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import eina_types;
struct Efl.Event.Description {
[[This struct holds the description of a specific event.]]
name: string; [[name of the event.]]
unfreezable: bool; [[$true if the event cannot be frozen.]]
legacy_is: bool; [[Internal use: $true if a legacy event.]]
restart: bool; [[$true if when the event is triggered again from a callback, it should start from where it was]]
abstract Efl.Object ()
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
[[Abstract Efl object class]]
eo_prefix: efl;
methods {
@property parent {
2016-04-14 10:32:45 -07:00
[[The parent of an object.
Parents keep references to their children so in order to
delete objects that have parents you need to set parent to
NULL or use efl_del() that does that for you (and also unrefs
2016-04-14 10:32:45 -07:00
the object).
The Eo parent is conceptually user set. That means that a parent
should not be changed behind the scenes in a surprising manner.
2016-04-14 10:32:45 -07:00
For example:
if you have a widget that has a box internally, and
when you swallow into that widget the object you swallow ends up in
the box, the parent should be the widget, and not the box.
set {
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get {
values {
parent: Efl.Object @nullable; [[The new parent]]
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
del @const {
[[Unrefs the object and reparents it to NULL.
Because efl_del() unrefs and reparents to NULL, it doesn't really delete the object.
This method accepts a const object for convenience, so all objects
could be passed to it easily.
@property name {
[[ The name of the object.
Every object can have a string name. Names may not contain
the following charactors:
/ ? * [ ] ! \ :
They are illegal. Using it in a name will result in undefined
behavior later on. An empty string is considered the same as a
NULL string or no string for the name at all.
set {
get {
values {
name: string @nullable; [[The name]]
@property comment {
[[ A human readable comment for the object
Every object can have a string comment intended for developers
and debugging. An empty string is considered the same as a NULL
string or no string for the comment at all.
set {
get {
values {
comment: string @nullable; [[The comment]]
debug_name_override {
[[ Build a read-only name for this object used for debugging.
Multiple calls using efl_super() can be chained in order to build
the entire debug name, from parent to child classes. In C the usual
way to build the string is as follows:
efl_debug_name_override(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), sb);
eina_strbuf_append_printf(sb, "new_information");
In general, more debug information should be added to $sb after
calling the super function.
@since 1.21
params {
@in sb: ptr(Eina.Strbuf); [[A string buffer, must not be $null.]]
@property event_global_freeze_count @class {
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
get {
[[Return freeze events of object.
Return event freeze count.
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values {
fcount: int; [[The event freeze count of the object]]
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@property event_freeze_count {
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
get {
[[Return freeze events of object.
Return event freeze count.
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
values {
fcount: int; [[The event freeze count of the object]]
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
@property finalized {
[[True if the object is already finalized, false otherwise.]]
get {
values {
finalized: bool; [[$true if the object is finalized, $false otherwise]]
provider_find {
[[Searches up in the object tree for a provider which knows the given class/interface.
The object from the provider will then be returned.
The base implementation calls the provider_find function on the object parent,
and returns its result. If no parent is present NULL is returned.
Each implementation has to support this function by overriding
it and returning itself if the interface matches the parameter.
If this is not done the class cannot be found up in the object tree.
params {
klass : const(Efl.Object); [[The class identifier to search for]]
return : Efl.Object; [[Object from the provider list]]
constructor {
[[Call the object's constructor.
Should not be used with #eo_do. Only use it with #eo_do_super.
return: Efl.Object; [[The new object created, can be NULL if aborting]]
destructor {
[[Call the object's destructor.
Should not be used with #eo_do. Only use it with #eo_do_super.
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
finalize {
[[Called at the end of #eo_add. Should not be called, just overridden.]]
return: Efl.Object; [[The new object created, can be NULL if aborting]]
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name_find @const {
[[Find a child object with the given name and return it.
The search string can be a glob (shell style, using *). It can also
specify class name in the format of "class:name" where ":"
separates class and name. Both class and name can be globs.
If class is specified, and name is empty like "class:" then
the search will match any object of that class.
params {
@in search: string; [[The name search string]]
return: Efl.Object; [[The first object found]]
event_thaw {
[[Thaw events of object.
Lets event callbacks be called for the object.
event_freeze {
[[Freeze events of object.
Prevents event callbacks from being called for the object.
event_global_thaw @class {
[[Thaw events of object.
Lets event callbacks be called for the object.
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
event_global_freeze @class {
[[Freeze events of object.
Prevents event callbacks from being called for the object.
event_callback_stop {
[[Stop the current callback call.
This stops the current callback call. Any other callbacks for the
current event will not be called. This is useful when you want to
filter out events. You just add higher priority events and call this
on certain conditions to block a certain event.
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
event_callback_forwarder_add {
[[Add an event callback forwarder for an event and an object.]]
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params {
@in desc: ptr(const(Efl.Event.Description)); [[The description of the event to listen to]]
@in new_obj: Efl.Object; [[The object to emit events from]]
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event_callback_forwarder_del {
[[Remove an event callback forwarder for an event and an object.]]
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params {
@in desc: ptr(const(Efl.Event.Description)); [[The description of the event to listen to]]
@in new_obj: Efl.Object; [[The object to emit events from]]
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children_iterator_new {
[[Get an iterator on all childrens]]
return: iterator<Efl.Object> @owned @warn_unused; [[Children iterator]]
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composite_attach {
[[Make an object a composite object of another.
The class of comp_obj must be part of the extensions of the class of the parent.
It is not possible to attach more then 1 composite of the same class.
This functions also sets the parent of comp_obj to parent.
See @.composite_detach, @.composite_part_is.
params {
@in comp_obj: Efl.Object; [[the object that will be used to composite the parent.]]
2015-09-18 20:54:58 -07:00
return: bool; [[$true if successful. $false otherwise.]]
composite_detach {
[[Detach a composite object from another object.
This functions also sets the parent of comp_obj to $null.
See @.composite_attach, @.composite_part_is.
params {
@in comp_obj: Efl.Object; [[The object that will be removed from the parent.]]
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return: bool; [[$true if successful. $false otherwise.]]
composite_part_is {
[[Check if an object is part of a composite object.
See @.composite_attach, @.composite_part_is.
return: bool; [[$true if it is. $false otherwise.]]
@property allow_parent_unref {
[[Allow an object to be deleted by unref even if it has a parent.
This simply hides error messages warning that an object being
destructed still has a parent. This property is false by default.
In a normal object use case, when ownership of an object is given
to a caller, said ownership should be released with efl_unref(). But
if the object has a parent, this will print error messages, as
$efl_unref() is stealing the ref from the parent.
Warning: Use this function very carefully, if you are absolutely
sure of what you are doing.
values {
allow: bool(false); [[Whether to allow $efl_unref() to zero
even if @.parent is not $null.]]
eo: Add beta API for auto_unref after a call Before screaming in horror (C++...) here's why we may need this: Efl.Part.part API returns an object that is by definition valid for a single function call only. Enforcing this in practice is actually quite hard as all implementation functions must manually take care of the life-cycle. This is a lot of code in many places and a lot of opportunities to forget to properly handle that life-cycle. Also, this means any invalid function call on a part will leak an object. This API absolutely must remain either "internal" or "beta" and definitely not become abused by applications. On top of that such an API can cause great trouble for bindings like C++. As a consequence, only specially crafted APIs like efl_part() should return an object marked as auto_unref. Alternatively this API could be defined in Eo.h or some other Eo_Internal.h. I placed it in efl_object.eo because it's much more convenient :) (read: I'm lazy) **** Performance notes: Tested with clang & gcc (with -O2), I had a look at the output of perf top, in particular the asm view. I used eo_bench in a loop. My conclusions are: - EINA_LIKELY/UNLIKELY actually works. The jump statement varies according to the expectation. I highly doubt all those ugly goto in eo.c / Eo.h are even useful. - The impact of auto_unref on a call_resolve is so small it doesn't even appear in the trace. It is significant inside call_end, though (obviously, that function is just a few lines long). That function accounts for ~1% to ~4% of all CPU time. The impact of auto_unref in call_end is ~4% of the function time. This means ~0.16% of all CPU time (worst measured case). _efl_object_op_api_id_get simply doesn't show up because of caching, so the extra check there is negligible. PS: I also tested EINA_LIKELY/UNLIKELY by compiling with -O2 and looking at the output with objdump. The flag is well respected, and the jump instructions are what you would expect (no jump for LIKELY and jump for UNLIKELY). Conclusion: The goto's in eo.c only make the code harder to read...
2017-10-13 01:18:41 -07:00
@property auto_unref @protected @beta {
[[Mark an object to be automatically deleted after a function call.
This becomes effectives only after finalize is done. After any EO
function has been called on this object, it will be unref'ed. This
property will also be reset to $false. This is intended to simplify
Part objects lifecycle.
Note: This applies to any EO function call, even if the object was
of the wrong type (call resolution failed).
This is a write-only property as reading it would unref the object,
and reset the flag.
Warning: This is a beta API, do not use it unless you know exactly
what you are doing.
set {}
values {
enable: bool(false);
[[If $true, unref this object after the next call.]]
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implements {
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events {
callback,add @hot; [[A callback was added.]]
callback,del @hot; [[A callback was deleted.]]
del @hot; [[Object is being deleted.]]
2014-03-09 00:31:28 -08:00
struct Efl.Event {
[[A parameter passed in event callbacks holding extra event parameters.
This is the full event information passed to callbacks in C.
object: Efl.Object; [[The object the callback was called on.]]
desc: const(ptr(Efl.Event.Description)); [[The event description.]]
info: void_ptr; [[Extra event information passed by the event caller]]