elm_index to send a signal to the selected item in smart theme.
* Focus highlight should not be shown on (0 ,0).
* Fix elm_conform didn't set size hint when keypad on.
* Fix elm_conform didn't change indicator mode when create.
* After elm_win is created, if there is no manual focus setting, only elm_win should get focus when focus state is changed.
* Fix the toolbar cannot be unselected when it's mode is ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS.
* Remove the back button callback if the back button is unset on the naviframe.
* Fixed a bug that naviframe's focus_next didn't work after changing evenry item to elm_layout.
* Entry: Fixed a bug with text appending.
* Fixed a bug in elm_list. Focus_next is needed only when access mode is enabled.
* Fix a memory leak of elm_genlist - EINA_LIST_FREE should be used for returned value of elm_genlist_realized_items_get
* Focus highlight should be reconfigured when theme is changed.
* Fix the elm_shutdown bug in _elm_shutdown_config.
* Fix box layout bug when items with max size force sizes below minimum.
* Fix ctxpopup geometry when parent is an elm_win.
* Quit the scroll animator if the scroller don't have a bounce and reach a edge.
* Fix the scroller show by a page if the page size is set and the region_bring_in or region_show is called.
* Fix elc_player crash issue.
* Fix the region_show/region_bring_in don't have a limit at a paging movement.
* Fix the calculation double type number.
* Fix the policy is not changed when the theme is changed.
* All internal widget hooks (and related macros) were removed, due
to deprecation. Thus, people using that (unstable) API will have
to adapt themselves.
* Deprecate elm_label_slide_set(), elm_label_slide_get().
* Deprecate elm_object_domain_translatable_text_part_set(), elm_object_translatable_text_part_get().
Changes since Elementary 1.0.0:
* Focus can be moved in all directions by elm_widget_focus_go function.
* Reload theme when it change on disk.
* Fileselector: Add a wheel spinner that show/spin while EIO is working
* Add elm_map_overlays_get & elm_map_overlay_visible_get functions.
* Toolbar: Add elm_toolbar_standard_priority_set/get APIs.
* Add elm_object_scroll_hold/freeze_get.
* Add elm_progressbar_format_function_set API function
* Add elm_map_overlay_del_cb_set API function
* Add "changed" signal to the progressbar widgets
* Use Edje to enable accessibility on TEXTBLOCK.
* Initialize Emotion when necessary.
* Elm_Win_Trap and elm_win_trap_set() to allow e17 integration.
* elm_flip_go_to()
* On focus loss, Elm_Spinner properly hide Elm_Entry and display label properly.
* Genlist : fixed genlist expandable effect bug when we expand/contract items with many children very quickly.
* Genlist : realize move items during tree effect only when the item is not in the queue.
* Add missing files in the tarball.
* Fileselector : honor the folder_only option when using EIO
* Segment Selector : do not abuse user object item data.
* Image: fixed elm_image_orient_set/get.
* QuickLaunch: reset main loop after fork.
* Allocate once and reuse Evas_Map.
* Allow freeze/thaw on Elm_Layout and reduce number of object update.
* Defer Elm_Calendar generation until really needed.
* Defer Elm_Slider update until really needed.