class @beta Efl.Ui.Select_Model extends Efl.Boolean_Model { [[Efl ui select model class]] methods { selected_get { [[Gets an iterator of all the selected child of this model. ]] return: iterator; [[The iterator gives indices of selected children. It is valid until any change is made on the model.]] } unselected_get { [[Gets an iterator of all the child of this model that are not selected. ]] return: iterator; [[The iterator gives indices of unselected children. It is valid until any change is made on the model.]] } @property single_selection { [[Defines if we support only one exclusive selection at a time when set to $true. If disable with $false, it will have the behavior of a multi select mode. ]] values { enable: bool; [[$true will enable the exclusive mode.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; { get; set; } { get; } } events { /* FIXME: The object is emitted in the event_info. This is redundant. */ selected: Efl.Object; /* FIXME: The object is emitted in the event_info. This is redundant. */ unselected: Efl.Object; } }