/** * Simple Evas example illustrating some image objects functions * * You'll need at least one engine built for it (excluding the buffer * one) and the png image loader/saver also built. See stdout/stderr * for output. * * @verbatim * gcc -o evas-images2 evas-images2.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags evas ecore ecore-evas` * @endverbatim */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #else #define PACKAGE_EXAMPLES_DIR "." #define __UNUSED__ #endif #include #include #include #include #define WIDTH (320) #define HEIGHT (240) static const char *img_path = PACKAGE_EXAMPLES_DIR "/enlightenment.png"; static const char *commands = \ "commands are:\n" "\tp - change proxy image's source\n" "\ts - print noise image's stride value\n" "\ta - save noise image to disk (/tmp dir)\n" "\th - print help\n"; const char *file_path = "/tmp/evas-images2-example.png"; const char *quality_str = "quality=100"; struct test_data { Ecore_Evas *ee; Evas *evas; Evas_Object *logo, *noise_img, *proxy_img, *bg; }; static struct test_data d = {0}; static void _on_preloaded(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__) { fprintf(stdout, "Image has been pre-loaded!\n"); } static void _on_destroy(Ecore_Evas *ee __UNUSED__) { ecore_main_loop_quit(); } /* here just to keep our example's window size and background image's * size in synchrony */ static void _canvas_resize_cb(Ecore_Evas *ee) { int w, h; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); evas_object_resize(d.bg, w, h); } static void _on_keydown(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *o __UNUSED__, void *einfo) { Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev = einfo; if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "h") == 0) /* print help */ { fprintf(stdout, commands); return; } if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "s") == 0) /* print proxy image' stride value */ { int stride = evas_object_image_stride_get(d.noise_img); fprintf(stdout, "Image has row stride value of %d, which accounts" " for %d pixels\n", stride, stride / 4); return; } if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "p") == 0) /* change proxy's source */ { Evas_Object *source = evas_object_image_source_get(d.proxy_img); if (source == d.logo) source = d.noise_img; else source = d.logo; evas_object_image_source_set(d.proxy_img, source); fprintf(stdout, "Proxy image's source changed\n"); return; } if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "a") == 0) /* save noise image to disk */ { if (!evas_object_image_save(d.noise_img, file_path, NULL, quality_str)) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot save image to '%s' (flags '%s')\n", file_path, quality_str); else fprintf(stdout, "Image saved to '%s' (flags '%s'), check it out with " "an image viewer\n", file_path, quality_str); return; } } int main(void) { unsigned int i; unsigned int pixels[(WIDTH / 4) * (HEIGHT / 4)]; srand(time(NULL)); if (!ecore_evas_init()) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* this will give you a window with an Evas canvas under the first * engine available */ d.ee = ecore_evas_new(NULL, 10, 10, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NULL); if (!d.ee) goto error; ecore_evas_callback_destroy_set(d.ee, _on_destroy); ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(d.ee, _canvas_resize_cb); ecore_evas_show(d.ee); /* the canvas pointer, de facto */ d.evas = ecore_evas_get(d.ee); d.bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(d.evas); evas_object_color_set(d.bg, 255, 255, 255, 255); /* white bg */ evas_object_move(d.bg, 0, 0); /* at canvas' origin */ evas_object_resize(d.bg, WIDTH, HEIGHT); /* covers full canvas */ evas_object_show(d.bg); evas_object_focus_set(d.bg, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_event_callback_add( d.bg, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _on_keydown, NULL); d.logo = evas_object_image_filled_add(d.evas); evas_object_event_callback_add( d.logo, EVAS_CALLBACK_IMAGE_PRELOADED, _on_preloaded, NULL); evas_object_image_preload(d.logo, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_image_file_set(d.logo, img_path, NULL); evas_object_resize(d.logo, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2); evas_object_show(d.logo); /* creating noise image */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(pixels) / sizeof(pixels[0]); i++) pixels[i] = rand(); d.noise_img = evas_object_image_add(d.evas); evas_object_image_size_set(d.noise_img, WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 4); evas_object_image_data_set(d.noise_img, pixels); evas_object_image_filled_set(d.noise_img, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_move(d.noise_img, (WIDTH * 3) / 4, 0); evas_object_resize(d.noise_img, WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 4); evas_object_show(d.noise_img); fprintf(stdout, "Creating noise image with size %d, %d\n", WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 4); d.proxy_img = evas_object_image_filled_add(d.evas); evas_object_image_source_set(d.proxy_img, d.logo); evas_object_move(d.proxy_img, WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 2); evas_object_resize(d.proxy_img, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2); evas_object_show(d.proxy_img); fprintf(stdout, commands); ecore_main_loop_begin(); ecore_evas_free(d.ee); ecore_evas_shutdown(); return 0; error: fprintf(stderr, "you got to have at least one evas engine built and linked" " up to ecore-evas for this example to run properly.\n"); ecore_evas_shutdown(); return -1; }