
78 lines
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# this is NOT relocatable, unless you alter the patch!
%define name evas
2000-12-29 13:39:19 -08:00
%define ver 0.0.3
%define rel 1
%define prefix /usr
# NB: Raster and I talked about it, and heh says evas_test shouldn't be in
# the rpms, since it's not geared at all towards end users. I'm commenting
# out and withholding the patch to honor that..
Summary: Enlightened Canvas Library
Name: %{name}
Version: %{ver}
Release: %{rel}
Copyright: BSD
Group: User Interface/X
URL: http://www.enlightenment.org/
Packager: Term <kempler@utdallas.edu>
Vendor: The Enlightenment Development Team <e-develop@enlightenment.org>
Source: ftp://ftp.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/%{name}-%{ver}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-root
Requires: imlib2 >= 1.0.1
Evas is an advanced canvas library, providing three backends for
rendering: X11 (without some features like alpha-blending), imlib2, or
OpenGL (hardware accelerated). Due to its simple API, evas can be
developed with rapidly, and cleanly.
Install evas if you want to develop applications against the only
hardware-accelerated canvas library, or if you want to try out the
applications under development.
%package devel
Summary: Enlightened Canvas Library headers and development libraries.
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{ver}
%description devel
Evas development headers and libraries.
%setup -q
if [ -e ./configure ]
./configure --prefix=%{prefix}
./autogen.sh --prefix=%{prefix}
make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} install
%files devel