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* @defgroup Colorselector Colorselector
* @ingroup Elementary
* @image html colorselector_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex colorselector_inheritance_tree.eps
* @image html img/widget/colorselector/preview-00.png
* @image latex img/widget/colorselector/preview-00.eps
* A ColorSelector is a color selection widget. It allows application
* to set a series of colors.It also allows to load/save colors
* from/to config with a unique identifier, by default, the colors are
* loaded/saved from/to config using "default" identifier. The colors
* can be picked by user from the color set by clicking on individual
* color item on the palette or by selecting it from selector.
* This widget inherits from the @ref Layout one, so that all the
* functions acting on it also work for check objects.
* This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from
* @ref Layout:
* - @c "changed" - When the color value changes on selector
* event_info is NULL.
* - @c "color,item,selected" - When user clicks on color item. The
* event_info parameter of the callback will be the selected color
* item.
* - @c "color,item,longpressed" - When user long presses on color
* item. The event info parameter of the callback contains selected
* color item.
* - @c "focused" - When the colorselector has received focus. (since 1.8)
* - @c "unfocused" - When the colorselector has lost focus. (since 1.8)
* - @c "language,changed" - the program's language changed (since 1.9)
* See @ref tutorial_colorselector.
* @{
#include "elm_colorselector_common.h"
#include "elm_colorselector_eo.h"
#include "elm_colorselector_legacy.h"
* @}