#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "clouseau_private.h" #define LOCK_FILE "/tmp/clouseaud.pid" static Eina_List *gui = NULL; /* List of app_info_st for gui clients */ static Eina_List *app = NULL; /* List of app_info_st for app clients */ static Ecore_Con_Eet *eet_svr = NULL; static int _clouseaud_log_dom = -1; #ifdef CRITICAL #undef CRITICAL #endif #define CRITICAL(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(_clouseaud_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef ERR #undef ERR #endif #define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(_clouseaud_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef WRN #undef WRN #endif #define WRN(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(_clouseaud_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef INF #undef INF #endif #define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_clouseaud_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef DBG #undef DBG #endif #define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(_clouseaud_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__) static void _daemon_cleanup(void) { /* Free strings */ app_info_st *p; DBG("Clients connected to this server when exiting: %d", eina_list_count(app) + eina_list_count(gui)); EINA_LIST_FREE(gui, p) { if(p->file) free(p->file); if (p->ptr) free((void *) (uintptr_t) p->ptr); free(p->name); free(p); } EINA_LIST_FREE(app, p) { if(p->file) free(p->file); if (p->ptr) free((void *) (uintptr_t) p->ptr); free(p->name); free(p); } gui = app = NULL; eet_svr = NULL; clouseau_data_shutdown(); ecore_con_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); } /* START - Ecore communication callbacks */ static int _client_ptr_cmp(const void *d1, const void *d2) { return (((app_info_st *) d1)->ptr - ((unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) d2)); } static Eina_List * _add_client(Eina_List *clients, connect_st *t, void *client, const char *type) { DBG("msg from <%p>", client); if(!eina_list_search_unsorted(clients, _client_ptr_cmp, client)) { app_info_st *st = calloc(1, sizeof(app_info_st)); st->name = strdup(t->name); st->pid = t->pid; st->ptr = (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) client; DBG("Added %s client <%p>", type, client); return eina_list_append(clients, st); } return clients; } static Eina_List * _remove_client(Eina_List *clients, void *client, const char *type) { app_info_st *p = eina_list_search_unsorted(clients, _client_ptr_cmp, client); DBG("Msg from <%p>", client); if (p) { free(p->name); free(p); DBG("Removed %s client <%p>", type, client); return eina_list_remove(clients, p); } return clients; } Eina_Bool _add(EINA_UNUSED void *data, Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED Ecore_Con_Client *conn) { /* TODO: ecore_ipc_client_data_size_max_set(ev->client, -1); */ DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } Eina_Bool _del(EINA_UNUSED void *data, Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED Ecore_Con_Client *conn) { DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); /* Now we need to find if its an APP or GUI client */ app_info_st *i = eina_list_search_unsorted(gui, _client_ptr_cmp, reply); if (i) /* Only need to remove GUI client from list */ gui = _remove_client(gui, reply, "GUI"); i = eina_list_search_unsorted(app, _client_ptr_cmp, reply); if (i) { /* Notify all GUI clients to remove this APP */ app_closed_st t = { (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) reply }; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(gui, l, i) { DBG("<%p> Sending APP_CLOSED to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) i->ptr); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) i->ptr, CLOUSEAU_APP_CLOSED_STR, &t); } app = _remove_client(app, reply, "APP"); } if (!(gui || app)) { /* Trigger cleanup and exit when all clients disconneced */ /* ecore_con_eet_server_free(eet_svr); why this causes Segfault? */ ecore_con_server_del(data); ecore_main_loop_quit(); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } void _gui_client_connect_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, void *value) { /* Register GUI, then notify about all APP */ app_info_st *st; Eina_List *l; connect_st *t = value; DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); gui = _add_client(gui, t, reply, "GUI"); /* Add all registered apps to newly open GUI */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(app, l, st) { DBG("<%p> Sending APP_ADD to <%p>", (void *) (uintptr_t) st->ptr, reply); ecore_con_eet_send(reply, CLOUSEAU_APP_ADD_STR, st); } } void _app_client_connect_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, void *value) { /* Register APP then notify GUI about it */ app_info_st *st; Eina_List *l; connect_st *t = value; app_info_st m = { t->pid, (char *) t->name, NULL, (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) reply, NULL, 0 }; DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); app = _add_client(app, t, reply, "APP"); /* Notify all GUI clients to add APP */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(gui, l, st) { DBG("<%p> Sending APP_ADD to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) st->ptr); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) st->ptr, CLOUSEAU_APP_ADD_STR, &m); } } void _data_req_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, void *value) { /* msg coming from GUI, FWD this to APP specified in REQ */ data_req_st *req = value; DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); if (req->app) { /* Requesting specific app data */ if(eina_list_search_unsorted(app, _client_ptr_cmp, (void *) (uintptr_t) req->app)) { /* Do the req only of APP connected to daemon */ data_req_st t = { (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) reply, (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) req->app }; DBG("<%p> Sending DATA_REQ to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) req->app); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) req->app, CLOUSEAU_DATA_REQ_STR, &t); } } else { /* requesting ALL apps data */ Eina_List *l; app_info_st *st; data_req_st t = { (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) reply, (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) NULL }; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(app, l, st) { t.app = (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) st->ptr; DBG("<%p> Sending DATA_REQ to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) st->ptr); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) st->ptr, CLOUSEAU_DATA_REQ_STR, &t); } } } void _tree_data_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, EINA_UNUSED Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, void *value) { /* Tree Data comes from APP, GUI client specified in msg */ tree_data_st *td = value; DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); if (td->gui) { /* Sending tree data to specific GUI client */ if(eina_list_search_unsorted(gui, _client_ptr_cmp, (void *) (uintptr_t) td->gui)) { /* Do the req only of GUI connected to daemon */ DBG("<%p> Sending TREE_DATA to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) td->gui); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) td->gui, CLOUSEAU_TREE_DATA_STR, value); } } else { /* Sending tree data to all GUI clients */ Eina_List *l; app_info_st *info; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(gui, l, info) { DBG("<%p> Sending TREE_DATA to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) info->ptr); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) info->ptr, CLOUSEAU_TREE_DATA_STR, value); } } clouseau_data_tree_free(td->tree); } void _highlight_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, EINA_UNUSED Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, void *value) { /* FWD this message to APP */ highlight_st *ht = value; DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); if(eina_list_search_unsorted(app, _client_ptr_cmp, (void *) (uintptr_t) ht->app)) { /* Do the REQ only of APP connected to daemon */ DBG("<%p> Sending HIGHLIGHT to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) ht->app); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) ht->app, CLOUSEAU_HIGHLIGHT_STR, value); } } void _bmp_req_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, void *value) { /* BMP data request coming from GUI to APP client */ bmp_req_st *req = value; DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); if(eina_list_search_unsorted(app, _client_ptr_cmp, (void *) (uintptr_t) req->app)) { /* Do the req only if APP connected to daemon */ bmp_req_st t = { (unsigned long long) (uintptr_t) reply, req->app, req->object, req->ctr }; DBG("<%p> Sending BMP_REQ to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) req->app); ecore_con_eet_send((void *) (uintptr_t) req->app, CLOUSEAU_BMP_REQ_STR, &t); } } void _bmp_data_cb(EINA_UNUSED void *data, EINA_UNUSED Ecore_Con_Reply *reply, EINA_UNUSED const char *protocol_name, EINA_UNUSED const char *section, void *value, EINA_UNUSED size_t length) { /* BMP Data comes from APP, GUI client specified in msg */ bmp_info_st *st = clouseau_data_packet_info_get(protocol_name, value, length); DBG("msg from <%p>", reply); if (st->gui) { /* Sending BMP data to specific GUI client */ if(eina_list_search_unsorted(gui, _client_ptr_cmp, (void *) (uintptr_t) st->gui)) { /* Do the req only of GUI connected to daemon */ DBG("<%p> Sending BMP_DATA to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) st->gui); ecore_con_eet_raw_send((void *) (uintptr_t) st->gui, CLOUSEAU_BMP_DATA_STR, "BMP", value, length); } } else { /* Sending BMP data to all GUI clients */ Eina_List *l; app_info_st *info; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(gui, l, info) { DBG("<%p> Sending BMP_DATA to <%p>", reply, (void *) (uintptr_t) info->ptr); ecore_con_eet_raw_send((void *) (uintptr_t) info->ptr, CLOUSEAU_BMP_DATA_STR, "BMP", value, length); } } if (st->bmp) free(st->bmp); free(st); } /* END - Ecore communication callbacks */ int main(void) { /* Check single instance. */ { int pid_file = open(LOCK_FILE, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666); int rc = lockf(pid_file, F_TLOCK, 0); if ((pid_file == -1) || rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Clouseaud already running.\n"); exit(0); } } /* End of check single instance. */ eina_init(); ecore_init(); ecore_con_init(); clouseau_data_init(); Ecore_Con_Server *server = NULL; const char *log_dom = "clouseaud"; _clouseaud_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register(log_dom, EINA_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE); if (_clouseaud_log_dom < 0) { EINA_LOG_ERR("Could not register log domain: %s", log_dom); return EINA_FALSE; } if (!(server = ecore_con_server_add(ECORE_CON_REMOTE_TCP, LISTEN_IP, PORT, NULL))) exit(1); eet_svr = ecore_con_eet_server_new(server); if (!eet_svr) exit(2); clouseau_register_descs(eet_svr); /* Register callbacks for ecore_con_eet */ ecore_con_eet_client_connect_callback_add(eet_svr, _add, NULL); ecore_con_eet_client_disconnect_callback_add(eet_svr, _del, server); ecore_con_eet_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_GUI_CLIENT_CONNECT_STR, _gui_client_connect_cb, NULL); ecore_con_eet_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_APP_CLIENT_CONNECT_STR, _app_client_connect_cb, NULL); ecore_con_eet_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_DATA_REQ_STR, _data_req_cb, NULL); ecore_con_eet_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_TREE_DATA_STR, _tree_data_cb, NULL); ecore_con_eet_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_HIGHLIGHT_STR, _highlight_cb, NULL); ecore_con_eet_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_BMP_REQ_STR, _bmp_req_cb, NULL); ecore_con_eet_raw_data_callback_add(eet_svr, CLOUSEAU_BMP_DATA_STR, _bmp_data_cb, NULL); ecore_main_loop_begin(); _daemon_cleanup(); return 0; }