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~~Title: EFL Namespaces~~
#!#### CLS_LINK(cls) #########################################################
<!--(macro CLS_LINK)-->
<!--(for n in cls.namespaces)-->
#!#### TYPEDECL_LINK(typedecl) ###############################################
<!--(macro TYPEDECL_LINK)-->
<!--(for n in typedecl.namespaces)-->
#!#### NAMESPACE_ITEM(ns) ####################################################
<!--(macro NAMESPACE_ITEM)-->
**${ns.name}$** #!
<!--(if len(ns.regulars))-->
\\ Classes: <!--(for cls in ns.regulars)--> ${CLS_LINK(cls=cls)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
<!--(if len(ns.abstracts))-->
\\ Abstracts: <!--(for cls in ns.abstracts)--> ${CLS_LINK(cls=cls)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
<!--(if len(ns.mixins))-->
\\ Mixins: <!--(for cls in ns.mixins)--> ${CLS_LINK(cls=cls)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
<!--(if len(ns.interfaces))-->
\\ Interfaces: <!--(for cls in ns.interfaces)--> ${CLS_LINK(cls=cls)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
<!--(if len(ns.structs))-->
\\ Structs: <!--(for struct in ns.structs)--> ${TYPEDECL_LINK(typedecl=struct)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
<!--(if len(ns.enums))-->
\\ Enums: <!--(for enum in ns.enums)--> ${TYPEDECL_LINK(typedecl=enum)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
<!--(if len(ns.aliases))-->
\\ Aliases: <!--(for alias in ns.aliases)--> ${TYPEDECL_LINK(typedecl=alias)}$, <!--(end)--> #!
====== Unified-API namespaces hierarchy ======
This page is just a temporary work to analyze the namespaces in the new API
^** Some numbers just for information **^^
<!--(for label, val in totals)-->
| ${label}$ | **${val}$** |
===== Namespaces hierarchy =====
* ${NAMESPACE_ITEM(ns=root_ns)}$
<!--(for sub in root_ns.sub_namespaces)-->
* ${NAMESPACE_ITEM(ns=sub)}$
<!--(for sub in sub.sub_namespaces)-->
* ${NAMESPACE_ITEM(ns=sub)}$
<!--(for sub in sub.sub_namespaces)-->
* ${NAMESPACE_ITEM(ns=sub)}$
<!--(for sub in sub.sub_namespaces)-->
* ${NAMESPACE_ITEM(ns=sub)}$