import efl_types; import eina_types; function EFlThreadIOCall { [[ A Function to call on the "other end" of a thread obvject ]] params { @cref event: Efl.Event; [[ ]] } }; function EFlThreadIOCallSync { [[ A Function to call on the "other end" of a thread obvject ]] params { @cref event: Efl.Event; [[ ]] } return: void_ptr; [[ ]] }; mixin Efl.ThreadIO { [[ ]] methods { @property indata { set { } get { } values { data: void_ptr; [[ ]] } } @property outdata { set { } get { } values { data: void_ptr; [[ ]] } } call { params { func: EFlThreadIOCall; [[ ]] } } call_sync { params { func: EFlThreadIOCallSync; [[ ]] } return: void_ptr; [[ ]] } } events { } implements { } }