import efl_gesture_types; import efl_input_types; class Efl.Gesture.Touch(Efl.Object) { methods { point_record { params { @in tool : int; [[The finger id ]] @in x : double; [[The x co-ordinate of the event]] @in y : double; [[The y co-ordinate of the event]] @in timestamp : double; [[The timestamp of the event]] @in action : Efl.Pointer.Action; [[action of the event]] } } delta { params { @in tool : int; [[The finger id ]] @out x : double; [[The x co-ordinate of the event]] @out y : double; [[The y co-ordinate of the event]] } } distance { params { @in tool : int; [[The finger id ]] @out x : double; [[The x co-ordinate of the event]] @out y : double; [[The y co-ordinate of the event]] } } start_point { params { @out x : double; [[The x co-ordinate of the event]] @out y : double; [[The y co-ordinate of the event]] } } @property multi_touch { [[This property tells if the event is multi touch.]] get { return: bool; [[returns true if its a multi touch]] } } @property state { [[This property holds the state of the touch event.]] get { return : Efl.Gesture.Touch.State; [[touch event state]] } } @property finger_list { get { [[Get the list of finger id .]] } values { ret: const(list); [[List of finger id]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; } }