abstract Efl.VG.Base (Eo.Base, Efl.Gfx.Base, Efl.Gfx.Stack) { eo_prefix: efl_vg; legacy_prefix: evas_vg_node; methods { @property name { set { /*@ Set an unique name from the parent point of view. @c NULL means no name. @since 1.15 */ } get { /*@ Get an unique name from the parent point of view . @c NULL means no name. When set a parent after the name what defined, it might be forced back to NULL if the parent already has a node of that name. @since 1.15 */ } values { name: const(char) *; } } @property transformation { set { [[Sets the transformation matrix to be used for this node object. Note: Pass $null to cancel the applied transformation. @since 1.14]] } get { [[Gets the transformation matrix used for this node object. @since 1.14]] } values { m: const(Eina_Matrix3) *; [[transformation matrix.]] } } @property origin { set { [[Sets the origin position of this node object. This origin position affects to node transformation. @since 1.14]] } get { [[Gets the origin position of this node object. @since 1.14]] } values { x: double; [[$origin x position.]] y: double; [[$origin y position.]] } } @property mask { set { } get { } values { m: Efl_VG *; } } /* quality { set { } get { } values { Evas_VG_Quality q; } } */ bounds_get { [[Give the bounding box in screen coordinate as being drawn. It will start as the control box until it is refined once the shape is computed. @since 1.14]] params { @out r: Eina.Rectangle; [[bounding box to be returned.]] } } interpolate { return: bool; params { @in from: const(Efl.VG.Base)*; @in to: const(Efl.VG.Base)*; @in pos_map: double; } } } implements { Eo.Base.parent.set; Eo.Base.constructor; Eo.Base.destructor; Efl.Gfx.Base.visible.set; Efl.Gfx.Base.visible.get; Efl.Gfx.Base.color.set; Efl.Gfx.Base.color.get; Efl.Gfx.Base.color_part.set; Efl.Gfx.Base.color_part.get; Efl.Gfx.Base.size.get; Efl.Gfx.Base.position.set; Efl.Gfx.Base.position.get; Efl.Gfx.Stack.below.get; Efl.Gfx.Stack.above.get; Efl.Gfx.Stack.stack_below; Efl.Gfx.Stack.stack_above; Efl.Gfx.Stack.raise; Efl.Gfx.Stack.lower; @virtual .bounds_get; } }