class Elm.Gengrid_Item(Elm.Widget_Item) { eo_prefix: elm_obj_gengrid_item; data: Elm_Gen_Item; properties { prev { get { /*@ Get the @b previous item in a gengrid widget's internal list of items, given a handle to one of those items. This returns the item placed before the @p item, on the container gengrid. @see elm_gengrid_item_next_get() @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { Elm_Object_Item *item; /*@ @return The item before @p item, or @c NULL if there's none (and on errors) */ } } next { get { /*@ Get the @b next item in a gengrid widget's internal list of items, given a handle to one of those items. This returns the item placed after the @p item, on the container gengrid. @see elm_gengrid_item_prev_get() @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { Elm_Object_Item *item; /*@ @return The item after @p item, or @c NULL if there's none (and on errors) */ } } selected { get { /*@ Get whether a given gengrid item is selected or not This API returns EINA_TRUE for all the items selected in multi-select mode as well. @see elm_gengrid_item_selected_set() for more details @ingroup Gengrid */ } set { /*@ Set whether a given gengrid item is selected or not This sets the selected state of an item. If multi-selection is not enabled on the containing gengrid and @p selected is @c EINA_TRUE, any other previously selected items will get unselected in favor of this new one. @see elm_gengrid_item_selected_get() @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { Eina_Bool selected; /*@ the selected state (@c EINA_TRUE selected, @c EINA_FALSE not selected) */ } } item_class { get { /*@ Get the Gengrid Item class for the given Gengrid Item. This returns the Gengrid_Item_Class for the given item. It can be used to examine the function pointers and item_style. @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { const (Elm_Gengrid_Item_Class) *itc; /*@ Gengrid Item class for the given item */ } } index { get { /*@ Get the index of the item. It is only valid once displayed. @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { int index(-1); /*@ @return the position inside the list of item. */ } } pos { get { /*@ Get a given gengrid item's position, relative to the whole gengrid's grid area. This returns the "logical" position of the item within the gengrid. For example, @c (0, 1) would stand for first row, second column. @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { uint x; /*@ Pointer to variable to store the item's row number. */ uint y; /*@ Pointer to variable to store the item's column number. */ } } select_mode { get { /*@ Get the gengrid item's select mode. (If getting mode fails, it returns ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_MAX) @see elm_gengrid_item_select_mode_set() @ingroup Gengrid */ } set { /*@ Set the gengrid item's select mode. elm_gengrid_select_mode_set() changes item's select mode. - ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : The item will only call their selection func and callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will do nothing, unless you set always select mode. - ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS : This means that, even if selected, every click will make the selected callbacks be called. - ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the ability to select the item entirely and they will neither appear selected nor call selected callback functions. - ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DISPLAY_ONLY : This will apply no-finger-size rule with ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE. No-finger-size rule makes an item can be smaller than lower limit. Clickable objects should be bigger than human touch point device (your finger) for some touch or small screen devices. So it is enabled, the item can be shrink than predefined finger-size value. And the item will be updated. @see elm_gengrid_item_select_mode_get() @ingroup Gengrid */ } values { Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode(4); /*@ The selected mode */ } } } methods { /* init { FIXME params { Evas_Smart_Cb func; const(void)* data; } }*/ show { /*@ Show the portion of a gengrid's internal grid containing a given item, @b immediately. This causes gengrid to @b redraw its viewport's contents to the region containing the given @p item item, if it is not fully visible. @see elm_gengrid_item_bring_in() @ingroup Gengrid */ params { @in Elm_Gengrid_Item_Scrollto_Type type; /*@ Where to position the item in the viewport. */ } } bring_in { /*@ Animatedly bring in, to the visible area of a gengrid, a given item on it. This causes gengrid to jump to the given @p item and show it (by scrolling), if it is not fully visible. This will use animation to do so and take a period of time to complete. @see elm_gengrid_item_show() @ingroup Gengrid */ params { @in Elm_Gengrid_Item_Scrollto_Type type; /*@ Where to position the item in the viewport. */ } } update { /*@ Update the contents of a given gengrid item This updates an item by calling all the item class functions again to get the contents, texts and states. Use this when the original item data has changed and you want the changes to be reflected. @ingroup Gengrid */ } item_class_update { /*@ Update the item class of a gengrid item. This sets another class of the item, changing the way that it is displayed. After changing the item class, elm_gengrid_item_update() is called on the item @p it. @ingroup Gengrid */ params { @in const (Elm_Gengrid_Item_Class) *itc; /*@ The gengrid item class describing the function pointers and the item style. */ } } } implements { Eo.Base.constructor; Elm.Widget_Item.del_pre; Elm.Widget_Item.disable; Elm.Widget_Item.signal_emit; Elm.Widget_Item.focus.set; Elm.Widget_Item.focus.get; Elm.Widget_Item.part_text.get; Elm.Widget_Item.part_content.get; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_text_set; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_style.get; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_style.set; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_window_mode.get; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_window_mode.set; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_content_cb_set; Elm.Widget_Item.tooltip_unset; Elm.Widget_Item.cursor.set; Elm.Widget_Item.cursor_unset;; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.state_set.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.children.get; } }