/* E-UrlWatch.c * * Copyright (C) 1999 Tom Gilbert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "epplet.h" #include "utils.h" #include "E-UrlWatch.h" #if 0 #define D(a) { printf("%s +%u : ",__FILE__,__LINE__); \ printf a; fflush(stdout); } #else #define D(a) { /* No debug */; } #endif static void display_string (char *string); static void handle_url (char *url, char *type); static void add_url_to_popup (char *url); static int url_in_popup (char *url); static char *validate_url (char *url); static void save_config (void) { char buf[10]; Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", opt.always_show_file_urls); Epplet_modify_config ("ALWAYS_SHOW_FILE_URLS", buf); Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", opt.save_urls); Epplet_modify_config ("SAVE_URLS", buf); Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", opt.check_url_file); Epplet_modify_config ("CHECK_URL_FILE", buf); Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", opt.do_new_url_command); Epplet_modify_config ("RUN_COMMAND_ON_NEW_URL", buf); Epplet_modify_config ("WWW_COMMAND", opt.www_command); Epplet_modify_config ("FTP_COMMAND", opt.ftp_command); Epplet_modify_config ("GET_COMMAND", opt.get_command); Epplet_modify_config ("URL_SAVE_FILE", opt.url_save_file); Epplet_modify_config ("URL_CHECK_FILE", opt.url_file); Epplet_modify_config ("NEW_URL_COMMAND", opt.new_url_command); } static void load_config (void) { char *home = getenv ("HOME"); char buf[256]; opt.save_urls = atoi (Epplet_query_config_def ("SAVE_URLS", "1")); opt.check_url_file = atoi (Epplet_query_config_def ("CHECK_URL_FILE", "1")); opt.always_show_file_urls = atoi (Epplet_query_config_def ("ALWAYS_SHOW_FILE_URLS", "0")); opt.do_new_url_command = atoi (Epplet_query_config_def ("RUN_COMMAND_ON_NEW_URL", "1")); if (opt.www_command) free (opt.www_command); opt.www_command = _Strdup (Epplet_query_config_def ("WWW_COMMAND", "gnome-moz-remote --newwin")); if (opt.ftp_command) free (opt.ftp_command); opt.ftp_command = _Strdup (Epplet_query_config_def ("FTP_COMMAND", "gnome-moz-remote --newwin")); if (opt.get_command) free (opt.get_command); opt.get_command = _Strdup (Epplet_query_config_def ("GET_COMMAND", "Eterm -O -e wget")); if (opt.url_save_file) free (opt.url_save_file); Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/.Urls", home); opt.url_save_file = _Strdup (Epplet_query_config_def ("URL_SAVE_FILE", buf)); if (opt.url_file) free (opt.url_file); Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/.te/.urls", home); opt.url_file = _Strdup (Epplet_query_config_def ("URL_CHECK_FILE", buf)); if (opt.new_url_command) free (opt.new_url_command); opt.new_url_command = _Strdup (Epplet_query_config_def ("NEW_URL_COMMAND", "esdplay " EROOT "/epplet_data/E-UrlWatch/wooeep.wav &")); } static void cb_close (void *data) { save_config (); Esync (); Epplet_unremember (); exit (0); data = NULL; } static void cb_help (void *data) { Epplet_show_about ("E-UrlWatch"); return; data = NULL; } static void cb_url_listp (void *data) { char *url = (char *) data; D (("In cb_url_listp: About to call handle_url on -->%s<--\n", url)); handle_url (url, "www"); } static void build_url_list (void) { int i, j; j = num_urls - 1; D (("In build_url_list: num_urls = -->%d<--\n", num_urls)); url_p = Epplet_create_popup (); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (urllist[j]) { Epplet_add_popup_entry (url_p, urllist[j], NULL, cb_url_listp, (void *) urllist[j]); D (("In build_url_list: adding = -->%s<--\n", urllist[j])); --j; if (j < 0) j = 9; } else break; } Epplet_change_popbutton_popup (btn_urllist, url_p); } static void add_url_to_url_list (char *url) { if (num_urls == 10) num_urls = 0; D (("In add_url_to_url_list: adding = -->%s<--\n", url)); if (urllist[num_urls]) { free (urllist[num_urls]); urllist[num_urls] = NULL; } urllist[num_urls] = _Strdup (url); num_urls++; } static void add_url_to_popup (char *url) { D (("In add_url_to_popup: adding = -->%s<--\n", url)); add_url_to_url_list (url); build_url_list (); return; } static char * get_url_from_paste_buffer (void) { static char *url; Display *thedisplay; int len = 0; thedisplay = Epplet_get_display (); if (url) XFree (url); url = XFetchBuffer (thedisplay, &len, 0); return url; } static char * get_url_from_file_list (char *file, int position) { FILE *fp; static char buf[256]; int j = 0; D (("In get_url_from_file_list\n")); if ((fp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open file -->%s<-- for reading\n", file); return "Error opening url file!"; } if (position == -1) { while (!feof (fp)) { j++; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp); } D (("In get_url_from_file_list: There are %d urls in the file\n", j)); } else { while (!feof (fp) && j < position) { j++; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp); } D ( ("In get_url_from_file_list: Asked for url %d returning url %d\n", position, j)); } D (("In get_url_from_file_list: buf is -->%s<--\n", buf)); fclose (fp); return buf; } static void display_url_from_file (char *url) { char *validurl; if ((validurl = validate_url (url)) == NULL) return; /* Perform new url command (eg play a sound) */ if (opt.do_new_url_command && opt.new_url_command) system (opt.new_url_command); if (opt.always_show_file_urls) handle_url (validurl, "www"); else { display_string (validurl); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_file_url); } if (!url_in_popup (validurl)) add_url_to_popup (validurl); } /* Examine the file for changes */ static void check_url_file (void *data) { static off_t lastfilesize = 0; off_t filesize = 0; struct stat filestat; D (("In check_url_file, url_file -->%s<--\n", opt.url_file)); if (stat (opt.url_file, &filestat) != 0) { D (("stat() failed on -->%s<--\n", opt.url_file)); } else { filesize = filestat.st_size; if ((filesize != lastfilesize) && (lastfilesize != 0)) display_url_from_file (get_url_from_file_list (opt.url_file, -1)); lastfilesize = filesize; } if (opt.check_url_file) Epplet_timer (check_url_file, NULL, 1, "URLCHECK_TIMER"); return; data = NULL; } static char * validate_url (char *url) { char *p; char *ret = NULL; static char *orig_ret = NULL; D (("In validate_url: url -->%s<--\n", url)); if (orig_ret) free (orig_ret); ret = orig_ret = _Strdup (url); /* First, try searching for http://, in case there is a lot of text, * with an embedded url somewhere inside... */ p = strstr (ret, "http://"); if (p != NULL) ret = p; else { /* Ok. No "http://", maybe a "www." ? */ p = strstr (ret, "http://"); if (p != NULL) ret = p; } /* Kill at end of line */ p = strchr (ret, '\n'); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; /* Skip first spaces */ p = ret; while (*p == ' ') p++; ret = p; /* Kill at next space */ p = strchr (ret, ' '); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; /* If just www.blah, add the http:// to avoid confusing nutscrape */ if (*ret == 'w' && *(ret + 1) == 'w' && *(ret + 2) == 'w') { char *temp = _Strjoin (NULL, "http://", ret, NULL); free (orig_ret); ret = _Strdup (temp); free (temp); } D (("In validate_url: ret -->%s<--\n", ret)); /* Now some checks */ if (strlen (ret) < 1) return 0; if (*ret == '-') return 0; return ret; } static void save_url (char *url) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen (opt.url_save_file, "a")) != NULL) { fprintf (fp, "%s\n", url); fclose (fp); } } static void reset_string (void *data) { display_string ("E-UrlWatch"); Epplet_gadget_hide (btn_file_url); return; data = NULL; } static void scroll_string (void *data) { char buf[20]; static int back = 0; static int pause = 0; if (dtext.len > 19) { if (dtext.pos > (dtext.len - 19)) { dtext.pos = dtext.len - 19; back = 1; pause = 1; } else if (dtext.pos == 0) { back = 0; pause = 1; } Esnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s", dtext.str + dtext.pos); if (!back) dtext.pos += 1; else dtext.pos -= 1; Epplet_change_label (lbl_url, buf); } else Epplet_change_label (lbl_url, dtext.str); if (pause) { Epplet_timer (scroll_string, NULL, 1.0, "SCROLL_TIMER"); pause = 0; } else Epplet_timer (scroll_string, NULL, 0.3, "SCROLL_TIMER"); Esync (); return; data = NULL; } static int url_in_popup (char *url) { int i; D (("In url_in_popup: url is -->%s<--\n", url)); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ((urllist[i]) && (!strcmp (urllist[i], url))) { D (("In url_in_popup: A match! Returning TRUE\n")); return 1; } else { D ( ("In url_in_popup: No match between list item -->%s<-- and url -->%s<--\n", urllist[i], url)); } } return 0; } static void display_string (char *string) { D (("In display_string: String -->%s<--\n", string)); if (dtext.str) free (dtext.str); dtext.str = _Strdup (string); dtext.len = strlen (string); dtext.pos = 0; Epplet_timer (scroll_string, NULL, 0.1, "SCROLL_TIMER"); Epplet_timer (reset_string, NULL, 20, "RESET_TIMER"); } static void handle_url (char *url, char *type) { char *sys; if (url == NULL) return; D (("In handle_url: url -->%s<--\n", url)); if (!strcmp (type, "www")) { sys = _Strjoin (NULL, opt.www_command, " \"", url, "\" &", NULL); } else if (!strcmp (type, "ftp")) { sys = _Strjoin (NULL, opt.ftp_command, " \"", url, "\" &", NULL); } else if (!strcmp (type, "get")) { sys = _Strjoin (NULL, opt.get_command, " \"", url, "\" &", NULL); } else { sys = _Strjoin (NULL, opt.www_command, " \"", url, "\" &", NULL); } D (("In handle_url: About to system() -->%s<--\n", sys)); system (sys); if (!url_in_popup (url)) add_url_to_popup (url); free (sys); if (opt.save_urls) save_url (url); } /* Amongst all the fluff, this is the bit that does the actual work. */ static void cb_shoot (void *data) { char *url; char *validurl; url = get_url_from_paste_buffer (); D (("In cb_shoot: url -->%s<--\n", url)); if ((validurl = validate_url (url)) == NULL) return; D (("In cb_shoot: valid url -->%s<--\n", validurl)); display_string (validurl); handle_url (validurl, data); return; } static void cb_btn_file_url (void *data) { if (dtext.str && strcmp (dtext.str, "E-UrlWatch")) { handle_url (dtext.str, "www"); } return; data = NULL; } static void create_epplet_layout (void) { Epplet_gadget_show (lbl_url = Epplet_create_label (2, 34, " ", 0)); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_close = Epplet_create_button (NULL, NULL, 2, 2, 0, 0, "CLOSE", 0, NULL, cb_close, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_help = Epplet_create_button (NULL, NULL, 82, 2, 0, 0, "HELP", 0, NULL, cb_help, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_www = Epplet_create_button ("WWW", NULL, 2, 17, 28, 13, 0, 0, NULL, cb_shoot, "www")); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_ftp = Epplet_create_button ("FTP", NULL, 32, 17, 28, 13, 0, 0, NULL, cb_shoot, "ftp")); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_wget = Epplet_create_button ("GET", NULL, 62, 17, 28, 13, 0, 0, NULL, cb_shoot, "get")); btn_file_url = Epplet_create_button ("New Url!", NULL, 32, 2, 48, 12, 0, 0, NULL, cb_btn_file_url, NULL); url_p = Epplet_create_popup (); Epplet_add_popup_entry (url_p, "Url List is currently empty", NULL, NULL, NULL); Epplet_gadget_show (btn_urllist = Epplet_create_popupbutton (NULL, NULL, 16, 2, 12, 12, "ARROW_DOWN", url_p)); if (opt.check_url_file) Epplet_timer (check_url_file, NULL, 1, "URLCHECK_TIMER"); display_string ("Welcome to E-UrlWatch ;-)"); } static void clean_exit (void) { save_config (); Epplet_cleanup (); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int prio; prio = getpriority (PRIO_PROCESS, getpid ()); setpriority (PRIO_PROCESS, getpid (), prio + 10); atexit (clean_exit); Epplet_Init ("E-UrlWatch", "0.1", "Enlightenment Url Watcher Epplet", 6, 3, argc, argv, 0); Epplet_load_config (); load_config (); create_epplet_layout (); Epplet_show (); Epplet_Loop (); return 0; }