* Make it possible to hide rects? or show only elm-widgets? or something similar? too much clutter atm. * Add filter? * Make it an elm module (or setting an env var without a module?) so I'll be able to remotely connect to elm apps. * Split UI and actual program code (better to do the previous bullet first). * Add "grab screenshot" button. * Add a clipping range rectangle. * Add special per object info, for example edje part names? * When items are coloured, show the exact colour using a rect? * Handle map/proxy * add a way to filter object with some regexp on the name and also finding a specific object according to name. * Add general info like hinting/whole interface scale/finger size and etc. * Things to show per-object * clipping info. * callback list? * Fix has_focus. * Hook on feed events or something and let us see who gets what?