import efl_ui; mixin @beta Efl.Access.Action { [[Accessible action mixin]] data: null; methods { @property action_name @protected @pure_virtual @beta { [[Gets action name for given id]] get { } values { name: string; [[Action name]] } keys { id: int; [[ID to get action name for]] } } @property action_localized_name @protected @beta { [[Gets localized action name for given id]] get { } values { name: string; [[Localized name]] } keys { id: int; [[ID to get localized name for]] } } @property action_description @protected @pure_virtual @beta { [[Action description for given id]] get { } set { return: bool; [[$true if description was set, $false otherwise]] } values { description: string; [[Action description]] } keys { id: int; [[ID to set or get description for]] } } @property actions @protected @beta { /* C-only, internal API */ [[Get list of available widget actions]] get @pure_virtual { } values { actions: list; [[Contains statically allocated strings.]] } } action_do @protected @pure_virtual @beta { [[Performs action on given widget.]] params { @in id: int; [[ID for widget]] } return: bool; [[$true if action was performed, $false otherwise]] } action_keybinding_get @protected @pure_virtual @beta { [[Gets configured keybinding for specific action and widget.]] params { @in id: int; [[ID for widget]] } return: mstring @move @no_unused; [[Should be freed by the user.]] } } }