/* * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Carsten Haitzler, Geoff Harrison and various contributors * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Kim Woelders * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies of the Software, its documentation and marketing & publicity * materials, and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation, materials * and software packages that this Software was used. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "E.h" #include "conf.h" #include "emodule.h" #include "ewins.h" typedef struct _actiontype { char *params; struct _actiontype *next; } ActionType; struct _action { char event; char anymodifier; int modifiers; char anybutton; int button; char anykey; KeyCode key; char *key_str; char *tooltipstring; ActionType *action; }; struct _actionclass { char *name; int num; Action **list; char *tooltipstring; unsigned int ref_count; }; static void UnGrabActionKey(Action * aa); static void GrabActionKey(Action * aa); static char mode_action_destroy = 0; static void RemoveActionType(ActionType * ActionTypeToRemove) { ActionType *ptr, *pp; ptr = ActionTypeToRemove; while (ptr) { if (ptr->params) Efree(ptr->params); pp = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; Efree(pp); } } Action * ActionCreate(char event, char anymod, int mod, int anybut, int but, char anykey, const char *key, const char *tooltipstring) { Action *aa; aa = Emalloc(sizeof(Action)); aa->action = NULL; aa->event = event; aa->anymodifier = anymod; aa->modifiers = mod; aa->anybutton = anybut; aa->button = but; aa->anykey = anykey; if (!key || !key[0] || (event != EVENT_KEY_DOWN && event != EVENT_KEY_UP)) aa->key = 0; else aa->key = XKeysymToKeycode(disp, XStringToKeysym(key)); aa->key_str = (aa->key) ? Estrdup(key) : NULL; aa->tooltipstring = (tooltipstring) ? Estrdup((tooltipstring[0]) ? tooltipstring : "?!?") : NULL; return aa; } static void ActionDestroy(Action * aa) { if (!aa) return; if ((aa->event == EVENT_KEY_DOWN) || (aa->event == EVENT_KEY_UP)) UnGrabActionKey(aa); if (aa->action) RemoveActionType(aa->action); if (aa->tooltipstring) Efree(aa->tooltipstring); if (aa->key_str) Efree(aa->key_str); Efree(aa); } void ActionAddTo(Action * aa, const char *params) { ActionType *pptr, *ptr, *at; at = Emalloc(sizeof(ActionType)); if (!at) return; at->next = NULL; at->params = Estrdup(params); if (!aa->action) { aa->action = at; } else { pptr = NULL; ptr = aa->action; while (ptr) { pptr = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } if (pptr) pptr->next = at; } } void ActionclassAddAction(ActionClass * ac, Action * aa) { ac->num++; if (!ac->list) ac->list = Emalloc(sizeof(Action *)); else ac->list = Erealloc(ac->list, ac->num * sizeof(Action *)); ac->list[ac->num - 1] = aa; } ActionClass * ActionclassCreate(const char *name, int global) { ActionClass *ac; ac = Emalloc(sizeof(ActionClass)); ac->name = Estrdup(name); ac->num = 0; ac->list = NULL; ac->tooltipstring = NULL; ac->ref_count = 0; AddItem(ac, ac->name, 0, (global)? LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL : LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); return ac; } void ActionclassDestroy(ActionClass * ac) { int i; if (!ac) return; if (ac->ref_count > 0) { DialogOK(_("ActionClass Error!"), _("%u references remain\n"), ac->ref_count); return; } while (RemoveItemByPtr(ac, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS)) ; for (i = 0; i < ac->num; i++) ActionDestroy(ac->list[i]); if (ac->list) Efree(ac->list); if (ac->name) Efree(ac->name); if (ac->tooltipstring) Efree(ac->tooltipstring); Efree(ac); mode_action_destroy = 1; } int AclassConfigLoad(FILE * fs) { int err = 0; ActionClass *ac = NULL; Action *aa = NULL; char s[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; int i1; char s2[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; char event = 0; char anymod = 0; int mod = 0; int anybut = 0; int but = 0; int first = 1; char anykey = 0; char *key = NULL; char *aclass_tooltipstring = NULL; char *action_tooltipstring = NULL; char global = 0; int fields; while (GetLine(s, sizeof(s), fs)) { s2[0] = 0; i1 = CONFIG_INVALID; fields = sscanf(s, "%i %4000s", &i1, s2); if (fields < 1) { i1 = CONFIG_INVALID; } else if (i1 == CONFIG_CLOSE || i1 == CONFIG_NEXT) { if (fields != 1) { RecoverUserConfig(); Alert(_("CONFIG: ignoring extra data in \"%s\"\n"), s); } } else if (i1 != CONFIG_INVALID) { if (fields != 2) { RecoverUserConfig(); Alert(_("CONFIG: missing required data in \"%s\"\n"), s); } } switch (i1) { case CONFIG_VERSION: break; case CONFIG_ACTIONCLASS: err = -1; i1 = atoi(s2); if (i1 != CONFIG_OPEN) goto done; ac = NULL; aa = NULL; event = 0; anymod = anybut = anykey = 0; mod = 0; but = 0; first = 1; _EFREE(key); break; case CONFIG_CLOSE: ac->tooltipstring = (aclass_tooltipstring) ? Estrdup((aclass_tooltipstring[0]) ? aclass_tooltipstring : "?!?") : NULL; _EFREE(aclass_tooltipstring); _EFREE(action_tooltipstring); err = 0; goto done; case CONFIG_CLASSNAME: case ACLASS_NAME: ac = RemoveItem(s2, 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); if (!ac) ac = RemoveItem(s2, 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (ac) { if (!strcmp(s2, "KEYBINDINGS")) Mode.keybinds_changed = 1; ActionclassDestroy(ac); } ac = ActionclassCreate(s2, 0); break; case CONFIG_TYPE: case ACLASS_TYPE: if (atoi(s2) == LIST_TYPE_ACLASS) break; RemoveItem(ac->name, 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); AddItem(ac, ac->name, 0, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); global = 1; break; case CONFIG_MODIFIER: case ACLASS_MODIFIER: /* These are the defines that I have listed... * These, therefore, are the ones that I am * going to accept by default. * REMINDER: add and'ing in future!!!! * #define ShiftMask (1<<0) * #define LockMask (1<<1) * #define ControlMask (1<<2) * #define Mod1Mask (1<<3) * #define Mod2Mask (1<<4) * #define Mod3Mask (1<<5) * #define Mod4Mask (1<<6) * #define Mod5Mask (1<<7) */ switch (atoi(s2)) { case MASK_NONE: mod = 0; break; case MASK_SHIFT: mod |= ShiftMask; break; case MASK_LOCK: mod |= LockMask; break; case MASK_CTRL: mod |= ControlMask; break; case MASK_MOD1: mod |= Mod1Mask; break; case MASK_MOD2: mod |= Mod2Mask; break; case MASK_MOD3: mod |= Mod3Mask; break; case MASK_MOD4: mod |= Mod4Mask; break; case MASK_MOD5: mod |= Mod5Mask; break; case MASK_CTRL_ALT: mod |= ControlMask | Mod1Mask; break; case MASK_SHIFT_ALT: mod |= ShiftMask | Mod1Mask; break; case MASK_CTRL_SHIFT: mod |= ShiftMask | ControlMask; break; case MASK_CTRL_SHIFT_ALT: mod |= ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask; break; case MASK_SHIFT_META4: mod |= Mod4Mask | ShiftMask; break; case MASK_CTRL_META4: mod |= Mod4Mask | ControlMask; break; case MASK_CTRL_META4_SHIFT: mod |= Mod4Mask | ControlMask | ShiftMask; break; case MASK_SHIFT_META5: mod |= Mod5Mask | ShiftMask; break; case MASK_CTRL_META5: mod |= Mod5Mask | ControlMask; break; case MASK_CTRL_META5_SHIFT: mod |= Mod5Mask | ControlMask | ShiftMask; break; case MASK_WINDOWS_SHIFT: mod |= Mod2Mask | ShiftMask; break; case MASK_WINDOWS_CTRL: mod |= Mod2Mask | ControlMask; break; case MASK_WINDOWS_ALT: mod |= Mod2Mask | Mod1Mask; break; default: break; } break; case CONFIG_ANYMOD: case ACLASS_ANYMOD: anymod = atoi(s2); break; case CONFIG_ANYBUT: case ACLASS_ANYBUT: anybut = atoi(s2); break; case CONFIG_BUTTON: case ACLASS_BUT: but = atoi(s2); break; case CONFIG_ANYKEY: case ACLASS_ANYKEY: anykey = atoi(s2); break; case ACLASS_KEY: if (key) Efree(key); key = Estrdup(s2); break; case ACLASS_EVENT_TRIGGER: event = atoi(s2); break; case CONFIG_NEXT: mod = 0; anymod = 0; anybut = 0; first = 1; break; case CONFIG_ACTION: if (first) { aa = ActionCreate(event, anymod, mod, anybut, but, anykey, key, action_tooltipstring); /* the correct place to grab an action key */ _EFREE(action_tooltipstring); _EFREE(key); if (global) GrabActionKey(aa); ActionclassAddAction(ac, aa); first = 0; } ActionAddTo(aa, atword(s, 2)); break; case CONFIG_ACTION_TOOLTIP: action_tooltipstring = Estrdupcat2(action_tooltipstring, "\n", atword(s, 2)); break; case CONFIG_TOOLTIP: aclass_tooltipstring = Estrdupcat2(aclass_tooltipstring, "\n", atword(s, 2)); break; default: RecoverUserConfig(); Alert(_("Warning: unable to determine what to do with\n" "the following text in the middle of current " "ActionClass definition:\n" "%s\nWill ignore and continue...\n"), s); break; } } if (ac && err) ActionclassDestroy(ac); done: _EFREE(aclass_tooltipstring); _EFREE(action_tooltipstring); _EFREE(key); return err; } static Action * ActionDecode(const char *line) { Action *aa; char ev[16], mod[16], key[128], *s; int len, event, modifiers, button; char anymod, anybut, anykey; len = -1; sscanf(line, "%15s %15s %127s %n", ev, mod, key, &len); if (len <= 0) return NULL; event = -1; if (!strcmp(ev, "KeyDown")) event = EVENT_KEY_DOWN; else if (!strcmp(ev, "MouseDown")) event = EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN; else if (!strcmp(ev, "KeyUp")) event = EVENT_KEY_UP; else if (!strcmp(ev, "MouseUp")) event = EVENT_MOUSE_UP; else if (!strcmp(ev, "MouseDouble")) event = EVENT_DOUBLE_DOWN; else if (!strcmp(ev, "KeyDown")) event = EVENT_KEY_DOWN; else if (!strcmp(ev, "MouseIn")) event = EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER; else if (!strcmp(ev, "MouseOut")) event = EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE; else if (!strcmp(ev, "FocusIn")) event = EVENT_FOCUS_IN; else if (!strcmp(ev, "FocusOut")) event = EVENT_FOCUS_OUT; anymod = anybut = anykey = 0; button = 0; modifiers = 0; for (s = mod; *s; s++) { switch (*s) { case '*': anymod = 1; break; case 'C': modifiers |= ControlMask; break; case 'S': modifiers |= ShiftMask; break; case 'A': modifiers |= Mod1Mask; break; case '1': modifiers |= Mod1Mask; break; case '2': modifiers |= Mod2Mask; break; case '3': modifiers |= Mod3Mask; break; case '4': modifiers |= Mod4Mask; break; case '5': modifiers |= Mod5Mask; break; } } switch (event) { case EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN: case EVENT_MOUSE_UP: case EVENT_DOUBLE_DOWN: case EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER: case EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE: switch (key[0]) { case '*': anybut = 1; break; case '1': button = 1; break; case '2': button = 2; break; case '3': button = 3; break; case '4': button = 4; break; case '5': button = 5; break; } key[0] = '\0'; break; } aa = ActionCreate(event, anymod, modifiers, anybut, button, anykey, key, NULL); ActionAddTo(aa, line + len); return aa; } static int ActionEncode(Action * aa, char *buf, int len) { char s[32], *p; if ((!aa) || (!aa->action) || (aa->event != EVENT_KEY_DOWN) || (!aa->key_str)) return 0; p = s; if (aa->anymodifier) *p++ = '*'; if (aa->modifiers & ControlMask) *p++ = 'C'; if (aa->modifiers & ShiftMask) *p++ = 'S'; if (aa->modifiers & Mod1Mask) *p++ = 'A'; if (aa->modifiers & Mod2Mask) *p++ = '2'; if (aa->modifiers & Mod3Mask) *p++ = '3'; if (aa->modifiers & Mod4Mask) *p++ = '4'; if (aa->modifiers & Mod5Mask) *p++ = '5'; if (p == s) *p++ = '-'; *p++ = '\0'; len = Esnprintf(buf, len, "KeyDown %4s %8s %s\n", s, aa->key_str, (aa->action->params) ? aa->action->params : ""); return len; } static void AclassConfigLoad2(FILE * fs) { char s[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX], *ss; char prm1[128], prm2[128], prm3[128]; ActionClass *ac = NULL; Action *aa = NULL; int len; for (;;) { ss = fgets(s, sizeof(s), fs); if (!ss) break; len = strcspn(s, "#\r\n"); if (len <= 0) continue; s[len] = '\0'; prm3[0] = '\0'; len = sscanf(s, "%16s %128s %16s", prm1, prm2, prm3); if (len < 2) continue; if (!strcmp(prm1, "Aclass")) { ac = RemoveItem(prm2, 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); if (!ac) ac = RemoveItem(prm2, 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (ac) ActionclassDestroy(ac); ac = ActionclassCreate(prm2, prm3[0] == 'g'); aa = NULL; } else if (!strncmp(prm1, "Key", 3) || !strncmp(prm1, "Mouse", 5)) { if (!ac) continue; aa = ActionDecode(s); if (!aa) continue; ActionclassAddAction(ac, aa); GrabActionKey(aa); } else if (!strcmp(prm1, "Tooltip")) { /* FIXME - Multiple line strings may break */ if (aa) { aa->tooltipstring = Estrdupcat2(aa->tooltipstring, "\n", atword(s, 2)); } else if (ac) { ac->tooltipstring = Estrdupcat2(ac->tooltipstring, "\n", atword(s, 2)); } } } } static void AclassConfigLoadConfig(void) { char *file; FILE *fs; file = ConfigFileFind("bindings.cfg", NULL, 0); if (!file) return; fs = fopen(file, "r"); Efree(file); if (!fs) return; AclassConfigLoad2(fs); fclose(fs); } static void AclassConfigLoadUser(void) { char s[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; FILE *fs; Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s.bindings", EGetSavePrefixCommon()); fs = fopen(s, "r"); if (!fs) return; AclassConfigLoad2(fs); fclose(fs); } static void AclassConfigSave(void) { char s[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; FILE *fs; ActionClass *ac; Action *aa; int i, len; if (!Mode.keybinds_changed) return; ac = FindItem("KEYBINDINGS", 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (!ac || ac->num <= 0) return; Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s.bindings", EGetSavePrefixCommon()); fs = fopen(s, "w"); if (!fs) return; fprintf(fs, "Aclass %s global\n", ac->name); for (i = 0; i < ac->num; i++) { aa = ac->list[i]; len = ActionEncode(aa, s, sizeof(s)); if (len <= 0) continue; fwrite(s, len, 1, fs); } fclose(fs); } void ActionclassSetTooltipString(ActionClass * ac, const char *tts) { _EFDUP(ac->tooltipstring, tts); } void ActionclassIncRefcount(ActionClass * ac) { if (ac) ac->ref_count++; } void ActionclassDecRefcount(ActionClass * ac) { if (ac) ac->ref_count--; } const char * ActionclassGetName(ActionClass * ac) { return (ac) ? ac->name : NULL; } const char * ActionclassGetTooltipString(ActionClass * ac) { return (ac) ? ac->tooltipstring : NULL; } int ActionclassGetActionCount(ActionClass * ac) { return (ac) ? ac->num : 0; } Action * ActionclassGetAction(ActionClass * ac, int ix) { return (ac && ix < ac->num) ? ac->list[ix] : NULL; } const char * ActionGetTooltipString(Action * aa) { return (aa) ? aa->tooltipstring : NULL; } int ActionGetEvent(Action * aa) { return (aa) ? aa->event : 0; } int ActionGetAnybutton(Action * aa) { return (aa) ? aa->anybutton : 0; } int ActionGetButton(Action * aa) { return (aa) ? aa->button : 0; } int ActionGetModifiers(Action * aa) { return (aa) ? aa->modifiers : 0; } static void handleAction(EWin * ewin, ActionType * action) { EFunc(ewin, action->params); /* Did we just hose ourselves? if so, we'd best not stick around here */ if (mode_action_destroy) return; /* If there is another action in this series, (now that * we're sure we didn't already die) perform it */ if (action->next) handleAction(ewin, action->next); } int ActionclassEvent(ActionClass * ac, XEvent * ev, EWin * ewin) { KeyCode key; int i, type, button, modifiers, ok, mouse, mask, val = 0; Action *aa; if (Mode.action_inhibit || (ewin && ewin->state.inhibit_actions)) return 0; key = type = button = modifiers = mouse = 0; mask = (ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask) & (~(Mode.masks.numlock | Mode.masks.scrollock | LockMask)); switch (ev->type) { case KeyPress: type = EVENT_KEY_DOWN; key = ev->xkey.keycode; modifiers = ev->xbutton.state & mask; mouse = 0; break; case KeyRelease: type = EVENT_KEY_UP; key = ev->xkey.keycode; modifiers = ev->xbutton.state & mask; mouse = 0; break; case ButtonPress: if (ev->xbutton.time == 0) type = EVENT_DOUBLE_DOWN; else type = EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN; button = ev->xbutton.button; modifiers = ev->xbutton.state & mask; mouse = 1; break; case ButtonRelease: type = EVENT_MOUSE_UP; button = ev->xbutton.button; modifiers = ev->xbutton.state & mask; mouse = 1; break; case EnterNotify: type = EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER; button = -1; modifiers = ev->xcrossing.state & mask; mouse = 1; break; case LeaveNotify: /* If frame window, quit if pointer is still inside */ if (ewin && ev->xcrossing.window == EoGetWin(ewin) && (ev->xcrossing.x >= 0 && ev->xcrossing.x < EoGetW(ewin) && ev->xcrossing.y >= 0 && ev->xcrossing.y < EoGetH(ewin))) return 0; type = EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE; button = -1; modifiers = ev->xcrossing.state & mask; mouse = 1; break; case FocusIn: type = EVENT_FOCUS_IN; button = -1; mouse = 1; break; case FocusOut: type = EVENT_FOCUS_OUT; button = -1; mouse = 1; break; default: break; } mode_action_destroy = 0; for (i = 0; i < ac->num; i++) { if (!mode_action_destroy) { aa = ac->list[i]; ok = 0; if ((aa->event == type) && (aa->action)) { if (mouse) { if (button < 0) { if (aa->anymodifier) ok = 1; else if (aa->modifiers == modifiers) ok = 1; } else { if (aa->anymodifier) { if (aa->anybutton) ok = 1; else if (aa->button == button) ok = 1; } else if (aa->modifiers == modifiers) { if (aa->anybutton) ok = 1; else if (aa->button == button) ok = 1; } } } else { if (aa->anymodifier) { if (aa->anykey) ok = 1; else if (aa->key == key) ok = 1; } else if (aa->modifiers == modifiers) { if (aa->anykey) ok = 1; else if (aa->key == key) ok = 1; } } if (ok) { handleAction(ewin, aa->action); val = 1; } } } if (mode_action_destroy) break; } mode_action_destroy = 0; return val; } int ActionclassesGlobalEvent(XEvent * ev) { ActionClass **lst; int i, num, match; lst = (ActionClass **) ListItemType(&num, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (!lst) return 0; match = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) match |= ActionclassEvent(lst[i], ev, GetFocusEwin()); Efree(lst); return match; } static void AclassSetupFallback(void) { ActionClass *ac; Action *aa; /* Create a default fallback actionclass for the fallback border */ ac = ActionclassCreate("__FALLBACK_ACTION", 0); aa = ActionCreate(EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL); ActionclassAddAction(ac, aa); ActionAddTo(aa, "wop * mo ptr"); aa = ActionCreate(EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, NULL, NULL); ActionclassAddAction(ac, aa); ActionAddTo(aa, "wop * close"); aa = ActionCreate(EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL); ActionclassAddAction(ac, aa); ActionAddTo(aa, "wop * sz ptr"); } /* * Actions module */ static void AclassSighan(int sig, void *prm __UNUSED__) { switch (sig) { case ESIGNAL_INIT: AclassSetupFallback(); AclassConfigLoadConfig(); AclassConfigLoadUser(); break; } } static void AclassIpc(const char *params, Client * c __UNUSED__) { const char *p; char cmd[128], prm[4096]; int i, len, num; cmd[0] = prm[0] = '\0'; p = params; if (p) { len = 0; sscanf(p, "%100s %4000s %n", cmd, prm, &len); p += len; } if (!p || cmd[0] == '?') { } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "kb", 2)) { ActionClass *ac; Action *aa; ac = FindItem("KEYBINDINGS", 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (!ac || ac->num <= 0) return; IpcPrintf("Aclass %s global\n", ac->name); for (i = 0; i < ac->num; i++) { aa = ac->list[i]; len = ActionEncode(aa, prm, sizeof(prm)); if (len <= 0) continue; IpcPrintf(prm); } } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "list", 2)) { ActionClass **lst; lst = (ActionClass **) ListItemType(&num, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) IpcPrintf("%s\n", ActionclassGetName(lst[i])); if (lst) Efree(lst); } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "load", 2)) { if (!strcmp(p, "all")) AclassConfigLoadConfig(); AclassConfigLoadUser(); } } static void IPC_KeybindingsGet(const char *params __UNUSED__, Client * c __UNUSED__) { ActionClass *ac; Action *aa; int i, mod; ac = FindItem("KEYBINDINGS", 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (!ac) return; for (i = 0; i < ac->num; i++) { aa = ac->list[i]; if ((aa) && (aa->action) && (aa->event == EVENT_KEY_DOWN)) { char *key; key = XKeysymToString(XKeycodeToKeysym(disp, aa->key, 0)); if (!key) continue; mod = 0; if (aa->modifiers == (ControlMask)) mod = 1; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod1Mask)) mod = 2; else if (aa->modifiers == (ShiftMask)) mod = 3; else if (aa->modifiers == (ControlMask | Mod1Mask)) mod = 4; else if (aa->modifiers == (ShiftMask | ControlMask)) mod = 5; else if (aa->modifiers == (ShiftMask | Mod1Mask)) mod = 6; else if (aa->modifiers == (ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask)) mod = 7; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod2Mask)) mod = 8; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod3Mask)) mod = 9; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod4Mask)) mod = 10; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod5Mask)) mod = 11; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod2Mask | ShiftMask)) mod = 12; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod2Mask | ControlMask)) mod = 13; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod2Mask | Mod1Mask)) mod = 14; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod4Mask | ShiftMask)) mod = 15; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod4Mask | ControlMask)) mod = 16; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod4Mask | ControlMask | ShiftMask)) mod = 17; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod5Mask | ShiftMask)) mod = 18; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod5Mask | ControlMask)) mod = 19; else if (aa->modifiers == (Mod5Mask | ControlMask | ShiftMask)) mod = 20; if (aa->action->params) IpcPrintf("%s %i %i %s\n", key, mod, 0, aa->action->params); else IpcPrintf("%s %i %i\n", key, mod, 0); } } } static void IPC_KeybindingsSet(const char *params, Client * c __UNUSED__) { ActionClass *ac; Action *aa; int i, l; char buf[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; const char *sp, *ss; Mode.keybinds_changed = 1; ac = (ActionClass *) RemoveItem("KEYBINDINGS", 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS_GLOBAL); if (ac) ActionclassDestroy(ac); ac = ActionclassCreate("KEYBINDINGS", 1); ss = atword(params, 1); if (!ss) return; i = 0; l = strlen(ss); while (i < l) { char key[256]; int mod = 0; int act_id = 0; int j = 0; /* put line in buf */ sp = &(ss[i]); while ((sp[j]) && (sp[j] != '\n')) { buf[j] = sp[j]; j++; } buf[j] = 0; if (sp[j] == '\n') j++; i += j; /* parse the line */ sscanf(buf, "%250s %i %i", key, &mod, &act_id); if (mod == 0) mod = 0; else if (mod == 1) mod = ControlMask; else if (mod == 2) mod = Mod1Mask; else if (mod == 3) mod = ShiftMask; else if (mod == 4) mod = ControlMask | Mod1Mask; else if (mod == 5) mod = ShiftMask | ControlMask; else if (mod == 6) mod = ShiftMask | Mod1Mask; else if (mod == 7) mod = ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask; else if (mod == 8) mod = Mod2Mask; else if (mod == 9) mod = Mod3Mask; else if (mod == 10) mod = Mod4Mask; else if (mod == 11) mod = Mod5Mask; else if (mod == 12) mod = Mod2Mask | ShiftMask; else if (mod == 13) mod = Mod2Mask | ControlMask; else if (mod == 14) mod = Mod2Mask | Mod1Mask; else if (mod == 15) mod = Mod4Mask | ShiftMask; else if (mod == 16) mod = Mod4Mask | ControlMask; else if (mod == 17) mod = Mod4Mask | ControlMask | ShiftMask; else if (mod == 18) mod = Mod5Mask | ShiftMask; else if (mod == 19) mod = Mod5Mask | ControlMask; else if (mod == 20) mod = Mod5Mask | ControlMask | ShiftMask; aa = ActionCreate(4, 0, mod, 0, 0, 0, key, NULL); ActionclassAddAction(ac, aa); if (atword(buf, 4)) ActionAddTo(aa, atword(buf, 4)); else ActionAddTo(aa, NULL); GrabActionKey(aa); } AclassConfigSave(); } static const IpcItem AclassIpcArray[] = { { AclassIpc, "aclass", "ac", "Action class functions", " aclass kb List key bindings\n" " aclass list List action classes\n" " aclass load [all] Reload user defined/all action classes\n"} , { IPC_KeybindingsGet, "get_keybindings", NULL, "List keybindings", NULL} , { IPC_KeybindingsSet, "set_keybindings", NULL, "Set keybindings", NULL} , }; #define N_IPC_FUNCS (sizeof(AclassIpcArray)/sizeof(IpcItem)) /* * Module descriptor */ EModule ModAclass = { "aclass", "ac", AclassSighan, {N_IPC_FUNCS, AclassIpcArray} , {0, NULL} }; void GrabButtonGrabs(EWin * ewin) { ActionClass *ac; int j; Action *aa; unsigned int mod, button, mask; ac = FindItem("BUTTONBINDINGS", 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); if (!ac) return; ac->ref_count++; for (j = 0; j < ac->num; j++) { aa = ac->list[j]; if ((!aa) || ((aa->event != EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN) && (aa->event != EVENT_MOUSE_UP))) continue; mod = 0; button = 0; if (aa->anymodifier) mod = AnyModifier; else mod = aa->modifiers; if (aa->anybutton) button = AnyButton; else button = aa->button; mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask; if (mod == AnyModifier) { GrabButtonSet(button, mod, EoGetWin(ewin), mask, ECSR_PGRAB, 1); } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { GrabButtonSet(button, mod | Mode.masks.mod_combos[i], EoGetWin(ewin), mask, ECSR_PGRAB, 1); } } } } void UnGrabButtonGrabs(EWin * ewin) { ActionClass *ac; int j; Action *aa; unsigned int mod, button; ac = FindItem("BUTTONBINDINGS", 0, LIST_FINDBY_NAME, LIST_TYPE_ACLASS); if (!ac) return; ac->ref_count--; for (j = 0; j < ac->num; j++) { aa = ac->list[j]; if ((!aa) || ((aa->event != EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN) && (aa->event != EVENT_MOUSE_UP))) continue; mod = 0; button = 0; if (aa->anymodifier) mod = AnyModifier; else mod = aa->modifiers; if (aa->anybutton) button = AnyButton; else button = aa->button; if (mod == AnyModifier) { GrabButtonRelease(button, mod, EoGetWin(ewin)); } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { GrabButtonRelease(button, mod | Mode.masks.mod_combos[i], EoGetWin(ewin)); } } } } static void GrabActionKey(Action * aa) { int mod; if (!aa->key) return; mod = aa->modifiers; if (aa->anymodifier) { mod = AnyModifier; XGrabKey(disp, aa->key, mod, VRoot.win, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync); } else { int i; /* grab the key even if locks are on or not */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) XGrabKey(disp, aa->key, mod | Mode.masks.mod_combos[i], VRoot.win, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync); } } static void UnGrabActionKey(Action * aa) { int mod; if (!aa->key) return; mod = aa->modifiers; if (aa->anymodifier) { mod = AnyModifier; XUngrabKey(disp, aa->key, mod, VRoot.win); } else { int i; /* ungrab the key even if locks are on or not */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) XUngrabKey(disp, aa->key, mod | Mode.masks.mod_combos[i], VRoot.win); } }