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* @defgroup Elm_Datetime Datetime
* @ingroup Elementary
* @image html datetime_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex datetime_inheritance_tree.eps
* @image html img/widget/datetime/preview-00.png
* @image latex img/widget/datetime/preview-00.eps
* @image html img/widget/datetime/preview-01.png
* @image latex img/widget/datetime/preview-01.eps
* @image html img/widget/datetime/preview-02.png
* @image latex img/widget/datetime/preview-02.eps
* Datetime widget is used to display and input date & time values.
* This widget displays date and time as per the <b>system's locale</b> settings (Date
* includes Day, Month & Year along with the defined separators and
* Time includes Hour, Minute & AM/PM fields. Separator for AM/PM field is ignored.
* The corresponding Month, AM/PM strings are displayed according to the
* systems language settings.
* Datetime format is a combination of LIBC standard characters like
* %%d %%b %%Y %%I : %%M %%p which, as a whole represents both Date as well as Time
* format.
* Elm_datetime supports only the following sub set of libc date format specifiers:
* @b %%Y : The year as a decimal number including the century (example: 2011).
* @b %%y : The year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
* @b %%m : The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12).
* @b %%b : The abbreviated month name according to the current locale.
* @b %%B : The full month name according to the current locale.
* @b %%h : The abbreviated month name according to the current locale(same as %%b).
* @b %%d : The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31).
* @b %%e : The day of the month as a decimal number (range 1 to 31). single
* digits are preceded by a blank.
* @b %%I : The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12).
* @b %%H : The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).
* @b %%k : The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 0 to 23). single
* digits are preceded by a blank.
* @b %%l : The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 1 to 12); single
* digits are preceded by a blank.
* @b %%M : The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59).
* @b %%p : Either 'AM' or 'PM' according to the given time value, or the
* corresponding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as 'PM'
* and midnight as 'AM'
* @b %%P : Like %p but in lower case: 'am' or 'pm' or a corresponding string for
* the current locale.
* @b %%c : The preferred date and time representation for the current locale.
* @b %%x : The preferred date representation for the current locale without the time.
* @b %%X : The preferred time representation for the current locale without the date.
* @b %%r : The complete calendar time using the AM/PM format of the current locale.
* @b %%R : The hour and minute in decimal numbers using the format %H:%M.
* @b %%T : The time of day in decimal numbers using the format %H:%M:%S.
* @b %%D : The date using the format %%m/%%d/%%y.
* @b %%F : The date using the format %%Y-%%m-%%d.
* (For more reference on the available <b>LIBC date format specifiers</b>, please
* visit the link:
* http://www.gnu.org/s/hello/manual/libc.html#Formatting-Calendar-Time )
* Datetime widget can provide Unicode @b separators in between its fields
* except for AM/PM field.
* A separator can be any <b>Unicode character</b> other than the LIBC standard
* date format specifiers.( Example: In the format %%b %%d @b , %%y %%H @b : %%M
* comma(,) is separator for date field %%d and colon(:) is separator for
* hour field %%H ).
* The default format is a predefined one, based on the system Locale.
* Hour format 12hr(1-12) or 24hr(0-23) display can be selected by setting
* the corresponding user format.
* Datetime supports six fields: Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, AM/PM.
* Depending on the Datetime module that is loaded, the user can see
* different UI to select the individual field values.
* The individual fields of Datetime can be arranged in any order according to the format
* set by application.
* There is a provision to set the visibility of a particular field as TRUE/ FALSE
* so that <b>only time/ only date / only required fields</b> will be displayed.
* Each field is having a default minimum and maximum values just like the daily
* calendar information. These min/max values can be modified as per the application usage.
* User can enter the values only in between the range of maximum and minimum.
* Apart from these APIs, there is a provision to display only a limited set of
* values out of the possible values. APIs to select the individual field limits
* are intended for this purpose.
* The whole widget is left aligned and its size grows horizontally depending
* on the current format and each field's visible/disabled state.
* Datetime individual field selection is implemented in a modular style.
* Module can be implemented as a Ctxpopup based selection or an ISE based
* selection or even a spinner like selection etc.
* <b>Datetime Module design:</b>
* The following functions are expected to be implemented in a Datetime module:
* <b>Field creation:</b>
* <pre>
* __________ __________
* | |----- obj_hook() ---------------------->>>| |
* | |<<<----------------returns Mod_data ------| |
* | Datetime |_______ | |
* | widget | |Assign module call backs | Module |
* | base |<<<____| | |
* | | | |
* | |----- field_create() ------------------>>>| |
* |__________|<<<----------------returns field_obj -----|__________|
* </pre>
* <b>Field value setting:</b>
* <pre>
* __________ __________
* | | | |
* | Datetime |<<<----------elm_datetime_value_set()---| |
* | widget | | Module |
* | base |----display_field_value()------------>>>| |
* |__________| |__________|
* </pre>
* <b>del_hook:</b>
* <pre>
* __________ __________
* | | | |
* | Datetime |----obj_unhook()-------------------->>>>| |
* | widget | | Module |
* | base | <<<-----frees mod_data---------| |
* |__________| |__________|
* </pre>
* Any module can use the following shared functions that are implemented in elm_datetime.c :
* <b>field_format_get()</b> - gives the field format.
* <b>field_limit_get()</b> - gives the field minimum, maximum limits.
* To enable a module, set the ELM_MODULES environment variable as shown:
* <b>export ELM_MODULES="datetime_input_ctxpopup>datetime/api"</b>
* This widget inherits from the @ref Layout one, so that all the
* functions acting on it also work for datetime objects.
* This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from
* @ref Layout:
* @li @b "changed" - whenever Datetime field value is changed, this
* signal is sent.
* @li @b "language,changed" - whenever system locale changes, this
* signal is sent.
* @li @c "focused" - When the datetime has received focus. (since 1.8)
* @li @c "unfocused" - When the datetime has lost focus. (since 1.8)
* Here is an example on its usage:
* @li @ref datetime_example
* @addtogroup Elm_Datetime
* @{
/** Identifies a Datetime field, The widget supports 6 fields : Year, month,
** Date, Hour, Minute, AM/PM
** @ingroup Elm_Datetime
#ifndef _ELM_DATE_TIME_H
#define _ELM_DATE_TIME_H
typedef enum
ELM_DATETIME_YEAR = 0, /**< Indicates Year field. */
ELM_DATETIME_MONTH = 1, /**< Indicates Month field. */
ELM_DATETIME_DATE = 2, /**< Indicates Date field. */
ELM_DATETIME_HOUR = 3, /**< Indicates Hour field. */
ELM_DATETIME_MINUTE = 4, /**< Indicates Minute field. */
ELM_DATETIME_AMPM = 5 /**< Indicates AM/PM field . */
} Elm_Datetime_Field_Type;
typedef Eo Elm_Datetime;
* @brief Adds a new datetime Widget
* The default datetime format and corresponding strings are based on current locale.
* @param parent The parent object
* @return The new object or NULL if it cannot be created
* This function inserts a new datetime widget on the canvas.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_datetime_add(Evas_Object *parent);
* @brief Set the datetime format. Format is a combination of allowed Libc date
* format specifiers like: "%b %d, %Y %I : %M %p".
* Maximum allowed format length is 64 chars.
* Format can include separators for each individual datetime field except for
* AM/PM field.
* Each separator can be a maximum of 6 UTF-8 bytes. Space is also taken as a
* separator.
* These specifiers can be arranged in any order and the widget will display
* the fields accordingly.
* Default format is taken as per the system locale settings.
* @param[in] fmt The datetime format.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI void elm_datetime_format_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *fmt);
* @brief Get the datetime format.
* @return The datetime format.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI const char *elm_datetime_format_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Set the field limits of a field.
* Limits can be set to individual fields, independently, except for AM/PM
* field. Any field can display the values only in between these minimum and
* maximum limits unless the corresponding time value is restricted from
* MinTime to MaxTime. That is, min/max field limits always works under the
* limitations of mintime/maxtime.
* There is no provision to set the limits of AM/PM field.
* @param[in] fieldtype Type of the field. #ELM_DATETIME_YEAR etc.
* @param[in] min Reference to field's minimum value.
* @param[in] max Reference to field's maximum value.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI void elm_datetime_field_limit_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Datetime_Field_Type type, int min, int max);
* @brief Get the field limits of a field.
* Limits can be set to individual fields, independently, except for AM/PM
* field. Any field can display the values only in between these minimum and
* maximum limits unless the corresponding time value is restricted from
* MinTime to MaxTime. That is, min/max field limits always works under the
* limitations of mintime/maxtime.
* There is no provision to set the limits of AM/PM field.
* @param[in] fieldtype Type of the field. #ELM_DATETIME_YEAR etc.
* @param[out] min Reference to field's minimum value.
* @param[out] max Reference to field's maximum value.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI void elm_datetime_field_limit_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Datetime_Field_Type fieldtype, int *min, int *max);
* @brief Set the lower boundary of a field.
* Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year
* value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.
* Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.
* Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.
* Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)
* Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.
* @param[in] mintime Time structure containing the minimum time value.
* @return @c true if minimum value is accepted.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_value_min_set(Evas_Object *obj, const Efl_Time *mintime);
* @brief Get the lower boundary of a field.
* Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year
* value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.
* Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.
* Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.
* Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)
* Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.
* @param[in,out] mintime Time structure.
* @return @c true if minimum value is successfully returned.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_value_min_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Time *mintime);
* @brief Set the current value of a Datetime object.
* Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year
* value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.
* Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.
* Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.
* Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)
* Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.
* @param[in] newtime Time structure filled with values to be set.
* @return @c true if current time is set successfully.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_value_set(Evas_Object *obj, const Efl_Time *newtime);
* @brief Get the current value of a Datetime object.
* Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year
* value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.
* Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.
* Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.
* Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)
* Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.
* @param[in,out] currtime Time structure.
* @return @c true if current time is returned successfully.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_value_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Time *currtime);
* @brief Set a field to be visible or not.
* Setting this API to @c true does not ensure that the field is visible, apart
* from this, the field's format must be present in Datetime overall format.
* If a field's visibility is set to @c false then it won't appear even though
* its format is present in overall format. So if and only if this API is set
* true and the corresponding field's format is present in Datetime format, the
* field is visible.
* By default the field visibility is set to @c true.
* @param[in] fieldtype Type of the field. #ELM_DATETIME_YEAR etc.
* @param[in] visible @c true field can be visible, @c false otherwise.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI void elm_datetime_field_visible_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Datetime_Field_Type fieldtype, Eina_Bool visible);
* @brief Get whether a field can be visible/not.
* @param[in] fieldtype Type of the field. #ELM_DATETIME_YEAR etc.
* @return @c true, if field can be visible. @c false otherwise.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_field_visible_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Datetime_Field_Type fieldtype);
* @brief Set the upper boundary of a field.
* Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year
* value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.
* Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.
* Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.
* Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)
* Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.
* @param[in] maxtime Time structure containing the maximum time value.
* @return @c true if maximum value is accepted.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_value_max_set(Evas_Object *obj, const Efl_Time *maxtime);
* @brief Get the upper boundary of a field.
* Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year
* value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.
* Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.
* Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.
* Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)
* Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.
* @param[in,out] maxtime Time structure containing the maximum time value.
* @return @c true if maximum value is returned successfully.
* @ingroup Elm_Datetime
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_datetime_value_max_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Time *maxtime);
* @}