abstract Ecore.Audio.Out extends Ecore.Audio { [[Ecore Audio output object.]] eo_prefix: ecore_audio_obj_out; data: Ecore_Audio_Output; methods { input_attach { [[Attaches an input to an output @since 1.8 ]] return: bool; [[$true if the input was attached, $false otherwise]] params { @in input: Ecore.Audio.In; [[The input to attach to the output]] } } input_detach { [[Detaches an input from an output @since 1.8 ]] return: bool; [[$true if the input was detached, $false otherwise]] params { @in input: Ecore.Audio.In; [[The input to detach to the output]] } } inputs_get { [[Returns the list of all attached inputs @since 1.8 ]] return: list; [[A list of the inputs that are attached to the output]] } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; Ecore.Audio.vio_set; } }