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# include "elementary_config.h"
#include "Elementary.h"
#include "elm_priv.h"
#include "els_scroller.h"
typedef struct _Widget_Data Widget_Data;
typedef struct _Pan Pan;
typedef struct _Grid Grid;
typedef struct _Grid_Item Grid_Item;
typedef struct _Marker_Group Marker_Group;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
typedef struct _Marker_Bubble Marker_Bubble;
typedef struct _Path_Node Path_Node;
typedef struct _Path_Waypoint Path_Waypoint;
typedef struct _Url_Data Url_Data;
typedef struct _Route_Dump Route_Dump;
typedef struct _Name_Dump Name_Dump;
typedef struct _Track_Dump Track_Dump;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
typedef struct _Delayed_Data Delayed_Data;
typedef struct _Map_Sources_Tab Map_Sources_Tab;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
#define ROUND(z) (((z) < 0) ? (int)ceil((z) - 0.005) : (int)floor((z) + 0.005))
#define EVAS_MAP_POINT 4
#define CACHE_ROOT_PATH "/tmp/elm_map"
#define CACHE_PATH CACHE_ROOT_PATH"/%d/%d/%d"
#define CACHE_FILE_PATH "%s/%d.png"
#define DEST_ROUTE_XML_FILE "/tmp/elm_map-route-XXXXXX"
#define DEST_NAME_XML_FILE "/tmp/elm_map-name-XXXXXX"
#define ROUTE_YOURS_URL "http://www.yournavigation.org/api/dev/route.php"
#define ROUTE_TYPE_MOTORCAR "motocar"
#define ROUTE_TYPE_BICYCLE "bicycle"
#define ROUTE_TYPE_FOOT "foot"
#define YOURS_DISTANCE "distance"
#define YOURS_DESCRIPTION "description"
#define YOURS_COORDINATES "coordinates"
#define NAME_NOMINATIM_URL "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org"
#define NOMINATIM_RESULT "result"
#define NOMINATIM_PLACE "place"
#define NOMINATIM_ATTR_LON "lon"
#define NOMINATIM_ATTR_LAT "lat"
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
/* FIXME: This is unused currently
#define GPX_NAME "name>"
#define GPX_COORDINATES "trkpt "
#define GPX_LON "lon"
#define GPX_LAT "lat"
#define GPX_ELE "ele>"
#define GPX_TIME "time>"
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
enum _Route_Xml_Attribute
} Route_Xml_Attibute;
enum _Name_Xml_Attribute
} Name_Xml_Attibute;
enum _Track_Xml_Attribute
} Track_Xml_Attibute;
struct _Delayed_Data
void (*func)(void *data);
Widget_Data *wd;
Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode mode;
int zoom;
double lon, lat;
Eina_List *markers;
// Map sources
// Currently the size of a tile must be 256*256
// and the size of the map must be pow(2.0, z)*tile_size
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
struct _Map_Sources_Tab
const char *name;
int zoom_min;
int zoom_max;
ElmMapModuleUrlFunc url_cb;
Elm_Map_Route_Sources route_source;
ElmMapModuleRouteUrlFunc route_url_cb;
ElmMapModuleNameUrlFunc name_url_cb;
ElmMapModuleGeoIntoCoordFunc geo_into_coord;
ElmMapModuleCoordIntoGeoFunc coord_into_geo;
struct _Url_Data
Ecore_Con_Url *con_url;
FILE *fd;
char *fname;
struct _Elm_Map_Marker_Class
const char *style;
struct _Elm_Map_Marker_Class_Func
ElmMapMarkerGetFunc get;
ElmMapMarkerDelFunc del; //if NULL the object will be destroyed with evas_object_del()
ElmMapMarkerIconGetFunc icon_get;
} func;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
struct _Elm_Map_Group_Class
Widget_Data *wd;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *markers;
int zoom_displayed; // display the group if the zoom is >= to zoom_display
int zoom_grouped; // group the markers only if the zoom is <= to zoom_groups
const char *style;
void *data;
ElmMapGroupIconGetFunc icon_get;
} func;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_Bool hide : 1;
struct _Marker_Bubble
Widget_Data *wd;
Evas_Object *pobj;
Evas_Object *obj, *sc, *bx;
struct _Elm_Map_Marker
Widget_Data *wd;
Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas;
Elm_Map_Group_Class *group_clas;
double longitude, latitude;
Evas_Coord w, h;
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Coord x, y;
Eina_Bool grouped : 1;
Eina_Bool leader : 1; // if marker is group leader
Marker_Group *group;
Marker_Bubble *bubble;
Evas_Object *content;
void *data;
struct _Marker_Group
Widget_Data *wd;
Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord w, h;
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Coord x, y;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *markers;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Marker_Bubble *bubble;
struct _Elm_Map_Route
Widget_Data *wd;
Path_Node *n;
Path_Waypoint *w;
Ecore_Con_Url *con_url;
int type;
int method;
int x, y;
double flon, flat, tlon, tlat;
Eina_List *nodes, *path;
Eina_List *waypoint;
int node_count;
int waypoint_count;
const char *nodes;
const char *waypoints;
double distance; /* unit : km */
} info;
Eina_List *handlers;
Url_Data ud;
int r;
int g;
int b;
int a;
} color;
Eina_Bool inbound : 1;
struct _Path_Node
Widget_Data *wd;
int idx;
double lon, lat;
char *address;
} pos;
struct _Path_Waypoint
Widget_Data *wd;
const char *point;
struct _Elm_Map_Name
Widget_Data *wd;
Ecore_Con_Url *con_url;
int method;
char *address;
double lon, lat;
Url_Data ud;
Ecore_Event_Handler *handler;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
struct _Route_Dump
int id;
char *fname;
double distance;
char *description;
char *coordinates;
struct _Name_Dump
int id;
char *address;
double lon;
double lat;
struct _Grid_Item
Grid *g;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd;
Evas_Object *img;
const char *file;
const char *source;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int x, y; // Tile coordinate
Eina_Bool file_have : 1;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Ecore_File_Download_Job *job;
struct _Grid
Widget_Data *wd;
int zoom; // zoom level tiles want for optimal display (1, 2, 4, 8)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int tw, th; // size of grid in tiles
Eina_Matrixsparse *grid;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
struct _Pan
Evas_Object_Smart_Clipped_Data __clipped_data;
Widget_Data *wd;
struct _Widget_Data
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Object *scr;
Evas_Object *ges;
Evas_Object *pan_smart;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Object *sep_maps_markers; // Tiles are below this and overlays are on top
Evas_Map *map;
Map_Sources_Tab *src;
Eina_List *srcs;
const char **src_names;
int zoom_min, zoom_max;
int tsize;
int id;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *grids;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int zoom;
double zoom_detail;
double prev_lon, prev_lat;
Evas_Coord ox, oy;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int w, h; // Current pixel width, heigth of a grid
int tile; // Current pixel size of a grid item
} size;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode mode;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
double zoom;
double diff;
int cnt;
} ani;
Ecore_Timer *zoom_timer;
Ecore_Animator *zoom_animator;
int try_num;
int finish_num;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int download_num;
Eina_List *download_list;
Ecore_Idler *download_idler;
Eina_Hash *ua;
const char *user_agent;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord pan_x, pan_y;
Eina_List *delayed_jobs;
Ecore_Timer *scr_timer;
Ecore_Timer *long_timer;
Evas_Event_Mouse_Down ev;
Eina_Bool on_hold : 1;
Eina_Bool paused : 1;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
double pinch_zoom;
Evas_Coord cx, cy;
double a, d;
} rotate;
Eina_Bool wheel_disabled : 1;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
unsigned int markers_max_num;
Eina_Bool paused_markers : 1;
Eina_List *group_classes;
Eina_List *marker_classes;
Eina_List *markers;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Route_Sources route_source;
Eina_List *route;
Eina_List *track;
Eina_List *names;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *_mapnik_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom);
static char *_osmarender_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom);
static char *_cyclemap_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom);
static char *_mapquest_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom);
static char *_mapquest_aerial_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom);
static char *_yours_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, char *type_name, int method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat);
static char *_nominatim_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj, int method, char *name, double lon, double lat);
static char *_monav_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, char *type_name, int method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat)
static char *_ors_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, char *type_name, int method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Map_Sources_Tab default_map_sources_tab[] =
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
{"Mapnik", 0, 18, _mapnik_url_cb, ELM_MAP_ROUTE_SOURCE_YOURS, _yours_url_cb, _nominatim_url_cb, NULL, NULL},
{"Osmarender", 0, 17, _osmarender_url_cb, ELM_MAP_ROUTE_SOURCE_YOURS, _yours_url_cb, _nominatim_url_cb, NULL, NULL},
{"CycleMap", 0, 16, _cyclemap_url_cb, ELM_MAP_ROUTE_SOURCE_YOURS, _yours_url_cb, _nominatim_url_cb, NULL, NULL},
{"MapQuest", 0, 18, _mapquest_url_cb, ELM_MAP_ROUTE_SOURCE_YOURS, _yours_url_cb, _nominatim_url_cb, NULL, NULL},
{"MapQuest Open Aerial", 0, 11, _mapquest_aerial_url_cb, ELM_MAP_ROUTE_SOURCE_YOURS, _yours_url_cb, _nominatim_url_cb, NULL, NULL},
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static const char *widtype = NULL;
static Evas_Smart_Class parent_sc = EVAS_SMART_CLASS_INIT_NULL;
static Evas_Smart_Class sc;
static Evas_Smart *smart;
static int idnum = 1;
static const char SIG_CHANGED[] = "changed";
static const char SIG_CLICKED[] = "clicked";
static const char SIG_CLICKED_DOUBLE[] = "clicked,double";
static const char SIG_LOADED_DETAIL[] = "loaded,detail";
static const char SIG_LOAD_DETAIL[] = "load,detail";
static const char SIG_LONGPRESSED[] = "longpressed";
static const char SIG_PRESS[] = "press";
static const char SIG_SCROLL[] = "scroll";
static const char SIG_SCROLL_DRAG_START[] = "scroll,drag,start";
static const char SIG_SCROLL_DRAG_STOP[] = "scroll,drag,stop";
static const char SIG_SCROLL_ANIM_START[] = "scroll,anim,start";
static const char SIG_SCROLL_ANIM_STOP[] = "scroll,anim,stop";
static const char SIG_ZOOM_CHANGE[] = "zoom,change";
static const char SIG_ZOOM_START[] = "zoom,start";
static const char SIG_ZOOM_STOP[] = "zoom,stop";
static const char SIG_DOWNLOADED[] = "downloaded";
static const char SIG_ROUTE_LOAD[] = "route,load";
static const char SIG_ROUTE_LOADED[] = "route,loaded";
static const char SIG_NAME_LOAD[] = "name,load";
static const char SIG_NAME_LOADED[] = "name,loaded";
static const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description _signals[] = {
{SIG_PRESS, ""},
static Eina_Bool
module_list_cb(Eina_Module *m, void *data)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
Map_Sources_Tab *s;
ElmMapModuleSourceFunc source;
ElmMapModuleZoomMinFunc zoom_min;
ElmMapModuleZoomMaxFunc zoom_max;
ElmMapModuleUrlFunc url;
ElmMapModuleRouteSourceFunc route_source;
ElmMapModuleRouteUrlFunc route_url;
ElmMapModuleNameUrlFunc name_url;
ElmMapModuleGeoIntoCoordFunc geo_into_coord;
ElmMapModuleCoordIntoGeoFunc coord_into_geo;
const char *file;
file = eina_module_file_get(m);
if (!eina_module_load(m))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ERR("could not load module \"%s\": %s", file,
return EINA_FALSE;
source = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_source_get");
zoom_min = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_zoom_min_get");
zoom_max = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_zoom_max_get");
url = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_url_get");
route_source = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_route_source_get");
route_url = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_route_url_get");
name_url = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_name_url_get");
geo_into_coord = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_geo_into_coord");
coord_into_geo = eina_module_symbol_get(m, "map_module_coord_into_geo");
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((!source) || (!zoom_min) || (!zoom_max) || (!url) || (!route_source) ||
(!route_url) || (!name_url) || (!geo_into_coord) || (!coord_into_geo))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
WRN("could not find map_module_source_get() in module \"%s\": %s",
file, eina_error_msg_get(eina_error_get()));
return EINA_FALSE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
s = ELM_NEW(Map_Sources_Tab);
s->name = source();
s->zoom_min = zoom_min();
s->zoom_max = zoom_max();
s->url_cb = url;
s->route_source = route_source();
s->route_url_cb = route_url;
s->name_url_cb = name_url;
s->geo_into_coord = geo_into_coord;
s->coord_into_geo = coord_into_geo;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->srcs = eina_list_append(wd->srcs, s);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return EINA_TRUE;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
source_init(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Map_Sources_Tab *s;
unsigned int idx;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_Array *modules = NULL;
Eina_List *l;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
for (idx = 0; idx < (sizeof(default_map_sources_tab) / sizeof(Map_Sources_Tab)); idx++)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
s = ELM_NEW(Map_Sources_Tab);
s->name = default_map_sources_tab[idx].name;
s->zoom_min = default_map_sources_tab[idx].zoom_min;
s->zoom_max = default_map_sources_tab[idx].zoom_max;
s->url_cb = default_map_sources_tab[idx].url_cb;
s->route_source = default_map_sources_tab[idx].route_source;
s->route_url_cb = default_map_sources_tab[idx].route_url_cb;
s->name_url_cb = default_map_sources_tab[idx].name_url_cb;
s->geo_into_coord = default_map_sources_tab[idx].geo_into_coord;
s->coord_into_geo = default_map_sources_tab[idx].coord_into_geo;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->srcs = eina_list_append(wd->srcs, s);
if (!idx)
wd->src = s;
wd->zoom_min = s->zoom_min;
wd->zoom_max = s->zoom_max;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
modules = eina_module_list_get(modules, MODULES_PATH, 1, &module_list_cb, wd);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->src_names = calloc((eina_list_count(wd->srcs) + 1), sizeof(char *));
idx = 0;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->srcs, l, s)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
eina_stringshare_replace(&wd->src_names[idx], s->name);
INF("source : %s", wd->src_names[idx]);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_edj_marker_size_get(Widget_Data *wd, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Object *edj;
const char *s;
edj = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(wd->obj));
_elm_theme_object_set(wd->obj, edj, "map/marker", "radio",
s = edje_object_data_get(edj, "size_w");
if (s) *w = atoi(s);
else *w = 0;
s = edje_object_data_get(edj, "size_h");
if (s) *h = atoi(s);
else *h = 0;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_coord_rotate(const Evas_Coord x, const Evas_Coord y, const Evas_Coord cx, const Evas_Coord cy, const double degree, Evas_Coord *xx, Evas_Coord *yy)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
double r = (degree * M_PI) / 180.0;
double tx, ty, ttx, tty;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
tx = x - cx;
ty = y - cy;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ttx = tx * cos(r);
tty = tx * sin(r);
tx = ttx + (ty * cos(r + M_PI_2));
ty = tty + (ty * sin(r + M_PI_2));
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
*xx = tx + cx;
*yy = ty + cy;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_viewport_size_get(Widget_Data *wd, Evas_Coord *vw, Evas_Coord *vh)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
evas_object_geometry_get(wd->pan_smart, &x, &y, &w, &h);
if (vw) *vw = (x * 2) + w;
if (vh) *vh = (y * 2) + h;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pan_geometry_get(Widget_Data *wd, Evas_Coord *px, Evas_Coord *py)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord x, y, vx, vy, vw, vh;
elm_smart_scroller_child_pos_get(wd->scr, &x, &y);
evas_object_geometry_get(wd->pan_smart, &vx, &vy, &vw, &vh);
x = -x;
y = -y;
if (vw > wd->size.w) x += (((vw - wd->size.w) / 2) + vx);
else x -= vx;
if (vh > wd->size.h) y += (((vh - wd->size.h) / 2) + vy);
else y -= vy;
if (px) *px = x;
if (py) *py = y;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_obj_rotate(Widget_Data *wd, Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Coord w, h, ow, oh;
evas_map_util_points_populate_from_object(wd->map, obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &ow, &oh);
evas_object_image_size_get(obj, &w, &h);
if ((w > ow) || (h > oh))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(wd->map, 0, 0, 0);
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(wd->map, 1, w, 0);
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(wd->map, 2, w, h);
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(wd->map, 3, 0, h);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_map_util_rotate(wd->map, wd->rotate.d, wd->rotate.cx, wd->rotate.cy);
evas_object_map_set(obj, wd->map);
evas_object_map_enable_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_obj_place(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_move(obj, x, y);
evas_object_resize(obj, w, h);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_update(Marker_Bubble *bubble, Eina_List *contents)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Object *c;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(contents, l, c) elm_box_pack_end(bubble->bx, c);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_place(Marker_Bubble *bubble)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
Evas_Coord xx, yy, ww, hh;
const char *s;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((!bubble->obj) || (!bubble->pobj)) return;
evas_object_geometry_get(bubble->pobj, &x, &y, &w, NULL);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
s = edje_object_data_get(bubble->obj, "size_w");
if (s) ww = atoi(s);
else ww = 0;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
edje_object_size_min_calc(bubble->obj, NULL, &hh);
s = edje_object_data_get(bubble->obj, "size_h");
if (s) h = atoi(s);
else h = 0;
if (hh < h) hh = h;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
xx = x + (w / 2) - (ww / 2);
yy = y - hh;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_obj_place(bubble->obj, xx, yy, ww, hh);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_bubble_sc_hints_changed_cb(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Marker_Bubble *bubble = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_mouse_up_cb(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Marker_Bubble *bubble = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_hide_cb(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Marker_Bubble *bubble = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_show_cb(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Marker_Bubble *bubble = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_move_cb(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Marker_Bubble *bubble = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_bubble_free(Marker_Bubble* bubble)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Marker_Bubble*
_bubble_create(Evas_Object *pobj, Widget_Data *wd)
Marker_Bubble *bubble = ELM_NEW(Marker_Bubble);
bubble->wd = wd;
bubble->pobj = pobj;
evas_object_event_callback_add(pobj, EVAS_CALLBACK_HIDE, _bubble_hide_cb,
evas_object_event_callback_add(pobj, EVAS_CALLBACK_SHOW, _bubble_show_cb,
evas_object_event_callback_add(pobj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOVE, _bubble_move_cb,
bubble->obj = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(pobj));
_elm_theme_object_set(wd->obj, bubble->obj , "map", "marker_bubble",
evas_object_event_callback_add(bubble->obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP,
_bubble_mouse_up_cb, bubble);
bubble->sc = elm_scroller_add(bubble->obj);
elm_widget_style_set(bubble->sc, "map_bubble");
elm_scroller_content_min_limit(bubble->sc, EINA_FALSE, EINA_TRUE);
elm_scroller_policy_set(bubble->sc, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_AUTO,
elm_scroller_bounce_set(bubble->sc, _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_enable,
edje_object_part_swallow(bubble->obj, "elm.swallow.content", bubble->sc);
evas_object_event_callback_add(bubble->sc, EVAS_CALLBACK_CHANGED_SIZE_HINTS,
_bubble_sc_hints_changed_cb, bubble);
bubble->bx = elm_box_add(bubble->sc);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(bubble->bx, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(bubble->bx, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND,
elm_box_horizontal_set(bubble->bx, EINA_TRUE);
elm_object_content_set(bubble->sc, bubble->bx);
return bubble;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_marker_group_update(Marker_Group* group, Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, Eina_List *markers)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = clas->wd;
char buf[PATH_MAX];
Eina_List *l;
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
int cnt = 0;
int sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(markers, l, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
sum_x += marker->x;
sum_y += marker->y;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
group->x = sum_x / cnt;
group->y = sum_y / cnt;
_edj_marker_size_get(wd, &group->w, &group->h);
group->w *=2;
group->h *=2;
group->clas = clas;
group->markers = markers;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (clas->style) elm_layout_theme_set(group->obj, "map/marker", clas->style,
else elm_layout_theme_set(group->obj, "map/marker", "radio",
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (clas->func.icon_get)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Object *icon = NULL;
icon = elm_object_part_content_get(group->obj, "elm.icon");
if (icon) evas_object_del(icon);
icon = clas->func.icon_get(wd->obj, clas->data);
elm_object_part_content_set(group->obj, "elm.icon", icon);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", cnt);
edje_object_part_text_set(elm_layout_edje_get(group->obj), "elm.text", buf);
if (group->bubble)
Eina_List *l;
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
Eina_List *contents = NULL;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(group->markers, l, marker)
Evas_Object *c = marker->clas->func.get(marker->wd->obj,
marker, marker->data);
if (c) contents = eina_list_append(contents, c);
_bubble_update(group->bubble, contents);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_marker_group_bubble_open_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *soure __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Marker_Group *group = data;
Eina_List *l;
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
Eina_List *contents = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (!group->bubble) group->bubble = _bubble_create(group->obj, group->wd);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(group->markers, l, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (group->wd->markers_max_num <= eina_list_count(contents)) break;
Evas_Object *c = marker->clas->func.get(marker->wd->obj,
marker, marker->data);
if (c) contents = eina_list_append(contents, c);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_bubble_update(group->bubble, contents);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_marker_group_bringin_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *soure __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
double lon, lat;
Marker_Group *group = data;
elm_map_utils_convert_coord_into_geo(group->wd->obj, group->x, group->y,
group->wd->size.w, &lon, &lat);
elm_map_geo_region_bring_in(group->wd->obj, lon, lat);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_marker_group_free(Marker_Group* group)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (group->bubble) _bubble_free(group->bubble);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Marker_Group*
_marker_group_create(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Marker_Group *group = ELM_NEW(Marker_Group);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
group->wd = wd;
group->obj = elm_layout_add(wd->obj);
evas_object_smart_member_add(group->obj, wd->pan_smart);
evas_object_stack_above(group->obj, wd->sep_maps_markers);
elm_layout_theme_set(group->obj, "map/marker", "radio",
"open", "elm", _marker_group_bubble_open_cb,
"bringin", "elm", _marker_group_bringin_cb,
return group;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_marker_bringin_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *soure __UNUSED__)
Elm_Map_Marker *marker = data;
elm_map_geo_region_bring_in(marker->wd->obj, marker->longitude, marker->latitude);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_marker_bubble_open_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *soure __UNUSED__)
Elm_Map_Marker *marker = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (!marker->bubble) marker->bubble = _bubble_create(marker->obj, marker->wd);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_marker_update(Elm_Map_Marker *marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas = marker->clas;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (clas->style) elm_layout_theme_set(marker->obj, "map/marker", clas->style,
else elm_layout_theme_set(marker->obj, "map/marker", "radio",
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (clas->func.icon_get)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Object *icon = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
icon = elm_object_part_content_get(marker->obj, "elm.icon");
if (icon) evas_object_del(icon);
icon = clas->func.icon_get(marker->wd->obj, marker, marker->data);
elm_object_part_content_set(marker->obj, "elm.icon", icon);
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(marker->wd->obj, marker->longitude,
marker->latitude, marker->wd->size.w,
&(marker->x), &(marker->y));
if (marker->bubble)
if (marker->content) evas_object_del(marker->content);
if (marker->clas->func.get)
marker->content = marker->clas->func.get(marker->wd->obj, marker,
if (marker->content)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *contents = NULL;
contents = eina_list_append(contents, marker->content);
_bubble_update(marker->bubble, contents);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_marker_place(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
Elm_Map_Group_Class *group_clas;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord gw, gh;
Evas_Coord px, py;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->paused_markers || (!eina_list_count(wd->markers))) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pan_geometry_get(wd, &px, &py);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_edj_marker_size_get(wd, &gw, &gh);
gw *= 2;
gh *= 2;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->markers, l, marker)
marker->grouped = EINA_FALSE;
marker->leader = EINA_FALSE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->group_classes, l, group_clas)
Eina_List *ll;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(group_clas->markers, ll, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *lll;
Elm_Map_Marker *mm;
Eina_List *markers = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (marker->grouped) continue;
if (group_clas->zoom_grouped < wd->zoom)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
marker->grouped = EINA_FALSE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(group_clas->markers, lll, mm)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (marker == mm || mm->grouped) continue;
if (ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(mm->x, mm->y, mm->w, mm->h,
marker->x, marker->y, gw, gh))
// mm is group follower.
mm->leader = EINA_FALSE;
mm->grouped = EINA_TRUE;
markers = eina_list_append(markers, mm);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (eina_list_count(markers) >= 1)
// marker is group leader.
marker->leader = EINA_TRUE;
marker->grouped = EINA_TRUE;
markers = eina_list_append(markers, marker);
if (!marker->group) marker->group = _marker_group_create(wd);
_marker_group_update(marker->group, group_clas, markers);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->markers, l, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (marker->grouped ||
(marker->group_clas &&
(marker->group_clas->hide ||
marker->group_clas->zoom_displayed > wd->zoom)))
Evas_Coord x, y;
_coord_rotate(marker->x + px, marker->y + py, wd->rotate.cx,
wd->rotate.cy, wd->rotate.d, &x, &y);
_obj_place(marker->obj, x - (marker->w / 2), y - (marker->h / 2),
marker->w, marker->h);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->markers, l, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Marker_Group *group = marker->group;
if (!group) continue;
if (!marker->leader || (group->clas->hide) ||
(group->clas->zoom_displayed > wd->zoom))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord x, y;
_coord_rotate(group->x + px, group->y + py, wd->rotate.cx,
wd->rotate.cy, wd->rotate.d, &x, &y);
_obj_place(group->obj, x - (group->w / 2), y - (group->h / 2),
group->w, group->h);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_item_coord_get(Grid_Item *gi, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (x) *x = gi->x * gi->wd->size.tile;
if (y) *y = gi->y * gi->wd->size.tile;
if (w) *w = gi->wd->size.tile;
if (h) *h = gi->wd->size.tile;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Eina_Bool
_grid_item_intersect(Grid_Item *gi)
Evas_Coord px, py;
Evas_Coord vw, vh;
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
_pan_geometry_get(gi->wd, &px, &py);
_viewport_size_get(gi->wd, &vw, &vh);
_grid_item_coord_get(gi, &x, &y, &w, &h);
return ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(x + px, y + py, w, h, 0, 0, vw, vh);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_grid_item_update(Grid_Item *gi)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_image_file_set(gi->img, gi->file, NULL);
if (!gi->wd->zoom_timer && !gi->wd->scr_timer)
evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(gi->img, EINA_TRUE);
else evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(gi->img, EINA_FALSE);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Load_Error err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(gi->img);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ERR("Image loading error (%s): %s", gi->file, evas_load_error_str(err));
gi->file_have = EINA_FALSE;
Evas_Coord px, py;
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pan_geometry_get(gi->wd, &px, &py);
_grid_item_coord_get(gi, &x, &y, &w, &h);
_obj_place(gi->img, x + px, y + py, w, h);
_obj_rotate(gi->wd, gi->img);
gi->file_have = EINA_TRUE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_item_load(Grid_Item *gi)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (gi->file_have) _grid_item_update(gi);
else if (!gi->job)
gi->wd->download_list = eina_list_remove(gi->wd->download_list, gi);
gi->wd->download_list = eina_list_append(gi->wd->download_list, gi);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_grid_item_unload(Grid_Item *gi)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (gi->file_have)
evas_object_image_file_set(gi->img, NULL, NULL);
else if (gi->job)
gi->job = NULL;
else gi->wd->download_list = eina_list_remove(gi->wd->download_list, gi);
static Grid_Item *
_grid_item_create(Grid *g, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char buf2[PATH_MAX];
char *source;
Grid_Item *gi;
gi = ELM_NEW(Grid_Item);
gi->wd = g->wd;
gi->g = g;
gi->x = x;
gi->y = y;
gi->file_have = EINA_FALSE;
gi->job = NULL;
gi->img = evas_object_image_add(evas_object_evas_get(g->wd->obj));
evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(gi->img, EINA_FALSE);
evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(gi->img, EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_DYNAMIC);
evas_object_image_filled_set(gi->img, 1);
evas_object_smart_member_add(gi->img, g->wd->pan_smart);
evas_object_pass_events_set(gi->img, EINA_TRUE);
evas_object_stack_below(gi->img, g->wd->sep_maps_markers);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), CACHE_PATH, g->wd->id, g->zoom, x);
snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), CACHE_FILE_PATH, buf, y);
if (!ecore_file_exists(buf)) ecore_file_mkpath(buf);
eina_stringshare_replace(&gi->file, buf2);
source = g->wd->src->url_cb(g->wd->obj, x, y, g->zoom);
if ((!source) || (!strlen(source)))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
eina_stringshare_replace(&gi->source, NULL);
ERR("Getting source url failed: %s", gi->file);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
else eina_stringshare_replace(&gi->source, source);
if (source) free(source);
eina_matrixsparse_data_idx_set(g->grid, y, x, gi);
return gi;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_grid_item_free(Grid_Item *gi)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (gi->g && gi->g->grid) eina_matrixsparse_data_idx_set(gi->g->grid,
gi->y, gi->x, NULL);
if (gi->source) eina_stringshare_del(gi->source);
if (gi->file) eina_stringshare_del(gi->file);
if (gi->img) evas_object_del(gi->img);
if (gi->file_have) ecore_file_remove(gi->file);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_downloaded_cb(void *data, const char *file __UNUSED__, int status)
Grid_Item *gi = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (status == 200)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
DBG("Download success from %s to %s", gi->source, gi->file);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
WRN("Download failed from %s to %s (%d) ", gi->source, gi->file, status);
gi->file_have = EINA_FALSE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
gi->job = NULL;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(gi->wd->obj, SIG_DOWNLOADED, NULL);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (!gi->wd->download_num)
"elm,state,busy,stop", "elm");
evas_object_smart_callback_call(gi->wd->obj, SIG_LOADED_DETAIL, NULL);
static Eina_Bool
_download_job(void *data)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l, *ll;
Grid_Item *gi;
if (!eina_list_count(wd->download_list))
wd->download_idler = NULL;
EINA_LIST_REVERSE_FOREACH_SAFE(wd->download_list, l, ll, gi)
if (gi->g->zoom != wd->zoom || !_grid_item_intersect(gi))
wd->download_list = eina_list_remove(wd->download_list, gi);
if (wd->download_num >= MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOAD)
Eina_Bool ret = ecore_file_download_full(gi->source, gi->file,
_downloaded_cb, NULL,
gi, &(gi->job), wd->ua);
if ((!ret) || (!gi->job))
ERR("Can't start to download from %s to %s", gi->source, gi->file);
wd->download_list = eina_list_remove(wd->download_list, gi);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->download_num == 1)
"elm,state,busy,start", "elm");
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_viewport_get(Grid *g, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int xx, yy, ww, hh;
Evas_Coord px, py, vw, vh;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pan_geometry_get(g->wd, &px, &py);
_viewport_size_get(g->wd, &vw, &vh);
if (px > 0) px = 0;
if (py > 0) py = 0;
xx = (-px / g->wd->size.tile) - 1;
if (xx < 0) xx = 0;
yy = (-py / g->wd->size.tile) - 1;
if (yy < 0) yy = 0;
ww = (vw / g->wd->size.tile) + 3;
if (xx + ww >= g->tw) ww = g->tw - xx;
hh = (vh / g->wd->size.tile) + 3;
if (yy + hh >= g->th) hh = g->th - yy;
if (x) *x = xx;
if (y) *y = yy;
if (w) *w = ww;
if (h) *h = hh;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_unload(Grid *g)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_Iterator *it;
Eina_Matrixsparse_Cell *cell;
Grid_Item *gi;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
it = eina_matrixsparse_iterator_new(g->grid);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
gi = eina_matrixsparse_cell_data_get(cell);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_load(Grid *g)
int x, y, xx, yy, ww, hh;
Eina_Iterator *it;
Eina_Matrixsparse_Cell *cell;
Grid_Item *gi;
it = eina_matrixsparse_iterator_new(g->grid);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
gi = eina_matrixsparse_cell_data_get(cell);
if (!_grid_item_intersect(gi)) _grid_item_unload(gi);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_grid_viewport_get(g, &xx, &yy, &ww, &hh);
for (y = yy; y < yy + hh; y++)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
for (x = xx; x < xx + ww; x++)
gi = eina_matrixsparse_data_idx_get(g->grid, y, x);
if (!gi) gi = _grid_item_create(g, x, y);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_place(Widget_Data *wd)
Eina_List *l;
Grid *g;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->grids, l, g)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->zoom == g->zoom) _grid_load(g);
else _grid_unload(g);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (!wd->download_idler) wd->download_idler = ecore_idler_add(_download_job, wd);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_grid_all_create(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int zoom;
for (zoom = wd->src->zoom_min; zoom <= wd->src->zoom_max; zoom++)
Grid *g;
int tnum;
g = ELM_NEW(Grid);
g->wd = wd;
g->zoom = zoom;
tnum = pow(2.0, g->zoom);
g->tw = tnum;
g->th = tnum;
g->grid = eina_matrixsparse_new(g->th, g->tw, NULL, NULL);
wd->grids = eina_list_append(wd->grids, g);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_grid_all_clear(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Grid *g;
EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->grids, g)
Grid_Item *gi;
Eina_Iterator *it = eina_matrixsparse_iterator_new(g->grid);
Eina_Matrixsparse_Cell *cell;
gi = eina_matrixsparse_cell_data_get(cell);
if (gi) _grid_item_free(gi);
if (!ecore_file_recursive_rm(CACHE_ROOT_PATH))
ERR("Deletion of %s failed", CACHE_ROOT_PATH);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_track_place(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
#ifdef ELM_EMAP
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Object *route;
int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
Evas_Coord px, py, ow, oh;
px = wd->pan_x;
py = wd->pan_y;
_viewport_size_get(wd, &ow, &oh);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord size = wd->size.w;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->track, l, route)
double lon_min, lon_max;
double lat_min, lat_max;
elm_route_longitude_min_max_get(route, &lon_min, &lon_max);
elm_route_latitude_min_max_get(route, &lat_min, &lat_max);
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(wd->obj, lon_min, lat_max, size, &xmin, &ymin);
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(wd->obj, lon_max, lat_min, size, &xmax, &ymax);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if( !(xmin < px && xmax < px) && !(xmin > px+ow && xmax > px+ow))
if( !(ymin < py && ymax < py) && !(ymin > py+oh && ymax > py+oh))
//display the route
evas_object_move(route, xmin - px, ymin - py);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_resize(route, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
_obj_rotate(wd, route);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
//the route is not display
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
(void) wd;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_route_place(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *lr, *lp, *ln;
Path_Node *n;
Evas_Object *p;
Elm_Map_Route *r;
int nodes;
int x, y;
double a;
Evas_Coord ow, oh;
Evas_Coord px, py;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
px = wd->pan_x;
py = wd->pan_y;
_viewport_size_get(wd, &ow, &oh);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord size = wd->size.w;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->route, lr, r)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(r->path, lp, p)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
nodes = eina_list_count(r->nodes);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(r->nodes, ln, n)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((!wd->zoom) || ((n->idx) &&
((n->idx % (int)ceil((double)nodes/(double)size*100.0))))) continue;
if (r->inbound)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(wd->obj, n->pos.lon, n->pos.lat, size, &x, &y);
if ((x >= px - ow) && (x <= (px + ow*2)) &&
(y >= py - oh) && (y <= (py + oh*2)))
x = x - px;
y = y - py;
p = eina_list_nth(r->path, n->idx);
a = (double)(y - r->y) / (double)(x - r->x);
if ((abs(a) >= 1) || (r->x == x))
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, r->x - 3, r->y);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, r->x + 3, r->y);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, x + 3, y);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, x - 3, y);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, r->x, r->y - 3);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, r->x, r->y + 3);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, x, y + 3);
evas_object_polygon_point_add(p, x, y - 3);
evas_object_color_set(p, r->color.r, r->color.g, r->color.b, r->color.a);
_obj_rotate(wd, p);
r->x = x;
r->y = y;
else r->inbound = EINA_FALSE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(wd->obj, n->pos.lon, n->pos.lat, size, &x, &y);
if ((x >= px - ow) && (x <= (px + ow*2)) &&
(y >= py - oh) && (y <= (py + oh*2)))
r->x = x - px;
r->y = y - py;
r->inbound = EINA_TRUE;
else r->inbound = EINA_FALSE;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
r->inbound = EINA_FALSE;
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_delayed_do(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Delayed_Data *dd;
dd = eina_list_nth(wd->delayed_jobs, 0);
if (dd && !dd->wd->zoom_animator)
wd->delayed_jobs = eina_list_remove(wd->delayed_jobs, dd);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_smooth_update(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Grid *g;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->grids, l, g)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_Iterator *it = eina_matrixsparse_iterator_new(g->grid);
Eina_Matrixsparse_Cell *cell;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Grid_Item *gi = eina_matrixsparse_cell_data_get(cell);
if (_grid_item_intersect(gi))
evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(gi->img, EINA_TRUE);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Eina_Bool
_zoom_timeout(void *data)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
wd->zoom_timer = NULL;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_ZOOM_STOP, NULL);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
zoom_do(Widget_Data *wd, double zoom)
if (zoom > wd->zoom_max) zoom = wd->zoom_max;
else if (zoom < wd->zoom_min) zoom = wd->zoom_min;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord px, py, vw, vh;
Evas_Coord ow, oh;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->zoom = ROUND(zoom);
wd->zoom_detail = zoom;
ow = wd->size.w;
oh = wd->size.h;
wd->size.tile = pow(2.0, (zoom - wd->zoom)) * wd->tsize;
wd->size.w = pow(2.0, wd->zoom) * wd->size.tile;
wd->size.h = wd->size.w;;
// Fix to zooming with (viewport center px, py) as the center to prevent
// from zooming with (0,0) as the cetner. (scroller default behavior)
_pan_geometry_get(wd, &px, &py);
_viewport_size_get(wd, &vw, &vh);
if ((vw > 0) && (vh > 0) && (ow > 0) && (oh > 0))
Evas_Coord xx, yy;
double sx, sy;
if (vw > ow) sx = 0.5;
else sx = (double)(-px + (vw / 2)) / ow;
if (vh > oh) sy = 0.5;
else sy = (double)(-py + (vh / 2)) / oh;
if (sx > 1.0) sx = 1.0;
if (sy > 1.0) sy = 1.0;
xx = (sx * wd->size.w) - (vw / 2);
yy = (sy * wd->size.h) - (vh / 2);
if (xx < 0) xx = 0;
else if (xx > (wd->size.w - vw)) xx = wd->size.w - vw;
if (yy < 0) yy = 0;
else if (yy > (wd->size.h - vh)) yy = wd->size.h - vh;
elm_smart_scroller_child_region_show(wd->scr, xx, yy, vw, vh);
if (wd->zoom_timer) ecore_timer_del(wd->zoom_timer);
else evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_ZOOM_START, NULL);
wd->zoom_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.25, _zoom_timeout, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_ZOOM_CHANGE, NULL);
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->pan_smart, SIG_CHANGED, NULL);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Eina_Bool
_zoom_anim(void *data)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
if (wd->ani.cnt <= 0)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->zoom_animator = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->ani.zoom += wd->ani.diff;
zoom_do(wd, wd->ani.zoom);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
zoom_with_animation(Widget_Data *wd, double zoom, int cnt)
if (cnt == 0) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->ani.cnt = cnt;
wd->ani.zoom = wd->zoom;
wd->ani.diff = (double)(zoom - wd->zoom) / cnt;
if (wd->zoom_animator) ecore_animator_del(wd->zoom_animator);
wd->zoom_animator = ecore_animator_add(_zoom_anim, wd);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_sizing_eval(Widget_Data *wd)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord maxw = -1, maxh = -1;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_size_hint_max_get(wd->scr, &maxw, &maxh);
evas_object_size_hint_max_set(wd->obj, maxw, maxh);
static void
_changed_size_hints(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Eina_Bool
_scr_timeout(void *data)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
wd->scr_timer = NULL;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_SCROLL_DRAG_STOP, NULL);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_scr(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->scr_timer) ecore_timer_del(wd->scr_timer);
else evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_SCROLL_DRAG_START, NULL);
wd->scr_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.25, _scr_timeout, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_SCROLL, NULL);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_scr_anim_start(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_SCROLL_ANIM_START, NULL);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_scr_anim_stop(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_SCROLL_ANIM_STOP, NULL);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Eina_Bool
_long_press(void *data)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
wd->long_timer = NULL;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_LONGPRESSED, &wd->ev);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = event_info;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (ev->button != 1) return;
if (ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD) wd->on_hold = EINA_TRUE;
else wd->on_hold = EINA_FALSE;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_CLICKED_DOUBLE, ev);
else evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_PRESS, ev);
if (wd->long_timer) ecore_timer_del(wd->long_timer);
wd->ev = *ev;
wd->long_timer = ecore_timer_add(_elm_config->longpress_timeout, _long_press, wd);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = event_info;
if (ev->button != 1) return;
if (ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD) wd->on_hold = EINA_TRUE;
else wd->on_hold = EINA_FALSE;
if (wd->long_timer)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->long_timer = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (!wd->on_hold) evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_CLICKED, ev);
wd->on_hold = EINA_FALSE;
static void
_mouse_wheel_cb(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
if (!wd->paused)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Event_Mouse_Wheel *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Wheel*) event_info;
zoom_do(wd, wd->zoom_detail - ((double)ev->z / 10));
static void
_pan_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
Pan *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((x == sd->wd->pan_x) && (y == sd->wd->pan_y)) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
sd->wd->pan_x = x;
sd->wd->pan_y = y;
static void
_pan_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y)
Pan *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (x) *x = sd->wd->pan_x;
if (y) *y = sd->wd->pan_y;
static void
_pan_max_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y)
Pan *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord ow, oh;
evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &ow, &oh);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ow = sd->wd->size.w - ow;
oh = sd->wd->size.h - oh;
if (ow < 0) ow = 0;
if (oh < 0) oh = 0;
if (x) *x = ow;
if (y) *y = oh;
static void
_pan_min_get(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y)
if (x) *x = 0;
if (y) *y = 0;
static void
_pan_child_size_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
Pan *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (w) *w = sd->wd->size.w;
if (h) *h = sd->wd->size.h;
static void
_pan_add(Evas_Object *obj)
Pan *sd;
Evas_Object_Smart_Clipped_Data *cd;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
cd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
sd = ELM_NEW(Pan);
sd->__clipped_data = *cd;
evas_object_smart_data_set(obj, sd);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pan_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord h __UNUSED__)
Pan *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_zoom_mode_set(sd->wd->obj, sd->wd->mode);
static void
_pan_calculate(Evas_Object *obj)
Pan *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord w, h;
evas_object_geometry_get(sd->wd->pan_smart, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pan_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord y __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_hold_on(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
elm_smart_scroller_hold_set(wd->scr, 1);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_hold_off(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
elm_smart_scroller_hold_set(wd->scr, 0);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_freeze_on(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
elm_smart_scroller_freeze_set(wd->scr, 1);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_freeze_off(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = data;
elm_smart_scroller_freeze_set(wd->scr, 0);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_on_focus_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (elm_widget_focus_get(obj))
edje_object_signal_emit(elm_smart_scroller_edje_object_get(wd->scr), "elm,action,focus", "elm");
evas_object_focus_set(wd->obj, EINA_TRUE);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
edje_object_signal_emit(elm_smart_scroller_edje_object_get(wd->scr), "elm,action,unfocus", "elm");
evas_object_focus_set(wd->obj, EINA_FALSE);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_del_hook(Evas_Object *obj)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l, *ll;
Evas_Object *p;
Path_Node *n;
Path_Waypoint *w;
Ecore_Event_Handler *h;
Elm_Map_Route *r;
Elm_Map_Name *na;
Evas_Object *route;
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
Elm_Map_Group_Class *group_clas;
Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas;
Delayed_Data *dd;
int idx = 0;
Map_Sources_Tab *s;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->route, l, r)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(r->path, p)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(r->waypoint, w)
if (w->point) eina_stringshare_del(w->point);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(r->nodes, n)
if (n->pos.address) eina_stringshare_del(n->pos.address);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(r->handlers, h)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (r->con_url) ecore_con_url_free(r->con_url);
if (r->info.nodes) eina_stringshare_del(r->info.nodes);
if (r->info.waypoints) eina_stringshare_del(r->info.waypoints);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->names, na)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (na->address) free(na->address);
if (na->handler) ecore_event_handler_del(na->handler);
if (na->ud.fname)
na->ud.fname = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->track, route)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(wd->markers, l, ll, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->group_classes, group_clas)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (group_clas->style) eina_stringshare_del(group_clas->style);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->marker_classes, clas)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (clas->style) eina_stringshare_del(clas->style);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->scr_timer) ecore_timer_del(wd->scr_timer);
if (wd->long_timer) ecore_timer_del(wd->long_timer);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->delayed_jobs) EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->delayed_jobs, dd) free(dd);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->user_agent) eina_stringshare_del(wd->user_agent);
if (wd->ua) eina_hash_free(wd->ua);
if (wd->download_idler) ecore_idler_del(wd->download_idler);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->zoom_timer) ecore_timer_del(wd->zoom_timer);
if (wd->zoom_animator) ecore_animator_del(wd->zoom_animator);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
for (idx = 0; wd->src_names[idx]; idx++)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(wd->srcs, s) free(s);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->map) evas_map_free(wd->map);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_del_pre_hook(Evas_Object *obj)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
static void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_theme_hook(Evas_Object *obj)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_smart_scroller_object_theme_set(obj, wd->scr, "map", "base", elm_widget_style_get(obj));
static Eina_Bool
_event_hook(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *src __UNUSED__, Evas_Callback_Type type, void *event_info)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord x, y;
Evas_Coord vh;
Evas_Coord step_x, step_y, page_x, page_y;
Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev = event_info;
if (ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD) return EINA_FALSE;
elm_smart_scroller_child_pos_get(wd->scr, &x, &y);
elm_smart_scroller_step_size_get(wd->scr, &step_x, &step_y);
elm_smart_scroller_page_size_get(wd->scr, &page_x, &page_y);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_viewport_size_get(wd, NULL, &vh);
if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Left")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Left")))
x -= step_x;
else if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Right")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Right")))
x += step_x;
else if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Up")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Up")))
y -= step_y;
else if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Down")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Down")))
y += step_y;
else if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Prior")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Prior")))
if (page_y < 0)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
y -= -(page_y * vh) / 100;
y -= page_y;
else if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Next")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Next")))
if (page_y < 0)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
y += -(page_y * vh) / 100;
y += page_y;
else if (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Add"))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom_with_animation(wd, wd->zoom + 1, 10);
return EINA_TRUE;
else if (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "KP_Subtract"))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom_with_animation(wd, wd->zoom - 1, 10);
return EINA_TRUE;
else return EINA_FALSE;
ev->event_flags |= EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD;
elm_smart_scroller_child_pos_set(wd->scr, x, y);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
cb_dump_name_attrs(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
Name_Dump *dump = (Name_Dump*)data;
if (!dump) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!strncmp(key, NOMINATIM_ATTR_LON, sizeof(NOMINATIM_ATTR_LON))) dump->lon = atof(value);
else if (!strncmp(key, NOMINATIM_ATTR_LAT, sizeof(NOMINATIM_ATTR_LAT))) dump->lat = atof(value);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
cb_route_dump(void *data, Eina_Simple_XML_Type type, const char *value, unsigned offset __UNUSED__, unsigned length)
Route_Dump *dump = data;
if (!dump) return EINA_FALSE;
switch (type)
const char *attrs;
attrs = eina_simple_xml_tag_attributes_find(value, length);
if (!attrs)
if (!strncmp(value, YOURS_DISTANCE, length)) dump->id = ROUTE_XML_DISTANCE;
else if (!strncmp(value, YOURS_DESCRIPTION, length)) dump->id = ROUTE_XML_DESCRIPTION;
else if (!strncmp(value, YOURS_COORDINATES, length)) dump->id = ROUTE_XML_COORDINATES;
else dump->id = ROUTE_XML_NONE;
char *buf = malloc(length);
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
if (!buf) return EINA_FALSE;
snprintf(buf, length, "%s", value);
if (dump->id == ROUTE_XML_DISTANCE) dump->distance = atof(buf);
else if (!(dump->description) && (dump->id == ROUTE_XML_DESCRIPTION)) dump->description = strdup(buf);
else if (dump->id == ROUTE_XML_COORDINATES) dump->coordinates = strdup(buf);
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
cb_name_dump(void *data, Eina_Simple_XML_Type type, const char *value, unsigned offset __UNUSED__, unsigned length)
Name_Dump *dump = data;
if (!dump) return EINA_FALSE;
switch (type)
const char *attrs;
attrs = eina_simple_xml_tag_attributes_find(value, length);
if (attrs)
if (!strncmp(value, NOMINATIM_RESULT, sizeof(NOMINATIM_RESULT) - 1)) dump->id = NAME_XML_NAME;
else dump->id = NAME_XML_NONE;
(attrs, length - (attrs - value), cb_dump_name_attrs, dump);
char *buf = malloc(length + 1);
if (!buf) return EINA_FALSE;
snprintf(buf, length + 1, "%s", value);
if (dump->id == NAME_XML_NAME) dump->address = strdup(buf);
return EINA_TRUE;
static void
_parse_kml(void *data)
Elm_Map_Route *r = (Elm_Map_Route*)data;
if (!r || !r->ud.fname) return;
FILE *f;
char **str;
unsigned int ele, idx;
double lon, lat;
Evas_Object *path;
Route_Dump dump = {0, r->ud.fname, 0.0, NULL, NULL};
f = fopen(r->ud.fname, "rb");
if (f)
long sz;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
sz = ftell(f);
if (sz > 0)
char *buf;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
buf = malloc(sz);
if (buf)
if (fread(buf, 1, sz, f))
eina_simple_xml_parse(buf, sz, EINA_TRUE, cb_route_dump, &dump);
if (dump.distance) r->info.distance = dump.distance;
if (dump.description)
eina_stringshare_replace(&r->info.waypoints, dump.description);
str = eina_str_split_full(dump.description, "\n", 0, &ele);
r->info.waypoint_count = ele;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
for (idx = 0; idx < ele; idx++)
Path_Waypoint *wp = ELM_NEW(Path_Waypoint);
if (wp)
wp->wd = r->wd;
wp->point = eina_stringshare_add(str[idx]);
DBG("%s", str[idx]);
r->waypoint = eina_list_append(r->waypoint, wp);
if (str && str[0])
else WRN("description is not found !");
if (dump.coordinates)
eina_stringshare_replace(&r->info.nodes, dump.coordinates);
str = eina_str_split_full(dump.coordinates, "\n", 0, &ele);
r->info.node_count = ele;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
for (idx = 0; idx < ele; idx++)
sscanf(str[idx], "%lf,%lf", &lon, &lat);
Path_Node *n = ELM_NEW(Path_Node);
if (n)
n->wd = r->wd;
n->pos.lon = lon;
n->pos.lat = lat;
n->idx = idx;
DBG("%lf:%lf", lon, lat);
n->pos.address = NULL;
r->nodes = eina_list_append(r->nodes, n);
path = evas_object_polygon_add(evas_object_evas_get(r->wd->obj));
evas_object_smart_member_add(path, r->wd->pan_smart);
r->path = eina_list_append(r->path, path);
if (str && str[0])
static void
_parse_name(void *data)
Elm_Map_Name *n = (Elm_Map_Name*)data;
if (!n || !n->ud.fname) return;
FILE *f;
Name_Dump dump = {0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0};
f = fopen(n->ud.fname, "rb");
if (f)
long sz;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
sz = ftell(f);
if (sz > 0)
char *buf;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
buf = malloc(sz);
if (buf)
if (fread(buf, 1, sz, f))
eina_simple_xml_parse(buf, sz, EINA_TRUE, cb_name_dump, &dump);
if (dump.address)
INF("[%lf : %lf] ADDRESS : %s", n->lon, n->lat, dump.address);
n->address = strdup(dump.address);
n->lon = dump.lon;
n->lat = dump.lat;
Grid *_get_current_grid(Widget_Data *wd)
Eina_List *l;
Grid *g = NULL, *ret = NULL;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->grids, l, g)
if (wd->zoom == g->zoom)
ret = g;
return ret;
static Eina_Bool
_route_complete_cb(void *data, int ev_type __UNUSED__, void *event)
Ecore_Con_Event_Url_Complete *ev = event;
Elm_Map_Route *r = (Elm_Map_Route*)data;
Widget_Data *wd = r->wd;
if ((!r) || (!ev)) return EINA_TRUE;
Elm_Map_Route *rr = ecore_con_url_data_get(r->con_url);
ecore_con_url_data_set(r->con_url, NULL);
if (r!=rr) return EINA_TRUE;
if (r->ud.fd) fclose(r->ud.fd);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
"elm,state,busy,stop", "elm");
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_ROUTE_LOADED, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
_name_complete_cb(void *data, int ev_type __UNUSED__, void *event)
Ecore_Con_Event_Url_Complete *ev = event;
Elm_Map_Name *n = (Elm_Map_Name*)data;
Widget_Data *wd = n->wd;
if ((!n) || (!ev)) return EINA_TRUE;
Elm_Map_Name *nn = ecore_con_url_data_get(n->con_url);
ecore_con_url_data_set(n->con_url, NULL);
if (n!=nn) return EINA_TRUE;
if (n->ud.fd) fclose(n->ud.fd);
"elm,state,busy,stop", "elm");
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_NAME_LOADED, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Elm_Map_Name *
_utils_convert_name(const Evas_Object *obj, int method, char *address, double lon, double lat)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char *source;
int fd;
if ((!wd) || (!wd->src)) return NULL;
Elm_Map_Name *name = ELM_NEW(Elm_Map_Name);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), DEST_NAME_XML_FILE);
fd = mkstemp(buf);
if (fd < 0)
return NULL;
name->con_url = ecore_con_url_new(NULL);
name->ud.fname = strdup(buf);
INF("xml file : %s", name->ud.fname);
name->ud.fd = fdopen(fd, "w+");
if ((!name->con_url) || (!name->ud.fd))
return NULL;
name->wd = wd;
name->handler = ecore_event_handler_add (ECORE_CON_EVENT_URL_COMPLETE, _name_complete_cb, name);
name->method = method;
if (method == ELM_MAP_NAME_METHOD_SEARCH) name->address = strdup(address);
else if (method == ELM_MAP_NAME_METHOD_REVERSE) name->address = NULL;
name->lon = lon;
name->lat = lat;
source = wd->src->name_url_cb(wd->obj, method, address, lon, lat);
INF("name url = %s", source);
wd->names = eina_list_append(wd->names, name);
ecore_con_url_url_set(name->con_url, source);
ecore_con_url_fd_set(name->con_url, fileno(name->ud.fd));
ecore_con_url_data_set(name->con_url, name);
"elm,state,busy,start", "elm");
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_NAME_LOAD, NULL);
if (source) free(source);
return name;
static Evas_Event_Flags
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_zoom_start_cb(void *data, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
wd->pinch_zoom = wd->zoom_detail;
static Evas_Event_Flags
_pinch_zoom_cb(void *data, void *event_info)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (!wd->paused)
Elm_Gesture_Zoom_Info *ei = event_info;
zoom_do(wd, wd->pinch_zoom + ei->zoom - 1);
static Evas_Event_Flags
_pinch_rotate_cb(void *data, void *event_info)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
if (!wd->paused)
int x, y, w, h;
Elm_Gesture_Rotate_Info *ei = event_info;
evas_object_geometry_get(wd->obj, &x, &y, &w, &h);
wd->rotate.d = wd->rotate.a + ei->angle - ei->base_angle;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->rotate.cx = x + ((double)w * 0.5);
wd->rotate.cy = y + ((double)h * 0.5);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static Evas_Event_Flags
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_rotate_end_cb(void *data, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Widget_Data *wd = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->rotate.a = wd->rotate.d;
static void
_zoom_mode_set(void *data)
Delayed_Data *dd = data;
dd->wd->mode = dd->mode;
if (dd->mode != ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL)
Evas_Coord w, h;
Evas_Coord vw, vh;
double zoom;
double diff;
w = dd->wd->size.w;
h = dd->wd->size.h;
zoom = dd->wd->zoom_detail;
_viewport_size_get(dd->wd, &vw, &vh);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (dd->mode == ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT)
if ((w < vw) && (h < vh))
diff = 0.01;
while ((w < vw) && (h < vh))
zoom += diff;
w = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
h = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
diff = -0.01;
while ((w > vw) || (h > vh))
zoom += diff;
w = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
h = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
else if (dd->mode == ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL)
if ((w < vw) || (h < vh))
diff = 0.01;
while ((w < vw) || (h < vh))
zoom += diff;
w = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
h = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
diff = -0.01;
while ((w > vw) && (h > vh))
zoom += diff;
w = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
h = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
zoom_with_animation(dd->wd, zoom, 10);
static void
_zoom_set(void *data)
Delayed_Data *dd = data;
if (dd->wd->paused) zoom_do(dd->wd, dd->zoom);
else zoom_with_animation(dd->wd, dd->zoom, 10);
static void
_region_bring_in(void *data)
Delayed_Data *dd = data;
int x, y, w, h;
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(dd->wd->obj, dd->lon, dd->lat,
dd->wd->size.w, &x, &y);
_viewport_size_get(dd->wd, &w, &h);
x = x - (w / 2);
y = y - (h / 2);
elm_smart_scroller_region_bring_in(dd->wd->scr, x, y, w, h);
static void
_region_show(void *data)
Delayed_Data *dd = data;
int x, y, w, h;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(dd->wd->obj, dd->lon, dd->lat,
dd->wd->size.w, &x, &y);
_viewport_size_get(dd->wd, &w, &h);
x = x - (w / 2);
y = y - (h / 2);
elm_smart_scroller_child_region_show(dd->wd->scr, x, y, w, h);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static void
_marker_list_show(void *data)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Delayed_Data *dd = data;
int zoom;
double max_lon = -180, min_lon = 180;
double max_lat = -90, min_lat = 90;
Evas_Coord vw, vh;
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(dd->markers, marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (marker->longitude > max_lon) max_lon = marker->longitude;
if (marker->longitude < min_lon) min_lon = marker->longitude;
if (marker->latitude > max_lat) max_lat = marker->latitude;
if (marker->latitude < min_lat) min_lat = marker->latitude;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
dd->lon = (max_lon + min_lon) / 2;
dd->lat = (max_lat + min_lat) / 2;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom = dd->wd->src->zoom_min;
_viewport_size_get(dd->wd, &vw, &vh);
while (zoom <= dd->wd->src->zoom_max)
Evas_Coord size, max_x, max_y, min_x, min_y;
size = pow(2.0, zoom) * dd->wd->tsize;
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(dd->wd->obj, min_lon, max_lat, size, &min_x, &max_y);
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(dd->wd->obj, max_lon, min_lat, size, &max_x, &min_y);
if ((max_x - min_x) > vw || (max_y - min_y) > vh) break;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom_do(dd->wd, zoom);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *
_mapnik_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
char buf[PATH_MAX];
// ((x+y+zoom)%3)+'a' is requesting map images from distributed tile servers (eg., a, b, c)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "http://%c.tile.openstreetmap.org/%d/%d/%d.png",
((x + y + zoom) % 3) + 'a', zoom, x, y);
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *
_osmarender_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
((x + y + zoom) % 3) + 'a', zoom, x, y);
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *
_cyclemap_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
(( x + y + zoom) % 3) + 'a', zoom, x, y);
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *
_mapquest_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
((x + y + zoom) % 4) + 1, zoom, x, y);
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *
_mapquest_aerial_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int x, int y, int zoom)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "http://oatile%d.mqcdn.com/naip/%d/%d/%d.png",
((x + y + zoom) % 4) + 1, zoom, x, y);
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *_yours_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, char *type_name, int method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
ROUTE_YOURS_URL, flat, flon, tlat, tlon, type_name, method);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
// TODO: fix monav api
static char *_monav_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, char *type_name, int method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
ROUTE_MONAV_URL, flat, flon, tlat, tlon, type_name, method);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
// TODO: fix ors api
static char *_ors_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, char *type_name, int method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
ROUTE_ORS_URL, flat, flon, tlat, tlon, type_name, method);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return strdup(buf);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
static char *
_nominatim_url_cb(Evas_Object *obj, int method, char *name, double lon, double lat)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) strdup("");
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
char **str;
unsigned int ele, idx;
char search_url[PATH_MAX];
char buf[PATH_MAX];
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
search_url[0] = '\0';
str = eina_str_split_full(name, " ", 0, &ele);
for (idx = 0; idx < ele; idx++)
eina_strlcat(search_url, str[idx], sizeof(search_url));
if (!(idx == (ele-1)))
eina_strlcat(search_url, "+", sizeof(search_url));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
NAME_NOMINATIM_URL, search_url);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (str && str[0])
else if (method == ELM_MAP_NAME_METHOD_REVERSE)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
NAME_NOMINATIM_URL, lat, lon, (int)wd->zoom);
else strcpy(buf, "");
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return strdup(buf);
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_map_add(Evas_Object *parent)
Evas *e;
Widget_Data *wd;
Evas_Object *obj;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord minw, minh;
ELM_WIDGET_STANDARD_SETUP(wd, Widget_Data, parent, e, obj, NULL);
ELM_SET_WIDTYPE(widtype, "map");
elm_widget_type_set(obj, "map");
elm_widget_sub_object_add(parent, obj);
elm_widget_data_set(obj, wd);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_widget_can_focus_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
elm_widget_on_focus_hook_set(obj, _on_focus_hook, NULL);
elm_widget_del_hook_set(obj, _del_hook);
elm_widget_del_pre_hook_set(obj, _del_pre_hook);
elm_widget_theme_hook_set(obj, _theme_hook);
elm_widget_event_hook_set(obj, _event_hook);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_smart_callback_add(obj, "scroll-hold-on", _hold_on, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(obj, "scroll-hold-off", _hold_off, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(obj, "scroll-freeze-on", _freeze_on, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(obj, "scroll-freeze-off", _freeze_off, wd);
evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN,
_mouse_down, wd);
evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP,
_mouse_up, wd);
evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_WHEEL,
wd->obj = obj;
wd->scr = elm_smart_scroller_add(e);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, wd->scr);
elm_smart_scroller_widget_set(wd->scr, obj);
elm_smart_scroller_object_theme_set(obj, wd->scr, "map", "base", "default");
elm_widget_resize_object_set(obj, wd->scr);
elm_smart_scroller_wheel_disabled_set(wd->scr, EINA_TRUE);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->scr, EVAS_CALLBACK_CHANGED_SIZE_HINTS,
_changed_size_hints, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(wd->scr, "scroll", _scr, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(wd->scr, "drag", _scr, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(wd->scr, "animate,start", _scr_anim_start, wd);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(wd->scr, "animate,stop", _scr_anim_stop, wd);
if (!smart)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
sc = parent_sc;
sc.name = "elm_map_pan";
sc.add = _pan_add;
sc.resize = _pan_resize;
sc.move = _pan_move;
sc.calculate = _pan_calculate;
smart = evas_smart_class_new(&sc);
if (smart)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Pan *pan;
wd->pan_smart = evas_object_smart_add(e, smart);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
pan = evas_object_smart_data_get(wd->pan_smart);
pan->wd = wd;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, wd->pan_smart);
elm_smart_scroller_extern_pan_set(wd->scr, wd->pan_smart,
_pan_set, _pan_get, _pan_max_get,
_pan_min_get, _pan_child_size_get);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
&minw, &minh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(obj, minw, minh);
wd->ges = elm_gesture_layer_add(obj);
if (!wd->ges) ERR("elm_gesture_layer_add() failed");
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_gesture_layer_attach(wd->ges, obj);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(wd->ges, ELM_GESTURE_ZOOM, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_START,
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_zoom_start_cb, wd);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(wd->ges, ELM_GESTURE_ZOOM, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_MOVE,
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_zoom_cb, wd);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(wd->ges, ELM_GESTURE_ROTATE, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_MOVE,
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_rotate_cb, wd);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(wd->ges, ELM_GESTURE_ROTATE, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_END,
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_rotate_end_cb, wd);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(wd->ges, ELM_GESTURE_ROTATE, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_ABORT,
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
_pinch_rotate_end_cb, wd);
wd->sep_maps_markers = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, wd->sep_maps_markers);
evas_object_smart_member_add(wd->sep_maps_markers, wd->pan_smart);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->map = evas_map_new(EVAS_MAP_POINT);
wd->tsize = DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE; // FIXME: It should be hard-coded ? or can get from provider?
wd->id = ((int)getpid() << 16) | idnum;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom_do(wd, 0);
wd->markers_max_num = MARER_MAX_NUMBER;
// TODO: convert Elementary to subclassing of Evas_Smart_Class
// TODO: and save some bytes, making descriptions per-class and not instance!
evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(obj, _signals);
if (!ecore_file_download_protocol_available("http://"))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ERR("Ecore must be built with curl support for the map widget!");
return obj;
(void) parent;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_zoom_set(Evas_Object *obj, int zoom)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->mode != ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL) return;
if (zoom < 0) zoom = 0;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->zoom == zoom) return;
if (zoom > wd->src->zoom_max) zoom = wd->src->zoom_max;
if (zoom < wd->src->zoom_min) zoom = wd->src->zoom_min;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Delayed_Data *data = ELM_NEW(Delayed_Data);
data->func = _zoom_set;
data->wd = wd;
data->zoom = zoom;
data->wd->delayed_jobs = eina_list_append(data->wd->delayed_jobs, data);
(void) obj;
(void) zoom;
EAPI int
elm_map_zoom_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) 0;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->zoom;
(void) obj;
return 0;
EAPI void
elm_map_zoom_mode_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode mode)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Delayed_Data *data = ELM_NEW(Delayed_Data);
data->mode = mode;
data->func = _zoom_mode_set;
data->wd = wd;
data->wd->delayed_jobs = eina_list_append(data->wd->delayed_jobs, data);
(void) obj;
(void) mode;
EAPI Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode
elm_map_zoom_mode_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->mode;
(void) obj;
EAPI void
elm_map_geo_region_bring_in(Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Delayed_Data *data = ELM_NEW(Delayed_Data);
data->func = _region_bring_in;
data->wd = wd;
data->lon = lon;
data->lat = lat;
data->wd->delayed_jobs = eina_list_append(data->wd->delayed_jobs, data);
(void) obj;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI void
elm_map_geo_region_show(Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Delayed_Data *data = ELM_NEW(Delayed_Data);
data->func = _region_show;
data->wd = wd;
data->lon = lon;
data->lat = lat;
data->wd->delayed_jobs = eina_list_append(data->wd->delayed_jobs, data);
(void) obj;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI void
elm_map_geo_region_get(const Evas_Object *obj, double *lon, double *lat)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
double tlon, tlat;
Evas_Coord px, py, vw, vh;
_pan_geometry_get(wd, &px, &py);
_viewport_size_get(wd, &vw, &vh);
elm_map_utils_convert_coord_into_geo(obj, vw/2 - px, vh/2 -py, wd->size.w,
&tlon, &tlat);
if (lon) *lon = tlon;
if (lat) *lat = tlat;
(void) obj;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI void
elm_map_paused_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool paused)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->paused == !!paused) return;
wd->paused = !!paused;
if (wd->paused)
if (wd->zoom_animator)
if (wd->zoom_animator) ecore_animator_del(wd->zoom_animator);
wd->zoom_animator = NULL;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom_do(wd, wd->zoom);
"elm,state,busy,stop", "elm");
if (wd->download_num >= 1)
"elm,state,busy,start", "elm");
(void) obj;
(void) paused;
EAPI void
elm_map_paused_markers_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool paused)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->paused_markers == !!paused) return;
wd->paused_markers = paused;
(void) obj;
(void) paused;
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_map_paused_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->paused;
(void) obj;
return EINA_FALSE;
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_map_paused_markers_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->paused_markers;
(void) obj;
return EINA_FALSE;
EAPI void
elm_map_utils_downloading_status_get(const Evas_Object *obj, int *try_num, int *finish_num)
2011-01-11 01:47:56 -08:00
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (try_num) *try_num = wd->try_num;
if (finish_num) *finish_num = wd->finish_num;
(void) obj;
(void) try_num;
(void) finish_num;
EAPI void
elm_map_utils_convert_coord_into_geo(const Evas_Object *obj, int x, int y, int size, double *lon, double *lat)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int zoom = floor(log(size / 256) / log(2));
if ((wd->src) && (wd->src->coord_into_geo))
if (wd->src->coord_into_geo(obj, zoom, x, y, size, lon, lat)) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (lon) *lon = (x / (double)size * 360.0) - 180;
if (lat)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
double n = ELM_PI - (2.0 * ELM_PI * y / size);
*lat = 180.0 / ELM_PI * atan(0.5 * (exp(n) - exp(-n)));
(void) obj;
(void) x;
(void) y;
(void) size;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI void
elm_map_utils_convert_geo_into_coord(const Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat, int size, int *x, int *y)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
int zoom = floor(log(size / 256) / log(2));
if ((wd->src) && (wd->src->geo_into_coord))
if (wd->src->geo_into_coord(obj, zoom, lon, lat, size, x, y)) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (x) *x = floor((lon + 180.0) / 360.0 * size);
if (y)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
*y = floor((1.0 - log(tan(lat * ELM_PI / 180.0) + (1.0 / cos(lat * ELM_PI / 180.0)))
/ ELM_PI) / 2.0 * size);
(void) obj;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
(void) size;
(void) x;
(void) y;
EAPI Elm_Map_Name *
elm_map_utils_convert_coord_into_name(const Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat)
return _utils_convert_name(obj, ELM_MAP_NAME_METHOD_REVERSE, NULL, lon, lat);
(void) obj;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
return NULL;
EAPI Elm_Map_Name *
elm_map_utils_convert_name_into_coord(const Evas_Object *obj, char *address)
if (!address) return NULL;
return _utils_convert_name(obj, ELM_MAP_NAME_METHOD_SEARCH, address, 0.0, 0.0);
(void) obj;
(void) address;
return NULL;
elm_map_utils_rotate_coord(const Evas_Object *obj, const Evas_Coord x, const Evas_Coord y, const Evas_Coord cx, const Evas_Coord cy, const double degree, Evas_Coord *xx, Evas_Coord *yy)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
_coord_rotate(x, y, cx, cy, degree, xx, yy);
(void) x;
(void) y;
(void) cx;
(void) cy;
(void) degree;
(void) xx;
(void) yy;
EAPI void
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_canvas_to_geo_convert(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, double *lon, double *lat)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Coord px, py, vw, vh;
_pan_geometry_get(wd, &px, &py);
_viewport_size_get(wd, &vw, &vh);
_coord_rotate(x - px, y - py, (vw / 2) - px, (vh / 2) - py, -wd->rotate.d,
&x, &y);
elm_map_utils_convert_coord_into_geo(obj, x, y, wd->size.w, lon, lat);
(void) obj;
(void) x;
(void) y;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI Elm_Map_Marker *
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_marker_add(Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat, Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas, Elm_Map_Group_Class *group_clas, void *data)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Marker *marker = ELM_NEW(Elm_Map_Marker);
marker->wd = wd;
marker->clas = clas;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
marker->group_clas = group_clas;
marker->longitude = lon;
marker->latitude = lat;
marker->data = data;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
marker->x = 0;
marker->y = 0;
_edj_marker_size_get(wd, &marker->w, &marker->h);
marker->obj = elm_layout_add(wd->obj);
evas_object_smart_member_add(marker->obj, wd->pan_smart);
evas_object_stack_above(marker->obj, wd->sep_maps_markers);
"open", "elm", _marker_bubble_open_cb,
"bringin", "elm", _marker_bringin_cb,
wd->markers = eina_list_append(wd->markers, marker);
if (marker->group_clas) group_clas->markers = eina_list_append(group_clas->markers,
return marker;
(void) obj;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
(void) clas;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
(void) group_clas;
(void) data;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_remove(Elm_Map_Marker *marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = marker->wd;
if ((marker->content) && (marker->clas->func.del))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
marker->clas->func.del(wd->obj, marker, marker->data, marker->content);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (marker->bubble) _bubble_free(marker->bubble);
if (marker->group) _marker_group_free(marker->group);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (marker->group_clas)
marker->group_clas->markers = eina_list_remove(marker->group_clas->markers, marker);
wd->markers = eina_list_remove(wd->markers, marker);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
(void) marker;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_region_get(const Elm_Map_Marker *marker, double *lon, double *lat)
if (lon) *lon = marker->longitude;
if (lat) *lat = marker->latitude;
(void) marker;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_bring_in(Elm_Map_Marker *marker)
elm_map_geo_region_bring_in(marker->wd->obj, marker->longitude, marker->latitude);
(void) marker;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_show(Elm_Map_Marker *marker)
elm_map_geo_region_show(marker->wd->obj, marker->longitude, marker->latitude);
(void) marker;
EAPI void
elm_map_markers_list_show(Eina_List *markers)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
marker = eina_list_data_get(markers);
Delayed_Data *data = ELM_NEW(Delayed_Data);
data->func = _marker_list_show;
data->wd = marker->wd;
data->markers = eina_list_clone(markers);
data->wd->delayed_jobs = eina_list_append(data->wd->delayed_jobs, data);
(void) markers;
EAPI void
elm_map_max_marker_per_group_set(Evas_Object *obj, int max)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->markers_max_num = max;
(void) obj;
(void) max;
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_map_marker_object_get(const Elm_Map_Marker *marker)
return marker->content;
(void) marker;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_update(Elm_Map_Marker *marker)
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Widget_Data *wd = marker->wd;
(void) marker;
EAPI void
elm_map_bubbles_close(Evas_Object *obj)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Eina_List *l;
Elm_Map_Marker *marker;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->markers, l, marker)
if (marker->bubble) _bubble_free(marker->bubble);
marker->bubble = NULL;
if (marker->group)
if (marker->group->bubble) _bubble_free(marker->group->bubble);
marker->group->bubble = NULL;
(void) obj;
EAPI Elm_Map_Group_Class *
elm_map_group_class_new(Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas = ELM_NEW(Elm_Map_Group_Class);
clas->wd = wd;
clas->zoom_displayed = 0;
clas->zoom_grouped = 255;
eina_stringshare_replace(&clas->style, "radio");
wd->group_classes = eina_list_append(wd->group_classes, clas);
return clas;
(void) obj;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_group_class_style_set(Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, const char *style)
eina_stringshare_replace(&clas->style, style);
(void) clas;
(void) style;
EAPI void
elm_map_group_class_icon_cb_set(Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, ElmMapGroupIconGetFunc icon_get)
clas->func.icon_get = icon_get;
(void) clas;
(void) icon_get;
EAPI void
elm_map_group_class_data_set(Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, void *data)
clas->data = data;
(void) clas;
(void) data;
EAPI void
elm_map_group_class_zoom_displayed_set(Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, int zoom)
clas->zoom_displayed = zoom;
(void) clas;
(void) zoom;
EAPI void
elm_map_group_class_zoom_grouped_set(Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, int zoom)
clas->zoom_grouped = zoom;
(void) clas;
(void) zoom;
EAPI void
elm_map_group_class_hide_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Group_Class *clas, Eina_Bool hide)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
clas->hide = hide;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
(void) obj;
(void) clas;
(void) hide;
EAPI Elm_Map_Marker_Class *
elm_map_marker_class_new(Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas = ELM_NEW(Elm_Map_Marker_Class);
eina_stringshare_replace(&clas->style, "radio");
wd->marker_classes = eina_list_append(wd->marker_classes, clas);
return clas;
(void) obj;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_class_style_set(Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas, const char *style)
eina_stringshare_replace(&clas->style, style);
(void) clas;
(void) style;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_class_icon_cb_set(Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas, ElmMapMarkerIconGetFunc icon_get)
clas->func.icon_get = icon_get;
(void) clas;
(void) icon_get;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_class_get_cb_set(Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas, ElmMapMarkerGetFunc get)
clas->func.get = get;
(void) clas;
(void) get;
EAPI void
elm_map_marker_class_del_cb_set(Elm_Map_Marker_Class *clas, ElmMapMarkerDelFunc del)
clas->func.del = del;
(void) clas;
(void) del;
EAPI const char **
elm_map_source_names_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->src_names;
(void) obj;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_source_name_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *source_name)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Map_Sources_Tab *s;
Eina_List *l;
int zoom;
if (wd->src)
if (!strcmp(wd->src->name, source_name)) return;
if (!wd->src->url_cb) return;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->srcs, l, s)
if (!strcmp(s->name, source_name))
wd->src = s;
zoom = wd->zoom;
wd->zoom = -1;
if (wd->src)
if (wd->src->zoom_max < zoom)
zoom = wd->src->zoom_max;
if (wd->src->zoom_min > zoom)
zoom = wd->src->zoom_min;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (wd->src->zoom_max < wd->zoom_max) wd->zoom_max = wd->src->zoom_max;
if (wd->src->zoom_min > wd->zoom_min) wd->zoom_min = wd->src->zoom_min;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
zoom_do(wd, zoom);
(void) obj;
(void) source_name;
EAPI const char *
elm_map_source_name_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if ((!wd) || (!wd->src)) return NULL;
return wd->src->name;
(void) obj;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_route_source_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Route_Sources source)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->route_source = source;
(void) obj;
(void) source;
EAPI Elm_Map_Route_Sources
elm_map_route_source_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->route_source;
(void) obj;
EAPI void
elm_map_source_zoom_max_set(Evas_Object *obj, int zoom)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((zoom > wd->src->zoom_max) || (zoom < wd->src->zoom_min)) return;
wd->zoom_max = zoom;
(void) obj;
(void) zoom;
EAPI int
elm_map_source_zoom_max_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) 18;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->zoom_max;
(void) obj;
return 18;
EAPI void
elm_map_source_zoom_min_set(Evas_Object *obj, int zoom)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((zoom > wd->src->zoom_max) || (zoom < wd->src->zoom_min)) return;
wd->zoom_min = zoom;
(void) obj;
(void) zoom;
EAPI int
elm_map_source_zoom_min_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) 0;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->zoom_min;
(void) obj;
return 0;
EAPI void
elm_map_user_agent_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *user_agent)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
eina_stringshare_replace(&wd->user_agent, user_agent);
if (!wd->ua) wd->ua = eina_hash_string_small_new(NULL);
eina_hash_set(wd->ua, "User-Agent", wd->user_agent);
(void) obj;
(void) user_agent;
EAPI const char *
elm_map_user_agent_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->user_agent;
(void) obj;
return NULL;
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
EAPI Elm_Map_Route *
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
elm_map_route_add(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Route_Type type, Elm_Map_Route_Method method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char *source;
char *type_name = NULL;
int fd;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Elm_Map_Route *route = ELM_NEW(Elm_Map_Route);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), DEST_ROUTE_XML_FILE);
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
fd = mkstemp(buf);
if (fd < 0)
return NULL;
route->con_url = ecore_con_url_new(NULL);
route->ud.fname = strdup(buf);
INF("xml file : %s", route->ud.fname);
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
route->ud.fd = fdopen(fd, "w+");
if ((!route->con_url) || (!route->ud.fd))
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
return NULL;
route->wd = wd;
route->color.r = 255;
route->color.g = 0;
route->color.b = 0;
route->color.a = 255;
route->handlers = eina_list_append
2011-04-08 01:42:32 -07:00
(route->handlers, (void *)ecore_event_handler_add
(ECORE_CON_EVENT_URL_COMPLETE, _route_complete_cb, route));
route->inbound = EINA_FALSE;
route->type = type;
route->method = method;
route->flon = flon;
route->flat = flat;
route->tlon = tlon;
route->tlat = tlat;
switch (type)
type_name = strdup(ROUTE_TYPE_MOTORCAR);
type_name = strdup(ROUTE_TYPE_BICYCLE);
type_name = strdup(ROUTE_TYPE_FOOT);
source = wd->src->route_url_cb(obj, type_name, method, flon, flat, tlon, tlat);
INF("route url = %s", source);
wd->route = eina_list_append(wd->route, route);
ecore_con_url_url_set(route->con_url, source);
ecore_con_url_fd_set(route->con_url, fileno(route->ud.fd));
ecore_con_url_data_set(route->con_url, route);
if (type_name) free(type_name);
if (source) free(source);
"elm,state,busy,start", "elm");
evas_object_smart_callback_call(wd->obj, SIG_ROUTE_LOAD, NULL);
return route;
(void) obj;
(void) type;
(void) method;
(void) flon;
(void) flat;
(void) tlon;
(void) tlat;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_route_remove(Elm_Map_Route *route)
Path_Waypoint *w;
Path_Node *n;
Evas_Object *p;
Ecore_Event_Handler *h;
EINA_LIST_FREE(route->path, p)
EINA_LIST_FREE(route->waypoint, w)
if (w->point) eina_stringshare_del(w->point);
EINA_LIST_FREE(route->nodes, n)
if (n->pos.address) eina_stringshare_del(n->pos.address);
EINA_LIST_FREE(route->handlers, h)
if (route->ud.fname)
route->ud.fname = NULL;
(void) route;
EAPI void
elm_map_route_color_set(Elm_Map_Route *route, int r, int g , int b, int a)
route->color.r = r;
route->color.g = g;
route->color.b = b;
route->color.a = a;
(void) route;
(void) r;
(void) g;
(void) b;
(void) a;
EAPI void
elm_map_route_color_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route, int *r, int *g , int *b, int *a)
if (r) *r = route->color.r;
if (g) *g = route->color.g;
if (b) *b = route->color.b;
if (a) *a = route->color.a;
(void) route;
(void) r;
(void) g;
(void) b;
(void) a;
EAPI double
elm_map_route_distance_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route)
return route->info.distance;
(void) route;
return 0.0;
EAPI const char*
elm_map_route_node_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route)
return route->info.nodes;
(void) route;
return NULL;
EAPI const char*
elm_map_route_waypoint_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route)
return route->info.waypoints;
(void) route;
return NULL;
EAPI const char *
elm_map_name_address_get(const Elm_Map_Name *name)
return name->address;
(void) name;
return NULL;
EAPI void
elm_map_name_region_get(const Elm_Map_Name *name, double *lon, double *lat)
if (lon) *lon = name->lon;
if (lat) *lat = name->lat;
(void) name;
(void) lon;
(void) lat;
EAPI void
elm_map_name_remove(Elm_Map_Name *name)
if (name->address)
name->address = NULL;
if (name->handler)
name->handler = NULL;
if (name->ud.fname)
name->ud.fname = NULL;
(void) name;
EAPI void
elm_map_rotate_set(Evas_Object *obj, double degree, Evas_Coord cx, Evas_Coord cy)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->rotate.d = degree;
wd->rotate.cx = cx;
wd->rotate.cy = cy;
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
(void) obj;
(void) degree;
(void) cx;
(void) cy;
EAPI void
elm_map_rotate_get(const Evas_Object *obj, double *degree, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if (degree) *degree = wd->rotate.d;
if (cx) *cx = wd->rotate.cx;
if (cy) *cy = wd->rotate.cy;
(void) obj;
(void) degree;
(void) cx;
(void) cy;
EAPI void
elm_map_wheel_disabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool disabled)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
if ((!wd->wheel_disabled) && (disabled))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_event_callback_del_full(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_WHEEL, _mouse_wheel_cb, obj);
else if ((wd->wheel_disabled) && (!disabled))
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_WHEEL, _mouse_wheel_cb, obj);
wd->wheel_disabled = !!disabled;
(void) obj;
(void) disabled;
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_map_wheel_disabled_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
return wd->wheel_disabled;
(void) obj;
return EINA_FALSE;
#ifdef ELM_EMAP
EAPI Evas_Object *
2011-06-25 07:30:10 -07:00
elm_map_track_add(Evas_Object *obj, EMap_Route *emap)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
Evas_Object *route = elm_route_add(obj);
elm_route_emap_set(route, emap);
wd->track = eina_list_append(wd->track, route);
return route;
(void) obj;
(void) emap;
return NULL;
2011-06-25 07:30:10 -07:00
EAPI void
elm_map_track_remove(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *route)
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) ;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
From: Bluezery <ohpowel@gmail.com> Subject: [E-devel] [Patch][elm_map] Refactoring Elementary Map I have done refactoring & code clean-up in elm_map. Event if this patch have much changes, refactoring & code clean-up jobs almost always do. Anyway, code is shortened and optimized I think. I have done following jobs in my patch. (1) Always change child size Scroller Child size is changed when integer zoom level is changed before. This makes bugs which mouse pointer is not correct on the map when map is dragging. Now, scroller child size is always changed when double zoom level is changed. (2) Evas map Evas map is used for rotation & zooming before. But now it is used for only rotation. evas_object_resize() can do zooming because (1) makes child size always changed. (3) Grid & Marker & Route, etc. Because of (1), all coordinate calculations are all changed. So grid & marker & route should be changed. When I have fixed these, I have these split into small function (create, free, update, place, etc.) So these can be easily reused for other purpose ( I will add overlay later.) Also marker size is not changed and is not rotated anymore because marker's coordinate is just rotated and evas_map is not used for marker. And grouping algorithm is somewhat changed. Each marker can be group leader and if other markers (followers) are closed to leader, markers are grouped. Actually _marker_place() function do almost everything. (place marker, bubble, group & make group, etc.) Bubbles go along with parent object. (show, hide, move) and this is created when marker & group are opened. At now, bubble display bugs are all fixed. As before, grid is created when elm_map_add() or tile source is changed. And I add _grid_item_* functions for each 256x256 tile management. So grid_place() function can be simple now. (4) Download idler Before download is not a job or idler and is integrated with grid calculation. I have separated this into independent idler. So now, download idler do download jobs when idler time. (5) Zoom I have made one zoom_do() function. This does all zoom jobs. At now, pinch_zoom & wheel_zoom & animated zoom do not much jobs. just call zoom_do(). (6) Delayed jobs As I know, evas is based on a retained mode and calculation can be do later. So sometimes elm_map APIs can not do the jobs correctly. For example, elm_map_marker_list_show() or elm_map_zoom_set() can not be used right after elm_map_add() because window size and pan size can be 0. (refer map_example_02.c) So when APIs related such calculation are called. These are deferred and calculated later when _pan_calculate() is called. 5) Code clean-up I have removed unused variables & functions. and rearranged struct & functions & declaration & static variables, etc. Instead of "if (!wd) return; ", I changed this by macro, "EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(wd);". This is better for function entrance check. Also ELM_NEW is used instead of calloc or malloc. Aboves are all related each other. So it can be hard to split this file. If these should be splitted, I'm going to freak ;D. This patch does no harm!!!! :D. After this patch, I will add overlay APIs based on this patch. I doubt whether I will add this before elementary 1.0 release. :( SVN revision: 68207
2012-02-21 00:01:22 -08:00
wd->track = eina_list_remove(wd->track, route);
(void) obj;
(void) route;