ConnMan User Interface in EFL REQUIREMENTS ============ * Python-Elementary >= 1.7.0 * Python-E_DBus >= 1.7.0 * Python >= 2.7 RUNNING ======= Executing econnman without arguments will start it WITHOUT the agent support. Any requested interaction will be left to existing agents, if any. This means that if you need to input passwords, it will use another agent. If you do not have another agent and need to type in passwords, then start econnman with the agent support: econnman-bin --agent BUILDING AND INSTALLING ======================= This package uses automake, so execute: Build:: ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var make all Install:: make install chown root:users /var/lib/connman/econnman.config chmod g+w /var/lib/connman/econnman.config If you wish to install at alternative locations, then make sure to configure your PYTHONPATH to be able to access this location!