#include #include "esdcloak.h" #define VARIANCE 40 #define VARTREND 16 #define HSPREAD 10 #define VSPREAD 160 #define RESIDUAL 75 #define MAX 255 double prev_val = 0.0; int *flame = NULL; int *vspread, *hspread, *residual; unsigned char rm[255], gm[255], bm[255]; int rr, gg, bb; extern RGB_buf buf; int load_val = 35; int load_r=0; int load_l=0; static void aa_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char b, unsigned char rr, unsigned char gg, unsigned char bb); static void set_col_pixel (int x, int y, unsigned char c, unsigned char rrr, unsigned char ggg, unsigned char bbb); /* static void set_pixel (int x, int y, unsigned char c); */ static void aa_pixel (double wx, double wy, unsigned char c, unsigned char rrr, unsigned char ggg, unsigned char bbb); static void color_buf (unsigned char rr, unsigned char gg, unsigned char bb); static void fade_buf (int percent); static void scroll_buf (void); /* Raster's flame colors */ /* Look, even US spelling of colours ;-) */ int colors[] = { 120, 0, 169, 217, 152, 249, 255, 255, 255, 30, 90, 90, 50, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 200, 40, 80, 255, 100, 200, 255, 80, 90, 140, 140, 150, 180, 255, 230, 200, 20, 40, 180, 255, 160, 0, 255, 255, 100 }; void set_flame_col (int j) { flame_col (colors[j], colors[j + 1], colors[j + 2], colors[j + 3], colors[j + 4], colors[j + 5], colors[j + 6], colors[j + 7], colors[j + 8]); rr = colors[j]; gg = colors[j + 1]; bb = colors[j + 2]; if (rr == 0) rr = 1; if (gg == 0) gg = 1; if (bb == 0) bb = 1; } void flame_col (int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2, int r3, int g3, int b3) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { rm[i] = (r1 * i) / 25; gm[i] = (g1 * i) / 25; bm[i] = (b1 * i) / 25; } for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { rm[25 + i] = ((r2 * i) + (r1 * (25 - i))) / 25; gm[25 + i] = ((g2 * i) + (g1 * (25 - i))) / 25; bm[25 + i] = ((b2 * i) + (b1 * (25 - i))) / 25; } for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { rm[50 + i] = ((r3 * i) + (r2 * (25 - i))) / 25; gm[50 + i] = ((g3 * i) + (g2 * (25 - i))) / 25; bm[50 + i] = ((b3 * i) + (b2 * (25 - i))) / 25; } for (i = 75; i < 255; i++) { rm[i] = rm[74]; gm[i] = gm[74]; bm[i] = bm[74]; } } /* I use this to black-out the rgb-buf */ /* There must be a faster way, but I'm not used to this stuff yet */ void blank_buf (void) { int x, y; unsigned char *rgb, *rptr; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) { rgb = Epplet_get_rgb_pointer (buf); rptr = rgb + (y * 40 * 3); for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) { rptr[0] = rptr[1] = rptr[2] = 0; rptr += 3; } } } /* Same as blank_buf, but not black ;-) */ void color_buf (unsigned char rr, unsigned char gg, unsigned char bb) { int x, y; unsigned char *rgb, *rptr; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) { rgb = Epplet_get_rgb_pointer (buf); rptr = rgb + (y * 40 * 3); for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) { rptr[0] = rr; rptr[1] = gg; rptr[2] = bb; rptr += 3; } } } /* Used to fade out the buf a bit before each draw */ /* Helps the radar look right */ void fade_buf (int percentage) { int x, y; unsigned char *rgb, *rptr; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) { rgb = Epplet_get_rgb_pointer (buf); rptr = rgb + (y * 40 * 3); for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) { rptr[0] = rptr[0] * percentage / 100; rptr[1] = rptr[1] * percentage / 100; rptr[2] = rptr[2] * percentage / 100; rptr += 3; } } } /* Scrolls buf along one to the left */ static void scroll_buf (void) { int x, y; unsigned char *rgb, *rptr; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) { rgb = Epplet_get_rgb_pointer (buf); rptr = rgb + (y * 40 * 3); for (x = 0; x < 39; x++) { rptr[0] = rptr[3]; rptr[1] = rptr[4]; rptr[2] = rptr[5]; rptr += 3; } rptr[0] = 0; rptr[1] = 0; rptr[2] = 0; } } /* RasterFire :) */ void draw_flame (void) { unsigned char *rgb, *rptr; int x, y, *ptr, val1, val2, val3, j; if (!flame) { vspread = malloc (40 * sizeof (int)); hspread = malloc (40 * sizeof (int)); residual = malloc (40 * sizeof (int)); flame = malloc (sizeof (int) * 40 * 40); memset (flame, 0, sizeof (int) * 40 * 40); } ptr = flame + (39 * 40); for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) { vspread[x] = VSPREAD + (load_val / 50); hspread[x] = HSPREAD + (load_val / 50); residual[x] = RESIDUAL + (load_val / 50); ptr[x] = (rand () % (load_val + 155)); if (ptr[x] > MAX) ptr[x] = 0; else if (ptr[x] < 0) ptr[x] = 0; } for (x = (40 / (4)) - 1 ; x <= (40 / (4)) + 1 ; x++) { j = (load_l * 40) / 100; ptr = flame + ((40 - j) * (40)) + (x); for (y = 0; y < j; y++) { ptr[0] += ((y * 64 * load_l) / (j * 100)); ptr += 40; } } for (x = (40 / (4)) - 1 + (1 * (40 / 2)); x <= (40 / (4)) + 1 + (1 * (40 / 2)); x++) { j = (load_r * 40) / 100; ptr = flame + ((40 - j) * (40)) + (x); for (y = 0; y < j; y++) { ptr[0] += ((y * 64 * load_r) / (j * 100)); ptr += 40; } } for (y = 39; y >= 2; y--) { ptr = flame + (y * 40); for (x = 1; x < 39; x++) { val1 = (ptr[x] * vspread[x]) >> 8; val2 = (ptr[x] * hspread[x]) >> 8; val3 = (ptr[x] * residual[x]) >> 8; ptr[x - 1] += val2; if (ptr[x - 1] > MAX) ptr[x - 1] = MAX; ptr[x - 40] += val1; if (ptr[x - 40] > MAX) ptr[x - 40] = MAX; ptr[x + 1] += val2; if (ptr[x + 1] > MAX) ptr[x + 1] = MAX; ptr[x] = val3; } } for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) flame[x] = 0; for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) flame[40 + x] /= 2; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) flame[y * 40] = 0; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) flame[(y * 40) + 39] = 0; for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) flame[(y * 40) + 38] /= 2; rgb = Epplet_get_rgb_pointer (buf); for (y = 0; y < 40; y++) { ptr = flame + (y * 40) + 1; rptr = rgb + (y * 40 * 3); for (x = 0; x < 40; x++) { val1 = ptr[x] & 0xff; rptr[0] = rm[val1]; rptr[1] = gm[val1]; rptr[2] = bm[val1]; rptr += 3; } } } /* Scanner type thing */ void draw_scanner (void) { static int y = 0, y2=0; static int setup = 0; if (!setup) { blank_buf (); setup = 1; } y = 37-(37*load_l/100) +1; y2= 37-(37*load_r/100) +1; fade_buf (82); aa_line (0, y, 38, y2, 255, 255, 0, 0); } /* Lame, but easy :) */ void draw_aa_triangle (void) { int x1, y1; int x2, y2; int x3, y3; static double x = 0.0; int radius=0; radius=55 * load_val/100; x += 0.1; x1 = 19 + radius * cos (x) / 3; y1 = 19 + radius * sin (x) / 3; x2 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (2 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; y2 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (2 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; x3 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (4 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; y3 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (4 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; fade_buf (80); aa_line (x1, y1, x2, y2, 255, 0, 0, 255); aa_line (x2, y2, x3, y3, 255, 0, 0, 255); aa_line (x3, y3, x1, y1, 255, 0, 0, 255); } /* Two triangles. */ void draw_aa_star (void) { int x1, y1; int x2, y2; int x3, y3; int x4, y4; int x5, y5; int x6, y6; static double x = 0.0; int radius=0; radius=55 * load_val/100; x += 0.1; x1 = 19 + radius * cos (x) / 3; y1 = 19 + radius * sin (x) / 3; x2 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (2 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; y2 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (2 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; x3 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (4 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; y3 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (4 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; x4 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (M_PI / 3)) / 3; y4 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (M_PI / 3)) / 3; x5 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (3 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; y5 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (3 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; x6 = 19 + radius * cos (x + (5 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; y6 = 19 + radius * sin (x + (5 * M_PI / 3)) / 3; fade_buf (80); aa_line (x1, y1, x2, y2, 255, 255, 255, 0); aa_line (x2, y2, x3, y3, 255, 255, 255, 0); aa_line (x3, y3, x1, y1, 255, 255, 255, 0); aa_line (x4, y4, x5, y5, 255, 255, 255, 0); aa_line (x5, y5, x6, y6, 255, 255, 255, 0); aa_line (x6, y6, x4, y4, 255, 255, 255, 0); } void draw_colorwarp (void) { static int setup = 0; static int rr = 0; static int gg = 0; static int bb = 0; static int d_rr = 2; static int d_gg = -3; static int d_bb = 1; if (!setup) { /* setup */ rr = rand () % 255; gg = rand () % 255; bb = rand () % 255; setup = 1; } rr += d_rr; gg += d_gg; bb += d_bb; if (rr <= 0) { d_rr = -d_rr; rr = 0; } if (rr >= 255) { d_rr = -d_rr; rr = 255; } if (gg <= 0) { d_gg = -d_gg; gg = 0; } if (gg >= 255) { d_gg = -d_gg; gg = 255; } if (bb <= 0) { d_bb = -d_bb; bb = 0; } if (bb >= 255) { d_bb = -d_bb; bb = 255; } color_buf (rr, gg, bb); } /* Bouncing ball */ void draw_ball (void) { static int setup = 0; static double ball_x, ball_y; static double d_x, d_y; if (!setup) { ball_x = rand () % 39; ball_y = rand () % 39; while (abs (d_x) < 0.5) d_x = ((double) rand () / RAND_MAX * 4) - 2.0; while (abs (d_y) < 0.5) d_y = ((double) rand () / RAND_MAX * 4) - 2.0; blank_buf (); setup = 1; } ball_x += d_x; ball_y += d_y; if (ball_x < 1) { ball_x = 1; d_x = -d_x; } else if (ball_x > 37) { ball_x = 37; d_x = -d_x; } if (ball_y < 1) { ball_y = 1; d_y = -d_y; } else if (ball_y > 37) { ball_y = 37; d_y = -d_y; } fade_buf (92); set_col_pixel (ball_x, ball_y, 255, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x + 1, ball_y, 255, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x, ball_y + 1, 255, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x + 1, ball_y + 1, 155, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x - 1, ball_y, 255, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x, ball_y - 1, 255, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x - 1, ball_y - 1, 155, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x - 1, ball_y + 1, 155, 255, 0, 0); set_col_pixel (ball_x + 1, ball_y - 1, 155, 255, 0, 0); } #define NUM_ATOMS 8 static double atom_x[NUM_ATOMS]; static double atom_y[NUM_ATOMS]; static double atom_d_x[NUM_ATOMS]; static double atom_d_y[NUM_ATOMS]; /* Bouncing atoms */ void draw_atoms (void) { static int setup = 0; int i; if (!setup) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_ATOMS; i++) { atom_x[i] = rand () % 39; atom_y[i] = rand () % 39; while (fabs (atom_d_x[i]) < 0.3) atom_d_x[i] = ((double) rand () / RAND_MAX * 3) - 1.5; while (fabs (atom_d_y[i]) < 0.3) atom_d_y[i] = ((double) rand () / RAND_MAX * 3) - 1.5; blank_buf (); setup = 1; } } else fade_buf (87); for (i = 0; i < NUM_ATOMS; i++) { atom_x[i] += atom_d_x[i]; atom_y[i] += atom_d_y[i]; if (atom_x[i] < 0) { atom_x[i] = 0; atom_d_x[i] = -atom_d_x[i]; } else if (atom_x[i] > 38) { atom_x[i] = 38; atom_d_x[i] = -atom_d_x[i]; } if (atom_y[i] < 0) { atom_y[i] = 0; atom_d_y[i] = -atom_d_y[i]; } else if (atom_y[i] > 38) { atom_y[i] = 38; atom_d_y[i] = -atom_d_y[i]; } aa_pixel (atom_x[i], atom_y[i], 255, 255, 255, 0); } } void draw_sine (void) { static double x = 0; static int setup = 0; if (!setup) { blank_buf (); setup = 1; } else scroll_buf (); set_col_pixel (39, 19 + 14 * sin (x), 255, 115, 255, 165); x += 0.3; } /* ************************* */ /* Utility drawing functions */ /* ************************* */ /* Maybe I'll optimise this later ;-) */ static void aa_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char b, unsigned char rr, unsigned char gg, unsigned char bb) { double grad, line_width, line_height, xgap, ygap, xend, yend, yf, xf, brightness1, brightness2, db, xm, ym; int ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, i; int temp; unsigned char c1, c2; line_width = (x2 - x1); line_height = (y2 - y1); if (abs (line_width) > abs (line_height)) { if (x1 > x2) { temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp; temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp; line_width = (x2 - x1); line_height = (y2 - y1); } /* This is currently broken. It is supposed to account * for lines that don't span more than one pixel */ if (abs (line_width) < 0.1) { x2 = x1 + 0.5; x1 -= 0.5; grad = 0; } else { grad = line_height / line_width; if (line_width < 1) { xm = (x1 + x2) / 2; ym = (y1 + y2) / 2; x1 = xm - 0.5; x2 = xm + 0.5; y1 = ym - (grad / 2); y2 = ym + (grad / 2); line_width = 1; line_height = grad; } } xend = (int) x1 + 0.5; yend = y1 + grad * (xend - x1); xgap = (1 - modf (x1 + 0.5, &db)); ix1 = (int) xend; iy1 = (int) yend; brightness1 = (1 - modf (yend, &db)) * xgap; brightness2 = modf (yend, &db) * xgap; c1 = (unsigned char) (brightness1 * b); c2 = (unsigned char) (brightness2 * b); set_col_pixel (ix1, iy1, c1, rr, gg, bb); set_col_pixel (ix1, iy1 + 1, c2, rr, gg, bb); yf = yend + grad; xend = (int) (x2 + .5); yend = y2 + grad * (xend - x2); xgap = 1 - modf (x2 - .5, &db); ix2 = (int) xend; iy2 = (int) yend; brightness1 = (1 - modf (yend, &db)) * xgap; brightness2 = modf (yend, &db) * xgap; c1 = (unsigned char) (brightness1 * b); c2 = (unsigned char) (brightness2 * b); set_col_pixel (ix2, iy2, c1, rr, gg, bb); set_col_pixel (ix2, iy2 + 1, c2, rr, gg, bb); for (i = ix1 + 1; i < ix2; i++) { brightness1 = (1 - modf (yf, &db)); brightness2 = modf (yf, &db); c1 = (unsigned char) (brightness1 * b); c2 = (unsigned char) (brightness2 * b); set_col_pixel (i, (int) yf, c1, rr, gg, bb); set_col_pixel (i, (int) yf + 1, c2, rr, gg, bb); yf = yf + grad; } } else { if (y2 < y1) { temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp; temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp; line_width = (x2 - x1); line_height = (y2 - y1); } /* This is currently broken */ if (abs (line_height) < 0.1) { y2 = y1 + 0.5; y1 -= 0.5; grad = 0; } else { grad = line_width / line_height; if (line_height < 1) { xm = (x1 + x2) / 2; ym = (y1 + y2) / 2; x1 = xm - (grad / 2); x2 = xm + (grad / 2); y1 = ym - 0.5; y2 = ym + 0.5; line_height = 1; line_width = grad; } } yend = (int) (y1 + 0.5); xend = x1 + grad * (yend - y1); ygap = (1 - modf (y1 + 0.5, &db)); ix1 = (int) xend; iy1 = (int) yend; brightness1 = (1 - modf (xend, &db)) * ygap; brightness2 = modf (xend, &db) * ygap; c1 = (unsigned char) (brightness1 * b); c2 = (unsigned char) (brightness2 * b); set_col_pixel (ix1, iy1, c1, rr, gg, bb); set_col_pixel (ix1 + 1, iy1, c2, rr, gg, bb); xf = xend + grad; yend = (int) (y2 + .5); xend = x2 + grad * (yend - y2); ygap = 1 - modf (y2 - .5, &db); ix2 = (int) xend; iy2 = (int) yend; brightness1 = (1 - modf (xend, &db)) * ygap; brightness2 = modf (xend, &db) * ygap; c1 = (unsigned char) (brightness1 * b); c2 = (unsigned char) (brightness2 * b); set_col_pixel (ix2, iy2, c1, rr, gg, bb); set_col_pixel (ix2 + 1, iy2, c2, rr, gg, bb); for (i = iy1 + 1; i < iy2; i++) { brightness1 = (1 - modf (xf, &db)); brightness2 = modf (xf, &db); c1 = (unsigned char) (brightness1 * b); c2 = (unsigned char) (brightness2 * b); set_col_pixel ((int) xf, i, c1, rr, gg, bb); set_col_pixel ((int) (xf + 1), i, c2, rr, gg, bb); xf += grad; } } } /* Draw an anti-aliased pixel */ static void aa_pixel (double wx, double wy, unsigned char c, unsigned char rrr, unsigned char ggg, unsigned char bbb) { int x, y; double fx, fy; int btl, btr, bbl, bbr; x = (int) wx; y = (int) wy; fx = (double) wx - x; fy = (double) wy - y; btl = ((1.0 - fx) * (1.0 - fy)) * c; btr = ((fx) * (1.0 - fy)) * c; bbl = ((1.0 - fx) * (fy)) * c; bbr = (fx * fy) * c; set_col_pixel (x, y, btl, rrr, ggg, bbb); set_col_pixel (x + 1, y, btr, rrr, ggg, bbb); set_col_pixel (x, y + 1, bbl, rrr, ggg, bbb); set_col_pixel (x + 1, y + 1, bbr, rrr, ggg, bbb); } /* Set a pixel, takes a brightness and a colour value */ static void set_col_pixel (int x, int y, unsigned char c, unsigned char rrr, unsigned char ggg, unsigned char bbb) { char *ptr; if ((((int) c) == 0) || (x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x > 39) || (y > 39)) return; ptr = (buf)->im->rgb_data + ((buf)->im->rgb_width * 3 * (y)) + (3 * x); ptr[0] = ((double) rrr / 255 * (double) c); ptr[1] = ((double) ggg / 255 * (double) c); ptr[2] = ((double) bbb / 255 * (double) c); } /* Set a pixel, grayscale, takes a brightness value */ /* static void set_pixel (int x, int y, unsigned char c) { char *ptr; if ((((int) c) == 0) || (x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x > 39) || (y > 39)) return; ptr = (buf)->im->rgb_data + ((buf)->im->rgb_width * 3 * (y)) + (3 * x); ptr[0] = ptr[1] = ptr[2] = c; } */ /* Do *not* flame me for doing it this way... */ /* I know !!! */ /* ;-) */ void draw_text (void) { /* 19 x 132 */ char enlighten[19][172] = { "....+@@@@@@@@@@.............+@+..@#.............#@..................................................................................", "....@$$$$$$$$$$.............@$@..$%.............%$..........&@................................................................&@....", "....@$*@@@@@@@@.............@$@..@#.............%$.........@$@...............................................................@$@....", "....@$%.....................@$@.................%$.........@$@...............................................................@$@....", "....@$%..........+@++=%=#...@$@..@#....&%%#.@#..%$.#%%&...#=$=@....@%%=+....@#.&%%@....@#.&%=+.+=%=+.....#=%%#....#@.#%%&+..#=$=@...", "....@$%..........@$=$$$$$@..@$@..$%...*$$$$%$%..%$%$$$$-+.%$$$$..+-$$$$$@...$%-$$$$%...$%-$$$-#-$$$-+...%$$$$$%...%$=$$$$-+.%$$$$...", "....@$*@@@@@@@+..@$$&..&$*..@$@..$%..=$%+.&$$%..%$-#.+%$&.#=$=@..-$&..#*$#..$$%+.#-$+..$$%+.%$$%+.%$=..=$%+.+=$=..%$-#.+%$&.#=$=@...", "....@$$$$$$$$$@..@$%....*$..@$@..$%..$*....&$%..%$@...+$%..@$@..@$&....+$%..$$....&$@..$$....$-....$%..$*.....*$..%$@...+$%..@$@....", "....@$*@@@@@@@+..@$@....%$..@$@..$%.@$&....+$%..%$.....$%..@$@..=$@@@@@@*-..$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%.#$=@@@@@=$#.%$.....$%..@$@....", "....@$%..........@$@....%$..@$@..$%.@$@.....$%..%$.....$%..@$@..%$$$$$$$$$..$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%.@$$$$$$$$$@.%$.....$%..@$@....", "....@$%..........@$@....%$..@$@..$%.@$@.....$%..%$.....$%..@$@..%$@@@@@@@@..$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%.@$=@@@@@@@+.%$.....$%..@$@....", "....@$%..........@$@....%$..@$@..$%.+$=....@$%..%$.....$%..@$@..=$#.....#...$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%.#$=.....++..%$.....$%..@$@....", "....@$%..........@$@....%$..@$@..$%..*$@..+-$%..%$.....$%..@$@..#$*....+$*..$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%..-$+....*$+.%$.....$%..@$@....", "....@$-%%%%%%%%#.@$@....%$..@$@..$%..+$$*%$$$%..%$.....$%..@$%@..%$-&@=-$#..$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%..@$$=@&*$=..%$.....$%..@$%@...", "....@$$$$$$$$$$@.@$@....%$..@$@..$%...+%$$*+$%..%$.....$%...-$$#..=$$$$-@...$%....@$@..$%....$%....$%...@-$$$$=...%$.....$%...-$$#..", ".....................................@.....+$=...............@@+....@@#...................................#@@..................@@+..", ".....................................$-....%$@......................................................................................", ".....................................=$-%%-$%.......................................................................................", "......................................&*$$-=........................................................................................" }; static int setup = 0; static int i = 0, j = 0, y = 0; unsigned char b = 0; if (!setup) { blank_buf (); setup = 1; y = (rand () % 14) + 4; } else { scroll_buf (); } if (j > 132) { /* Do nothing this time */ ; } else { for (i = y; i < (y + 19); i++) { switch (enlighten[i - y][j]) { case '.': { b = 0; break; } case '@': { b = 85; break; } case '$': { b = 255; break; } case '-': { b = 224; break; } case '=': { b = 141; break; } case '#': { b = 56; break; } case '+': { b = 28; break; } case '*': { b = 98; break; } case '%': { b = 70; break; } case '&': { b = 113; break; } } set_col_pixel (39, i, b, 136, 221, 221); } } ++j; if (j > 172) { j = 0; y = (rand () % 14) + 4; } }