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2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
class Evas_3D_Scene (Evas_3D_Object, Evas_Common_Interface)
legacy_prefix: evas_3d_scene;
data: Evas_3D_Scene_Data;
methods {
size_set {
Set the resolution of a scene.
A scene should be rendered to be displayed through an image objects. The
resolution defines size of the internal surface holding the rendered result.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
params {
@in int w; /*@ Width of the resolution. */
@in int h; /*@ Height of the resolution. */
size_get {
Get the internal resolution of a scene.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
params {
@out int w; /*@ Pointer to receive width of the resolution. */
@out int h; /*@ Pointer to receive height of the resolution. */
background_color_set {
Set the background color of a scene.
Background color defines initial color of pixels before a scene is rendered.
If you want to display a scene with background evas objects are still
remaining as if it was the background, set the alpha term to 0.0.
Default background color is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
params {
@in Evas_Real r; /*@ Red component of the background color. */
@in Evas_Real g; /*@ Green component of the background color. */
@in Evas_Real b; /*@ Blue component of the background color. */
@in Evas_Real a; /*@ Alpha component of the background color. */
background_color_get {
Get the background color of a scene.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
params {
@out Evas_Real r; /*@ Pointer to receive red component of the background color.*/
@out Evas_Real g; /*@ Pointer to receive green component of the background color. */
@out Evas_Real b; /*@ Pointer to receive blue component of the background color. */
@out Evas_Real a; /*@ Pointer to receive alpha component of the background color. */
pick {
Get information on the most front visible mesh for the given position.
(x, y) is the screen coordinate of the given scene. That is, left-top is
(0, 0) and right-bottom is (w, h) where (w, h) is the size of the scene.
The texture coordinate is useful when using proxy texture source.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
return Eina_Bool ;
params {
@in Evas_Real x; /*@ X coordinate of the picking position. */
@in Evas_Real y; /*@ Y coordinate of the picking position. */
@out Evas_3D_Node *node; /*@ Pointer to receive the node contains the picked mesh. */
@out Evas_3D_Mesh *mesh; /*@ Pointer to receive the picked mesh. */
@out Evas_Real s; /*@ Pointer to receive the texture "s" coordinate. */
@out Evas_Real t; /*@ Pointer to receive the texture "t" coordinate. */
properties {
root_node {
set {
Set the root node of a scene.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
get {
Get the root node of a scene.
@return The root node of the given scene.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
values {
Evas_3D_Node *node; /*@ A node which will be used as a root node for the scene. */
camera_node {
set {
Set the camera node of a scene.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
get {
Get the camera node of a scene.
@return The camera node of the given scene.
@ingroup Evas_3D_Scene
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00
legacy null;
values {
Evas_3D_Node *node; /*@ A node which will be used as a camera node for the scene. */
implements {
2014-04-25 10:28:38 -07:00