/* * vim:ts=3:sw=3:sts=3:expandtab */ #include #include "evas_common.h" #include "evas_private.h" #include "evas_engine.h" #include "Evas_Engine_Quartz.h" #include "evas_quartz_private.h" int _evas_engine_quartz_log_dom = -1; static Evas_Func func; typedef struct _Render_Engine Render_Engine; struct _Render_Engine { CGContextRef ctx; int w, h; struct { int redraw : 1; int x1, y1, x2, y2; } draw; }; static inline void flip_pixels(int *y, int *h, void *re) { // We need to flip the Y axis, because Quartz uses a coordinate system // with the origin in the bottom left, while Evas uses a top left origin. (*y) = ((Evas_Quartz_Context *)re)->h - (*y); if (h && y) (*y) -= *h; } static void * eng_info(Evas *e) { Evas_Engine_Info_Quartz *info; info = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Engine_Info_Quartz)); if (!info) return NULL; info->magic.magic = rand(); return info; } static void eng_info_free(Evas *e, void *info) { free((Evas_Engine_Info_Quartz *)info); } static int eng_setup(Evas *e, void *in) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_Engine_Info_Quartz *info = (Evas_Engine_Info_Quartz *)in; if (!e->engine.data.output) e->engine.data.output = eng_output_setup(info->info.context, e->output.w, e->output.h); if (!e->engine.data.output) return 0; if (!e->engine.data.context) e->engine.data.context = e->engine.func->context_new(e->engine.data.output); ((Evas_Quartz_Context *)e->engine.data.context)->w = e->output.w; ((Evas_Quartz_Context *)e->engine.data.context)->h = e->output.h; return 1; } #pragma mark Output Setup static void * eng_output_setup(CGContextRef context, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re = calloc(1, sizeof(Render_Engine)); if (!re) return NULL; re->ctx = context; re->w = w; re->h = h; evas_common_cpu_init(); evas_common_blend_init(); evas_common_image_init(); evas_common_convert_init(); evas_common_scale_init(); evas_common_rectangle_init(); evas_common_gradient_init(); evas_common_polygon_init(); evas_common_line_init(); evas_common_font_init(); evas_common_draw_init(); evas_common_tilebuf_init(); return re; } static void eng_output_free(void *data) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; free(re); evas_common_font_shutdown(); evas_common_image_shutdown(); } static void eng_output_resize(void *data, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; re->w = w; re->h = h; } static void eng_output_redraws_rect_add(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!re->draw.redraw) { re->draw.x1 = x; re->draw.y1 = y; re->draw.x2 = x + w; re->draw.y2 = y + h; } else { if (x < re->draw.x1) re->draw.x1 = x; if (y < re->draw.y1) re->draw.y1 = y; if ((x + w - 1) > re->draw.x2) re->draw.x2 = x + w - 1; if ((y + h - 1) > re->draw.y2) re->draw.y2 = y + h - 1; } re->draw.redraw = 1; } static void eng_output_redraws_rect_del(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // FIXME: Implement this? } static void eng_output_redraws_clear(void *data) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; re->draw.redraw = 0; } static void * eng_output_redraws_next_update_get(void *data, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!re->draw.redraw) return NULL; if (x) *x = re->draw.x1; if (y) *y = re->draw.y1; if (w) *w = re->draw.x2 - re->draw.x1 + 1; if (h) *h = re->draw.y2 - re->draw.y1 + 1; if (cx) *cx = re->draw.x1; if (cy) *cy = re->draw.y1; if (cw) *cw = re->draw.x2 - re->draw.x1 + 1; if (ch) *ch = re->draw.y2 - re->draw.y1 + 1; return re; } static void eng_output_redraws_next_update_push(void *data, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctx = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)(re->ctx); re->draw.redraw = 0; flip_pixels(&y, &h, ctx); CGContextClearRect(re->ctx, CGRectMake(x, y, w, h)); } static void eng_output_flush(void *data) { // By default, Apple coalesces calls to CGContextFlush, but this actually // blocks if called more than 60 times per second, which is a waste of time. // // http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2005/tn2133.html CGContextFlush(((Render_Engine *)data)->ctx); } #pragma mark Context Manipulation static void * eng_context_new(void *data) { Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Context)); if (!ctxt) return NULL; return ctxt; } static void eng_context_free(void *data, void *context) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; if (re->ctx) CGContextRelease(re->ctx); free(ctxt); } static void eng_context_clip_set(void *data, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; flip_pixels(&y, &h, ctxt); CGContextResetClip(re->ctx); CGContextClipToRect(re->ctx, CGRectMake(0, 0, re->w, re->h)); // don't draw over the title bar CGContextClipToRect(re->ctx, CGRectMake(x, y, w, h)); ctxt->clipped = 1; } static void eng_context_clip_unset(void *data, void *context) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; CGContextResetClip(re->ctx); ctxt->clipped = 0; } static int eng_context_clip_get(void *data, void *context, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; CGRect clip = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(re->ctx); if (x) *x = clip.origin.x; if (y) *y = clip.origin.y; if (w) *w = clip.size.width; if (h) *h = clip.size.height; return ctxt->clipped; } static void eng_context_color_set(void *data, void *context, int r, int g, int b, int a) { Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; ctxt->col.r = (double)r / 255.0; ctxt->col.g = (double)g / 255.0; ctxt->col.b = (double)b / 255.0; ctxt->col.a = (double)a / 255.0; } static int eng_context_color_get(void *data, void *context, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a) { Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; if (r) *r = ctxt->col.r * 255; if (g) *g = ctxt->col.g * 255; if (b) *b = ctxt->col.b * 255; if (a) *a = ctxt->col.a * 255; return 1; } static void eng_context_multiplier_set(void *data, void *context, int r, int g, int b, int a) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; ctxt->mul.r = (double)r / 255.0; ctxt->mul.g = (double)g / 255.0; ctxt->mul.b = (double)b / 255.0; ctxt->mul.a = (double)a / 255.0; ctxt->mul.set = 1; CGContextSetAlpha(re->ctx, ctxt->mul.a); } static void eng_context_multiplier_unset(void *data, void *context) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; ctxt->mul.set = 0; CGContextSetAlpha(re->ctx, 1.0); } static int eng_context_multiplier_get(void *data, void *context, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a) { Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; if (r) *r = ctxt->mul.r * 255; if (g) *g = ctxt->mul.g * 255; if (b) *b = ctxt->mul.b * 255; if (a) *a = ctxt->mul.a * 255; return ctxt->mul.set; } static void eng_context_cutout_add(void *data, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // FIXME: This doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere. What does it do? } static void eng_context_cutout_clear(void *data, void *context) { // FIXME: This doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere. What does it do? } static void eng_context_anti_alias_set(void *data, void *context, unsigned char aa) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; ctxt->aa = aa; CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(re->ctx, (bool)aa); CGContextSetShouldAntialias(re->ctx, (bool)aa); CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(re->ctx, kCGInterpolationLow); // is it OK to assume low quality? } static unsigned char eng_context_anti_alias_get(void *data, void *context) { Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; return ctxt->aa; } #pragma mark Rectangle Drawing static void eng_rectangle_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; double r, g, b, a; flip_pixels(&y, &h, ctxt); r = ctxt->col.r; g = ctxt->col.g; b = ctxt->col.b; a = ctxt->col.a; if (ctxt->mul.set) { r *= ctxt->mul.r; g *= ctxt->mul.g; b *= ctxt->mul.b; a *= ctxt->mul.a; } CGContextSetRGBFillColor(re->ctx, r, g, b, a); CGContextFillRect(re->ctx, CGRectMake(x, y, w, h)); } #pragma mark Line Drawing static void eng_line_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; double r, g, b, a; flip_pixels(&y1, NULL, ctxt); flip_pixels(&y2, NULL, ctxt); r = ctxt->col.r; g = ctxt->col.g; b = ctxt->col.b; a = ctxt->col.a; if (ctxt->mul.set) { r *= ctxt->mul.r; g *= ctxt->mul.g; b *= ctxt->mul.b; a *= ctxt->mul.a; } CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(re->ctx, r, g, b, a); CGContextBeginPath(re->ctx); CGContextMoveToPoint(re->ctx, x1, y1); CGContextAddLineToPoint(re->ctx, x2, y2); CGContextStrokePath(re->ctx); } #pragma mark Polygon Manipulation & Drawing static void * eng_polygon_point_add(void *data, void *context, void *polygon, int x, int y) { Evas_Quartz_Polygon *poly; Evas_Quartz_Polygon_Point *pt; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; flip_pixels(&y, NULL, ctxt); poly = (Evas_Quartz_Polygon *)polygon; if (!poly) poly = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Polygon)); if (!poly) return NULL; pt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Polygon_Point)); if (pt) { pt->x = x; pt->y = y; poly->points = eina_list_append(poly->points, pt); } return poly; } static void * eng_polygon_points_clear(void *data, void *context, void *polygon) { Evas_Quartz_Polygon *poly; poly = (Evas_Quartz_Polygon *)polygon; if (!poly) return NULL; while (poly->points) { free(poly->points->data); poly->points = eina_list_remove_list(poly->points, poly->points); } free(poly); return NULL; } static void eng_polygon_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *polygon) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; Evas_Quartz_Polygon *poly = (Evas_Quartz_Polygon *)polygon; Evas_Quartz_Polygon_Point *pt; double r, g, b, a; CGContextBeginPath(re->ctx); pt = poly->points->data; if (pt) { Eina_List *l; CGContextMoveToPoint(re->ctx, pt->x, pt->y); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(poly->points->next, l, pt) CGContextAddLineToPoint(re->ctx, pt->x, pt->y); } r = ctxt->col.r; g = ctxt->col.g; b = ctxt->col.b; a = ctxt->col.a; if (ctxt->mul.set) { r *= ctxt->mul.r; g *= ctxt->mul.g; b *= ctxt->mul.b; a *= ctxt->mul.a; } CGContextSetRGBFillColor(re->ctx, r, g, b, a); CGContextFillPath(re->ctx); } #pragma mark Gradient Manipulation & Drawing static void * eng_gradient_new(void *data) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gradient = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Gradient)); if (!gradient) return NULL; gradient->grad = evas_common_gradient_new(); if (!(gradient->grad)) { free(gradient); return NULL; } gradient->changed = 1; gradient->buf = NULL; return gradient; } static void eng_gradient_free(void *data, void *gradient) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; if (gr->grad) evas_common_gradient_free(gr->grad); if (gr->im) eng_image_free(data, gr->im); if (gr->buf) free(gr->buf); free(gr); } static void eng_gradient_color_stop_add(void *data, void *gradient, int r, int g, int b, int a, int delta) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_color_stop_add(gr->grad, r, g, b, a, delta); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_alpha_stop_add(void *data, void *gradient, int a, int delta) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_alpha_stop_add(gr->grad, a, delta); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_color_data_set(void *data, void *gradient, void *map, int len, int has_alpha) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_color_data_set(gr->grad, map, len, has_alpha); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_alpha_data_set(void *data, void *gradient, void *alpha_map, int len) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_alpha_data_set(gr->grad, alpha_map, len); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_clear(void *data, void *gradient) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_clear(gr->grad); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_fill_set(void *data, void *gradient, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_fill_set(gr->grad, x, y, w, h); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_fill_angle_set(void *data, void *gradient, double angle) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_fill_angle_set(gr->grad, angle); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_fill_spread_set(void *data, void *gradient, int spread) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_fill_spread_set(gr->grad, spread); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_angle_set(void *data, void *gradient, double angle) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_map_angle_set(gr->grad, angle); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_offset_set(void *data, void *gradient, float offset) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_map_offset_set(gr->grad, offset); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_direction_set(void *data, void *gradient, int direction) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_map_direction_set(gr->grad, direction); gr->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_type_set(void *data, void *gradient, char *name, char *params) { Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; if (!gr) return; evas_common_gradient_type_set(gr->grad, name, params); gr->changed = 1; } static int eng_gradient_is_opaque(void *data, void *context, void *gradient, int x, int y, int w, int h) { RGBA_Draw_Context *dc = (RGBA_Draw_Context *)context; RGBA_Gradient *grad; if (!gradient) return 0; grad = ((Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient)->grad; if (!grad || !grad->type.geometer) return 0; return !(grad->type.geometer->has_alpha(grad, dc->render_op) | grad->type.geometer->has_mask(grad, dc->render_op)); } static int eng_gradient_is_visible(void *data, void *context, void *gradient, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!gradient) return 0; return 1; } static void eng_gradient_render_pre(void *data, void *context, void *gradient) { int len; RGBA_Gradient *grad; if (!context || !gradient) return; grad = ((Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient)->grad; if (!grad || !grad->type.geometer) return; grad->type.geometer->geom_set(grad); len = grad->type.geometer->get_map_len(grad); evas_common_gradient_map(context, grad, len); ((Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient)->changed = 1; } static void eng_gradient_render_post(void *data, void *gradient) { } static void eng_gradient_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *gradient, int x, int y, int w, int h) { RGBA_Draw_Context *dc = (RGBA_Draw_Context *)context; Evas_Quartz_Gradient *gr = (Evas_Quartz_Gradient *)gradient; INF("#Gradient#"); INF("Fill: %i %i %i %i", gr->grad->fill.x, gr->grad->fill.y, gr->grad->fill.w, gr->grad->fill.h); INF("Type: %s %s", gr->grad->type.name, gr->grad->type.params); INF("XYWH: %i %i %i %i", x, y, w, h); INF("Geom: %p %p", gr->grad->type.geometer, gr->grad->type.geometer->get_fill_func); INF("Map: len: %d angle: %f direction: %d offset: %f", gr->grad->map.len, gr->grad->map.angle, gr->grad->map.direction, gr->grad->map.offset); INF("Color: nstops: %d len: %d", gr->grad->color.nstops, gr->grad->color.len); INF("Alpha: nstops: %d len: %d", gr->grad->alpha.nstops, gr->grad->alpha.len); INF(""); if ((gr->sw != w) || (gr->sh != h)) gr->changed = 1; if ((gr->changed) || (!gr->im)) { if (gr->buf && ((gr->sw != w) || (gr->sh != h))) { free(gr->buf); gr->buf = NULL; } if (!gr->buf) gr->buf = calloc(w * h, 4); eng_image_free(data, gr->im); gr->im = eng_image_new_from_data(data, w, h, gr->buf, 1, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); dc->render_op = _EVAS_RENDER_FILL; evas_common_gradient_draw((RGBA_Image *) &gr->im->im->cache_entry, dc, 0, 0, w, h, gr->grad); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); gr->sw = w; gr->sh = h; gr->changed = 0; } eng_image_draw(data, context, NULL, gr->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y, w, h, 0); } #pragma mark Image Manipulation & Drawing static void * eng_image_load(void *data, const char *file, const char *key, int *error, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Image)); // FIXME: set error before returning without a new image... // I can't figure out what to set it to, even trying to follow through the core code. // Also, none of the other engines set it. if (!im) { *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return NULL; } *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; im->im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_common_load_image_from_file(file, key, lo, error); if (!im->im) { free(im); return NULL; } im->references = 1; return im; } static void * eng_image_new_from_data(void *data, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, int cspace) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Image)); if (!im) return NULL; im->im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache_image_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); im->references = 1; if (!im->im) { free(im); return NULL; } return im; } static void * eng_image_new_from_copied_data(void *data, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, int cspace) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Image)); if (!im) return NULL; im->im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache_image_copied_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); im->references = 1; if (!im->im) { free(im); return NULL; } return im; } static void eng_image_free(void *data, void *image) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!im) return; if (--im->references > 0) return; if (im->cgim) CGImageRelease(im->cgim); if (im->im) evas_cache_image_drop(&im->im->cache_entry); free(im); } static void eng_image_data_preload_request(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, const void *target) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!im && !im->im) return ; evas_cache_image_preload_data(&im->im->cache_entry, target); } static void eng_image_data_preload_cancel(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, const void *target) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!im && !im->im) return ; evas_cache_image_preload_cancel(&im->im->cache_entry, target); } static void * eng_image_size_set(void *data, void *image, int w, int h) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; Evas_Quartz_Image *im_old; if (!im) return NULL; im_old = image; if ((eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image) == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL) || (eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image) == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL)) w &= ~0x1; if ((im_old) && (im_old->im->cache_entry.w == w) && (im_old->im->cache_entry.h == h)) return image; if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) { eng_image_free(data, im_old); return NULL; } if (im_old) { im = eng_image_new_from_data(data, w, h, im_old->im->image.data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, im_old), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, im_old)); eng_image_free(data, im_old); } else im = eng_image_new_from_data(data, w, h, NULL, true, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); return im; } static void eng_image_size_get(void *data, void *image, int *w, int *h) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!image) { if (w) *w = 0; if (h) *h = 0; } else { if (w) *w = im->im->cache_entry.w; if (h) *h = im->im->cache_entry.h; } } static void * eng_image_dirty_region(void *data, void *image, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if ((im) && (im->im)) return evas_cache_image_dirty(&im->im->cache_entry, x, y, w, h); } static void * eng_image_alpha_set(void *data, void *image, int has_alpha) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if ((!im) || (!im->im)) return NULL; if (im->im->cache_entry.space != EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) { im->im->cache_entry.flags.alpha = 0; } else { im->im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache_image_alone(&im->im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_dirty(im->im); im->im->cache_entry.flags.alpha = has_alpha ? 1 : 0; } return im; } static int eng_image_alpha_get(void *data, void *image) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *) image; if (!im->im) return 0; return (int)(im->im->cache_entry.flags.alpha); } static char * eng_image_comment_get(void *data, void *image, char *key) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if ((!im) || (!im->im)) return NULL; else return im->im->info.comment; } static char * eng_image_format_get(void *data, void *image) { // these are unimplemented for now, until core features are finished return NULL; } static void eng_image_colorspace_set(void *data, void *image, int cspace) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!im) return; else evas_cache_image_colorspace(&im->im->cache_entry, cspace); } static int eng_image_colorspace_get(void *data, void *image) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!im) return EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888; else return im->im->cache_entry.space; } static void eng_image_native_set(void *data, void *image, void *native) { // these are unimplemented for now, until core features are finished } static void * eng_image_native_get(void *data, void *image) { // these are unimplemented for now, until core features are finished return NULL; } static void * eng_image_data_put(void *data, void *image, DATA32 *image_data) { // FIXME: one last leak somewhere in this function Evas_Quartz_Image *im_old = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if (!im_old) return NULL; if (im_old->cgim) { CGImageRelease(im_old->cgim); im_old->cgim = NULL; } switch (im_old->im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: image = eng_image_new_from_data(data, im_old->im->cache_entry.w, im_old->im->cache_entry.h, image_data, 1, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); eng_image_free(data, im_old); break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: if (image_data != im_old->im->cs.data) { if (im_old->im->cs.data) if (!im_old->im->cs.no_free) free(im_old->im->cs.data); im_old->im->cs.data = image_data; evas_common_image_colorspace_dirty(im_old->im); } break; } if (!image) return NULL; return image; } static void * eng_image_data_get(void *data, void *image, int to_write, DATA32 **image_data) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; if ((!im) || (!im->im)) { *image_data = NULL; return NULL; } switch (im->im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (to_write) { CGImageRelease(im->cgim); im->cgim = NULL; if (im->references > 1) { Evas_Quartz_Image *im_new; im_new = eng_image_new_from_copied_data(data, im->im->cache_entry.w, im->im->cache_entry.h, im->im->image.data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); if (!im_new) { if (image_data) *image_data = NULL; return im; } eng_image_free(data, im); im = im_new; } else { im->im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache_image_dirty(&im->im->cache_entry, 0, 0, im->im->cache_entry.w, im->im->cache_entry.h); im->references++; } } evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->im->cache_entry); if (image_data) *image_data = im->im->image.data; break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: if (image_data) *image_data = im->im->cs.data; im->references++; break; default: abort(); // this seems ... incredibly unreasonable, but GL does it... break; } return im; } static void eng_image_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; Evas_Quartz_Image *im = (Evas_Quartz_Image *)image; flip_pixels(&dst_y, &dst_h, ctxt); if ((!im) || (!im->im)) return; if (!im->cgim) { CGColorSpaceRef colorspace; CGDataProviderRef provider; evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_normalize((RGBA_Image *)(&im->im->cache_entry)); if (!im->im->image.data) return; colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, im->im->image.data, im->im->cache_entry.w * im->im->cache_entry.h * sizeof(DATA32), NULL); im->cgim = CGImageCreate(im->im->cache_entry.w, im->im->cache_entry.h, 8, 8 * 4, 4 * im->im->cache_entry.w, colorspace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host, provider, NULL, smooth, kCGRenderingIntentDefault); CGDataProviderRelease(provider); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorspace); if (!im->cgim) return; } CGImageRef subImage = NULL; if (src_x != 0 || src_y != 0 || src_w != 0 || src_h != 0) { subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(im->cgim, CGRectMake(src_x,src_y,src_w,src_h)); if (!subImage) return; CGContextDrawImage(re->ctx, CGRectMake(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h), subImage); CGImageRelease(subImage); } else CGContextDrawImage(re->ctx, CGRectMake(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h), im->cgim); } static void eng_image_scale_hint_set(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, int hint) { } static int eng_image_scale_hint_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { return EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_NONE; } #pragma mark Text Manipulation & Drawing static Evas_Quartz_Font * quartz_font_from_ats(ATSFontContainerRef container, int size) { ItemCount count; ATSFontRef *fonts; CTFontRef font; CFStringRef keys[1]; CFTypeRef values[1]; CFDictionaryRef attr; Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font; ATSFontFindFromContainer(container, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, 0, NULL, &count); fonts = calloc(count, sizeof(ATSFontRef)); if (!fonts) return NULL; ATSFontFindFromContainer(container, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, count, fonts, NULL); font = CTFontCreateWithPlatformFont(fonts[0], size, NULL, NULL); loaded_font = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Quartz_Font)); if (!font || !loaded_font) return NULL; keys[0] = kCTFontAttributeName; values[0] = font; attr = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); loaded_font->font = font; loaded_font->attr = attr; loaded_font->size = size; free(fonts); return loaded_font; } static void * eng_font_add(void *data, void *font, const char *name, int size) { // FIXME: what is this function supposed to do? // if I delete it, we eventually crash when it gets run return (char *)name; } static void * eng_font_load(void *data, const char *name, int size) { FSRef fontFile; ATSFontContainerRef container; FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char *)name, &fontFile, NULL); ATSFontActivateFromFileReference(&fontFile, kATSFontContextLocal, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &container); return quartz_font_from_ats(container, size);; } static void * eng_font_memory_load(void *data, char *name, int size, const void *fdata, int fdata_size) { ATSFontContainerRef container; ATSFontActivateFromMemory((void *)fdata, fdata_size, kATSFontContextLocal, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &container); return quartz_font_from_ats(container, size); } static void eng_font_free(void *data, void *font) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; CFRelease(loaded_font->font); CFRelease(loaded_font->attr); free(loaded_font); } static int eng_font_ascent_get(void *data, void *font) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; return CTFontGetAscent(loaded_font->font); } static int eng_font_descent_get(void *data, void *font) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; return CTFontGetDescent(loaded_font->font); } static int eng_font_max_ascent_get(void *data, void *font) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; return CTFontGetAscent(loaded_font->font); } static int eng_font_max_descent_get(void *data, void *font) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; return CTFontGetDescent(loaded_font->font); } static void eng_font_string_size_get(void *data, void *font, const char *text, int *w, int *h) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, text, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFAttributedStringRef attrString = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, string, loaded_font->attr); CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString); CGContextSetTextMatrix(re->ctx, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextSetTextPosition(re->ctx, 0, CTFontGetDescent(loaded_font->font)); CGRect bounds = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, re->ctx); // Descenders on characters seem to leave origin at typographic origin, instead of image origin. // Evas expects text to be treated like an image, so we have to offset by the typographic origin. if (w) (*w) = ceil(bounds.size.width + bounds.origin.x); if (h) (*h) = ceil(bounds.size.height + bounds.origin.y); CFRelease(attrString); CFRelease(string); CFRelease(line); } static int eng_font_inset_get(void *data, void *font, const char *text) { return 0; } static int eng_font_h_advance_get(void *data, void *font, const char *text) { int w; eng_font_string_size_get(data, font, text, &w, NULL); return w + 2; // FIXME: shouldn't need a constant here. from where do we get word spacing? // it seems we lose the space between differently-styled text in a text block. Why? } static int eng_font_v_advance_get(void *data, void *font, const char *text) { int h; eng_font_string_size_get(data, font, text, NULL, &h); return h; } static int eng_font_char_coords_get(void *data, void *font, const char *text, int pos, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, text, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFAttributedStringRef attrString = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, string, loaded_font->attr); CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString); float offset = CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(line, pos, NULL); if (cx) *cx = offset; if (cy) *cy = loaded_font->size; CFRelease(attrString); CFRelease(string); CFRelease(line); return 1; } static int eng_font_char_at_coords_get(void *data, void *font, const char *text, int x, int y, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { // Return the index of the character at the given point, also lookup it's origin x, y, w, and h. Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, text, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFAttributedStringRef attrString = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, string, loaded_font->attr); CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString); int stringIndex = (int) CTLineGetStringIndexForPosition(line, CGPointMake(x, y)); // In order to get the character's size and position, look up the position of this character and the next one eng_font_char_coords_get(data, font, text, stringIndex, cx, cy, NULL, NULL); eng_font_char_coords_get(data, font, text, stringIndex + 1, cw, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (cw && cx) *cw -= *cx; if (ch) *ch = loaded_font->size; CFRelease(attrString); CFRelease(string); CFRelease(line); return stringIndex; } static void eng_font_hinting_set(void *data, void *font, int hinting) { Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; loaded_font->hint = hinting; } static int eng_font_hinting_can_hint(void *data, int hinting) { return 1; } static void eng_font_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *font, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow, int oh, const char *text) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Quartz_Context *ctxt = (Evas_Quartz_Context *)context; Evas_Quartz_Font *loaded_font = (Evas_Quartz_Font *)font; double r, g, b, a; CGFloat colors[4]; CGColorSpaceRef colorspace; CGColorRef color; CFStringRef keys[2]; CFTypeRef values[2]; CFDictionaryRef attr; CFStringRef string; CFAttributedStringRef attrString; CTLineRef line; flip_pixels(&y, &h, ctxt); // FIXME: I know this should never happen, but the next line is magic. // It's also... broken. It /works/, but ... for example, subtracting 1 shouldn't need to happen. // The text drawing is a mess, but this is the closest I've gotten yet... y += floor(CTFontGetAscent(loaded_font->font) - (CTFontGetXHeight(loaded_font->font) + CTFontGetDescent(loaded_font->font))) - 1; CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(re->ctx, (bool)(loaded_font->hint)); r = ctxt->col.r; g = ctxt->col.g; b = ctxt->col.b; a = ctxt->col.a; if (ctxt->mul.set) { r *= ctxt->mul.r; g *= ctxt->mul.g; b *= ctxt->mul.b; a *= ctxt->mul.a; } colors[0] = r; colors[1] = g; colors[2] = b; colors[3] = a; // Create an attributed string colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); color = CGColorCreate(colorspace, colors); keys[0] = kCTFontAttributeName; values[0] = loaded_font->font; keys[1] = kCTForegroundColorAttributeName; values[1] = color; attr = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, text, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); attrString = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, string, attr); // Draw the string line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString); CGContextSetTextMatrix(re->ctx, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextSetTextPosition(re->ctx, x, y + h); CTLineDraw(line, re->ctx); // Clean up CGColorSpaceRelease(colorspace); CFRelease(attr); CFRelease(string); CFRelease(attrString); CFRelease(line); CGColorRelease(color); } #pragma mark Module Function Export static int module_open(Evas_Module *em) { if (!em) return 0; if (!_evas_module_engine_inherit(&func, "software_generic")) return 0; _evas_engine_quartz_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("EvasQuartz", EVAS_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR); if(_evas_engine_quartz_log_dom < 0) { EINA_LOG_ERR("Impossible to create a log domain for the Quartz engine.\n"); return 0; } #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, &func, eng_) ORD(context_anti_alias_get); ORD(context_anti_alias_set); ORD(context_clip_get); ORD(context_clip_set); ORD(context_clip_unset); ORD(context_color_get); ORD(context_color_set); ORD(context_cutout_add); ORD(context_cutout_clear); ORD(context_free); ORD(context_multiplier_get); ORD(context_multiplier_set); ORD(context_multiplier_unset); ORD(context_new); ORD(font_add); ORD(font_ascent_get); ORD(font_char_at_coords_get); ORD(font_char_coords_get); ORD(font_descent_get); ORD(font_draw); ORD(font_free); ORD(font_hinting_can_hint); ORD(font_hinting_set); ORD(font_h_advance_get); ORD(font_inset_get); ORD(font_load); ORD(font_max_ascent_get); ORD(font_max_descent_get); ORD(font_memory_load); ORD(font_string_size_get); ORD(font_v_advance_get); ORD(gradient_new); ORD(gradient_free); ORD(gradient_color_stop_add); ORD(gradient_alpha_stop_add); ORD(gradient_color_data_set); ORD(gradient_alpha_data_set); ORD(gradient_clear); ORD(gradient_fill_set); ORD(gradient_fill_angle_set); ORD(gradient_fill_spread_set); ORD(gradient_angle_set); ORD(gradient_offset_set); ORD(gradient_direction_set); ORD(gradient_type_set); ORD(gradient_is_opaque); ORD(gradient_is_visible); ORD(gradient_render_pre); ORD(gradient_render_post); ORD(gradient_draw); ORD(image_alpha_get); ORD(image_alpha_set); ORD(image_colorspace_get); ORD(image_colorspace_set); ORD(image_comment_get); ORD(image_data_get); ORD(image_data_put); ORD(image_data_preload_request); ORD(image_data_preload_cancel); ORD(image_dirty_region); ORD(image_draw); ORD(image_format_get); ORD(image_free); ORD(image_load); ORD(image_native_get); ORD(image_native_set); ORD(image_new_from_copied_data); ORD(image_new_from_data); ORD(image_size_get); ORD(image_size_set); ORD(info); ORD(info_free); ORD(line_draw); ORD(output_flush); ORD(output_free); ORD(output_redraws_clear); ORD(output_redraws_next_update_get); ORD(output_redraws_next_update_push); ORD(output_redraws_rect_add); ORD(output_redraws_rect_del); ORD(output_resize); ORD(polygon_draw); ORD(polygon_points_clear); ORD(polygon_point_add); ORD(rectangle_draw); ORD(setup); ORD(image_scale_hint_set); ORD(image_scale_hint_get); // ORD(image_map4_draw); // ORD(image_map_surface_new); // ORD(image_map_surface_free); /* now advertise out our api */ em->functions = (void *)(&func); return 1; } static void module_close(Evas_Module *em) { eina_log_domain_unregister(_evas_engine_quartz_log_dom); } static Evas_Module_Api evas_modapi = { EVAS_MODULE_API_VERSION, "quartz", "none", { module_open, module_close } }; EVAS_MODULE_DEFINE(EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_ENGINE, engine, quartz); #ifndef EVAS_STATIC_BUILD_QUARTZ EVAS_EINA_MODULE_DEFINE(engine, quartz); #endif