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mixin Elm_Interface_Scrollable(Evas.Scrollable_Interface, Evas.Object_Smart)
legacy_prefix: null;
eo_prefix: elm_interface_scrollable;
data: Elm_Scrollable_Smart_Interface_Data;
properties {
gravity {
set {
/*@ Set scrolling gravity on the scrollable
The gravity defines how the scroller will adjust its view
when the size of the scroller contents increases.
The scroller will adjust the view to glue itself as follows.
x=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the left edge of the content
x=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the rigth edge of the content
y=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the top edge of the content
y=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the bottom edge of the content
Default values for x and y are 0.0
@ingroup Widget
get {
/*@ Get scrolling gravity on the scrollable
The gravity defines how the scroller will adjust its view
when the size of the scroller contents increases.
The scroller will adjust the view to glue itself as follows.
x=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the left edge of the content
x=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the rigth edge of the content
y=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the top edge of the content
y=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the bottom edge of the content
Default values for x and y are 0.0
@ingroup Widget
values {
double x; /*@ Horizontal scrolling gravity */
double y; /*@ Vertical scrolling gravity */
bounce_allow {
/* @brief Bouncing behavior
* When scrolling, the scroller may "bounce" when reaching an edge of the
* content object. This is a visual way to indicate the end has been reached.
* This is enabled by default for both axis. This API will set if it is enabled
* for the given axis with the boolean parameters for each axis.
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
bool horiz; /*@ Horizontal bounce policy. */
bool vert; /*@ Vertical bounce policy. */
wheel_disabled {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
bool disabled;
movement_block {
* @brief Blocking of scrolling (per axis)
* This function will block scrolling movement (by input of a user) in
* a given direction. One can disable movements in the X axis, the Y
* axis or both. The default value is #ELM_SCROLLER_MOVEMENT_NO_BLOCK,
* where movements are allowed in both directions.
* What makes this function different from
* freeze_push(), hold_push() and lock_x_set() (or lock_y_set())
* is that it @b doesn't propagate its effects to any parent or child
* widget of @a obj. Only the target scrollable widget will be locked
* with regard to scrolling.
* @since 1.8
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
Elm_Scroller_Movement_Block block; /*@ Which axis (or axes) to block */
momentum_animator_disabled {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
bool disabled;
policy {
* @brief Scrollbar visibility policy
* #ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_AUTO means the scrollbar is made visible if it is
* needed, and otherwise kept hidden. #ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON turns it on all
* the time, and #ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF always keeps it off. This applies
* respectively for the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
Elm_Scroller_Policy hbar; /*@ Horizontal scrollbar policy */
Elm_Scroller_Policy vbar; /*@ Vertical scrollbar policy */
content_region {
* @brief Currently visible content region
* This gets the current region in the content object that is visible through
* the scroller. The region co-ordinates are returned in the @p x, @p y, @p
* w, @p h values pointed to.
* @note All coordinates are relative to the content.
* @see elm_scroller_region_show()
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
Evas_Coord x; /*@ X coordinate of the region */
Evas_Coord y; /*@ Y coordinate of the region */
Evas_Coord w; /*@ Width of the region */
Evas_Coord h; /*@ Height of the region */
repeat_events {
set {
/*@ It decides whether the scrollable object propagates the events to content object or not. */
get {
/*@ It gets whether the scrollable object propagates the events to content object or not. */
values {
bool repeat_events;
page_size {
* @brief Scroll page size relative to viewport size.
* The scroller is capable of limiting scrolling by the user to "pages". That
* is to jump by and only show a "whole page" at a time as if the continuous
* area of the scroller content is split into page sized pieces. This sets
* the size of a page relative to the viewport of the scroller. 1.0 is "1
* viewport" is size (horizontally or vertically). 0.0 turns it off in that
* axis. This is mutually exclusive with page size
* (see elm_scroller_page_size_set() for more information). Likewise 0.5
* is "half a viewport". Sane usable values are normally between 0.0 and 1.0
* including 1.0. If you only want 1 axis to be page "limited", use 0.0 for
* the other axis.
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
Evas_Coord x; /*@ The horizontal page relative size */
Evas_Coord y; /*@ The vertical page relative size */
bounce_animator_disabled {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
bool disabled;
page_scroll_limit {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
int page_limit_h;
int page_limit_v;
page_snap_allow {
* @brief Page snapping behavior
* When scrolling, if a scroller is paged (see
* elm_scroller_page_size_set() and elm_scroller_page_relative_set()),
* the scroller may snap to pages when being scrolled, i.e., even if
* it had momentum to scroll further, it will stop at the next page
* boundaries. This is @b disabled, by default, for both axis. This
* function will set if it that is enabled or not, for each axis.
* @note If @a obj is not set to have pages, nothing will happen after
* this call.
* @since 1.8
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
bool horiz; /*@ Allow snap horizontally */
bool vert; /*@ Allow snap vertically */
paging {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
double pagerel_h;
double pagerel_v;
Evas_Coord pagesize_h;
Evas_Coord pagesize_v;
single_direction {
* @brief Single direction scroll configuration
* This makes it possible to restrict scrolling to a single direction,
* with a "soft" or "hard" behavior.
* The hard behavior restricts the scrolling to a single direction all
* of the time while the soft one will restrict depending on factors
* such as the movement angle. If the user scrolls roughly in one
* direction only, it will only move according to it while if the move
* was clearly wanted on both axes, it will happen on both of them.
* @since 1.8
* @ingroup Widget
set {
get {
values {
Elm_Scroller_Single_Direction single_dir; /*@ The single direction scroll policy */
step_size {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
Evas_Coord x;
Evas_Coord y;
loop {
set {
/*@ Sets an infinite loop for a scroller.
This sets an infinite loop for a scroller.
@since 1.14
@ingroup Widget
get {
/*@ Gets an infinite loop for a scroller.
This gets an infinite loop for a scroller.
@since 1.14
@ingroup Widget
values {
Eina_Bool loop_h; /*@ The scrolling horizontal loop */
Eina_Bool loop_v; /*@ The scrolling vertical loop */
scroll_up_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the content has been moved up.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb scroll_up_cb; /*@ The callback */
hbar_drag_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the horizontal scrollbar is dragged.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb hbar_drag_cb; /*@ The callback */
drag_start_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when dragging of the contents has started.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb drag_start_cb; /*@ The callback */
freeze {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
bool freeze;
content_viewport_resize_cb {
set {
/*@ When the viewport is resized, the callback is called. */
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Resize_Cb viewport_resize_cb;
scroll_left_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the content has been moved to the left
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb scroll_left_cb; /*@ The callback */
vbar_press_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the vertical scrollbar is pressed.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb vbar_press_cb; /*@ The callback */
hbar_press_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the horizontal scrollbar is pressed.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb hbar_press_cb; /*@ The callback */
hbar_unpress_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the horizontal scrollbar is unpressed.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb hbar_unpress_cb; /*@ The callback */
drag_stop_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when dragging of the contents has stopped.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb drag_stop_cb; /*@ The callback */
extern_pan {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
Evas_Object *pan;
page_change_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the visible page changes.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb page_change_cb; /*@ The callback */
hold {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
bool hold;
animate_start_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the scrolling animation has started.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb animate_start_cb; /*@ The callback */
scroll_down_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the content has been moved down.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb scroll_down_cb; /*@ The callback */
page_relative {
set {
/*@ Set scroll page size relative to viewport size. */
values {
double h_pagerel;
double v_pagerel;
scroll_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the content has been moved.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb scroll_cb; /*@ The callback */
animate_stop_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the scrolling animation has stopped.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb animate_stop_cb; /*@ The callback */
mirrored {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
bool mirrored;
content_min_limit_cb {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Min_Limit_Cb min_limit_cb;
scroll_right_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the content has been moved to the right.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb scroll_right_cb; /*@ The callback */
content {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
Evas_Object *content;
edge_left_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the left edge of the content has been reached.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb edge_left_cb; /*@ The callback */
vbar_drag_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the horizontal scrollbar is dragged.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb vbar_drag_cb; /*@ The callback */
vbar_unpress_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the horizontal scrollbar is unpressed.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb vbar_unpress_cb; /*@ The callback */
edge_bottom_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the bottom edge of the content has been reached.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb edge_bottom_cb; /*@ The callback */
edge_right_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the right edge of the content has been reached.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb edge_right_cb; /*@ The callback */
edge_top_cb {
set {
/*@ Set the callback to run when the top edge of the content has been reached.
@ingroup Widget
values {
Elm_Interface_Scrollable_Cb edge_top_cb; /*@ The callback */
objects {
set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
Evas_Object *edje_object;
Evas_Object *hit_rectangle;
last_page {
get {
/*@ Get scroll last page number.
The page number starts from 0. 0 is the first page.
This returns the last page number among the pages.
@see elm_scroller_current_page_get()
@see elm_scroller_page_show()
@see elm_scroller_page_bring_in()
@ingroup Widget
values {
int pagenumber_h; /*@ The horizontal page number */
int pagenumber_v; /*@ The vertical page number */
current_page {
get {
/*@ Get scroll current page number.
The page number starts from 0. 0 is the first page.
Current page means the page which meets the top-left of the viewport.
If there are two or more pages in the viewport, it returns the number of the page
which meets the top-left of the viewport.
@see elm_scroller_last_page_get()
@see elm_scroller_page_show()
@see elm_scroller_page_bring_in()
@ingroup Widget
values {
int pagenumber_h; /*@ The horizontal page number */
int pagenumber_v; /*@ The vertical page number */
content_viewport_geometry {
get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
values {
Evas_Coord x;
Evas_Coord y;
Evas_Coord w;
Evas_Coord h;
content_size {
get {
/*@ Get the size of the content object
This gets the size of the content object of the scroller.
@ingroup Scroller
values {
Evas_Coord w; /*@ Width of the content object. */
Evas_Coord h; /*@ Height of the content object. */
methods {
content_pos_set {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
params {
@in Evas_Coord x;
@in Evas_Coord y;
@in bool sig;
content_pos_get {
/*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */
params {
@out Evas_Coord x;
@out Evas_Coord y;
page_show {
/*@ Show a specific virtual region within the scroller content object by page number.
0, 0 of the indicated page is located at the top-left of the viewport.
This will jump to the page directly without animation.
@see elm_scroller_page_bring_in()
@ingroup Widget
params {
@in int pagenumber_h; /*@ The horizontal page number */
@in int pagenumber_v; /*@ The vertical page number */
region_bring_in {
/*@ Show a specific virtual region within the scroller content object.
This will ensure all (or part if it does not fit) of the designated
region in the virtual content object (0, 0 starting at the top-left of the
virtual content object) is shown within the scroller. Unlike
elm_scroller_region_show(), this allows the scroller to "smoothly slide"
to this location (if configuration in general calls for transitions). It
may not jump immediately to the new location and make take a while and
show other content along the way.
@see elm_scroller_region_show()
@ingroup Widget
params {
@in Evas_Coord x; /*@ X coordinate of the region */
@in Evas_Coord y; /*@ Y coordinate of the region */
@in Evas_Coord w; /*@ Width of the region */
@in Evas_Coord h; /*@ Height of the region */
page_bring_in {
/*@ Show a specific virtual region within the scroller content object by page number.
0, 0 of the indicated page is located at the top-left of the viewport.
This will slide to the page with animation.
@see elm_scroller_page_show()
@ingroup Scroller
params {
@in int pagenumber_h; /*@ The horizontal page number */
@in int pagenumber_v; /*@ The vertical page number */
content_region_show {
/*@ Show a specific virtual region within the scroller content object
This will ensure all (or part if it does not fit) of the designated
region in the virtual content object (0, 0 starting at the top-left of the
virtual content object) is shown within the scroller.
@ingroup Widget
params {
@in Evas_Coord x; /*@ X coordinate of the region */
@in Evas_Coord y; /*@ Y coordinate of the region */
@in Evas_Coord w; /*@ Width of the region */
@in Evas_Coord h; /*@ Height of the region */
content_min_limit {
/*@ Prevent the scrollable from being smaller than the minimum size of the content.
By default the scroller will be as small as its design allows,
irrespective of its content. This will make the scroller minimum size the
right size horizontally and/or vertically to perfectly fit its content in
that direction.
@ingroup Widget
params {
@in bool w; /*@ whether to limit the minimum horizontal size */
@in bool h; /*@ whether to limit the minimum vertical size */
implements {
events {