/* * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Carsten Haitzler, Geoff Harrison and various contributors * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Kim Woelders * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies of the Software, its documentation and marketing & publicity * materials, and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation, materials * and software packages that this Software was used. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "E.h" #include "comms.h" #include "cursors.h" #include "desktops.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "edbus.h" #include "eimage.h" #include "emodule.h" #include "events.h" #include "ewins.h" #include "file.h" #include "grabs.h" #include "hints.h" #include "session.h" #include "snaps.h" #include "user.h" #include "xwin.h" const char e_wm_name[] = "e16"; const char e_wm_version[] = VERSION; EConf Conf; EMode Mode; static int EoptGet(int argc, char **argv); static void EoptHelp(void); static void ECheckEprog(const char *name); static void EDirUserSet(const char *dir); static void EConfNameSet(const char *dir); static void EDirUserCacheSet(const char *dir); static void EDirsSetup(void); static void ESavePrefixSetup(void); static void RunInitPrograms(void); static int eoptind = 0; const char *eoptarg = NULL; typedef struct { char sopt; char arg; const char *lopt; const char *oarg; const char *desc; } EOpt; static const EOpt Eopts[] = { {'d', 1, "display", "display", "Set display"}, {'f', 0, "fast", NULL, "Fast startup"}, {'h', 0, "help", NULL, "Show help"}, {'m', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL}, {'p', 1, "config-prefix", "prefix", "Configuration file name prefix"}, {'P', 1, "econfdir", "path", "Set user configuration directory"}, {'Q', 1, "ecachedir", "path", "Set user cache directory"}, {'s', 1, "single", "screen", "Run only on given screen"}, {'S', 1, "sm-client-id", "session id", "Set session manager ID"}, {'t', 1, "theme", "name", "Select theme"}, {'v', 0, "verbose", NULL, "Show additional info"}, {'V', 0, "version", NULL, "Show version"}, {'w', 1, "window", "WxH", "Run in window"}, {'X', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch, i, loop; struct utsname ubuf; const char *str, *dstr; /* This function runs all the setup for startup, and then * proceeds into the primary event loop at the end. */ /* Init state variable struct */ memset(&Mode, 0, sizeof(EMode)); Mode.wm.master = 1; Mode.wm.pid = getpid(); Mode.wm.exec_name = argv[0]; Mode.wm.startup = 1; Mode.mode = MODE_NONE; Mode.move.check = 1; EXInit(); Dpy.screen = -1; str = getenv("EDEBUG"); if (str) EDebugInit(str); str = getenv("EDEBUG_COREDUMP"); if (str) Mode.wm.coredump = 1; str = getenv("EDEBUG_EXIT"); if (str) Mode.debug_exit = atoi(str); str = getenv("ECONFNAME"); if (str) EConfNameSet(str); str = getenv("ECONFDIR"); if (str) EDirUserSet(str); str = getenv("ECACHEDIR"); if (str) EDirUserCacheSet(str); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); if (!uname(&ubuf)) Mode.wm.machine_name = Estrdup(ubuf.nodename); if (!Mode.wm.machine_name) Mode.wm.machine_name = Estrdup("localhost"); /* Now we're going to interpret any of the commandline parameters * that are passed to it -- Well, at least the ones that we * understand. */ Mode.theme.path = NULL; dstr = NULL; for (loop = 1; loop;) { ch = EoptGet(argc, argv); if (ch <= 0) break; #if 0 Eprintf("Opt: %c: %d - %s\n", ch, eoptind, eoptarg); #endif switch (ch) { default: case '?': printf("e16: Ignoring: "); for (i = eoptind; i < argc; i++) printf("%s ", argv[i]); printf("\n"); loop = 0; break; case 'h': EoptHelp(); exit(0); break; case 'd': dstr = eoptarg; break; case 'f': Mode.wm.restart = 1; break; case 'p': EConfNameSet(eoptarg); break; case 'P': EDirUserSet(eoptarg); break; case 'Q': EDirUserCacheSet(eoptarg); break; case 's': Mode.wm.single = 1; Dpy.screen = strtoul(eoptarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'S': SetSMID(eoptarg); break; case 't': Mode.theme.path = Estrdup(eoptarg); break; case 'V': printf("%s %s\n", e_wm_name, e_wm_version); exit(0); break; case 'v': EDebugSet(EDBUG_TYPE_VERBOSE, 1); break; case 'w': sscanf(eoptarg, "%dx%d", &Mode.wm.win_w, &Mode.wm.win_h); Mode.wm.window = 1; Mode.wm.single = 1; Mode.wm.master = 0; break; #ifdef USE_EXT_INIT_WIN case 'X': ExtInitWinSet(strtoul(eoptarg, NULL, 0)); Mode.wm.restart = 1; break; #endif case 'm': Mode.wm.master = 0; Mode.wm.master_screen = strtoul(eoptarg, NULL, 10); break; } } SignalsSetup(); /* Install signal handlers */ EDirsSetup(); ECheckEprog("epp"); ECheckEprog("eesh"); SetupX(dstr); /* This is where the we fork per screen */ /* X is now running, and we have forked per screen */ ESavePrefixSetup(); /* So far nothing should rely on a selected settings or theme. */ ConfigurationLoad(); /* Load settings */ /* Initialise internationalisation */ LangInit(); /* The theme path must now be available for config file loading. */ ThemePathFind(); /* Set the Environment variables */ Esetenv("EVERSION", e_wm_version); Esetenv("EROOT", EDirRoot()); Esetenv("EBIN", EDirBin()); Esetenv("ECONFDIR", EDirUser()); Esetenv("ECACHEDIR", EDirUserCache()); Esetenv("ETHEME", Mode.theme.path); /* Move elsewhere? */ EImageInit(); HintsInit(); CommsInit(); SessionInit(); SnapshotsLoad(); #if USE_DBUS DbusInit(); #endif if (Mode.wm.window) EMapWindow(VROOT); ModulesSignal(ESIGNAL_INIT, NULL); /* Load the theme */ ThemeConfigLoad(); if (Mode.debug_exit) return 0; /* Do initial configuration */ ModulesSignal(ESIGNAL_CONFIGURE, NULL); /* Set root window cursor */ ECsrApply(ECSR_ROOT, WinGetXwin(VROOT)); #ifdef USE_EXT_INIT_WIN /* Kill the E process owning the "init window" */ ExtInitWinKill(); #endif /* let's make sure we set this up and go to our desk anyways */ DeskGoto(DesksGetCurrent()); ESync(ESYNC_MAIN); #ifdef SIGCONT for (i = 0; i < Mode.wm.child_count; i++) kill(Mode.wm.children[i], SIGCONT); #endif ModulesSignal(ESIGNAL_START, NULL); #if ENABLE_DIALOGS DialogsInit(); #endif EwinsManage(); RunInitPrograms(); SnapshotsSpawn(); if (!Mode.wm.restart) StartupWindowsOpen(); Conf.startup.firsttime = 0; Mode.wm.save_ok = Conf.autosave; Mode.wm.startup = 0; autosave(); /* The primary event loop */ EventsMain(); SessionExit(EEXIT_QUIT, NULL); return 0; } void EExit(int exitcode) { int i; if (EDebug(EDBUG_TYPE_SESSION)) Eprintf("EExit(%d)\n", exitcode); if (disp) { EUngrabServer(); GrabPointerRelease(); XAllowEvents(disp, AsyncBoth, CurrentTime); /* XSetInputFocus(disp, None, RevertToParent, CurrentTime); */ /* I think this is a better way to release the grabs: (felix) */ XSetInputFocus(disp, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); ESelectInput(VROOT, 0); EDisplayClose(); } if (Mode.wm.master) { for (i = 0; i < Mode.wm.child_count; i++) kill(Mode.wm.children[i], SIGINT); } else { exitcode = 0; } exit(exitcode); } /* * Command line parsing. * Not entirely standard compliant, but close enough. */ static int EoptGet(int argc, char **argv) { const char *s; unsigned int i, len; int lopt; const EOpt *eopt; eoptind++; if (eoptind >= argc) return 0; s = argv[eoptind]; if (*s++ != '-') return 0; lopt = 0; if (*s == '-') { lopt = 1; s++; } eoptarg = NULL; eopt = NULL; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Eopts) / sizeof(EOpt); i++) { eopt = &Eopts[i]; /* Short option */ if (!lopt) { if (!eopt->sopt || eopt->sopt != s[0]) continue; if (eopt->arg) { if (s[1]) { eoptarg = s + 1; goto found; } goto found; } if (s[1]) break; goto found; } if (!eopt->lopt) continue; /* Long option */ len = strlen(eopt->lopt); if (strncmp(eopt->lopt, s, len)) continue; if (eopt->arg) { if (s[len] == '\0') goto found; if (s[len] != '=') break; eoptarg = s + len + 1; } goto found; } return '?'; found: if (!eopt->arg || eoptarg) return eopt->sopt; if (eoptind >= argc - 1) return '?'; /* Missing param */ eoptind++; eoptarg = argv[eoptind]; return eopt->sopt; } static void EoptHelp(void) { unsigned int i; const EOpt *eopt; char buf[256]; printf("e16 options:\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Eopts) / sizeof(EOpt); i++) { eopt = &Eopts[i]; if (!eopt->desc) continue; if (eopt->oarg) Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "--%s <%s>", eopt->lopt, eopt->oarg); else Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "--%s", eopt->lopt); printf(" -%c %-30s\t%s\n", eopt->sopt, buf, eopt->desc); } } static void RunDocBrowser(void) { char buf[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/edox", EDirBin()); if (!canexec(buf)) return; Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/E-docs/MAIN", EDirRoot()); if (!canread(buf)) return; Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/edox %s/E-docs", EDirBin(), EDirRoot()); execApplication(buf, 0); } static void RunMenuGen(void) { char buf[FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/scripts/e_gen_menu", EDirRoot()); execApplication(buf, EXEC_SET_LANG); } static void RunInitPrograms(void) { if (Mode.wm.session_start) SessionHelper(ESESSION_INIT); SessionHelper(ESESSION_START); if (Mode.firsttime && Mode.wm.master) { RunMenuGen(); RunDocBrowser(); } } static void EConfNameSet(const char *name) { Efree(Mode.conf.name); Mode.conf.name = Estrdup(name); Esetenv("ECONFNAME", Mode.conf.name); } static void EDirUserSet(const char *dir) { Efree(Mode.conf.dir); Mode.conf.dir = Estrdup(dir); } static void EDirUserCacheSet(const char *dir) { Efree(Mode.conf.cache_dir); Mode.conf.cache_dir = Estrdup(dir); } void Etmp(char *s) { static unsigned int n_calls = 0; Esnprintf(s, 1024, "%s/TMP_%d_%d", EDirUser(), getpid(), n_calls++); } static void EDirCheck(const char *dir) { if (file_test(dir, EFILE_DIR | EPERM_RWX)) return; Alert(_("%s must be a directory in which you have\n" "read, write, and execute permission.\n"), dir); EExit(1); } static void EDirMake(const char *base, const char *name) { char s[1024]; Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s/%s", base, name); if (!exists(s)) E_md(s); EDirCheck(s); } static void EDirsSetup(void) { char s[1024], *home, *cfgdir; home = homedir(getuid()); EDirCheck(home); /* Set user config dir if not already set */ cfgdir = Mode.conf.dir; if (!cfgdir) { Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s/.e16", home); Mode.conf.dir = cfgdir = Estrdup(s); } Efree(home); if (exists(cfgdir)) { if (!isdir(cfgdir)) { Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s.old", cfgdir); E_mv(cfgdir, s); E_md(cfgdir); } else EDirCheck(cfgdir); } else E_md(cfgdir); if (!Mode.conf.cache_dir) Mode.conf.cache_dir = cfgdir; /* Beware if ever freed */ Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s/menus", cfgdir); Mode.firsttime = !exists(s); EDirMake(Mode.conf.dir, "themes"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.dir, "backgrounds"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.dir, "menus"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.cache_dir, "cached"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.cache_dir, "cached/cfg"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.cache_dir, "cached/bgsel"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.cache_dir, "cached/img"); EDirMake(Mode.conf.cache_dir, "cached/pager"); } /* * The user control config is called "~/.e16/e_config-$DISPLAY" * The client data appends ".clients" onto this filename and the snapshot data * appends ".snapshots". */ static void ESavePrefixSetup(void) { #define ECFG_DEFAULT "e_config" char *s, buf[1024]; if (Mode.conf.name) Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s-%d", Mode.conf.dir, Mode.conf.name, Dpy.screen); else if (Mode.wm.window) Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s-window", Mode.conf.dir, ECFG_DEFAULT); else Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s-%s", Mode.conf.dir, ECFG_DEFAULT, Dpy.name); Mode.conf.prefix = Estrdup(buf); for (s = Mode.conf.prefix; (s = strchr(s, ':')); *s = '-') ; } static void ECheckEprog(const char *name) { char s[1024]; Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s/%s", EDirBin(), name); if (!exists(s)) { Alert(_("!!!!!!!! ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR !!!!!!!!\n" "\n" "Enlightenment's utility executable cannot be found at:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "This is a fatal error and Enlightenment will cease to run.\n" "Please rectify this situation and ensure it is installed\n" "correctly.\n" "\n" "The reason this could be missing is due to badly created\n" "packages, someone manually deleting that program or perhaps\n" "an error in installing Enlightenment.\n"), s); EExit(1); } if (!canexec(s)) { Alert(_("!!!!!!!! ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR !!!!!!!!\n" "\n" "Enlightenment's utility executable is not able to be executed:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "This is a fatal error and Enlightenment will cease to run.\n" "Please rectify this situation and ensure it is installed\n" "correctly.\n"), s); EExit(1); } }