#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include "Ecore.h" #include "ecore_private.h" #include "ecore_exe_private.h" /* * TESTS * * [X] add event * [X] data event * [X] error event * [X] data event buffered * [X] del event * [ ] batch files * [X] exit code * [X] inherited env var */ /* * FIXME : * * [ ] child program with ecore main loop does not exit and nothing is sent * [ ] ecore_exe_send fails (race condition ? same problem as above ?) */ #define ECORE_EXE_WIN32_TIMEOUT 3000 static int run_pri = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; static Eina_Bool _ecore_exe_close_cb(void *data, Ecore_Win32_Handler *wh EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *e; Ecore_Exe *obj = data; Ecore_Exe_Data *exe = eo_data_scope_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_CLASS); DWORD exit_code = 0; e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Exe_Event_Del)); if (!e) return 0; /* FIXME : manage the STILL_ACTIVE returned error */ if (!GetExitCodeProcess(exe->process, &exit_code)) { char *msg; msg = evil_last_error_get(); printf("%s\n", msg); free(msg); } e->exit_code = exit_code; e->exited = 1; e->pid = exe->process_id; e->exe = obj; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL, e, _ecore_exe_event_del_free, NULL); DBG("Exiting process %s with exit code %d\n", exe->cmd, e->exit_code); return 0; } static unsigned int __stdcall _ecore_exe_pipe_read_thread_cb(void *data) { char buf[64]; Ecore_Exe *obj = data; Ecore_Exe_Data *exe = eo_data_scope_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_CLASS); Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *event_data; char *current_buf = NULL; DWORD size; DWORD current_size = 0; BOOL res; while (!exe->close_threads) { if (!PeekNamedPipe(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, &size, ¤t_size, NULL)) continue; if (size == 0) continue; current_buf = (char *)malloc(current_size); if (!current_buf) continue; res = ReadFile(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe, current_buf, current_size, &size, NULL); if (!res || (size == 0)) { free(current_buf); current_buf = NULL; continue; } if (current_size != size) { free(current_buf); current_buf = NULL; continue; } current_size = size; exe->pipe_read.data_buf = current_buf; exe->pipe_read.data_size = current_size; event_data = ecore_exe_event_data_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ); if (event_data) { ecore_event_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA, event_data, _ecore_exe_event_exe_data_free, NULL); eo_do(obj, eo_event_callback_call(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA_GET, event_data)); } current_buf = NULL; current_size = 0; } _endthreadex(0); return 0; } static unsigned int __stdcall _ecore_exe_pipe_error_thread_cb(void *data) { char buf[64]; Ecore_Exe *obj = data; Ecore_Exe_Data *exe = eo_data_scope_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_CLASS); Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *event_data; char *current_buf = NULL; DWORD size; DWORD current_size = 0; BOOL res; while (!exe->close_threads) { if (!PeekNamedPipe(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, &size, ¤t_size, NULL)) continue; if (size == 0) continue; current_buf = (char *)malloc(current_size); if (!current_buf) continue; res = ReadFile(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe, current_buf, current_size, &size, NULL); if (!res || (size == 0)) { free(current_buf); current_buf = NULL; continue; } if (current_size != size) { free(current_buf); current_buf = NULL; continue; } current_size = size; exe->pipe_error.data_buf = current_buf; exe->pipe_error.data_size = current_size; event_data = ecore_exe_event_data_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_PIPE_ERROR); if (event_data) { ecore_event_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ERROR, event_data, _ecore_exe_event_exe_data_free, NULL); eo_do(obj, eo_event_callback_call(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA_ERROR, event_data)); } current_buf = NULL; current_size = 0; } _endthreadex(0); return 0; } static void _ecore_exe_threads_terminate(Ecore_Exe *obj) { Ecore_Exe_Data *exe = eo_data_scope_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_CLASS); HANDLE threads[2] = { NULL, NULL }; int i = 0; if (exe->pipe_read.thread) { threads[i] = exe->pipe_read.thread; i++; } if (exe->pipe_error.thread) { threads[i] = exe->pipe_error.thread; i++; } if (i > 0) { exe->close_threads = 1; WaitForMultipleObjects(i, threads, TRUE, INFINITE); if (exe->pipe_error.thread) { CloseHandle(exe->pipe_error.thread); exe->pipe_error.thread = NULL; } if (exe->pipe_read.thread) { CloseHandle(exe->pipe_read.thread); exe->pipe_read.thread = NULL; } } } static DWORD WINAPI _ecore_exe_thread_procedure(LPVOID data EINA_UNUSED) { GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_C_EVENT, 0); GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, 0); return 1; } static BOOL CALLBACK _ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure(HWND window, LPARAM data) { Ecore_Exe *obj = (Ecore_Exe *) data; Ecore_Exe_Data *exe = eo_data_scope_get(obj, ECORE_EXE_CLASS); DWORD thread_id; thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, NULL); if (thread_id == exe->thread_id) { /* Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break */ if (CreateRemoteThread(exe->process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_ecore_exe_thread_procedure, NULL, 0, NULL)) { printf ("remote thread\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } if ((exe->sig == ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGINT) || (exe->sig == ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGQUIT)) { printf ("int or quit\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } /* WM_CLOSE message */ PostMessage(window, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); if (WaitForSingleObject(exe->process, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_TIMEOUT) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { printf ("CLOSE\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } /* WM_QUIT message */ PostMessage(window, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); if (WaitForSingleObject(exe->process, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_TIMEOUT) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { printf ("QUIT\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } /* Exit process */ if (CreateRemoteThread(exe->process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ExitProcess, NULL, 0, NULL)) { printf ("remote thread 2\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (exe->sig == ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGTERM) { printf ("term\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } TerminateProcess(exe->process, 0); return EINA_FALSE; } return EINA_TRUE; } void _impl_ecore_exe_run_priority_set(int pri) { switch (pri) { case ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_IDLE: run_pri = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL: run_pri = BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_NORMAL: run_pri = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL: run_pri = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_HIGH: run_pri = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_REALTIME: run_pri = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; default: break; } } int _impl_ecore_exe_run_priority_get(void) { switch (run_pri) { case IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_IDLE; case BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL; case NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_NORMAL; case ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL; case HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_HIGH; case REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_REALTIME; /* default should not be reached */ default: return ECORE_EXE_WIN32_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } } Eo * _impl_ecore_exe_eo_base_finalize(Eo *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { char exe_cmd_buf[PATH_MAX]; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; Ecore_Exe_Event_Add *e; Eina_Bool use_sh = EINA_FALSE; const char *shell = NULL; EINA_MAIN_LOOP_CHECK_RETURN_VAL(NULL); const char *exe_cmd = exe->cmd; DBG("Creating process %s", exe_cmd); Ecore_Exe_Flags flags = exe->flags; if ((flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_AUTO) && (!(flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_ERROR)) && (!(flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ))) /* We need something to auto pipe. */ flags |= ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ | ECORE_EXE_PIPE_ERROR; if ((flags & ECORE_EXE_USE_SH)) use_sh = EINA_TRUE; else { char *ret; ret = strrstr(exe_cmd, ".bat"); if (ret && (ret[4] == '\0')) use_sh = EINA_TRUE; } if (use_sh) { int len; shell = "cmd.exe"; len = snprintf(exe_cmd_buf, sizeof(exe_cmd_buf), "/c %s", exe_cmd); if (len >= (int)sizeof(exe_cmd_buf)) exe_cmd_buf[sizeof(exe_cmd_buf) - 1] = '\0'; } else { int len; /* FIXME : faster with memset() but one must be careful with size */ len = snprintf(exe_cmd_buf, sizeof(exe_cmd_buf), "%s", exe_cmd); if (len >= (int)sizeof(exe_cmd_buf)) exe_cmd_buf[sizeof(exe_cmd_buf) - 1] = '\0'; } if (!exe->cmd) goto free_exe; /* stdout, stderr and stdin pipes */ sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = EINA_TRUE; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; /* stdout pipe */ if (exe->flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ) { if (!CreatePipe(&exe->pipe_read.child_pipe, &exe->pipe_read.child_pipe_x, &sa, 0)) goto free_exe_cmd; if (!SetHandleInformation(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) goto close_pipe_read; exe->pipe_read.thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, _ecore_exe_pipe_read_thread_cb, exe, 0, NULL); if (!exe->pipe_read.thread) goto close_pipe_read; } /* stderr pipe */ if (exe->flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_ERROR) { if (!CreatePipe(&exe->pipe_error.child_pipe, &exe->pipe_error.child_pipe_x, &sa, 0)) goto close_pipe_read; if (!SetHandleInformation(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) goto close_pipe_error; exe->pipe_error.thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, _ecore_exe_pipe_error_thread_cb, exe, 0, NULL); if (!exe->pipe_error.thread) goto close_pipe_error; } /* stdin pipe */ if (exe->flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_WRITE) { if (!CreatePipe(&exe->pipe_write.child_pipe, &exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x, &sa, 0)) goto close_pipe_read; if (!SetHandleInformation(exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) goto close_pipe_write; } /* create child process */ ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.hStdOutput = exe->pipe_read.child_pipe_x; si.hStdInput = exe->pipe_write.child_pipe; si.hStdError = exe->pipe_error.child_pipe_x; si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; DBG("CreateProcess: shell:%s child:%s", use_sh ? "yes" : "no", exe->cmd); if (!CreateProcess(shell, exe->cmd, NULL, NULL, EINA_TRUE, run_pri | CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { ERR("Failed to create process %s", exe->cmd); goto close_pipe_write; } /* be sure that the child process is running */ /* FIXME: This does not work if the child is an EFL-based app */ /* if (WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) */ /* goto close_pipe_write; */ exe->process = pi.hProcess; exe->process_thread = pi.hThread; exe->process_id = pi.dwProcessId; exe->thread_id = pi.dwThreadId; exe->h_close = ecore_main_win32_handler_add(exe->process, _ecore_exe_close_cb, obj); if (!exe->h_close) goto close_process; if (ResumeThread(exe->process_thread) == ((DWORD)-1)) { ERR("Could not resume process"); goto delete_h_close; } _ecore_exe_exes = eina_list_append(_ecore_exe_exes, obj); e = (Ecore_Exe_Event_Add *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Exe_Event_Add)); if (!e) goto delete_h_close; e->exe = obj; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ADD, e, _ecore_exe_event_add_free, NULL); return obj; delete_h_close: ecore_main_win32_handler_del(exe->h_close); close_process: CloseHandle(exe->process_thread); CloseHandle(exe->process); close_pipe_write: if (exe->pipe_write.child_pipe) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_write.child_pipe); if (exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x); close_pipe_error: _ecore_exe_threads_terminate(obj); if (exe->pipe_error.child_pipe) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe); if (exe->pipe_error.child_pipe_x) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe_x); close_pipe_read: _ecore_exe_threads_terminate(obj); if (exe->pipe_read.child_pipe) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe); if (exe->pipe_read.child_pipe_x) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe_x); free_exe_cmd: free(exe->cmd); free_exe: eo_del(obj); return NULL; } Eina_Bool _impl_ecore_exe_send(Ecore_Exe *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe, const void *data, int size) { void *buf = NULL; DWORD num_exe; BOOL res; buf = realloc(exe->pipe_write.data_buf, exe->pipe_write.data_size + size); if (!buf) return EINA_FALSE; exe->pipe_write.data_buf = buf; memcpy((char *)exe->pipe_write.data_buf + exe->pipe_write.data_size, data, size); exe->pipe_write.data_size += size; res = WriteFile(exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x, buf, READBUFSIZ, &num_exe, NULL); printf(" ** res : %d\n", res); if (!res || num_exe == 0) { ERR("Ecore_Exe %p stdin is closed! Cannot send %d bytes from %p", obj, size, data); return EINA_FALSE; } return EINA_TRUE; } Ecore_Exe_Event_Data * _impl_ecore_exe_event_data_get(Ecore_Exe *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe, Ecore_Exe_Flags flags) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *e = NULL; unsigned char *inbuf; DWORD inbuf_num; Eina_Bool is_buffered = EINA_FALSE; /* Sort out what sort of event we are. */ if (flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ) { flags = ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ; if (exe->flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ_LINE_BUFFERED) is_buffered = EINA_TRUE; } else { flags = ECORE_EXE_PIPE_ERROR; if (exe->flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_ERROR_LINE_BUFFERED) is_buffered = EINA_TRUE; } /* Get the data. */ if (flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ) { inbuf = exe->pipe_read.data_buf; inbuf_num = exe->pipe_read.data_size; exe->pipe_read.data_buf = NULL; exe->pipe_read.data_size = 0; } else { inbuf = exe->pipe_error.data_buf; inbuf_num = exe->pipe_error.data_size; exe->pipe_error.data_buf = NULL; exe->pipe_error.data_size = 0; } e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Exe_Event_Data)); if (e) { e->exe = obj; e->data = inbuf; e->size = inbuf_num; if (is_buffered) /* Deal with line buffering. */ { char *c; DWORD i; DWORD max = 0; DWORD count = 0; DWORD last = 0; c = (char *)inbuf; for (i = 0; i < inbuf_num; i++) { if (inbuf[i] == '\n') { int end; if (count >= max) { max += 10; e->lines = realloc(e->lines, sizeof(Ecore_Exe_Event_Data_Line) * (max + 1)); } if ((i >= 1) && (inbuf[i - 1] == '\r')) end = i - 1; else end = i; inbuf[end] = '\0'; e->lines[count].line = c; e->lines[count].size = end - last; last = i + 1; c = (char *)&inbuf[last]; count++; } } if (i > last) /* Partial line left over, save it for next time. */ { if (count != 0) e->size = last; if (flags & ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ) { exe->pipe_read.data_size = i - last; exe->pipe_read.data_buf = malloc(exe->pipe_read.data_size); memcpy(exe->pipe_read.data_buf, c, exe->pipe_read.data_size); } else { exe->pipe_error.data_size = i - last; exe->pipe_error.data_buf = malloc(exe->pipe_error.data_size); memcpy(exe->pipe_error.data_buf, c, exe->pipe_error.data_size); } } if (count == 0) /* No lines to send, cancel the event. */ { _ecore_exe_event_exe_data_free(NULL, e); e = NULL; } else /* NULL terminate the array, so that people know where the end is. */ { e->lines[count].line = NULL; e->lines[count].size = 0; } } } return e; } void _impl_ecore_exe_eo_base_destructor(Eo *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { void *data; data = exe->data; if (exe->pre_free_cb) exe->pre_free_cb(data, obj); /* if (exe->h_close) */ /* ecore_main_win32_handler_del(exe->h_close); */ CloseHandle(exe->process_thread); CloseHandle(exe->process); if (exe->pipe_write.child_pipe) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_write.child_pipe); if (exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_write.child_pipe_x); _ecore_exe_threads_terminate(obj); if (exe->pipe_error.child_pipe) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe); if (exe->pipe_error.child_pipe_x) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_error.child_pipe_x); if (exe->pipe_read.child_pipe) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe); if (exe->pipe_read.child_pipe_x) CloseHandle(exe->pipe_read.child_pipe_x); free(exe->cmd); _ecore_exe_exes = eina_list_remove(_ecore_exe_exes, obj); IF_FREE(exe->tag); } void _impl_ecore_exe_pause(Ecore_Exe *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { if (exe->is_suspended) return; if (SuspendThread(exe->process_thread) != (DWORD)-1) exe->is_suspended = 1; } void _impl_ecore_exe_continue(Ecore_Exe *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { if (!exe->is_suspended) return; if (ResumeThread(exe->process_thread) != (DWORD)-1) exe->is_suspended = 0; } void _impl_ecore_exe_interrupt(Ecore_Exe *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { CloseHandle(exe->process_thread); exe->process_thread = NULL; CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->process = NULL; exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGINT; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)obj)) ; } void _impl_ecore_exe_quit(Ecore_Exe *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { CloseHandle(exe->process_thread); exe->process_thread = NULL; CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->process = NULL; exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGQUIT; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)obj)) ; } void _impl_ecore_exe_terminate(Ecore_Exe *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { /* CloseHandle(exe->thread); */ CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->process = NULL; exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGTERM; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)obj)) ; } void _impl_ecore_exe_kill(Ecore_Exe *obj, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe) { CloseHandle(exe->process_thread); exe->process_thread = NULL; CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->process = NULL; exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGKILL; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)obj)) ; } void _impl_ecore_exe_auto_limits_set(Ecore_Exe *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe EINA_UNUSED, int start_bytes EINA_UNUSED, int end_bytes EINA_UNUSED, int start_lines EINA_UNUSED, int end_lines EINA_UNUSED) { ERR("Not implemented on windows!"); } void _impl_ecore_exe_signal(Ecore_Exe *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe EINA_UNUSED, int num EINA_UNUSED) { ERR("Not implemented on windows!"); } void _impl_ecore_exe_hup(Ecore_Exe *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Exe_Data *exe EINA_UNUSED) { ERR("Not implemented on windows!"); }