#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #define EFL_LOOP_PROTECTED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Ecore.h" #include "ecore_private.h" #include "ecore_main_common.h" typedef struct _Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data; typedef struct _Efl_Internal_Promise Efl_Internal_Promise; struct _Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data { union { Efl_Loop_Timer *timer; Ecore_Idler *idler; }; Eina_Promise *promise; }; GENERIC_ALLOC_SIZE_DECLARE(Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data); Eo *_mainloop_singleton = NULL; Efl_Loop_Data *_mainloop_singleton_data = NULL; EAPI Eo * efl_main_loop_get(void) { return efl_app_main_get(); } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_iterate(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { _ecore_main_loop_iterate(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static int _efl_loop_iterate_may_block(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd, int may_block) { return _ecore_main_loop_iterate_may_block(obj, pd, may_block); } EOLIAN static Eina_Value * _efl_loop_begin(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { _ecore_main_loop_begin(obj, pd); if (pd->thread_children) { Eina_List *l, *ll; Eo *child; // request all child threads to die and defer the quit until // the children have all died and returned. // run main loop again to clean out children and their exits pd->quit_on_last_thread_child_del = EINA_TRUE; EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pd->thread_children, l, ll, child) { Efl_Task_Flags task_flags = efl_task_flags_get(child); if (task_flags & EFL_TASK_FLAGS_EXIT_WITH_PARENT) efl_task_end(child); else _efl_thread_child_remove(obj, pd, child); } if (pd->thread_children) _ecore_main_loop_begin(obj, pd); } return &(pd->exit_code); } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_quit(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd, Eina_Value exit_code) { _ecore_main_loop_quit(obj, pd); pd->exit_code = exit_code; } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_time_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Loop_Data *pd, double t) { pd->loop_time = t; } EOLIAN static double _efl_loop_time_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { return pd->loop_time; } EAPI void efl_exit(int exit_code) { Eina_Value v = EINA_VALUE_EMPTY; eina_value_setup(&v, EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT); eina_value_set(&v, exit_code); efl_loop_quit(efl_main_loop_get(), v); } EAPI int efl_loop_exit_code_process(Eina_Value *value) { Eina_Value def = EINA_VALUE_EMPTY; const Eina_Value_Type *t; int r = 0; if (value == NULL || !value->type) { def = eina_value_int_init(0); value = &def; } t = eina_value_type_get(value); if (t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_UCHAR || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_USHORT || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_UINT || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_ULONG || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_CHAR || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_SHORT || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_LONG || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT64 || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT || t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { Eina_Value v = EINA_VALUE_EMPTY; eina_value_setup(&v, EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT); if (!eina_value_convert(value, &v)) r = -1; else { if (!eina_value_get(&v, &r)) r = -1; } } else { FILE *out = stdout; char *msg; msg = eina_value_to_string(value); if (t == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR) { r = -1; out = stderr; } fprintf(out, "%s\n", msg); free(msg); } return r; } static void _poll_trigger(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Eo *parent = efl_parent_get(event->object); efl_event_callback_call(parent, data, NULL); } static void _check_event_catcher_add(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { const Efl_Callback_Array_Item_Full *array = event->info; Efl_Loop_Data *pd = data; int i; for (i = 0; array[i].desc != NULL; i++) { if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_IDLE) { ++pd->idlers; } // XXX: all the below are kind of bad. ecore_pollers were special. // they all woke up at the SAME time based on interval, (all pollers // of interval 1 woke up together, those with 2 woke up when 1 and // 2 woke up, 4 woke up together along with 1 and 2 etc. // the below means they will just go off whenever but at a pre // defined interval - 1/60th, 6 and 66 seconds. not really great // pollers probably should be less frequent that 1/60th even on poll // high, medium probably down to 1-2 sec and low - yes maybe 30 or 60 // sec... still - not timed to wake up together. :( else if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_HIGH) { if (!pd->poll_high) { // Would be better to have it in sync with normal wake up // of the main loop for better energy efficiency, I guess. pd->poll_high = efl_add (EFL_LOOP_TIMER_CLASS, event->object, efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_LOOP_TIMER_EVENT_TIMER_TICK, _poll_trigger, EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_HIGH), efl_loop_timer_interval_set(efl_added, 1.0 / 60.0)); } ++pd->pollers.high; } else if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_MEDIUM) { if (!pd->poll_medium) { pd->poll_medium = efl_add (EFL_LOOP_TIMER_CLASS, event->object, efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_LOOP_TIMER_EVENT_TIMER_TICK, _poll_trigger, EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_MEDIUM), efl_loop_timer_interval_set(efl_added, 6)); } ++pd->pollers.medium; } else if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_LOW) { if (!pd->poll_low) { pd->poll_low = efl_add (EFL_LOOP_TIMER_CLASS, event->object, efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_LOOP_TIMER_EVENT_TIMER_TICK, _poll_trigger, EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_LOW), efl_loop_timer_interval_set(efl_added, 66)); } ++pd->pollers.low; } } } static void _check_event_catcher_del(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { const Efl_Callback_Array_Item_Full *array = event->info; Efl_Loop_Data *pd = data; int i; for (i = 0; array[i].desc != NULL; i++) { if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_IDLE) { --pd->idlers; } else if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_HIGH) { --pd->pollers.high; if (!pd->pollers.high) { efl_del(pd->poll_high); pd->poll_high = NULL; } } else if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_MEDIUM) { --pd->pollers.medium; if (!pd->pollers.medium) { efl_del(pd->poll_medium); pd->poll_medium = NULL; } } else if (array[i].desc == EFL_LOOP_EVENT_POLL_LOW) { --pd->pollers.low; if (!pd->pollers.low) { efl_del(pd->poll_low); pd->poll_low = NULL; } } } } EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE(event_catcher_watch, { EFL_EVENT_CALLBACK_ADD, _check_event_catcher_add }, { EFL_EVENT_CALLBACK_DEL, _check_event_catcher_del }); EOLIAN static Efl_Object * _efl_loop_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS)); if (!obj) return NULL; efl_event_callback_array_add(obj, event_catcher_watch(), pd); pd->loop_time = ecore_time_get(); pd->epoll_fd = -1; pd->timer_fd = -1; pd->future_message_handler = efl_add(EFL_LOOP_MESSAGE_FUTURE_HANDLER_CLASS, obj); efl_provider_register(obj, EFL_LOOP_MESSAGE_FUTURE_HANDLER_CLASS, pd->future_message_handler); return obj; } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_efl_object_invalidate(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { efl_invalidate(efl_super(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS)); _ecore_main_content_clear(obj, pd); pd->poll_low = NULL; pd->poll_medium = NULL; pd->poll_high = NULL; // After invalidate, it won't be possible to parent to the singleton anymore if (obj == _mainloop_singleton) { _mainloop_singleton = NULL; _mainloop_singleton_data = NULL; } } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_efl_object_destructor(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { pd->future_message_handler = NULL; while (pd->thread_children) _efl_thread_child_remove(obj, pd, pd->thread_children->data); efl_destructor(efl_super(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS)); } static Eina_Value _efl_loop_arguments_send(Eo *o EINA_UNUSED, void *data, const Eina_Value v) { static Eina_Bool initialization = EINA_TRUE; Efl_Loop_Arguments arge; Eina_Array *arga = data; arge.argv = arga; arge.initialization = initialization; initialization = EINA_FALSE; efl_event_callback_call(efl_main_loop_get(), EFL_LOOP_EVENT_ARGUMENTS, &arge); return v; } static void _efl_loop_arguments_cleanup(Eo *o EINA_UNUSED, void *data, const Eina_Future *dead_future EINA_UNUSED) { Eina_Array *arga = data; Eina_Stringshare *s; while ((s = eina_array_pop(arga))) eina_stringshare_del(s); eina_array_free(arga); } // It doesn't make sense to send those argument to any other mainloop // As it also doesn't make sense to allow anyone to override this, so // should be internal for sure, not even protected. EAPI void ecore_loop_arguments_send(int argc, const char **argv) { Eina_Array *arga, *cml; int i = 0; arga = eina_array_new(argc); cml = eina_array_new(argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { Eina_Stringshare *arg; arg = eina_stringshare_add(argv[i]); eina_array_push(arga, arg); arg = eina_stringshare_add(argv[i]); eina_array_push(cml, arg); } efl_core_command_line_command_array_set(efl_app_main_get(), cml); efl_future_then(efl_main_loop_get(), efl_loop_job(efl_main_loop_get()), .success = _efl_loop_arguments_send, .free = _efl_loop_arguments_cleanup, .data = arga); } static Eina_Future * _efl_loop_job(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { // NOTE: Eolian should do efl_future_then() to bind future to object. return efl_future_then(obj, eina_future_resolved(efl_loop_future_scheduler_get(obj), EINA_VALUE_EMPTY)); } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_throttle_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Loop_Data *pd, double amount) { pd->throttle = ((double)amount) * 1000000.0; } EOLIAN static double _efl_loop_throttle_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { return (double)(pd->throttle) / 1000000.0; } static void _efl_loop_idle_cancel(void *data, const Eina_Promise *dead_ptr EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d = data; ecore_idler_del(d->idler); d->idler = NULL; d->promise = NULL; efl_loop_promise_simple_data_mp_free(d); } static Eina_Bool _efl_loop_idle_done(void *data) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d = data; eina_promise_resolve(d->promise, EINA_VALUE_EMPTY); d->idler = NULL; d->promise = NULL; efl_loop_promise_simple_data_mp_free(d); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Future * _efl_loop_idle(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d; Eina_Promise *p; Eina_Future_Scheduler *sched = efl_loop_future_scheduler_get(obj); d = efl_loop_promise_simple_data_calloc(1); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(d, NULL); d->idler = ecore_idler_add(_efl_loop_idle_done, d); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(d->idler, idler_error); p = eina_promise_new(sched, _efl_loop_idle_cancel, d); // d is dead if p is NULL EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(p, NULL); d->promise = p; // NOTE: Eolian should do efl_future_then() to bind future to object. return efl_future_then(obj, eina_future_new(p)); idler_error: d->idler = NULL; d->promise = NULL; efl_loop_promise_simple_data_mp_free(d); return NULL; } static void _efl_loop_timeout_cancel(void *data, const Eina_Promise *dead_ptr EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d = data; if (d->timer) efl_del(d->timer); } static void _efl_loop_timeout_done(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d = data; eina_promise_resolve(d->promise, EINA_VALUE_EMPTY); d->timer = NULL; efl_del(event->object); } static void _efl_loop_timeout_del(void *data, const Efl_Event *event EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d = data; d->timer = NULL; d->promise = NULL; efl_loop_promise_simple_data_mp_free(d); } static Eina_Future * _efl_loop_timeout(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, double tim) { Efl_Loop_Promise_Simple_Data *d; Eina_Promise *p; Eina_Future_Scheduler *sched = efl_loop_future_scheduler_get(obj); d = efl_loop_promise_simple_data_calloc(1); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(d, NULL); d->timer = efl_add(EFL_LOOP_TIMER_CLASS, obj, efl_loop_timer_interval_set(efl_added, tim), efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_LOOP_TIMER_EVENT_TIMER_TICK, _efl_loop_timeout_done, d), efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _efl_loop_timeout_del, d) ); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(d->timer, timer_error); p = eina_promise_new(sched, _efl_loop_timeout_cancel, d); // d is dead if p is NULL EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(p, NULL); d->promise = p; // NOTE: Eolian should do efl_future_then() to bind future to object. return efl_future_then(obj, eina_future_new(p)); timer_error: d->timer = NULL; d->promise = NULL; efl_loop_promise_simple_data_mp_free(d); return NULL; } static Eina_Bool _efl_loop_register(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Class *klass, const Efl_Object *provider) { return efl_provider_register(obj, klass, provider); } EFL_FUNC_BODYV(efl_loop_register, Eina_Bool, EINA_FALSE, EFL_FUNC_CALL(klass, provider), const Efl_Class *klass, const Efl_Object *provider); static Eina_Bool _efl_loop_unregister(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Class *klass, const Efl_Object *provider) { return efl_provider_unregister(obj, klass, provider); } EFL_FUNC_BODYV(efl_loop_unregister, Eina_Bool, EINA_FALSE, EFL_FUNC_CALL(klass, provider), const Efl_Class *klass, const Efl_Object *provider); void _efl_loop_messages_filter(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Loop_Data *pd, void *handler_pd) { Message *msg; pd->message_walking++; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(pd->message_queue, msg) { if ((msg->handler) && (msg->message) && (!msg->delete_me)) { if (!_ecore_event_do_filter(handler_pd, msg->handler, msg->message)) { efl_del(msg->message); msg->handler = NULL; msg->message = NULL; msg->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; } } } pd->message_walking--; } void _efl_loop_messages_call(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Loop_Data *pd, void *func, void *data) { Message *msg; pd->message_walking++; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(pd->message_queue, msg) { if ((msg->handler) && (msg->message) && (!msg->delete_me)) { Eina_Bool (*fn) (void *data, void *handler, void *msg); fn = func; if (!fn(data, msg->handler, msg->message)) { efl_del(msg->message); msg->handler = NULL; msg->message = NULL; msg->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; } } } pd->message_walking--; } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_loop_message_process(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { if (!pd->message_queue) return EINA_FALSE; pd->message_walking++; _ecore_event_filters_call(obj, pd); while (pd->message_queue) { Message *msg = (Message *)pd->message_queue; if (!msg->delete_me) efl_loop_message_handler_message_call(msg->handler, msg->message); else { if (msg->message) efl_del(msg->message); pd->message_queue = eina_inlist_remove(pd->message_queue, pd->message_queue); free(msg); } } pd->message_walking--; if (pd->message_walking == 0) { Message *msg; EINA_INLIST_FREE(pd->message_queue, msg) { if (msg->message) { if (!msg->delete_me) ERR("Found unprocessed event msg=%p handler=%p on queue", msg->message, msg->handler); efl_del(msg->message); } else free(msg); } while (pd->message_pending_queue) { msg = (Message *)pd->message_pending_queue; pd->message_pending_queue = eina_inlist_remove(pd->message_pending_queue, pd->message_pending_queue); pd->message_queue = eina_inlist_append(pd->message_queue, EINA_INLIST_GET(msg)); } } return EINA_TRUE; } EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY(efl_loop_message_process, Eina_Bool, 0); EWAPI void efl_build_version_set(int vmaj, int vmin, int vmic, int revision, const char *flavor, const char *build_id) { // note: EFL has not been initialized yet at this point (ie. no eina call) _app_efl_version.major = vmaj; _app_efl_version.minor = vmin; _app_efl_version.micro = vmic; _app_efl_version.revision = revision; free((char *)_app_efl_version.flavor); free((char *)_app_efl_version.build_id); _app_efl_version.flavor = flavor ? strdup(flavor) : NULL; _app_efl_version.build_id = build_id ? strdup(build_id) : NULL; } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_loop_efl_task_run(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { efl_loop_exit_code_process(efl_loop_begin(obj)); return EINA_TRUE; } EOLIAN static void _efl_loop_efl_task_end(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { efl_loop_quit(obj, eina_value_int_init(0)); } EFL_SCHEDULER_ARRAY_DEFINE(loop_scheduler, EFL_LOOP_EVENT_IDLE_ENTER, EFL_LOOP_EVENT_IDLE); EAPI Eina_Future_Scheduler * efl_loop_future_scheduler_get(const Eo *obj) { Efl_Loop *loop; if (!obj) return NULL; if (efl_isa(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS)) { Efl_Loop_Data *pd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS); if (!pd) return NULL; return efl_event_future_scheduler_get(obj, loop_scheduler()); } if (efl_isa(obj, EFL_LOOP_CONSUMER_CLASS)) return efl_loop_future_scheduler_get(efl_loop_get(obj)); loop = efl_provider_find(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS); if (loop) return efl_loop_future_scheduler_get(loop); return NULL; } #define EFL_LOOP_EXTRA_OPS \ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_loop_message_process, _efl_loop_message_process), \ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_loop_register, _efl_loop_register), \ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_loop_unregister, _efl_loop_unregister) #include "efl_loop.eo.c"