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type @extern Ecore.Audio.Vio: __undefined_type; /* FIXME: Had function pointer members. */
type @extern efl_key_data_free_func: __undefined_type; /* FIXME: Function pointers not allowed. */
enum Ecore.Audio.Format {
[[Ecore audio format type]]
auto, [[Automatically detect the format (for inputs)]]
raw, [[RAW samples (float)]]
wav, [[WAV format]]
ogg, [[OGG]]
flac, [[FLAC, the Free Lossless Audio Codec]]
mp3, [[MP3 (not supported)]]
last [[Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during iteration]]
class Ecore.Audio (Efl.Object)
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
[[Convenience audio class.]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
eo_prefix: ecore_audio_obj;
data: Ecore_Audio_Object;
methods {
@property name {
[[Name of the object
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
@since 1.8
set {
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
get {
values {
name: string; [[Name]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
@property paused {
[[Pause state of the object
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
@since 1.8
set {
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
get {
values {
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
paused: bool; [[true if object is paused, false if not]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
@property volume {
[[Volume of the object
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
@since 1.8
set {
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
get {
values {
volume: double; [[The volume]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
@property source @virtual_pure {
[[Source of the object
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
What sources are supported depends on the actual object.
For example, the libsndfile class accepts WAV, OGG, FLAC
files as source.
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
@since 1.8
set {
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
return: bool; [[true if the source was set correctly (i.e. the file
was opened), EINA_FALSE otherwise
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
get {
values {
source: string; [[the source to set to (i.e. file, URL, device)]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
@property format @virtual_pure {
[[Format of the object.]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
set {
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
[[Set the format of the object
What formats are supported depends on the actual object. Default
@since 1.8
return: bool; [[true if the format was supported, false otherwise]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
get {
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
[[Get the format of the object
After setting the source if the format was ECORE_AUDIO_FORMAT_AUTO
this function will now return the actual format.
@since 1.8
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
values {
format: Ecore.Audio.Format; [[the format of the object]]
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
vio_set @virtual_pure {
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
[[Set the virtual IO functions
@since 1.8
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
params {
vio: Ecore.Audio.Vio *; [[the @Ecore.Audio.Vio struct with
the function callbacks
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
data: void_ptr; [[user data to pass to the VIO functions]]
free_func: efl_key_data_free_func; [[this function takes care to
clean up $data when he VIO is
2015-06-18 08:37:01 -07:00
destroyed. NULL means do
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00
implements {
2014-03-26 01:17:38 -07:00