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Mon Oct 18 16:02:50 PDT 1999
fixed Makefile.am in epplets to actually build some directories it asked for.
Mon Oct 18 18:13:35 PDT 1999
fixed another Makefile.am bug
Tue Oct 19 14:21:41 PDT 1999
Added 7of9 mode to E-Biff just for raster. :-)
Also fixed some bugs with the config file stuff. If you're going to parse a
config file, *honor* it for pete's sake! =P
Fri Oct 22 21:43:33 PDT 1999
Alright, I've got the config stuff working as planned. Epplet_Init() has the
same parameters as it used to. If you use config files, make sure to call
Epplet_load_config() AFTER calling Epplet_Init() but BEFORE attempting to
access config data.
Also note the function name changes: Epplet_save_config(),
Epplet_query_config_data(), and Epplet_modify_config_data().
Fri Oct 22 22:48:20 PDT 1999
Multiple instance and config file support for E-Cpu, E-Net, and E-Biff. :-)
Fri Oct 22 23:22:25 PDT 1999
Fixed configure.in so that user-specified $CFLAGS will be honored. Also
removed all the warnings from compiling.
Sat Oct 23 00:15:29 PDT 1999
E-MemWatch, a memory/swap monitor.
Sat Oct 23 10:03:02 PDT 1999
Added patch from horms (horms@valinux.com) to allow you to remove popup entries
Sat Oct 23 21:00:30 PDT 1999
Second patch from horms about popup entry removal
Sun Oct 24 12:14:07 PDT 1999
Lock files now store PID's so that stale checks can be made. It seems to
work here, but I'll need lots of testing.
PLEASE remove all .lock files from ~/.enlightenment/epplet_config/*/ and close
all running epplets before running any new ones!
Sun Oct 24 13:05:15 PDT 1999
Added Epplet_query_config_data_with_def(). See the header file for syntax.
For some reason, the compiler didn't like it when I spelled out "default."
Mon Oct 25 16:49:48 PDT 1999
Added a mode for open() since apparently some systems don't default to
(0666 | umask) like they should. :(
Mon Oct 25 23:28:31 PDT 1999
E-Disk, an epplet which gives you a numerical and graphical view of your disk
I/O. It also keeps persistent bandwidth data, so the longer you run it, the
more accurately the percentage bars will portray your I/O bandwith usage.
Mon Oct 25 23:43:23 PDT 1999
E-NetFlame was too spiffy for me to not add it. :-)
Tue Oct 26 13:42:53 PDT 1999
First off, I removed some unneeded variables from E-MemWatch. I also fixed a
reporting bug in E-Disk.
But most importantly, I fixed Epplet_change_label() to avoid changing a label
to the exact same string. This is the best place to handle this situation,
because it saves resources (we already have both strings to compare) and, due
to the nature of epplets, the probability is very high that this function
would only (or at least primarily) be called from a timer callback. So it
simplifies client code this way too.
Tue Oct 26 14:15:39 PDT 1999
Fixed E-Time to look better. Should fix the problem with non-BlueSteel
Tue Oct 26 16:06:43 PDT 1999
Okay, don't kill me. I had to change the API again because it was broken.
Epplet_load_config() now takes no parameters. I also renamed some functions,
which the following command should help you do:
perl -p -i.bak -e \
's/config_data_with_def/config_def/g; s/_config_data/_config/g;' \
That all goes on a single line, BTW. And replace <files> with the names of
your .c files. You must now specify any defaults by calling
Epplet_query_config_def() instead and passing the default to that function.
I also added the ability to right-justify label text by specifying a negative
x coordinate. See E-Time for a sample.
Tue Oct 26 17:44:38 PDT 1999
E-Sys, an uptime epplet that actually *works*. :-)
Thu Oct 28 18:58:52 PDT 1999
Basic cleanups on the config stuff. I made sure that all epplets using the
config subsystem are using atexit(), and I added the same re-prioritizing
code that my epplets have to E-Cpu and E-NetFlame so they wouldn't be as
CPU-intensive. E-NetFlame has also been upgraded to v0.3 with bandwidth
patches from Shawn (the author), and it also has a config file option for
which interface to monitor (default "eth0") for those who might want to keep
an eye on ppp0.
Sun Oct 31 15:07:43 PST 1999
gave gilbertt access to put screenshoot in CVS. YOU NEED TO MODIFY THE
CHANGELOG THOUGH. fixed some warnings here and there. I don't like warnings
Sun Oct 31 11:36:50 GMT 1999
Added E-ScreenShoot. I guess I should include a recent Changelog:
Added dox help, including a couple of images to make things more clear.
Found several bugs in my drawing routines, and squashed them.
Added a couple of new cloak-animations.
Please let me know if you have problems building it.
Sun Oct 31 21:36:50 GMT 1999
New cloak-animation - text banner.
Fixed my bouncing ball.
Rand()omised my atoms.
Mon Nov 1 22:06:12 GMT 1999
Nothing spectacular:
Fixed some issues with a couple of cloak-anims
Added SineWave. Unless I'm feeling wacky sometime, that just about
does it for cloak-anims. Enough is enough ;-)
Mon Nov 2 18:59:14 GMT 1999
Oh dear. There was something terribly wrong with my starfields. I think
there still is, but it's better.
Tue Nov 2 13:31:28 PST 1999
An update from Matt McClanahan <cardinal@dodds.net> to his previous patch.
Tue Nov 2 18:28:36 PST 1999
A new cloak mode for E-ScreenShoot...random! You can guess what it does.
Wed Nov 3 23:58:36 GMT 1999
More late-night coding for Tom ;-)
The trouble with using a .1f format string for something which will
accept a < 0.1 value, is that the value is written as 0.
This is clearly not a good idea, and led to an interesting 5 minutes
Thu Nov 4 16:00:26 PST 1999
E-Slides, a slideshow epplet. This is just the initial version; more features
coming soon. :-)
Also some API additions/bugfixes.
Thu Nov 4 18:39:32 PST 1999
Several new features for E-Slides and some new icons.
Fri Nov 5 10:44:18 PST 1999
The zoom button works now. It executes an arbitrary command and replaces an
occurance of %s in the string with the current image filename. The default
is "ee %s".
Fri Nov 5 16:36:55 PST 1999
E-Xss, an xscreensaver epplet. Unfortunately, xscreensaver crashes my X
server on a regular basis, so I'll have to continue development for this at
home. It currently has...issues.
Sat Nov 6 12:03:16 PST 1999
Well, it seems to work pretty well at this point. Now I just need to figure
out how to support multiple hacks (which is what those previous/next buttons
are for).